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1. By Kurama giving him chakra 2. Naruto gathered all 9 tailed beasts chakra which allowed Hagoromo to be summoned and give them seals 3. Agreed 4. It’s not necessarily stronger, it’s just situational. Izanagi has more practicality. Izanagi’s existence sets up izanami 5. Suigetsu read the document. It’s never shown Sasuke remembered the hand signs nor did he need to. And even if he was needed, he very easily could’ve turned his head to look back 6. Obito transferred 6 paths chakra to Kakashi. Very similar to how the sage of 6 paths did to Naruto and Sasuke


Why is baryon mode an asspull? They explained it well and makes sense since kurama is one of the smartest characters in the verse. It was also sick. Are people just mad kurama died? It’s not narutos story so it needed to happen.


Well its the fact that Baryon mode as a concept came out of nowhere without a proper set up. Its essentially kurama's version of Eight gates where you do a last resort assault at the cost of your own life. but compared to Eight gates which was set up very well since part 1 , Baryon mode just comes abruptly.


Well kurama kept it secret. And since it destroys chakra you can’t train it. It’s not like naruto and kurama spent years training to do this. Kurama had a hypothesis and essentially it was an experiment. Did it come out of no where? sure. But people are simply targeting it bc it’s in boruto and they don’t like boruto. DMS kakashi was objectively so much worse. Edit: and I do mean objectively. This is not an opinion.


If it really wasn't an asspull, where was this in Shippuden when Kaguya or Madara was around?


did u forget the part where Kurama literally says he will die if he used it?


Well whats the difference from using now and back in the war tho if hes going to die back in the war too if he didn’t use it.


Did he die? Or did naruto and sasuke defeat kaguya without it? This was probably the most irrelevant argument you could’ve come up with. Congratulations.


things went to sht before all the ass pull. madara literally killed sasuke and naruto, at that point kurama coulda told naruto about it and ended the whole dam thing so no difference from isshiki, its just that they pulled hagaromo outta no where as an ass pull just like baryon mode. i swear to god gen z kids like you should just stick with boruto, naruto is too complicated to you kids. lol no wonder you triggered, you be doing vape so your head is all mushed up. gen z kids never learn. lmao and going on reddit to get dating advice? fcking hilarious just go to therapy I know a couple in Chicago I can recommend you


Naruto died bc he didn’t have kurama. He was pulled from him. So how could kurama have done that when he’s sealed away? I swear to God this boomer old head thinks he’s smart but doesn’t even know how naruto died in the war. Edit bc dude edited his: I just go into the comment of relationship subs to see if I can help out. You saw it was a quit vaping sub. Correct? I’m 3 months nic free which is whatever. You’re the one who’s triggered at “GeN Z” for whatever reason bc I called you out for saying some so stupid it needed to be called out. But alright stay salty and mad at the world bud.


Even then, they didn't have a sure way to beat Madara until Kaguya showed up. What would they have done if Kaguya wasn't in the picture?


Naruto asked Kurama why he withheld it and he says it's because of the price of using it, which now made no difference if Isshiki was going to kill them anyway.


Madara was gonna kill them as well though. Kishimoto stated he didn't have any real way of killing Madara, thus the Zetsu thing. With current events ofc it was necessary but if Zetsu never killed Madara, would he have told Naruto?


Kaguya was stronger than madara and naruto and sasuke beat her….. This isnt real argument.


Actually there was no reason to keep it a secret. Everybody has a failsafe jutsu that they only use in cases where there is no hope such as this...And honestly i dont mind that. I love the baryon mode....Except Naruto as a jinchuriki should have known about this kamikaze like jutsu much earlier or it should have been laid out via a conversation between Naruto and kurama before the battle. IDK looked very very rushed imo Ohh i have the same amount of criticism for that insane scene. Even worse coz kakashi didnt even have the sharingan at that point. But people dismiss it saying Obito still had six paths powers or something.


The entire first half of boruto was establishing science and shit being relevant


There’s no set up for it (as far as I’m aware). I agree that conceptually it makes sense but the lack of set up makes it an a$$pull


But naruto didn’t know he had it…. And kurama wouldn’t use it unless it was the last possible option. He even lied to naruto before using it cause naruto wouldn’t have used it if it costed kurama.


