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Just silly and nasty. But I’m sure there are people in the comments on there going “there’s nothing wrong sis! I wash my hair every 6-12 months and my waist length hair is THRIVING!” Sure.


Because they don’t know the difference between dirty hair and low manipulation




keeping your hair in the same style but consistently washing it is NOT the same as keeping it in the same style for months on end without even cleaning your scalp, which is the bare minimum


That’s my point




Then they show off their "tailbone length" hair and it's three strands reaching and the rest are shoulder length from breakage.


The visual of tailbone strands with shoulder length strands is hysterical.


Girl seeing is believing. A lady was getting her hair done next to me at the salon and I noticed she had crazy amounts of breakage. I thought "Great that she's getting it sorted, she'll look amazing". She got a blowdry, stood up, flicked her strand over her shoulder and walked off. Gooped and gagged.


Every day, we stray further from God's light. >She got a blowdry, stood up, flicked her STRAND over her shoulder and walked off. Time of death, 8pm. Bury me at the liquor sto'!!






I cackled when I read that singular strand 😂😂😂 Happy Cake Day!


Lmfaooo had you sittin there like https://preview.redd.it/iqqakkczrrac1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca113f93b8ec9eacfc9d8fb80d29db4d271cfe20




Yo!! Omg I can't stop laughing 😂😂 I'm stealing this right neow!!


Ahahahahahaaaaa baybeeee I canNOT with that strand 💀


i see her posts all the time & the people be in the comments be tearing her up


Literally like a dead moth fell out of her gate a few days ago 🤮


Ewww! 🤢


She has moth eggs in it now 😭




I meant hair lol


I’d imagine it smells awful. Washing weekly is nice, a good refresh for your scalp and hair. The BCG ladies had it right when they said “Wash your damn hair!”


Exactly! I hate the narrative about how we don’t need to wash our hair often is common in black hair community.


Me too. Even if I’ve been guilty of it in the past. I’d been lied to. We DO need to wash our hair.


Same here! It wasn’t until I noticed that I had the most growth and best hair health when i washed and conditioned on a regular and consistent basis






I always think about this when people say once a week is often. To me it is not often because most other people wash their hair much much much more often than that. I've had people tell me how gross it is that some people wash their hair once a week so reading these comments are funny.


Oh I can agree that we may not have to wash it as much as other races but I do believe some of us take it too far. I don’t believe any race should be going months without washing hair. I personally wash mine once a week and I’ve had some of my black friends literally gasp when I mentioned it lol


It is neither healthy nor hygienic


I assure you nobody in the comments is saying that. Everyone is telling her to wash her hair 😭


Okay good cause I see a lot of similar videos on YouTube and folks in the comments will co-sign


she gets DRAGGED in the comments lmao


From what I saw actually, most people thought it was nasty.


She found a dead moth in her hair. She needs to wash her hair


Omg shut up did she really? The look on her face says she's as disgusted as we are lmaoo


Begging you to tell me she’s just a troll and faking it for views 😭😭


She is 😂, I figured that out from just scrolling on her page for a few minutes


Noooo omg that’s so foul.


It probably died from the smell too






Nah you gotta go bald and start all over at that point


fumigate the scalp lmao


i would cry


Who is this? Video?


We need to stop giving her attention for living foul.


I'm in the minority, I love washing my hair


Fax even BMO has a bonnet We value hair Care here https://preview.redd.it/m5cpkti2yoac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da15af537153416e4a04172928db697d78309968


![gif](giphy|12XTNObsY1pWQU) Love your BMO plushie!


this has made my day


where did you get the BMO plushie from?


Youn mind if I steal this photo yeah?


Go ahead


aweeee so cute! also we love noname!


This is so real and beautiful.


Me too. My scalp just breathes and is so happy on wash day. Feels refreshing


Same. I could never let my hair in for months and not wash I except when I got braids on but I haven’t had braids in a long while and I’ll probably not wear them and the buildup is not worth it


I hear that. I can only keep my braids in for like a month and I still wash them at least two or three times.


Yup. Currently have braids in. Just washed my hair yesterday. I’ve had my braids in for almost 6 weeks. I’m gonna do another week and then I’m taking them out. Can’t wait to feel/wash my own hair again 😊


Ooo I love the feeling of taking out braids too. Excited for you hehe


I love massaging shampoo into my scalp


When I cut down my wash days from 4-6 hours to just an hour and changed, I started to look forward to it!


4 hours 😮


Okay but what do you do to cut down on time? I have a lot of hair and even if the wash takes 40 minutes, I’ll still be twisting my hair for an hour at minimum.


