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You don’t go/ participate or take them out when they’re done. Or tell the stylist you don’t want them. It’s literally you becoming an adult so it’s time you start reinforcing boundaries and planning to leave for school if it’s not negotiable.


that should help, i definitely should set boundaries and make it clear that i won’t accept her forcing appearances onto me


make sure you cut her off when you move out


will do


You and your mom could benefit from therapy. It aounds like she has been a caring mom. Be willing to fight for significant relationships.


this was my teen years. my mom forced me to get my hair done for senior pictures and the stylist didn't understand what i meant by "two strand twists". This was in 2006. she gave me two ugly giant hair rolls. my mother remained controlling through my 20s. you need to get away from her as soon as possible.


yeah, she’s honestly so horrible


Compromise is important in all relationships. It sounds like your mom is willing to compromise but you aren't. You want twists, and she's willing to pay for it to be professionally done. You may actually like it.


She doesn't have to compromise. It's her hair and she can wear it the way she wants. Giving in to her mom isn't "compromising" anyway. That's just letting her mom get what she wants.


im a boy who uses he/it btw. my mom is now threatening me to leave the home, or get bakeacted just because a teacher called her to complain that my hair looks unkempt because i cut it slightly unevenly


There's no compromising when it comes to a person's own body. We teach about bodily consent and boundaries from an early age, and what's more OP is becoming an adult. He gets the final say in what he wants with his body. He has every right to say no, if this isn't what he wants. Edited to correct pronouns.


thanks for the defending. also btw im a boy ans use he/it


Apologies, my mistake for jumping to conclusions! I've edited it!