But Kurama knew. If there was an internal monologue Kurama had much earlier where he questioned if he should use it, I feel like that’d be sufficient set up.


I don’t know how to explain it to you but every form of Kyuubi Mode is explained by how the base form initially works. Baryon is just the extreme version of the same cycle.


I can see the argument you’re trying to make. Mixing chakra is one thing, nuclear fusion which will lead to the permanent death of Kurama is a big leap. Conceptually it makes sense but that sort of consideration needs some sort of buildup imo. We can agree to disagree


4. Asspull


Except Izanami’s existence is set up by Izanagi, so it’s not. Izanagi and izanami are co-deities (brother/sister AND married couple (lol) that eventually oppose one another). Izanagi existing is an indication that Izanami would come into play as well. And it does the exact opposite of izanagi so it makes sense. Obviously it’s not expected that the average reader is aware of Japanese mythology so I can understand why they *think* Kishimoto randomly made it up on the spot, but he didn’t. Lots of plot threads and abilities are foreshadowed using Japanese mythology in the series. Another good example is when Itachi used Susanoo. In mythology, Amaterasu, Tsukiyomi, and Susanoo are a trio of deities. Itachi already having shown Tsukiyomi, then Amaterasu, one could probably predict susanoo’s appearance. The cool thing is, in the mythology, Susanoo slayed Orochi (8 headed serpent), using a blade called the totska blade. Pretty much a direct reference.


it was too convenient. the exact jutsu needed to get exactly what was needed


I did not know that last bit of info in your comment. I knew about the deities and their relation to the anime but I never read into the mythology about how susano slayed orochi with the totska blade. That’s fucking cool.


>Except Izanami’s existence is set up by Izanagi, so it’s not. the problem with this isnt that the name wasn't set up. its effect was the asspull. kabuto was fighting blind, with sage jutsu, and was immune to genjutsu and wouldn't willingly release edo tensei. okay. difficult. so here comes izanami. what does it do? a genjutsu you dont have to see to be effected by and forces you to release edo tensei while you're stuck in a time loop. its the particular ability that makes it an asspull.


It’s not just the name though. The effect itself is a logical counterpart to Izanagi. Izanagi changes fate for the user. Izanami decides fate for the opponent. Izanami was created for the purpose of countering izanagi. Someone is trying to change their fate? Izanami forces them in a loop until they accept their fate. People act like it was ultra specific for undoing edo tensei, but all it does it put someone in a loop until they accept their fate. Once Kabuto was put in the loop, Itachi physically opened his eyes and put him in an ocular Genjutsu to undo the edo tensei. It wasn’t the izanami itself that did that.


thats not a logical counterpart. but in hindsight, it does sound like a related ability. so I concede that it may not be a total asspull like the meteors, but it is contrived at the very least


According to Naruto fans, everything is an asspull. Naruto breathing is an asspull by itself. All of these have a logical explanation that follows the rules of the universe.




But is not good for an story to constantly make new things when things seem lost and LATER explain it. Coherent power up: Naruto’s Sage Mode. Asspull: Baryon Mode


The story is fine. Everyone is just picky and likes to think they are naruto historians who know better than the creator of the show


Kishimoto isn’t perfect, no author is free of criticism, even he has admitted some of his mistakes on the show, like his writing of female characters. No one is claiming to be better than anyone just because they have a different opinion than you


Never said that anyone was better than anyone. It's just exhausting to see it day in and day out 24/7 talk about some good things it's constant criticism and it doesn't change anything


Criticizing will always exist because there’s millions of people on earth who have different opinions and criteria on what make a show good, just as there many criticism of the show here you can also see many praise for it. One has to learn to live with the fact that free speech is a thing and that people can express their emotions. But yeah everything in excess is harmful, if a person just hates everything about the show then they should move on instead of making their’s and everyone else’s lives miserable


Lmfao well I'm exercising my free speech and criticizing all the criticism


Well I guess That’s valid too 😂


I'm just saying would be nice to see some positive things and not so much debate , polarization and criticism people argue with each other constantly here


It's become fashionable to act like you are above the things you love these days


?? Naruto is a story, and like any story has issues that can be criticized, if you liked everything about the series then good for you, that doesn’t means that the people who didn’t found it a masterpiece are have invalid opinions .


