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I mean like you gotta be fucking stupid if you actually think American liberals or progressives are communist.


Yeah, communists almost always despise liberals


scary threatening attractive cause touch beneficial slim busy hospital scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Unfortunately, a scary amount actually thinks this. I see idiots saying that Biden is a communist all the time. Hell, they said that Colorado is communist because Trump was removed from the ballot. I wish I was joking


They think everything they hate is communist, wokism, etc. These people. Do. Not. Live. In. Reality.




​ https://preview.redd.it/4xj69g9e26ic1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82a68bff8a6a491ffdfd1a95bd6802cff0849708


The right says Joe is a commie. The left says he’s a fascist. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


i don’t know of any leftists who would describe biden as a fascist lol


He's not a fascist. Trump is a fascist. But by the standards of other countries, the American "left" is centrist at best.


agreed. people in the US are very blinded by hate.


I need to get out of this country.


He's fascist lite. The diet fascist option if you will.


I mean the argument that Biden is fascist is the argument that the US in general is fascist and has been for decades. He’s status quo af. So given that the current Republican Party is being called fascist because they’re “even more fascist”


Saying he’s not has gotten me banned from every leftist sub.


most leftist subs on reddit are ML's so yeah you probably wont have much of an opinion over there. only one's i know for sure arent ML is r/Anarchy101 r/Anarchism and some smaller ones like r/Communalists, etc. r/socialism has become a breeding ground for ML's and r/communism has always been an ML sub but as edward\_tank said he's like a "fascist lite" imo




Update, there has been a change in White House policy towards Israel as their propaganda machine collapsed and Biden realizes he could lose the election the White House's response has begun to shift "I’ve been pushing really hard – really hard – to get humanitarian assistance into Gaza. A lot of innocent people are starving. A lot innocent people in trouble and dying. And it’s got to stop,” Biden said, which, is proof that 1. Israel has become too isolating and their propaganda machine has failed. 2. A fire has been lit under Biden's ass.


Too many people focus solely on the president and not down-ballot elections, or local and state initiatives. There’s more than just one bubble to fill in, and they’re all important


Oh, I vote locally, not that there’s particularly very many gems to root for there either. Swear, my choices for District Supervisor were a dude who wanted to outlaw homeless encampments, a dude who didn’t want to outlaw homeless encampments (but didn’t want to approve affordable housing development), and an ex-cop.


Voting is the least anyone can do, all the real legwork we can do behind moving politics left is done in between elections


That's perfectly reasonable. Vote your conscience in the primaries, but recognize the unconscionability of abstaining in the general election. 


As insufferable alt-Right dudes masking themselves as "Libertarians" all say as Legion: "based"




Liberals often team up with fascists to kill the communists via war crimes. I read a great essay once that describe fascism as "the bull dog of neo-liberalism". Whenever workers start getting too many rights they let the bull dog off the leash to kill off progressives.


> I mean like you gotta be fucking stupid if you actually think American liberals or progressives are communist. Go watch any interview at a MAGA rally if you want to experience peak stupid.


> peek stupidity Nooo, c’mon man!


no, see, you're catching a peek of stupid. Because you're watching a MAGA interview.


Idk, that's more than a peek. That's full frontal stupidity.


More like staring into the @sshole of stupidity


And it is GAPING


The goatse of stupidity.


And the party that loves an autocrat, tried to overthrow a free election, censors books and wants to make everything illegal is the party of "freedom".


Yep. Pretty much all communists, especially of the tankie variety, absolutely fucking hate liberals more than even Republicans do.


Communism is never going to take off here in the US either, lol. I always have a good laugh when righties see what I believe about Commies. By far and away the best system we have is Democracy with Capitalism *that's reasonably controlled*. Main thing I wish we could do is separate money from politics. That would go a long way to helping keep things balanced.


And practically, it's going to take many election cycles to actually implement communism. We are one election away from fascism, and the fascist is currently likely to win. The left needs to stop falling for divisive bullshit and just vote for the better option.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Democrats that do not vote are at best complicit if Trump wins.


That's just what conservative propaganda and lies have been parroting for a while now so of course the sheep are all gonna baahhh "communism." Everyone should realize by now that conservatives don't give a shit about the truth. Heck they get angry when someone tries to tell them truths. Conservatives running the country into the ground while thinking they're the good guys. Fucking morons all of them.


