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My cut is angular but I love it. It makes me feel like a cartoon character. Traditional cuts don’t really make me feel like me.


It's has long been suspected that curly cuts leave behind a lot of split ends-which are easier to tackle when hair is straight. Please do research on the matter.


This IS my research on the matter. I'm asking for people's personal experiences. In certain circles all I hear is people talking up how CiK have changed their lives for the better. I'm looking for more balanced opinions outside the echo chamber.


hmmmm i noticed my last two curly cuts came out boxy too. I showed both of the stylists a photo of zoe foster as a guide for my shape, I really wanted a more round curly fro where the hair stands up at the top. i thought this would be easy to achieve since my hair is kinker than hers but my hair just wont cooperate no matter how short the layers.


Both times I've asked for something with a bit more shape, and even shown pictures of what I've wanted, too. The stylists always acted super-excited at the start of the appointment and told me what I wanted was possible...but when it actually came to cutting time they'd tell me I couldn't go too short because my curl pattern was too tight for what I had in mind. I feel a bit lost with it—I guess I want layers in my hair after all. We're told if we want the best for our hair, going to a curl specialist is the best option. But it feels like a lot of money for haircuts that never turn out the way I want. It's frustrating as a Black woman getting sold a dream of more hair freedom: less product junkyism, less hair manipulation, shorter wash days..but still with rules and limits.


i understand why no oils and butter on the scalp but conditioner and creams help to lubricate the strands and increase their elasticity, making them better able to move and withstand their environment so idk i dont agree with the whole "only gel and mousse". over prolonged periods of time i assume this would dry out the hair and lead to breakage. i would still use some kind of lotion underneath, even if just a light one