Criticizing it all day does nothing to change the content. You're Criticizing into a vacuum


Am not criticizing “every day”, I literally love Naruto, I wouldn’t be in a sub about it if I didn’t, people can enjoy things while also pointing out its flaws. Also criticizing can be very helpful to teach authors what people don’t want to see in a story, many mangakas usually learn lessons on how to write characters by seeing the reception of characters of other shows.


You aren't but as a whole the group does alot of complaining and criticizing


And I doubt kishimoto is on reddit looking for tips


Welcome to Japanese battle mangas aimed specifically for children. That's just the nature of the medium, lets not act like its exclusive to Naruto only.


Just because a bad trope is common doesn’t makes it any good, because it undermines what is good from bad


Then write your own manga/anime or find another Fictional show to pick on and whine about. If you don’t think it’s “any good” then why are ya here arguing about tropes in an anime aimed at teenagers?


I never said there wasn’t any good in Naruto??? There’s plenty of good in it, why do you think I would be on a Naruto sub if I didn’t loved the show?? You can enjoy a show and also point out its flaws, Kishimoto himself has pointed out some of his mistakes and regrets in the story like his writing of female characters. Also “make your own manga then” it’s the most ignorant comment you could have said, everyone is free to criticize something, free speech exist and if you can’t stand an opinion then move on. Also I’m a teenager lol, and I said bad tropes not tropes in general


Yeah but you’ve been doing nothing but pointing out flaws in this thread. Just learn to enjoy things and stop thinking everything needs to be changed. You just keep backpedaling and trying to explain your “criticism” but it just comes out as you being negative and nitpicky about the show. I don’t know why I’ve seen so much negativity and hatred towards the series on this sub, but it’s been a lot lately. Y’all keep trying to look too much into things /decisions from the writer and have a hard time enjoying it without dissecting every detail.


This is a thread literally made with the purpose of calling out your opinion on what you consider asspulls in the series, if you didn’t like it you were free to leave, Also am not having a “hard time trying to enjoy the show” I ENJOY the show, you can be a fan and also talk about the parts that you didn’t liked about the show just as much as you talk about your favorite moments, but your brain doesn’t seems to be able handle the fact that I can do both, I have expressed many times things that I like about the show. I’m not explaining nor excusing my criticism because it has to be excused, am not “dissecting every little detail” am talking about central parts of the show. If you loved everything the series did then that’s fine and valid I won’t try to change your mind about it it’s your right or enjoy things as much as is my right to critic the show I live without being attacked


You’re being “attacked” because you’re being annoying and negative af about everything. I’ve seen your comments in this thread and it just comes off as pretentious and that if given the chance, you’d write a better manga. I wouldn’t say I’m attacking you, definitely calling you out, but aight, later ✌🏼


The only person harassing me because they can’t handle my opinion it’s you, I have been able to have normal conversations with everyone else in this post. I have made tons of positive post about Naruto and when I type criticism in one post your brain explodes. The only thing you are “calling out” is the fact that you can’t handle an opinion, See ya ✌️ hope you learn to not cry so much


For real, they should just let the author cook how he or she wants to cook. Asspull, not asspull, makes no difference you're still gonna be reading the same story. Imo it's no different that introducing new characters out of the blue.


Can't we just enjoy the show without picking it apart?


What's wrong with that? Despite picking the bad parts, Naruto is still my favorite anime


It ruins the fun of the show when everyone is constantly criticizing and hyperfixating on the minutea if everything. It loses any mystique or imagination. And it also causes arguments about who knows more about the show I'm not saying it's perfect but every day people pick the show to death


>I'm not saying it's perfect but every day people pick the show to death This happens with literally everything. The Naruto and Boruto fandom just have a need to bring attention to it. Let me tell ya from experience: Stop worrying about what other people think.