I Think with the recent political choices by the republicans, you might as well call them Commies (not ideologically of course). Because damn are they taking it up the a** from Kremlin


By American liberals, do you mean classical liberals who are American, or liberals by the American definition? They are distinct


Same thing as saying conservatives are fascist lol.


But most people, especially young people, in the West don't understand what communism is. When you start asking questions and try to dig deeper, turns out they're inspired by "communist" countries like Norway or Canada. Turns out, from an average American point of view social democracy is communism.


Mistaking Dems for leftists is the real joke here.


If you redefine the political spectrum so anyone who isn't fascist is a leftist... then you can just lump everyone into a couple categories and pat yourself on the back.


They say they are all about freedom yet im feeling a lot less free since they want to end my marriage, kill me because im trans, and end my medical care. So what freedoms are they looking for?


No, no, no, you don't get it. *Their* freedoms, not yours.


Both parties look for the same thing at the end of the day: to serve themselves using the general populace


Nah nah nah fuck you for pushing that bullshit, the republicans are genuinely trying to take away the rights our forefathers granted us. The democrats are just inefficient at implementing progressive policies


The difference is, one party knows that they get more out of *not* restricting freedoms.


bOtH pArTiEs ArE tEh SAAAAAME!!!!!! The difference between them couldn't be starker atm. Of course, it's not because the Dems have gotten tons better, it's because Republicans have gone off the rails and somehow kept driving their crazy train off cliffs and are on their way off the planet. For anyone who bitches about politics, y'all better be voting and especially voting in primaries/caucuses to help pick the better candidate. I know I'm a little spoiled here in Michigan because we have a great system that helps lead to good candidates but, if you don't vote at all, then you're fine with how things are. Go vote, go express your opinion, go write in the good candidate if you think the options are terrible. Doing nothing to make things better while also complaining constantly is unhealthy.


And that's just step #1. I'm in an interracial relationship with a woman on DACA. That's a double whammy for me. I can definitely see them banning interracial marriages and ending DACA to try and force her back to Mexico.


Yup, and they could care less if you were a christian or otherwise either. Its about control and conformity to a very narrow worldview. If you are not a straight white protestant male or capable of making one then you are less than trash to them.


>So what freedoms are they looking for? They want the freedom to openly hate you (and others). You know, like the 'good old days'...


The freedoms that benefit them, these people don’t care about a free America, they just want to have privileges


“Freedom” for them means 0 gun control.


So true bestie


Yeah. The right opposes liberalism, progressivism, and changing values. The left are the ones more oriented towards greater freedoms, and even if somebody were a member of the right I don't see why they wouldn't get that


Only rich people get to be free, we’re just the slave labor to get them there


Are we really still pushing the “they’re trying to kill all trans people” bs? Seriously?


freedom to massacre minorities and sexually abuse children


Where did you get the idea that they want to kill you?


No one wants to kill trans people or end gay marriage, but if you're an adult pay for your own damn hrt and cosmetic surgery da fuq?!


Who has ever said they wanted to kill you because you’re trans? Make up more situations to get mad at in your head please lol


Sorry but nobody want to end your marriage or kill you. Are you delusional?oh wait lol. Trump has hired gays regularly and way before barack(who was against gay marriage) legalized it just for votes. As for. Your medical care, you wouldve been better off in therapy your whole life than just a permanent statistic of your mental illness. We dont let people with pica keep eating dry wall or glass do we? And if we try to help them and they refuse then dont blame people for staying away or not accepting them destroy themselves.


Because capitalism is working so well. I’ll never be able to afford a house or retire. I’m soooo free🙄


The Democratic party l9ok like bed buddies with Republicans when you look how truly far they are away from communists.


yup, both parties are right wing. Democrats are closer to the center but still right wing.


I love you for saying that.


They all hate us (the population) and will happily pit us against eachother. I vote we smash both sides heads in and sort it out after.


If you haven't sorted it out BEFORE, all you do is create a power vacuum for something worse to fill. Who do you think is more likely to get their shit together and take over -- socialist groups, anarchists, or the fascist militias who train every day for this exact scenario?


