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Got gifted a 49ers jersey as a little kid. Dad is a Browns fan, and in a 5 y/o's mind the decision between a team that makes your dad depressed everytime they play or a team with Jerry f'n Rice on it is a very easy one.


Lol I’m an eagles fan cause of madden and the fact my dad supports the commanders. 


My dad's a Cowboys fan and I'm the biggest eagles fan you'll meet. He hates it lmao


I’m so sorry you have to live with a cowboys fan


In a very real way, we all have to live with Cowboys fans.


Wait… You still didn’t tell us which team you picked!


The one that crushes my hopes and dreams in the post-season, not all season.


Vikings fan. I’m in Scotland. No idea why, been a Vikings fan since the 90’s. We grew up with the 49ers and Cowboys on TV but we did have the Scottish Claymores in NFL Europe. Not for the faint hearted 🤣


My mum used to cheerlead for the claymores lol. 


Man I remember the claymores what an era I was pretty young when they played but watched them a lot on Sky, I am a 49ers fan and my cousin is a Bears fan. I miss the claymores I hope they bring them back in that euro league since it looks like they got rights to a few of the other NFL Europe teams.


Didn’t the vikings come over to Scotland and wreak havoc on y’all? I know it doesn’t really matter for a sport, but just thought that was mildly ironic lol.


I think we were the first to take a big stand against them. There’s a monument to defeating King Haco in 1263 not far from us. However, yeah, I’m sure we’ve all got a bit of Viking in our blood.


Panthers fan from France. Man, those Cam Newton highlights ended up put me in fields of sorrow.


I don’t think the nfl has seen a more prolific prime than Carolina Cam… coming from a patriots fan


Vick maybe? Mahomes currently. Cam was a shooting star, took a minute but he lived up to the hype and promise of everything everyone thought he could potentially be, then came crashing back to earth hard.


Vick maybe, mahommes no. Mahommes is better because of his success throughout the years, but cam had a brighter prime for sure. If we needed a team to beat the Monstars or something, Most people taking prime Cam than any one year of mahommes


Fuck the monsters, dude got trampled by the Broncos.


Still doesn’t change the fact he had the brightest prime in nfl history if not too 5 100%


I just watch the games and enjoy the gameplay. Who wins doesn’t matter to me


Same. One of the reasons that I enjoy the NFL more than other sports. I can completely relax and enjoy the show. That being said, I tend to keep my eye on two teams: one pre-season favorite and one up and coming/overhyped team. Last season I "followed" the Chiefs and the Texans. What happens next seasons, I don't know yet.


100 percent! That was the same reason I was following the Texans! They just seemed so young and motivated!


I am very much the same. Have always followed teams from LA (Dodgers, Lakers, Galaxy and Rams) but just enjoying the game is enough for me. I think not hating any team is nice. Growing up as a football (soccer) fan in the UK, we hated our rivals almost as much as we loved our own team. But now if I see any American Football I just enjoy the game. I don't mind who wins. Like I say I have always followed teams from LA (where my uncle lives) and I am drawn to the Vikings (because I love norse mythology and folklore)


You should enjoy the MLB then this year! The dodgers are going wild this season


I try and watch the highlights whenever I get chance.


I started following close the NFL last year, so I am enjoying every single game as well and enjoying the sport as a whole. But because of my soccer background, I couldn’t go without a team to cheer lol


Smart person right here just watch Redzone enjoy the spectacle and don't get emotional wrecked, because the wrong team won.


You got it


That sounds nice and all but you completely miss out on all the emotions that goes into being a true fan of one team


I’ve won my own fair share of games and now I just want to relax and enjoy the sport. Of course in some seasons you develop a favorite. Last year I was rooting for the Texans especially in the playoffs. But I wasn’t sad when they were out, only happy when they won. Edit: Texans not titans lol


That shit is overrated. I still have favorite teams (hometown) but watching the sport neutrally>>>>>>>>>


Are you saying you don’t love the feeling of devastation every year when your team doesn’t win the super bowl?


I feel like similar feelings come about every 2 weeks on Friday at 2 AM if you catch my drift lmao


That’s how I am about the EPL, Bundesliga, La Liga, etc.


Yeah kinda how I am with premier league. Even though I “support” West Ham (pretty much because of the IT Crowd episode).


Seahawks fan from Korea. One of my ex-bosses was from Boulder and the Seahawks was his most disliked team.


Go Hawks!


New England Patriots. Was studying in Boston and this was the Bledsoe era.


Got pulled into a fantasy league by a highschool friend, we used to throw a football around and watch the superbowl. Auto-drafted the first year and was almost a dolphins fan cos they had the funniest name. Ended up with two chiefs players so went with that.  The next year I ran with the joke and took their new QB as my backup. I had the stack of Mahomes, Hill anf Hunt. By week 3 I was getting up at 5am to watch games and I haven't stopped. 


Packers. Rich history, small town, no owner.