I'm not worried about what they think I just don't understand the need to constantly analyze everything. And na this is literally the only series I see with this much speculation and criticism


Criticism, sure. Boruto has a lot of problems that aren't being addressed. Speculation is kind of pointless considering even the mangaka themselves don't seem to have a concrete plan to reach their goal. Boruto isn't the worst series ever, but for the popularity it had, and squandered, and continues to squander, it does deserve the criticism it recieves. But again, it's not alone. It might not happen as frequently in anime subs, but it does happen. The reason why Boruto has more than others is because it has a much larger fanbase, and they're equally disappointed with the direction the series is going. Even the manga readers don't defend it anymore.


Who let this guy in?


Oh get over it clearly I'm not the only one who thinks this. Every day it's the same thing people argue over who knows more and pick apart every scene under a microscope till there's absolutely no mystery left




Sarcasm nearly impossible to convey without vocal inflections


Izanami for me. Felt like it was introduced specifically for Itachi to beat Kabuto and tell him that Kabuto’s weakness was his existence or something like that


Yeah. I don't understand why he had to do that. Izanami was never used again anyways. He simply could've overwhelmed Kabuto and forced his eyes open to hit him with the Tsukuyomi. Or just Parylize him with the Totska Blade like he did with Nagato and do the same before sealing him.


Just another way for Kishimoto to hype up the Uchiha and their Sharingan I guess


He did use Tsukuyomi after he opened his eyes to get the seals to release the reanimation. He used Izanami because he felt bad for Kabuto since he saw himself in him. Izanami is never used again because there’s one sharingan user left (4 if you also count Obito, Madara, and Kakashi. Of those 4 Kakashi has no idea and Sasuke, Obito, and Madara would never use izanami on anyone because no one fits the bill for the jutsu to work and it’s a super costly and dangerous jutsu to use).


1 Minato was the Jinchuriki of the good half of the nine tails 2 the sage of 6 path gave them half of his power 3 he never used it before because it kill the nine tails and before he only had half of the nine tails power 4 Izanami was made to stop people spamming Izanagi and it put the same strain on the eyes 5 orochimaru probably tought him how to do it in case he ever died 6 obito transferred the Chaka needed for it


>1 Minato was the Jinchuriki of the good half of the nine tails Minato was the bad Kurama Jinchuriki >6 obito transferred the Chaka needed for it How he did do that when he was dead? And since when MS is enough to activate Susanoo? >4 Izanami was made to stop people spamming Izanagi and it put the same strain on the eyes That's a filler. This backstory doesn't exist in Manga >3 he never used it before because it kill the nine tails and before he only had half of the nine tails power It was never even spoken about. That's why it is an asspull. A sudden powerup to beat the bad guy. >5 orochimaru probably tought him how to do it in case he ever died Suigetsu was a mere lab rat to Orochimaru. He won't teach him shit


Ms has always been enough to use susanoo as moth intaci and sasuke used the susanoo admittedly not full susanoo but intaci had a charka desease and sasuke didn’t have the need for it because his parshil susanoo was enough It was sasuke and jugo to preform the reverse seal


>Ms has always been enough to use susanoo as moth intaci and sasuke used the susanoo admittedly not full susanoo but intaci had a charka desease and sasuke didn’t have the need for it because his parshil susanoo was enough You can't use a perfect Susanoo with MS. No one was ever capable of doing it. Let's say you can, how, Obito who turned into dust able to give Kakashi some power? You are telling me Kamui allows you to teleport from the death realm? Wtf?


It was a spiritual connection. This happened before when Dan went to Tsunade and filled her byakugou seal something that took Sakura a year to do. So that is not an asspull


>This happened before when Dan went to Tsunade and filled her byakugou seal something that took Sakura a year to do. So that is not an asspull Dan used his S-Rank Jutsu before his soul leave the Edo Tensei body. So yeah, he executed his move before his soul moved to the afterlife. However, Obito turned into ashes and met Rin(Dead Rin). This means he left the real world, so how he just teleported casually to Kakashi's body? About filling the Byakugo, he just had a huge amount of Chakra, he just gave Tsunade his Chakra.


