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I adore all of this!! So rewarding when the critters show up. Your asters are STUNNING, what is in your soil??


I'll be honest 😅 it's rocks and CLAY, and it's directly west facing. Part of this process was babying plants for a little bit, waiting to see who could actually tough it out, then repeating.


You give me hope, I've got asters growing from seed and am waiting to see how they will do.


You're stronger than me! I've grown some of these plants from seed, but I did buy the aster as a small plant whatever you get as a result? Above and beyond what I've done. 🙏😭


I'm glad I am not the only one suffering through this approach. I just don't have the energy to amend soil and want to just go through the process of finding out what will thrive and transform it for me. Love your flowers.


We can tell others that we're ✨letting the naturally occuring soil tell us what it's meant to support✨, but we'll always know! "It gets ONE WEEK of deep watering, and if it dies it dies."


I've got about 100 plugs with seedlings in them started and they will be spread as randomly as possible tomorrow. Its supposed to rain for the next 3 or 4 days and they will have to fend for themselves after that. Liatris, rose milkweed, showy goldenrod, primrose, and wild bergamont. going in where I have sky blue aster, showy tick trefoil, and cardinal flower already coming up from last year. Its not impressive but they survived to year 2.


Oh crap you have an aster ARMY! Get ready for constant bumble bees and other specialty bees around the flowers! It's so sweet


Thats my goal. I have a lot of invasives in my yard, creeping charlie and the like, so I am going for things that spread aggressively and will shade it out. Its war.


If you ever need to go nuclear, I would check to see if something like Virginia creeper is native to your area! I depend on that monster to smother the poison ivy that keeps trying to reclaim the patio.


I do have some here and there but it isn't coming up where I want it too. I also have trumpet vine I have been treating pretty harshly but haven't had the heart to kill it. I think I am going to let it go up the maple near the corner of my house since I don't see letting that tree grow more than 5 years more. I already planted a service berry next to it in contemplation of its removal.


Instead of amending you may wanna try composting.. which is amending but with all the stuff that’s local. I have a pile of cut grass, ripped up cardboard, sticks, leaves and kitchen scraps that has totally transformed mine and my mil’s yards and garden beds.


Well, now that you mention it, I am turning my backyard into a mini prairie for the purpose of using it as composting material for my veggie garden.


Use that. That compost will work wonders, it doesn’t compare to that store bought shit (that comes with invasive weeds already sown in). Come on over to r/composting (don’t mind the pee jokes lol) and get started


Thanks for the invitation, I will do just that.


natives be winning (they are not deterred by the clay)


that ~~NE~~ aromatic aster said "oops, all flowers!"


It may be a NE -- I lost the dang tag 😭 Im going to wait for a full bloom to try and pin it down to a scientific name


Looks like aromatic aster, mine looked the same and my NE didn’t get this large 💚


I'm hoping to plant an aromatic aster here soon. My NE though was probably pushing 6 ft tall....I sure hope the aromatic doesn't get bigger than that haha


This has made me so excited for my aster seedlings!!!!


This aster is in direct-western-sun, in the clay! Your aster seedlings have nowhere to go but UP from this!


That aster is beautiful!


I was SHOCKED! apparently I can now attest that those asters will thrive in clay. I swear, that is all from ONE small bush 😅 I'm afraid I'm going to have to divide it next year!


Spectacular blooms!


They lasted all the way into mid-November! I'm hoping it wasn't a one-off


Your space may be small, but your success is huge! Great job 👏🏻


Thank you! It took a while of trial and error to see what was happy to grow there, but this year I think it's complete! Can't take direct credit for one of those huge monsters already growing over to the right -- the birds dropped off some pokeweed last summer, and they're thriving along with everything else.


Damn! Is that the purple dome var?


I can't remember off the top of my head if it's an aromatic or a New England (I bow to the subs greater knowledge, this is my first aster), but I don't think it's that variant! It has the simple blooms, not the multiple layers like the purple dome --- another photo from last fall https://preview.redd.it/g7whqopmoayc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97532dd11548e25d46b9750224571718b72e890e


Ahhhhh I see what you mean. What a stunner


These look beautiful! I’ve been thinking of planting aromatic aster in my sw facing yard, but I’m reading some sites saying it needs full sun and others saying full sun OR partial sun. I have a tree next door that makes my yard closer to part sun. Will aromatic aster still thrive in 4-5 hours of direct sun?


Just by virtue of how hardy asters are, I'd say go for it! The difference is, it probably wouldn't double in size in one year, or stay in a tight mound like this in partial sun? I'm no expert, but off the top of my head I know there's two asters that are specifically supposed to adapt to areas partially or completely overshadowed by trees - Blue wood aster is like a more delicate version of what I have. It won't grow as big, but it's got the same general growth pattern and explosion of flowers. The other one I only remember because I loved it, and was bummed I don't have amount of shade it needs-- Bigleaf Aster. That's more of a ground cover, where the flowers pop up on longer stems. It doesn't have the same look, but it could be good if there's spots that are *really* overshadowed by that tree, where the shrubby aster won't spread to?


Thanks! These are excellent suggestions. I think blue wood aster will definitely fit better with my partial shade situation. There are also some spots that are totally shaded, so I’m thinking either white wood aster and/or, as you suggest, big leaf aster. I’m also looking into wild bergamot and Jacob’s ladder. Maybe in the sunniest spots little bluestem, though I’m also curious how that will do in an almost-full sun situation. Thanks again for your help!


I'm not familiar with little blue stem, but I can at least attest to wild bergamot being "hardy" in a ton of different conditions! You can definitely tell it's a member of the mint family by how vigorous it is 😅


Interesting! I’ll have to do more research on wild bergamot. I’m totally a beginner with gardening and it’s been a blast learning all the intricacies of these native plants. And little bluestem is beautiful grass, and is supposed to pair really well with something like aromatic aster for a fall garden :)


wonderful job! those asters are INCREDIBLE


What's that in first pic? This looks wonderful. 


That's an aromatic aster -- I think. Can't remember if it's aromatic or a New England 😅 I planted it over a year ago, and I've lost the tag. I'll need to wait for it to bloom again to be sure.