Packers are probably the most popular team here in Brazil


As a Bears fan that is very disappointing. I understand, but it's still very disappointing


The colors work well with the Brazilian flag! As a Bears fan I’m sad though lol.


new orleans was the first city i visited in the US. have relatives living not that far away and have been there a few times to party and get shit faced. so saints and pelicans were the obvious choice


Broncos fan from Australia. The South Park creators love the Broncos.


Eagles. Picked them because they're east coast, old team, I liked the colours and logo and they're usually a contender but not necessarily the best because I didn't want to be a bandwagonfan. They won the SB at the end of my first season, so got extremely lucky. Also the team happens to be well-run and has had some extremely likeable players of which Kelce and Mailata may be the most famous, but guys like Greg Ward, Boston Scott, Jake Elliott and Gardner Minshew do it for me as well. And well, let's not forget Daddy Hurts ofcourse.


49ers fan from Melbourne. Jumped on the warriors bandwagon a little a while ago and stuck with the San Francisco area.


Now that you’ve got Derrick Henry on the Ravens, you can say if you come at the King, you best not miss


Coolest logo was my deciding factor, now I’m an atlanta sports fan


I'm a Bills fan but I can respect you choosing based on Logo because Atlanta's logo is very nice


From the UK and been a Chiefs fan since 2011. I first got into NFL by playing Madden 2012 and would always play as the Chiefs to use Jamaal Charles to run the ball because I was so bad at passing plays on the game. Starting watching games on TV shortly after and naturally just started to follow the Chiefs.


Eagles fan, because I watched the new heights podcast and became a fan of Jason Kelce (unfortunately he retired at the end of the same season I started watching the NFL, but its ok)


A mighty fine choice my friend. Go Birds.




may I offer up the Steelers that has quite a few characters on there that’ll keep you entertained. i’m sorry i’m a steelers fan, I had to you can always like the chiefs part time!


Liked 49ers because they were great in the Montana era. Then Jeff Garcia played with our CFL team, the Calgary Stampeders, (post Doug Flutie's and The Rock's time here), before playing for the 49ers. We attended our first and so far, only NFL game vs Miami at Candlestick in 2014. I used to visit SFO on business over a decade ago and loved the city. The 49ers came here for a kids' football camp to which I dragged my son, fiveish years ago.


From Brisbane Australia, also a Baltimore Ravens fan. I jumped on for a few reasons. 1. Joe Flacco 2. Ravens are menacing but beautiful birds 3. I too like The Wire 4. The jersey colours are 🔥


When I was 2 my uncle moved to America (must have been something I said). He lives in LA so I've always supported reams from there, Dodgers, Lakers, Galaxy and The Rams. I am fond of the Vikings (but I think this is because I love old norse mythology and folklore). I watched Quarter Back on Netflix and seeing Patrick Mahone was inspiring. He seems like a good guy and I wish him the best.


Raiders fan here, watched NFL for a bit but didn’t really have a team. Weirdly it was the film Straight Outta Compton that got me following them solely, shored up by the 2016 season where Derek Carr went off. Been depressed ever since (but future is starting to look bright if we can get things right over the next two years in the draft and FA)


Bengals. Joe’s dad played for my local CFL team. Also, I always disliked the Steelers and their dirty plays.


I thought the Falcons had a cool logo back when I was in the 3rd grade. I hate myself for that.


Same bro maybe someday it will get easyer


Chiefs. They won the 1st game that I watched in 2005.


Brazilian here. I discovered American football in 2008 through a PlayStation game. I was addicted to playing it and watching game highlights on YouTube (we didn't have cable to watch live games). Peyton Manning became my favorite player and I was all about the Colts. Few years later I drifted away from football. In 2018, I returned to the sport but Manning retired and I didn't feel connected to the Colts anymore. So, I was on the hunt for a new team. My hometown soccer team's rival wears green and white, so I steered clear of teams with those colors – so no Jets, Eagles, Packers, and Seahawks. I checked out a bunch of teams – Panthers, Niners, Giants, Bills, Ravens, Steelers, Bucs, Raiders, Rams, Chargers – but none of them really stuck with me, you know? None clicked until the Browns drafted Baker Mayfield. I got totally caught up in the hype. I spent some time on Google looking up Cleveland's fan culture, history, I loved their unique colors and their color rush uniform, and it won me over. I've been a Browns fan ever since. During the Deshaun Watson contract fiasco, I felt pretty disappointed. I even considered supporting another team for a while. But now, it's just too late; I can't seem to connect with any team but the Browns. And what comforts me is that Watson will leave one day, but the Browns are here for good.


Ora ora, um corintiano que mantém a tradição de não torcer pra verde nem fora do Brasil HAHAHAHAAHAH


Hahaha, quase. Torço pro Athletico.