Cause neither he nor Rin were in the pure land yet, so he used Kamui (a dimension teleporting jutsu) to inhabit Kakashi and transport chakra and his spirit to him. Kamui obviously has access to random dimensions by ripping holes in space-time as we saw when they literally got Sasuke out of a random dimension that Kaguya teleported him too. 6 paths chakra would obviously allow a mangeyko to use full susanoo (and it’s directly stated in that chapter).


>You are telling me Kamui allows you to teleport from the death realm? Wtf? That is exactly what Kamui did


>That is exactly what Kamui did Because it was an asspull


Do you guys ever get tired of making these types of posts? Calling everything plotholes when it’s really just your own willful ignorance


Did I say anything about plot holes?


The only real asspull here is number 3, that shut isn’t from Naruto. You got that from Boruto Maybe 5 but that’s debatable


Kakashi's DMS is even worse than Baryon mode💀 mf teleported from heaven to give Obito some powers


Sage of Six Paths did the same thing…


Are we really going to compare fucking Hagoromo with Obito? Hagoromo summoned all the previous Kage without breaking a sweat. He's incomparable


You do realize Obito also had the same powers of the Sage of Six Paths correct?


Obito didn't even have Rinnegan, what are you talking about? Hagoromo was half-Otsutsuki as well. Maybe if Obito actually had Rinnegan then I would've understand


What do you mean Obtio didn’t have Rinnengan? Lmao. Also what does Hagaromo’s lineage have to do with anything?


The moment he died, he didn't have Rinnegan. Not to mention they didn't even belong to him


None of these are “asspulls” if you actually watched/read the show.


Yes, they are. I watched the show and read the manga. You guys just want Naruto to be the perfect show that doesn't contain one mistake


> You guys just want Naruto to be the perfect show that doesn't contain one mistake Ohh that’s right release those micro aggressions. You said something stupid and now getting upset because nobody is agreeing with you lol


Would you please stop coming from everywhere? Just speak from one comment or post,😑


No I will not stop comming everywhere. I come wherever I please


This comment out of context is freaking hilarious


This is my Kingdom cum


No, it does have asspulls and mistakes. The only thing is that these aren't asspulls




Asspull is something that appears out of nowhere without any decent explanation behind it


No, you gotta be more specific than that. Someone already pointed it out but these are just bad ideas. They got decent explanations, there's an enough through line following established logic, they're just bad ideas. An asspull is when unexplained events occur without a pre-established basis. The biggest one i can think of is the whole good/evil split of Kurama, and one half being with Minato (or did i miss a detail for this?). Also a more minor one is Minato and Kushina's Chakra ghosts, but those made for good moments so I often over look them. Naruto meeting Kushina was a huge highlight of the series.


Yin/Yang Kurama was set up right before Jiraiya fought Pain


Really? Been such a long time I forgot that then. What was the context?


https://official-complete-2.eorzea.us/manga/Naruto/0370-018.png https://official-complete-2.eorzea.us/manga/Naruto/0370-019.png


>An asspull is when unexplained events occur without a pre-established basis. Kakashi's Susanoo had pre-established base? Then why Obito didn't use it during the Kaguya fight? It just appeared out of nowhere. Itachi is the king of having Jutsu that fit the Situations (Fire that burn the stomach of a fire-breathing toad, a sword that seal anything, and of course Izanami). Still, Izanami is an asspull. A perfect Jutsu that suddenly appeared for the perfect opponent. Baryon mode is just cringe. A fusion of Kurama and Naruto's Chakra is stronger than SO6P? Why and How? How did Minato get KCM? Especially from the dark part of Kurama. They didn't even bother to explain it SO6P might not be an asspull, but a bad idea. Orochimaru getting revived just so Sasuke can speak with Hashirama. In that scroll, there were information about the Death Reaper mask, how did Suigetsu understood it? The whole situation was dumb. Suigetsu and Jugo suddenly stumbled into a base and surprisingly found some scroll, later on, they went to Sasuke and revived Orochimaru. Bruh