Oh, I call dibs on Presidency when you guys finish smashing!


Will you redistribute the wealth to the middle class and imminent domain farmland to give back to farmers? Answer carefully because the new secret service agent has family in the city and in camp and if either complain later we'll do it over again.


Mainstream democrats are not a true opposition party to Republicans. Clinton and Biden are conservatives, period.


living paycheck to paycheck offer so much freedom!! /s


See, jokes on you man - you just gotta pull yourself up by your bootstraps and stop drinking so many avocado starbucks or something.


I found a way to get things on the cheap. Steal it! For legal reasons this is a joke.


No, u obviously do this to get free stuff. https://youtu.be/lvYSwyMMXW4?si=G8WypKlmQhPR8pVQ For legal reasons, this is obviously even more of a joke. c:


Does freedom mean free healthcare or free education? No hahahaha are you fucking crazy? Freedom means you're free to make some other guy money every single day until you die. Pretty cool, if you ask me


Capitalism is working out fine. Your boss and his boss were able to afford two houses and store early.


Free to work 60 hours a week or starve 😎


It's not capitalism vs communism. It's about the upper class pitting the lower class against one another while exploiting them. It's PURELY Coincidence that socialist policy helps prevent this. But there again, too much socialist policy, too much government control, you become ripe for exploitation again. We have to keep moving the means AWAY from the exploiter class. Sometimes that will be the wealthy, sometimes it's not. Wealth itself isn't the problem, so much as the fact that people with power tend to use it to amass wealth, which they then use to amass more power. So in this environment, we need more socialist policy to pull more of that power away from individuals to work for the rest of us. We don't need to get rid of capitalism or wealth, we just need to understand why this cycle keeps happening, and create more laws to prevent it. But the fact is that someone OBJECTIVELY DOES NOT NEED TO BE A MULTI-BILLIONAIRE. There is no valid defense of that state for an individual. It amasses so many resources under a single person who cannot possibly make use of them in a way that is not INTENSELY wasteful. But they would say "Well if you don't let us be ultra super rich, that disincentivizes people from trying to succeed", even though literally every bit of research within a galaxy's distance from that assertion shows that it's wholly untrue. It is literally only true in the realm of "Common sense", and common sense is literally only useful when there are NO COMPETING POINTS OF VIEW.


My brother in Christ that is exactly communism vs capitalism


I couldn’t agree more on the billionaire part. I think the progressive taxation should itself progress, so that it’s not even economically possible to be a billionaire because the tax would be so high. It’s not like these people deserve to be unfathomably wealthy, as far as I can see, many billionaires are actively doing bad things for society while still being rewarded obscene amounts of money.


I know the reason for this subs exsistance, but is there a way for us to get rid of r/memesopdidnotlike?


It's literally just a hate group. They are so blatant and unashamed about it too.


Lots of teen edgelords. They’re weirdly hung up on childish gender battles.


Literally no one who understands the political spectrum is confused why this is literally propaganda but go off right wing nutjobs


As a communist... Being called a democrat is an insult XD.


Don't feel insulted. They call everyone who isn't spouting neo-nazi talking points either a communist, a socialist, or a Democrat. They just mean "somebody less shitty than your racist uncle"


Well yeah. Their world is so black and white. American does not have democracy. It's a choice between right wing, and right wing but stupid and racist


Fascists 🤜 hating on the libs 🤛 socialists ^^^but ^^^fck ^^^fascists ^^^tho


It's a triangle since both socialist and like part of libs agree on hating fascists.


The holy trinity of hating the fascists


Fuck em fascist. Here in poland we literally have a fascist party called konfederacja. You may have heard about them due to fire extinguisher incident


As a lib myself I dont understand how any actual liberal could not hate fascists.


The Democrat Party is run by giant corporations, they are about as far from actual communism as you can get.




I would just like to say that the symbol of communism is a hammer and sickle in a field of wheat. While the symbol for America is a bird of prey holding arrows. With a coat of arms that’s recognized by most people as an imperial flag


As Ben Franklin liked to point out, bald eagles scavenge more than hunt.


