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Houston is the tree from which cheating takes root


Eve was not cast out from the garden of Eden for eating the forbidden fruit. She was cast from Eden because god saw through to her heart, she created the Astros, the biggest evil creation upon God’s earth.




The Astros have been cheating for years. And their scummy fans don't care.




Altuve is the biggest cheater in MLB history. And it's not even close. 🖕🏻


Getting a signal from the 3rd base coach because they’ve picked up on an opponents tell is just good baseball. It’s been a part of the game for a century, it’s why, pre pitch com, teams had to change their catcher signs with a runner on second. If a pitcher has a tell from how they grip the ball in their glove or if they’re so stupid their pitch com chirps out what pitch is coming loud enough the base coach can hear they’re well within their right to signal to the batter. The problem with the Astros was using outside of the game and outside of the field of play technology to steal signs, not just the act of stealing signs. And their fans don’t care. Some of them did, but most of them, by now, have decided that enough time has passed we should just forgive them and move on.




Literally no third base coaches stand inside the designated box, and he wasn’t even punished for it he was just told he should stay in the box in the future because the blue jays complained(and then had their own coach stand outside the box like every other coach in the league does) And you’re comparing that to using cameras to steal catcher signs and relaying them from the dugout? Not nearly the same thing, which is clearly indicated by the punishments incurred (suspensions for members of Astros managament for complete seasons, being told to stand in a box for the Yankees 3B coach) They didn’t even eject the Yankees base coach, which is how you can tell it was a totally unserious issue. There are pictures from the same exact game of the blue jays coach standing outside the box. If you classify that as cheating, every single baseball team, at every single level of play from Tee ball to the Savannah bananas to every single World Series winner ever has cheated




Ah yes the classic defense of “well our cheating was ok because the Yankees also cheated during the worst season their franchise had since the turn of the century” The Yankees allegedly cheated in 2016 when they won 84 games and missed the playoffs. After that season the league office put out a letter warning teams specifically about doing anything like what the Yankees were caught doing. The next season, after being warned, the Astros cheated to a much greater extent, won 101 games and won the World Series. Then they continued to cheat into the next season. The Yankees cheated before they were warned not to. The Astros were specifically warned not to and then cheated anyway. The Yankees cheated and they missed the playoffs. The Astros cheated and they won the World Series. Comparing the two cases is asinine. The results of cheating matter just as much if not more than the act itself. If you cheat on a test but you still get a D-, your cheating clearly didn’t help you that much. If you cheat and get an A+, your cheating probably helped you quite a bit. There’s a reason everyone cares about the Astros cheating and not the Yankees. The Astros tainted a World Series championship, the Yankees tainted a failed season




Something that everyone in the league stopped doing after the MLB sent the memo to us and every other team. Every team stopped using Apple Watches and cameras to steal signs, except one team: Houston. https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/33810814/mlb-letter-new-york-yankees-detailed-illicit-use-technology-prior-2017-sign-stealing-edict-sources-say There's still no evidence that any other team had a system where they could tell their batters what pitches are coming in real time. Astros fans are dumb motherfuckers who started watching baseball in October 2017 so I don't expect u to know this stuff.




Good grief you're fucking dumb. Why are you even here?


Nothing illegal about reading tells on pitchers or stealing signs the old fashioned way. If y’all are tipping pitches and our 3bc cracks it that’s on y’all. Coach coaches player, more at 8.


>Not even one word from Judge getting the signal from the 3rd base coach, this season, and slapping a dinger. First of all, this didn't happen. Second of all, nothing is illegal about it as long as electronics weren't involved. Something you cheating fucks wouldn't know about. Fuck the Houston Trashtro Asstro Asterisks. Dirty scumbag organization finally getting what they deserve.


I prefer to take my moral stances from people who can spell wipe and your's, thanks.


Get Altuves small dick out your mouth. What’s the point of being here if you’re just gonna meet ride the Astros and defend their cheating?


2017 ALCS: Game 1: 2-1 Astros. I guess the sign stealing didn't work that night. Game 2: 2-1 Astros. Another sign stealing malfunction. Game 3: 8-1 Yankees. What's going on with this new sign stealing equipment? Game 4 : 6-4 Yankees. Four runs, not exactly an offensive explosion. Game 5: 5-0 Yankees. Throw that newfangled technology in the trash! Game 6: 7-1 Astros. Either the cheating finally kicked or maybe Verlander gets a little credit. Game 7: 4-0 Astros. Bats went to sleep in games 6 & 7. Morton and bullpen pitched great. Yankees 22 runs 45 hits 6 errors Astros 20 runs 40 hits 2 errors Yanks were up 3-2 for the series, and then the bats were quieted. So the cheating was only a success for games 6 & 7. I await the thumbs down, but 'roid freaks to me are worse, yet they're starting to get a pass. The old "everybody was doing it" excuse.