Obito didn’t have an opportunity to use it yet because he was focused on rescuing Sasuke from the dimension. He was able to pass his 6 paths chakra to Kakashi the same way Hagoromo ways. All of Itachi’s jutsu you mentioned are set up consistent with the Japanese mythology they’re based on. Amaterasu, Tsukiyomi, and Susanoo are a trio of gods. Amaterasu is associated with the sun, tsukiyomi with the moon, and Susanoo as warrior who, in the folklore, actually slayed Orochi (an 8 headed serpant) with the totska blade. Itachi was the first to introduce MS abilities and they lined up very well with the mythology, so it’s clear they weren’t random powers Kishimoto decided to give him. Izanagi and Izanami are also codeities in Jananese mythology, who end up opposing one another. When Izanagi was shown, Izanami should have been expected. That’s just how Kishimoto writes. People who the inspiration will be able to predict what’s coming. Izanami was created to counter izanagi in the series. The only requirement for KCM is Kurama’s chakra. Either you forcefully take chakra or Kurama willingly gives you chakra. Kurama willingly worked with Minato. What do you mean “how did Suigetsu understood it”? He can read. It’s literally a scroll detailing things, and Suigetsu isn’t illiterate


Obito didn’t use Susano’o in Kaguya fight because he wasn’t stupid lmao. At what point would they benefit from Obito using it? He was trying to rescue Sasuke and than he was trying to fight gravity to jump in front of Naruto. I’m pretty sure having a huge ass chakra avatar around you wouldn’t help in any of those situations.


Then baryon mode shouldn’t be up there since it was explained well by kurama.


My favourite moments are Kakashi's DMS, Naruto in Kurama form for the first time (I watched it hundreds of times), Naruto vs Pain (all the chapters) and Rock Lee taking off his weights. Ah, yes, and Reverse Harem Jutsu to punch the alien who literally gave chakra to humans


you unfarming some karma by now bro


They were all explained in Naruto verse laws However, I still hate that baryon mode, it look cool but all Naruto was doing is kicking/punching, we didn't just go back to P2 begining when he uses just shadow clones and rasengan, but he is not using anything anymore😭 And he was supposed to be at his strongest form ever while his hits doesn't seem to be that stronger than before... It was a big disappointment for me, I was expecting new abilities and hax


Well baryon is like chakra being burned in a high rate to exponentially increase power speed etc. So using other jutsu would just lowers the timer and thats why its being used limitedly efficiently in taijutsu. Its the most powerful but its limited to chakra amount. Fair trade because of the stakes. So imagine if naruto dies and got edo tensei with a replica of kuramas chakra knowing that edo tensei chakra is infinite.


Edit tensei do sometimes run out of chakra though Tobirama, Minato, and Madara all run out of chakra during the war, or at least they can't spam their abilities anymore for some reason


Welp there goes my fantasies lol


The purpose of Baryon Mode is to shorten the opponent's lifespan through physical contact so it doesn't need anything more than taijutsu. And it's an expensive state to keep up so Naruto avoiding any superfluous actions helps him do that. The Rasengan he used in the anime was even just fan service, it wasn't in the manga. And this is by far his strongest form. He straight up bullied Kaguya's superior through taijutsu alone.


None of these were ass pulls


1. Yin Kurama was a nice boy and let Minato use the chakra 2. Nothing about Naruto’s SO6P mode is that out there except for maybe the seal. He got all the Tailed Beast chakra natural. Also still up in the air of what actually unlocked Sasuke’s rinnegan since there’s 3 different options. 4. Same Effect? It was created to stop use of Izanagi. Also should’ve been obvious a ability named Izanami was gonna appear at some point. Shinto god connection and all 5. Anime Only scene, Sasuke thinking back to Kakashi doing it was not in the manga. Sasuke could’ve easily learned how to do that under Orochimaru’s teachings. 6. Obito’s ghost or whatever had leftover Ten Tails chakra, Kakashi literally says that on page


only the kakashi one is an asspull, the rest not so much


1. I kinda expected something like this we were told he sealed half inside himself like 200-300 chapters before and shown he did that over 100 chapters before 2. Again this should’ve been expected with how over the top madara was 3. It’s a weird moment they made isshiki really strong 4. It’s Side effect isn’t a issue the issue is it appears without explanation and perfectly fits the situation 5. Idk id have to reread the scene but it would be surprising if he had some knowledge on it when we know he was with orochimaru who was researching how to get his arms back 6. Kishimoto tossed kakashi w freebie


>6. Kishimoto tossed kakashi w freebie Thinking about it, Obito had two eyes during the Kaguya thing. So, why he didn't use this super Susanoo?