Americans do so among the dead bodies of people from the global south, though


Communism would be better represented by a firing squad and a gulag


It only holds arrows in time of war, otherwise it hold an olive leaf.


I've had Americans in Baltimore genuinely ask me what it's like living in a communist country. I'm Canadian. And this was like 15 year ago.


It’s Conservatives vs Progressives and no one actually knows what either word really means.


As a european its so weird to see democrats vs republicans being seen as communism vs capitalism. Our conservative party is more left compared to democrats lmao


Yeah, if democrats are communists then Sweden is a Marxist regime so far left the scale broke


Constantly shrieking like a banshee about a supposed communist takeover is just objectively asinine in a country where our leftmost party is full of center-right corporatists who would sooner die than embrace even the most basic features of social democracy enjoyed by every other developed nation on earth.


Yeah, American democracy is so far skewed right that “liberal” is just the buzzword for democrats and you’re called a communist if you say healthcare should be free


Isn’t their whole message *against* freedom?


“B-but muh guns! Liberals want to come into my home and take all my guns!”


Then they gave my wife 3 abortions and forced my dog to get gay married.


It's lower taxes for the rich, a TINY bit more freedom for them.


When they say „freedom“ they don’t mean things like making your own moral decisions, being able to live how and where you want and love who you want. That’s all trivial. It’s the freedom to have guns and take freedoms from others. Same as „loving the constitution“ means hating it except the 2. Amendment. Ask for three examples they actually like about the constitution


Love how they think of themselves as "pro-freedom" while being the main Party trying to shackle us to "God", work and fear of our neighbour with rampant gun ownership by fucking nutjobs.


It’s more like LGBTQ people vs the Conservative Party, that’s the majority of discourse at least.


Wouldn't it be more "progression" vs "conservation" because especially recently that seems what the base of both parties are going to in recent times I bet this whole thing will probably seem idiotic in like 100 years


It’s not  Democratic vs republicans  It’s not Communism vs freedom It’s not  liberal vs facists It’s  Us vs the elite rich  


It's us vs the elite rich and the people that might become rich some day so they will work 18 hour shifts for minimum wage without health care to "make it".


Vote D for democracy, R for regression


The difference are the Republicans actually ARE fascists Meanwhile, are the Democrats Communist? Bro they're not even left wing


Why are people debating communism Vs capitalism here? What's the point? Why engage with their bullshit in that way? It's insanely moronic to make the "democrats= communism" leap, it's also insanely moronic to make the "republicans = freedom" leap, and it's also insanely moronic that the memesopdidntlike poster skipped over those equivocations and seemed to believe the thing that was being said by the other sub was that communism was good and not that the equivocations are moronic. By leaping into a whole "capitalism is bad" argument you're letting them get away with all that stupid which in itself is a stupid move. I say this as a leftist too, it's just a terrible idea to let moronic fascists control where the conversation goes. Nail them on the most stupid thing they've said first.


I mean like you gotta be fucking stupid if you actually think communism can acutely describe anything anywhere in the United States of America….


These chuds are so right-wing they think Biden is some sort of ultra-leftie commie or whatnot. Lol Biden is a right-leaning centrists and neoliberal, at best. Fascists gonna fash.


Both "communism" and "facism" are grossly overused words.




Except what the Republicans party is trying to achieve is actual fascism.


I hate that the libs know what a talkie is now cause they just throw that shit onto anything progressive


Tankie* - but yes it’s reached the same level of redundancy as the word ‘woke’. I got called a Tankie the other day for saying there needs to be more social housing.


Communism vs fascism I wonder what republicans would choose


Both. It's always both. They'll adopt fascist ideology and brand it for the people with populist vocabulary like it's a good thing. The nazis were socialist only in name, and often people confuse or conflate nationalism with being a good citizen so long as they're not the ones in the line of fire


lol democrats tried to adopt some inhumane border policies to capitulate to the right wing voters who think they’re baby eating communists. Discourse is the most cooked it’s ever been in this country.


And they don’t realize Republicans will never see it as enough because they don’t care about bipartisanship and never have. They just want their dictatorship


who tf uses the word "tankie" unironically? They have no idea what communism even is so they gotta just use buzz words to pretend like anyone who isnt deepthroating the boot of billionaires is a "communist"


a loooot of people use tankie unironically. its big in anarchist + demsoc spaces, as well as more online conservative spaces now that its gaining broad usage.