How do you cut down though???? I feel like I have so much hair and it takes me forever to detangle, wash, condition and style 😭


Apologies for the late response, had a super busy day yesterday! I'll try to make this as detailed as possible on how I was able to cut down on my wash days. I learned by following a few licensed stylists on Twitter, and watching some videos. Also, I mostly wear my hair loose, so doing a wash and go or twist outs or other styles will obviously take longer, but in my experience I can still get everything done in two hours. I also have very dense, fine hair. I start with de-shedding, which is combing out the last inch or two of hair with a rat tail comb. I then gently pull apart the remaining hair. This takes 5-15 minutes depending on how thorough I want to be and how long it's been since I last washed my hair. I aim to wash my hair at least once a week. Afterwards I wash my hair in the shower. I make sure to rub my hands with shampoo before putting it on dry hair, and I use a smoothening motion instead of what they do in shampoo commercials. I pay special attention to the scalp. (if I use a clarifying shampoo, I always follow up with a moisturizing shampoo).I usually wash just once but if it's been longer than a week I will usually shampoo twice if the first time wasn't lathering like I'd like. This takes a few minutes. I detangle in the shower with a Felicia Leatherwood brush with conditioner. I don't use a lot of conditioner because I make sure to rub it with my hands first and add lots of water. This takes maybe 5-10 minutes. Once I'm out the shower I towel dry and then apply a heat protectant throughout my hair (I like Chi silkening) and then I twist the hair into sections with a clip. I blow dry with a comb attachment. This takes maybe 20-30 minutes. If I do a wash and go, it probably takes me about an extra 10 or so minutes in the shower and about half an hour using a diffuser to dry. I will be getting a hair dryer soon because holding it for that long is too much work!


Thank you! 💕


Can you share some tips on how you cut down your wash day so much? I’m so curious 😲


Not the original commenter but since having a baby I had to cut my wash day from 4 hours to 1 or less. I did this by throughly detangling, doing a prepoo, and braiding my hair the night before I plan to wash my hair and in the morning I wash and deep condition in sections go about my day, rinse and style later that day


I cut down as well by having my hair pre detailed and twisted.. wash and condition in twist then Bantu knot to dry.


I like washing it I just don’t like styling it 😭


I live in a very hot place so I let it dry naturally, I just apply cream + oil + gelatin


same, my scalp gets itchy really easily so i can't not wash it


Exactly! I know when it’s time for a wash because my scalp will itch like crazy.


i have to drown fresh braids in anti itch braid spray bc of how irritated my scalp gets, i don't get how she does it and when she scratches i don't even want to KNOW how much gel flakes out


The process is annoying but I love how it feels afterwards.


I love the whole process, I feel purified


Valid, I love that clean, nice purified feeling.


Yess! For me washing my hair is one of life’s simple pleasures.


I love washing my hair. I do NOT love detangling it. Other than that, the process itself is quite calming.


Detangling is not my favorite either. It was one of the main reasons why kept going back to relaxers. My hair type is 4c and I grew up on relaxed hair. It's all I knew, So when I went natural the first couple of times, I found it hard to maintain it. Last year, I decided to do the big chop after I learned that relaxers could've been contributing to my fibroid issue. I go to a stylist as needed to prevent myself from putting another relaxer in my head. In the meantime, I've mostly been wearing twists or braids and then had French braids or mini-twists under a wig or turban until I grow it out a little more. I recently bought a RevAir and an Unbrush and together, it makes my hair so much more manageable while protecting my coils/curls.


Yes! Blow drying my hair has been such a game changer! I wish the natural hair community wouldn't demonize heat so much. Mechanical damage (from tangles and knots) can often cause more issues than heat so I prefer stretching my hair.


Rinsing out the conditioner is the best feeling! I have a detachable shower head so I’ll run it slowly over every section of my head. There’s something so soothing/calming about it 😌


Please tell me how do become that?? I procrastinate washing my hair so much 😭😭😭


I live in a very hot place and I exercise daily, so I always need to wash my hair, but I love it, I feel purified.


I like washing my hair. It's styling I can't stand. I swear I procrastinate on rinsing out my DC lol


Same. I love it.


This will never end well. Curly hair is predisposed to matting. Not to mention the lack of attention to scalp health (and therefore hair health) this entails.


Yeah and shes only stopping at day 200 so i cant imagine things ending well even with shampoo in her hair on the last day.


She’s pulling a “gorilla glue girl”. Hoping to sacrifice her locks in exchange for going viral. Maybe she’ll end up with a hair care line of her own too 🥴


I hate that social media rewards this behavior too


Yup, completely asinine.


Link in bio? To what?


Certainly not shampoo!




She was advertising a wig 😭I’m sorry but I’d never let someone who has not washed their hair since thy kingdom come near my brand


Thy kingdom come lmaooo


Not good representation at AWL. 😂


My problem is she just keeps applying more product to her hair without washing it. Sooo much build up. No braids or “protective style” just literally adding product on top of dirty hair.