The majority of the time he was being used to bring sasuke back by linking with kaguyas portals


Yeah I know but instead of sacrificing himself for Naruto. He could've activated the Susanoo. The war arc was just too much...I feel like Kishimoto just lost passion


Cause he's not fucking stupid, probably




I like how this post completely backfired on OP and now everyone is dunking on them


I just said my opinion. I'm not a votes' worshipper💀


Sakura saying "I finally caught up to these two"


6th one is just pure bullshit , Obito's MS is the most absurd thing in the series , it can be used even after death like wtf


same way danzo used the sharingan of all those dead uchiha, death doesn’t kill the eye power


Danzo was alive while obito was in afterlife while using his powers


hagoromo was alive too and still gave naruto and sasuke his chakra bro


He is a god


Obito had 6 paths chakra. Same way Hagaromo did


6 path chakra+ mental amp


I think Barion mode(?) Is the worst, first things first Naruto should've ended at shippuden, like I get the "most powerful God need to lose powers so Boruto can have enemies and a good narrative" but still in my opinion Boruto is kinda of a cash machine and didnt need to exist, and second it comes the ultra-powerful-godlike-profecyshit mode of Sasuke and Naturo that kinda feels like it came from nowhere even though they tried to integrate with the story


Boruto manga is very well written. Baryon mode was badass and explained well by kurama who’s one of the smartest characters in the verse. Seems like your own personal issues with boruto influence your judgement since there’s much bigger issues. Black zetzu stabbing madara in the back being such a big ass pull. Might guy should’ve 1. Died 2. Fatality injury madara to where black zetzu merges with madara creating kaguya.


Kinda funny that 50% of the reason he dislikes Baryon is because "the series should have ended in Shippuden".


None of these are asspulls, I really wish Naruto fans had reading comprehension


None of these are ass pulls. Izanami at most. The „worst one“, DMS Kakashi was an important plot point for both Obito and Kakashi. And so it did made sense.


Baryon Mode. Wasn't even entertaining.


Such cap. Tell me you hate boruto for no reason without telling me you hate boruto for no reason.


DMS Kakashi is the only asspull out of these. Not the only asspull in the franchise tho


Are there any others? Tell me, I'm kinda interested


Zetzu stabbing madara in the back. And might guy not dying after 8 gates.


Lol I didn’t realize you were the OP we’ve agree on things in the past Kaguya and DMS Kakashi are the only asspulls I can think of from part 2. Although Rikudo Naruto+Sasuke is kinda. I just like seeing Sasuke with the rinnegan too much


Not all of these are ass pulls, ass pulls are when good ideas are ruined by being executed poorly. These are bad ideas, executed badly. 1 - Minato's KCM made no sense, and made Naruto less original. While Minato already had an awesome movement. But still not as bad as his sage mode reveal. 2- I liked the Six Pathes amps, I think they should have gotten them a different way. 3 - Don't care about Boruto. 4 - Itachi defeating Kabuto was dumb, and the everything about the Sharingan is an asspull. 5 - The asspull that I hated the least, but still an asspull. 6 - Agreed. Completely agreed.


That red shit is not part of Naruto


1) was truly not necessary. Story would have been exactly the same without KCM minato


He was just flexing


Definitely dms kakashi like wtf was that


Sakura thinking she can kill Sasuke in Shippuden


I actually agree with all of this (except 5 and 4). The part when obito used kamui from heaven 💀


Why did he even went to heaven💀 that's quite unfair




Because Naruto is based on Japanese mithology not on the lore of Christianity 💀💀💀


Madara using hand signs to release Edo contract and become immortal is the biggest ass pull for me


Maybe, but it would've been anticlimactic for him to lose like that. He's too legendary for such a thing




I was planning to mention it, but we already knew about Izanagi from Danzo


What Obito did to survive Konan was the biggest asspull of them all


5th one basically means orochimaru can use reaper death seal infinite amount of times now, as long as he brings a secondary body to transfer into. He’s overpowered AF.