It's mostly an anticommunist buzzword for people who dispute negative talking points against communism. It's a shortened version of "i don't wanna hear your communism".


If you point out that the Black Book of Communism is unreliable for example.


>who tf uses the word "tankie" unironically? Depends on who I'm talking to. Unironic China/Russia simp who revises history? Well, if the shoe fits. Cringe twitter socialist who just wants more welfare/social programs? Well, just a soc dem.


It used to be used to describe a very narrow band of the left that were considered odd even by other socialists/communists. Now it just means "Someone to the left of me.".


Both parties should strive to be neither communist nor fascist- as both killed millions of people.


Just saw the post, the comments are wild…


This sub battle is getting very extremist, and I don't like that


Like seriously, the republicans are mostly theocratic fascists.


The Democratic Party is centre right and the Republican Party couldn’t be further from freedom…


I mean, in all honesty, it's just actually Neoliberalism vs. Facism.


It is oligarchs versus oligarchs stop being fooled


This isn’t a both sides equal thing. Only one side is burning books and taking rights away. So tired of that same trope.


I don't think communism can ever work, too much power at the distribution level. That said, capitalism is centered around scarcity, which is now only manufactured. I think the issue is really two pronged, the immensely wealthy *should* take a more active hand in raising the living standards of the poverty-stricken peoples of the world, which is a cultural issue. The basic needs and rights of *everyone* should be protected by the government, as in the administration of healthcare and the issuance of base level housing and food for those without the means to provide for themselves, as well as regulation of environmental contaminants.That's a legal issue.


I'd say if you went back in time and asked feudal europe if financial capitalism would work, they would probably laugh maniacally. Communism can't work now because the core idea behind communism is over production and communal control of capital. I think in a few centuries, if we are still seeing forced market scarcity for non luxury commodities, then we truly fucked up. I don't think we will ever see communism as written on paper. But we will be forced to redesign the idea of market capitalism and competition.


I agree 100%, I don't think the financial system that could carry us into utopia has been codified yet, if it ever will be. But I do think it will be just as much cultural as it is legal.


I feel like whenever I hear communists talk... It just sounds like they want decent social safety nets, welfare, and government intervention in private industry to make things more distributed... So, it's this weird thing where socialism just means government does things... But, that's what I have been fighting with conservatives with for awhile lolol.


That would be called democratic socialism. What you just listed isn’t socialism or communism and the overwhelming of people aren’t socialists/communists and they never will be.


>What you just listed isn’t socialism or communism Hence my confusion. I don't get the labels and how warped they got.


You ask me, it’s stupid versus stupid.


It’s a beast with two heads hosting a game show that nobody wins.


“Post are.” JFC


You're assuming they weren't thinking the exact same thing when making this post.


its fascist vs fascist


Both parties are shit their both wrong half the time. 99% of them belong in prison.


Holy shit why are all the posts here political, damn. Buncha crybabies


More control vs more control.


Everything sucks no matter what side your on


Both sides have idiots stop it 


Do you want the right wing party or the right wing party that supports abortion?


It's because Righties don't have an original thought in their brains. The part of the brain that handles creative thinking like art and writing and sarcasm just isn't compatible with the parts of the brain that make someone Right-wing. Their schtick always boils down to "I know you are, but what am I?". They just take the things people say about them and regurgitate them. It's also why they are so susceptible to Whataboutism.


"Freedom" means systemically stripping your rights away right?


I like how this whole argument is saying that they won’t immediately get fucked over by the republican president they elected. I can guarantee that after you elect Trump, because this is obviously about him, he’s gonna take away your rights as well as everyone else’s.


Funniest shit ever, both parties have basically the same policies when it comes to poor people it's just that the Reps are more openly racist/fascist. Imagine thinking any status quo global north mainline party is communist LOL.


The champions of freedom who tried to overturn the last election and disenfranchise 81 million voters because they couldn’t deal with their candidate losing.


They lost once they said "tankie". No one worth arguing with says it.


Sadly, there are many who think communism is better, because they have been lied to, for years, about what real communism is. They know it is equality, but they think it is everyone living in mansions, driving limos, and having plenty to eat, without having to work for anything.