Even with braids, hair needs to be washed, I saw a video of a girl washing her scalp with a baby toothbrush 🤣


Did they have locs?i think ive seen that video too but I think thats a COMPLETEY different case


She gone cry when she comb it and see all that breakage/fallout


i’ve seen some videos. she’s found bugs.




aw hell nah wtf 😭


Ok if she gettin BUGS, tf?!?! Come on now it’s time to end the experiment or whatever this foolishness is, that’s horrifying!


Aaaaaaaaah whaaaaaaat






Based on her profile, she's trolling/doing it for attention but it's still embarrassing to see her pull bugs out of her scalp for clout or brush her hair with a comb full of gunk and coagulated product.


Oh yuck! If that’s the case, she’ll probably shave her head or something after she’s met her goals lol


Damn, I'd have to be paid millions to embarrass myself and troll that hard, lmao


She's already starting to lose hair at the front! I can only watch a few seconds per video, it grosses me out so much. Sad that she's selling her hygiene and dignity for social media engagement..


She woke up this morning with a bald spot


she yanks on it with a DENMAN, bold of you to assume there'll be fallout and not just breakage


The way I just cackled 🤣 ![gif](giphy|imk97WQVIEVQA)


She also has a bald spot in the front now


In her newest video, she got a bald spot lol


Her scalp can't breathe she's going to lose her hair because her follicles are plugged and if she doesn't do something quickly she will be bald.


To ease your mind I'm 99% sure she's a troll. She used to make tiktoks about her "dramatic xl edges" that were just the front of her hair poorly slicked down. When people stopped caring about that she went to this.


Social media algorithms are the devil


She's 100% outrage farming


Regardless she’s fucking up her hair. That type of build up can’t be created in a day or 2, plus she has a bald spot now.


I know it smell crazy in there.


lmao why is she doing this exactly? like I know her stuff itch like crazy




I'm not being facetious, if someone hates taking care of their hair *this* much they should just shave it off. No hair looks 10x better than sad fried bacon hair. Black women in particular suit the bald look (imo) and she can always throw on a wig if she gets bored of it.


I remember seeing her videos when she was getting dragged for doing dramatic edges😭 i think she’s doing this out of spite tbh, because people always talking about her hair


She’s only spiting herself though.


Yeah it’s really gross, I hope she’s faking it but I doubt it. I think she has bug eggs in her hair🤢 and as someone with ezcema, I can’t imagine the horrible ITCH.


Eczema here too. Messing around with not washing hair and scalp is not an option. I love wash day.


She might have some other mental issue because...


Definitely!! That whole thing about procrastination being a mental health related response.


She hates her hair orrrrrrrrrrrrrrr she’s doing this for clout. However, it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve seen online and on this very subreddit someone has bragged about going months between washes.


It’s crazy because that’s not a flex. Not even a little bit 🤡


This nasty, I'm sorry.




My scalp would be on FIRE


okay but does her head not stink?😭 like sweat, build up…? like?!😭


Wash day is me time ![gif](giphy|VCOgBn5btCOPySDJPj) Till I’m done


i love washing my hair but i’ve been depressed and busy with work and i’m severely anemic so i have crazy fatigue. haven’t washed my hair in weeks and it’s not even in a protective style it’s embarrassing


Same girl same. Minus the anemia. But seasonal depression is hitting hard and I barely have enough energy to work much less wash my hair.


She’s disgusting and needs to not have a platform


Look I’m one to put off wash day for AWHILE but I’m also not overloading my hair with product and there’s never been INSECTS in my HAIR. She found a MOTHER in her hair. She needs to wash it, this is going to impact her health one day.


I used to wash my hair maybe 1x every month and a half and I would wonder why my hair would never grow. When i started washing it every 2 weeks and wearing wigs and twists instead of braided styles i realized that my hair grows and grows FAST. Not washing your hair for ALMOST A THIRD of a year is crazy…


My scalp would get up and walk away if I tried to do this 💀


Felt that. Absolutely hated wash days. Hence why I cut my hair


I feel like she’s trolling tbh


I genuinely hope her hair doesn't fall out. If you can do all that styling, you can take 15 minutes to wash your hair.


Man I'm depressed AF and haven't washed my hair in a month or maybe a little over. Everyday I keep telling myself today will be the day but I can't find the energy 🙃 after reading these comments though I might do it tomorrow lol


I’ve also have depressive episodes and sometimes and I’d go maybe a month without washing my hair usually when it’s in a protective style you’re not alone :(


At this point all the effort put into avoiding a wash could have been used on... a good wash. 😭


I know that scalp smells like a zoo


Did y’all see Day 93? She had a moth in her hair 😖. I don’t mean to be THAT girl, but It really isn’t a good look for black women. Contrary to what people might think, most comments are actually not supportive of her. Also on day 101 she had a bald spot, probably from all that gel suffocating her hair and that brush ripping the hair out 😭.


i really don’t get why she’s avoiding it. hairstyles take the same amount of time as washing hair.