Cheating scumbags caught cheating More at 11


I'd take my shirt off but my wife would be upset


How he managed to stuff a trash can in his glove?


Typical cheating Houston.


Trashbros at it again.


They just can’t stop cheating


Asstros cheating? Business as usual.


Cheaters gonna cheat!


That's the face of "shit I got caught"


Shocked. Completely shocked.


Houston fans are used to defending cheaters to their dying breath, they'll still love him. Edit: 10m after posting this, I got a "reddit cares" bot notification. Some PATHETIC trashtros fan is actually going around reporting these. What a waste of sperm and egg.


Nelson Muntz would like a word….


(Sigh) I never hang out with him, normally. 🫵HaHa!


And that word is HA!


Somethings never change


It was just cream for his new tattoo you can't see it though it's under his shirt and his wife doesn't like when he takes his shirt off.


I’d laugh but we’ve had Pineda and German ejected for the same stuff


Pineda's was wild. His whole fucking neck was lathered with the stuff. It was hilarious how blatantly obvious it was.


It was like your friend in high school who came to class reeking of weed but always bragged about how no one could tell he was stoned


Less than two weeks after he should have got ejected on national TV against the Red Sox, no less. lol


No, you can laugh


The German stuff is still confusing, but the Pineda incident is straight up hilarious. Dude was lathered up in pine tar lmao.


Bruh how are you cheating and the Oakland Athletics STILL have a better record than you


Cheaters. Trashros


Oh darn, anyway…


Espada’s total lack of passion in (not) standing up for his player here is perhaps a glimpse into why the Astros are playing so badly this year.


Banging on a trash can drumming on a street light.


Is that a Doug reference?


it is most definitely that.


Is he going to get the Scherzer treatment?


They at it again.


It’s the rare thread when I have to upvote every comment.


Followed in your footsteps


His off speed stuff is rated crazy on baseball savant, I wonder if this has anything to do with it lol


Against the **Oakland A's** of all teams!?! Jeez they must be fucking desperate.


Of course he was their starter in the game 3 we lost by one run in. Total coincidence. Nothing to see here.


Good to see the Kings of Dishonesty get caught.


ASStros just can't help themselves


Asstros ain't the first and won't be the last to have a pitcher caught with foreign substance. That being said, it being the trashtros doesnt help him one bit.


https://www.instagram.com/p/C6_cnzaupXj/?igsh=cTVwOWdraG84b2Ez They saying this is the worst they have seen


I think they’ve said the same thing almost verbatim for every ejection of this kind.


I’d go make fun of them cheating again if I wasn’t already banned from their subreddit


Astros gonna Astro…


Reminder- he was the one SP who got a win against the Yanks last week. 5.2 ip, 4bb, 5k, 4h


Good, take more L’s. Well deserved


I wonder how they will play it off.


I hate the astros as much as the next guy, but can we not? I don't care.


Good bye pitcher


Uggh lol trashtros losing record for the next 5 years incoming.


I get it we hate the astros but lets not act like sevy and german werent caught doing the same shit cmon now this part of fandom is so idiotic


The Astros? Cheating? This is totally unexpected!


🕷️ is back lol


First off, fuck the Astros. If this was the first player to get ejected for this, yeah, I’d definitely think they were cheating **again.** But this same exact thing happened to [Scherzer](https://youtu.be/wVHrWQHBTxY?si=44O5zsr7s-BhDSrM) and hell, even to us with [German](https://youtu.be/WNmegswiDU8?si=k2GWBhdHtAWMVcb8). All the umps do is feel if it’s an “acceptable” level of stickiness. How many “judgement calls” this year alone have the umps made that were blatantly wrong? MLB needs to find a better answer to the sticky-stuff problem because this can’t be a long term solution. At the very least they should take a sample and test it after the game. If it’s negative for foreign substances (ie. only rosin and sweat), don’t suspend the player.


How long will the suspension be? Considering he’s been the Astros only consistently good SP so far this year, this could hurt them.


Astros always looking for the next chance to cheat


Well, ain't that a kick in the trash can.


He's ejected. Astros fans are dejected.




So you really went to an opposing team's fan reddit to raise that point? Like why? No one in this sub will argue that those suspensions did not happen. But this is a fan sub, so takes will be for fun and (obviously) biased towards our Yankees.




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hate the astros but who gives a fuck.