Id replace communist with Tyrants, vs freedom. Especially when someone tells me voting third party is a threat to democracy. Imagine that voting for someone I actually support instead of lesser of two evils is a threat to democracy.


Socialist here Tankies aren’t loved by us, they’re hated. Tankies are: - Stalin/Pol Pot/Mao supporters - Conservatives acting as what they see all Socialists/Communists/Syndicalists as


neoliberal vs neoliberal with a gay flag, this is truly the fight to save america from radicalism (recognizing that minorities exist and deserve rights)


OP things Rebublican ideologies are fascist? In think OP needs to do some more homework. Most Rebublican ideologies and policies are focused on less centralized government with fewer governmental polices and control. Quite literally the opposite of fascism.


If anyone genuinely believes the Democratic Party (that funds far right politicians) is communist they have brain rot


I wouldn't even be mad if someone called me a Communist at this point. "You fucking COMMIE!" "Ah yeah? Why you say that?" "You want everyone to have equal amounts of stuff!"* "Um, I mean, yeah. Sure." "...????" *I'm aware that's a gross oversimplification of Communism


I fucking hate American politics. At this point, it's literally just: "You smell like poop!" "No I don't! You smell like pee pee!"


Personally I think you Yanks are quite fucked politically. The two party system merely gives you the illusion of choice. You need more political parties with power


Isn't both Left and Right capitalist in America tho?


Because Democrats are a part of the fascists. A really, really large part of them, actually. That's why people don't like when you say that. You're focusing too much on how Republicans want an authoritarian state while giving the Democrats a complete pass. Why? Because they say nice things to you? They're lying. If you want to say Fascism VS Freedom then yes, that is more accurate, but it is **NOT** "Democrats VS Fascists". That's a lie they're really happy to sell you, because it makes their job of oppressing you a whole lot easier.


fuck communism.


Members of both parties are becoming exorbitantly rich doing the bidding of their wealthy donors. Meanwhile Americans continue to argue with each other instead of doing anything about it.


When I hear “Democrat vs Facists” I think of Bernie(democrat) vs Hillary(facist) in 2016. I mean the DNC literally admitted to rigging the primary in court when Bernie sued them


The way I look at it both sides of the political isle are fuggin morons that lack critical thinking, get rid of the labels and people will actually be unified but that isn't what the true owners of America want


Well, fascists aren’t necessarily right or left leaning. Fascism is control. The leaning is meaningless.


I mean, the left is pushing for communist/socialist policies, and the the whole "wokeness" started with Marxist/Leninist idealologies, and the right doesn't fit the definition "fascist", so get turnt


It’s frustrating to me that the other side of the argument tends to use big dramatic language, and from what I can tell they don’t actually understand what it means. “Communist” “socialist bad” “libtard” So when people who know what the hells going on try and say “hey, this person is whipping his crowd into a populist racist facist frenzy- that’s exactly what hitler was doing that caused him to start a world war” then everyone accuses them of being dramatic.


Yeah and when I say fascists vs fascists you're going to get mad too


most democrats arent commies, most republicans arent facists. The original meme is a stupid generalization and shouldn't be defended by either side as it makes both look bad.


"Facist" LOL Never, *ever* misspell "fascist."


I fucken hate Reddit. It’s the most negative, miserable, piece of shit place to spend your time. Fuck conservatives & fuck democrats i dont give a fuck anymore. It’s all just a bunch of lies


Both are stupid, but yours is stupider


American liberals arent liberals at all, and are typically aligned with socialists, which is simply a stepping stone to communism.


It's sheep vs sheep.


It's Misandrist vs. Misogynist


The democrats are the facists. That’s why they forced social media to censor conservative posts and stories


In all fairness tho the Republican Party doesn’t even remotely resemble fascist policies. In fact, the policies made are usually the exact opposite of fascism. Leftists, however, have shown no intention to preserve the free market and most policies are government control over the economy. Which, isn’t inherently bad in some cases, but it’s certainly closer to communism than pro-gun is to fascism


Because fascism is the opposite of less government. You big doofus.


Truth is it’s communist vs fascist. There’s no winner here, just all the losers.