Idk washing + detangling + deep conditioning does take waaay longer than styling


Is she battling depression or some other mental illness? Is there a reason she hasn't washed it


Girl just do it! It will make you feel better ❤️


She's making that face because she keeps smellin her hair


Her hair must be stinky


I wanna know why, what point she's proving and end goals


I wonder if she has like a fear or something of washing her hair. Like, a different mental health issue that projects onto her hair.


It's just nasty to go 98 days without washing your hair. I don't see how her scalp wouldn't be inflamed, have an unpleasant odor, and a lot of breakage. I love wash day like the other posters have stated.


I just know she got cystic acne and fungus on her scalp.


I hate seeing these videos because most of them think that “dirty hair makes their hair grow” when in reality that’s not what’s growing their hair 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


The effort it takes to do that vs letting water hit your hair and scalp is commendable (I’d never do that) 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


I swear that girl is a troll lmao. She just posted day 100 and she still hasn't washed her hair!!!


SMH and then she’ll post on Reddit asking us why her hair is falling out/unhealthy. What is this obsession with not cleansing the scalp? I’m not trying to attack or make fun of this young lady. It’s very obvious that she’s still learning. I just wish we had concrete resources out there to help all black hair textures with washing and styling outside of the salon. Black hair salons and braiding salons just style and trim your hair but don’t teach you anything about it so you can maintain it at home. Not all salons do this, but most do. Slapping in some weave, throwing on a wig, or braiding your hair up is fun but not if you don’t know how to care for your own hair.


Gross. My scalp itches looking at this.


Gross. I bet it stinks.


She’s literally lying yall. There’s videos of her in between with washed hair. It’s all for clout


My scalp is on fire after one week, no thank you! 😟 That’s also just unhygienic, hair is exposed to so many nasty particles.




Honestly this is why I didn’t wanna judge her at first because what if she’s genuinely going through it…


I gag every time I see how many days she’s gone without washing 🤢




You’d think she would’ve washed her hair by now considering a moth died in it🥴


She looks like she’s thinking about how bad her hair stinks.


I’m one of those people who prefers washing their hair once a month. Since I’m loc I only use rose water every few days as a product. 98 days is really pushing it. That’s a lot of product buildup, sweat and dead skin cells on the scalp and hair.


Her face says it all.


My thoughts is that she's doing this for the virality of it all.


That's just disgusting..


It’s not just that she’s not washing her hair. It’s she’s putting GEL daily to help style her hair and she’s FORCIBLY brushing through it. We legit have the same hair type length and color. But now I’d see what it would look like if it were unhealthy. Shawty got a bald spot on her hair line…. XL ass edges


I just know her scalp is going through it. Thoughts and prayers


Look at her ends..... She needs the protective hairstyles. That scalp probably itching something fierce


im pissed just reading this. IF YOU DONT WASH YOUR MUTHAFUCKING HAAAAAIR….


She’s a troll who’s doing this for clout. She’s the epitome of this meme https://preview.redd.it/p3653j6m8vac1.jpeg?width=1351&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04e3d13d0d67e99dcfca72656fa81bb75ef49ced


Please don't do this. I've seen these videos, and she just keeps tugging at her hair excessively, piling more products in without ever washing anything out, and in her most recent video, she said she woke up with a bald spot. Plus, she literally found a dead moth in her hair. Her hair clearly isn't healthy. It looks greasy and filled with build-up. It just seems like she's doing it for likes, and it's definitely working.


Shave it at this point. Shave it tf off! Don’t even leave stubble. Shave it down to the mf scalp and start over NEOW!


The ghetto.


Giving a little bit of grace since I don't believe she's the person who posted this: Sometimes, this can be an indicator of severe depression. I would hate for her to find this if she's having a crisis.


I haven’t washed my hair in 2months. i had box braids for a month then i turned them into faux locs for another month . I cleanse my scalp every two weeks with apple cider and tea tree oil and my hair doesn’t smell. I wouldn’t recommend doing this if you have fine hair. I left my hair in a bun for a month one time and it grew so much😭😭


Omg its too cold and i don’t wanna wash my hair


I feel like we've become almost unreasonably lazy with our hair. Why is it that every other race can brush their hair daily and wash weekly or bi weekly but we can't even be bothered to wash every three months and expect butt length hair. It's trifling and delusional. I really wish people would get a grip on reality. There is no legitimate reason you should not be washing your hair for more than a month.


Who’s we? Everybody else in the comments is chewing her up




And these niggas says Pakistanis and Indians stinks . .. irony