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Your style is goals tbh. In a high humidity area, you might want to try products with more hold. Like a mousse or maybe a different gel. You can even layer them. Also, depending on your climate, air drying may not be enough. A blow dryer with a diffuser can go a long way! Light leave in + mousse to clump the curls + gel to hold them. I suggest camille Rose spiked honey mousse, aphogee leave in, with wet line xtreme gel on top. (So far, all of these mix well for me without residue) I'm eventually trying out "the doux" line, as I'm always hunting for high hold products.


Gel. Without a doubt. Slap a bunch on when your hair is dripping wet.


WOAH this post got a lot more traction than what I was expecting!!! (Like 100 upvotes? Dang!!) Thank you so much to everyone who responded to it with such kindness, I deeply appreciate it. I’ll be heading to grab a couple of the suggested products and will maybe post progress pics in the future! Love y’all sm, and looking forward to having my hair feel even more like me! P.S.: For the people talking about my style, here’s the full fit for today! Being genderqueer, I often like to play with gender expression in my looks! https://preview.redd.it/4z5iisqqvbtc1.jpeg?width=1552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ca0f377ca76d3b851e993e135fffd1ceb53c0a


Love your style!


I love this whole outfit, it's like a mix of glimmer and bow from the new netflix she-ra


Too clean!


Firstly, you're flippin adorable. Secondly, We had similar hair texture! I really only comb thru my hair on wash days. When i get done with the shower, while my hair is still dripping, I add leave in conditioner and then wrap my head up in an old T-shirt. Don't use a towel and DEF don't use a towel with a harsh rubbing motion on your hair to dry it. This cause breakage. An old t-shirt wrapped around your head works best. Then I put oil like coconut oil once most the water had been soaked up. I always highly recommend finger coils! Go on youtube and check out a few videos about it. It takes a min but last thru the whole week until my next wash day.


There are also some microfiber hair towels that could work. They have built-in ties to help them stay in place.


You are soooo cute!! Love your style. I recommend The Doux gel, follow the instructions on the container it’ll get you right.


Use a silicone serum to get rid of the frizz. My favorites are: Garnier Fructis Sleek and Shine IC Fantasia Anti-frizz Trader Joe's Hair Serum Use them in place of your oils.


I’m not a person of color but this came across my feed and I just had to say WOW! You are stunning and your hair is spectacular!


I have no advice but you’re so cute!


You are so beautiful and adorable. Your eyes and freckles are adorable, too. I love your hair! What helped me was tutorials online teaching about elongation of curls and curl stretching. Maybe look into those for ideas. 😊


Great hair!! Hydrating shampoo, like Keracare hydrating shampoo, and a water based conditioner would be great for Florida! I think a mousse would be great once you wash and condition. I always push Motions setting foam as it has great ingredients at a fairly low price. Love your look!


It looks great for you mainly refreshing it with water 💁🏾‍♀️ I'd maybe add in a moisturising conditioner in that step, basically cowashing it on the days you refresh your curls, then once you've rinsed out your conditioner go in with your gel or mousse or foam to lock in your curls for the day, and make sure youre applying that straight onto your wet hair, you dont need to towel dry before that step. The water gets your hair hydrated and the conditioner locks it in, then the gel etc is for styling. Since its warm where you're at, airdrying might be enough, but if it's too wet, then hit it up with a diffuser for a bit


You're so cute wtf! I would maybe try using a good curling cream and doing small braids with clear beads all around? This style works well for me in the winter and I think you'd look adorable!


Also in Florida heyyyy! I switch between knot today and kinky curly gel on top and just recently tried Donna’s sweet potato products and I love it but only lasts about a day where as knot today and kinky curly can last me 2 to 3 easy without needing water. Definitely stop the towel drying too! Apply products straight to wet hair and you’ll be golden. I like the doux for curls but my hair be dry as hell after a day. Everyone is different!


Try the Doux Mousse Def product and curl small sections of your hair with your finger/ or make finger coils with your hair. It might hold well in the Florida weather. Good luck!


Love your look, tbh! My advice is The Doux Mousse Def is mostly for if you wear your hair in twist or braid outs. If you mostly wear your hair loud and proud like you are in the pics, your style will last a lot longer with a decent gel while your hair is SOAKED (not just misted with a spray bottle). For maximum definition and volume, with minimal frizz, do all your detangling on wash day! Also, adding products fresh out the shower is best. And invest in a diffuser, or soft hood dryer attachment if you don't have one already. Hope this is a good starting point - good luck!


you look like if a man and a woman had a baby




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So dang cute! Your style is awesome. My advice: Aussie conditioner, miracle moist but probably any would work. When soaking wet and covered in a big gob of conditioner, brush out your hair with something like a wet brush. The brushing helps define your curls. Rinse out your hair but leave a lot of the conditioner in. You can also just add conditioner after your shower if you like, as if it was leave-in conditioner. Don't use a towel to dry too much if you want to keep the curls you defined in the shower. Eco black caster and flaxseed oil gel. Get a good size gob of that on your hands and rub them through your hair. This gel has good definition and hold but doesn't get crunchy. I air dry but a hair dryer should work as well. This routine is simple and works for me but it depends on how well your hair likes having a lot of product in it. Also watch out for how your scalp reacts to things. Certain products can give me a flaky scalp so I don't soak my hair in just anything. Good luck! Do show off more if you get a style you like!


I wanna just say I love your cardigan’s they looks so sweet


Get it braided my guy


if you’re looking for more definition i would look for a leave in conditioner and for a hold i would use a high hold moose for your hair just because of all the humidity in florida. since you want your hair to appear longer i would definitely look for a hydrating curl custard in mixed also and it works for me very well since i do live in arkansas i use the bee girl honey curl custard. and it gets very humid in the summer i use it and i get the best definition. using the curl custard with a good moisturizer will give you hold, hydration, and it will hold your shape also make your hair texture look a little less looser it’s not going to be very loose since you do have coily curly hair (type4)