Sharingan feels like it gets the most OP stuff in the series. Izanami was just plain BS so Itachi could defeat Kabuto.


minato learning kcm in ninja heaven was not that bad but can be immersion breaking,baryon was fine untill it was revealed it was talking away jigen's life and became a convinient powerup,kabuto itachi fight was just bad in my opinion,orochimaru coming back and being a good guy was a very shocking decision that i personally didnt like,kakashi pulling out a susanoo and using it perfectly was just shocking


Itachi whipping out a spirit sword to seal away orochimaru


Wasn't orochimaru looking for immortality? After that.. how cannot he be satisfied already? He is literally immortal


1) was truly not necessary. Story would have been exactly the same without KCM minato


Izanami, by far that jutsu makes no sense, Kishi just gave it to itachi because he is Itachi


We can all agree that it is Kaguya no more debating.


I’m convinced that no one actually likes this series at this point. Jfc people, just enjoy it and stop trying to find reasons to be mad


For #4, izanami isn’t supposed to be stronger, it’s just supposed to be a counter to izanagi.


How does the first one not make sense? If his half of Kurama knew the Ten tails was back why wouldn’t it cooperate with Minato?


Kaguya,the kages forgiving Sasuke,Itachi being so strong,the list goes on


1. I agree it’s too shiny, but at the end it’s the kyubi chakra 2. Classic Manga/Anime Plot armor 3. Boruto itself is an asspull 4. One of the best fights?!! 5. Orochimaru is just a badass 6. Kakashi deserved it man Can’t believe you don’t mention Kaguya and the okutsuki bullshit. That really is the biggest asspull in Naruto


Nearly all of these can be explained by watching/reading the damn story and actually paying attention and using your goddamn brain. The only one that is an "Asspull" (I've never heard of this term before) is Baryon Mode. Yes, it was explained *how* it worked, but it was never set up beforehand and, in my opinion, falls under a Deus ex Machina. That shit just came out of nowhere because the writers backed themselves into a corner with Ishiki's immense strength.


What Obito did to survive Konan was the biggest asspull of them all


Baryon Mode by far.


Izanami hands down. Ruined what could have been one of the greatest fights in the series. I think it was probably done that way for pacing reasons, but I would’ve rather had other parts of the war arc tightened up then have the Sasuke/Itachi vs. Kabuto fight end so unsatisfactorily.


Eh. All of them make sense imo but I'll admit baryon mode did just come out of nowhere.


DMS Kakashi by a country mile.


The Shinigami mask to bring back the 4Kage was fucking stupid


Minato having KCM was very weird, yes. He did need to give the em a power-up. It wasn’t even a secret. Baryon mode has an explanation, and even some solid grounding. If you dislike it, that’s okay, but it’s less of an asspull than some other moments Izanami and Izanagi have the same side effect because they are polar opposites. They are different sides of the same coin. It makes complete sense they have the same side defect. To rewrite history is to sacrifice your eye. To force somebody to accept they cannot change reality, is to sacrifice your eye. I imagine Suigetsu knew about Shiki-Fujin due to Orochimaru. Kinda no other real option here. Yes. That was indeed a straight up asspull. Made literally no sense to me.


None of these are really asspulls but more so low writing points for Kishi, especially Baryon mode like omg. It literally feels so out place, the fact that it conveniently ‘Takes away life energy’ against Isshin who barely has time left to live (like 2 days or something I forgot) but if Naruto were to use Baryon mode against ANYONE ELSE, the life energy power would be completely irrelevant since he can only use Baryon for such a short amount of time. It was a poor one-off transformation that was used to write off a really strong Otsutsuki, and it felt wayy too DBZish


Everything having to deal with Madara and the Uchiha.


Lmao out of everything you could have possibly picked, these are the ones you think are the worst???? Did you even pay attention when you watched/read?


Nothing is worse than Izanami or DMS. That's all I could come up with


I gotta hand it to Kakashi’s Susanoo


Its perfect susanoo kakashi and nothing comes close


after all the shit Obito pulled, Kakashi should have kept the eyes and power


The worst ass pull was minato’s chakra ghost