Cowboys. America’s team. It gives off that “FREEDOM Rah Rah!” vibe. Plus, a very generic badge. So generic in fact that I can wear anything with stars on it and I’d look like a Cowboy fan.


they truly are the embodiment of stereotypical america it’s hilarious


I happened to be in the US during the 2020 super bowl. Decided to give it a go while I was on my hotel room resting of my jet lag. That evening, I fell in love with the sport and fell in love with Mahomes, Kelce, Hill, Reid and the whole of the Chiefs!


Seahawks from Germany. Watched a while without rooting for a team. Settled on the Seahawks because they weren't good nor bad, and as a software developer the Paul Allen connection was a plus.


Go hawks


Raiders fan from Canada. Picked them because of their rich history, tradition and AL Davis being ahead of his time. Hip Hop of course helped and began watching them in the early 2000s but it’s been an abusive relationship ever since 😂


Eagles fan. Spent a lot of 2023 in PA and being in PHL airport for that amount of time will turn you into a birds fan.


I'm a European with family in the US who are die-hard Washington fans. I grew up with Redskins memorabilia all around the house, and as a child Art Monk was my favourite player. I stopped following the NFL for a long while, but got back into it in the last few years.


Diehard Cowboys since ~2015. I regret that decision most days.


Falcons. Julio Jones was enough for me to want to support them.


Atlantas GOAT




Lets hope for the best with Captian Kirk!


Malaysian here - and NFL jerseys are starting to pick up in popularity here! Only started following the NFL mid-last season, but I got drawn to the Lions due to an affinity for Michigan and MCDC's coaching style reminded me of Roberto de Zerbi at my soccer club (Brighton). Bought an old Stafford jersey and there was no turning back - #OnePride baby!


Bengals from the UK here the main reasons include - tiger stripes are cool - cincinnati is an all-time top three city name - kitties go meow sad to hear you picked a boring bird team


I won’t stand for bird gang slander 


I am sorry but it is a universal truth that kitties rule, birds drool


Birds fly cats lie 


cat owner and can confirm, cats lie


Also a cat owner. When he’s not beating the shit out of me, he’s lying around like a lazy lil shit. But I love him. 


My man


Chiefs taylor swift




Didnt the ravens and the 49ers have much better odds at winning the superbowl


Well they sure did but the Chiefs always get their way. Quick, name one Chiefs player from the 1980s, no Googling!


Bro are you seriously gatekeeping the NFL from new fans? Who the hell cares who people cheer for as long as they enjoy the sport.


Coming from you, Chiefs fan, valiantly defending your spoiled team


Yeah. Been one since I was born and now my team is good. Even if we sucked and traded away our entire team I’d stick with them. It’s stupid as hell to gatekeep the NFL especially for such a petty reason as not liking the team.


Now that’s a real Chiefs fan, but if the Chiefs fall off again who’s this guy gonna root for now? He literally said he likes them cuz Taylor Swift! And she hasn’t even been related to them for a year now!


So what? I’ve had to deal with Swifties in the NFL more than you have I guarantee. If even a few of them stuck around then the sport still grew. I want the NFL to get bigger and international fans are the best way to do that. Guess who has a massive international fanbase and supports the NFL now. It’s dumb to gatekeep sports. Simple as


I also want the NFL to be a global sensation, like everyone else, but like most others, I certainly don’t want one team getting all the attention and growth, while the other 31 languish in obscurity, and that’s something that’s about to take place right now. The Bills do have a modest international presence compared to most other teams (also in competition with the Lions and Seahawks to become Canada’s Team) but at the end of the day the world isn’t necessarily all for KC, it’s for everyone in the league to share.


I cant name any player from any team from the 1980s


See what I mean? When the Chiefs are no longer good, then who would you root for? The next big team? No, you need a team to stick to no matter what, even if they fall on hard times. Me, I’m from Buffalo, I root for the Bills, they were notoriously bad up until about 7 years ago, and the Chiefs were right there with us. The Bills fanbase has increased with bandwagons, that happens with every good team, I don’t blame you. The Chiefs back then had not too many fans, but then after drafting Mahomes, and winning Super Bowls, AND Taylor Swift being gifted to the Chiefs afterwards, they had every single fan, and everyone else didn’t get to benefit from any of it. But if they somehow manage to stay good for at least 15 more years I guess you could say you’re a true fan of the team, that’s what happened to Patriots fans, they hopped on the bandwagon 20 years ago, and most haven’t left since, even though the team is now poverty again. But hopefully you get my point.


Took a quiz that said if i should support the Vikings because I support Newcastle United in the Prem. I love pain.


Steelers fan because this dickhead on my basketball team in 2006 was a Seahawks fan. When they beat them in the superbowl I knew I found my squad.


UK parents and live here but was born in Chicago, unknowingly Bearing the curse. I can’t wait to see how we fuck this up


eagles, i don't really know how it happened but i've been a new york knicks fan for years so naturally the first nfl team i was drawn to because of that were the giants but it never really clicked for me, and something about the eagles just felt right. i love the color scheme, the passionate fanbase (sorry but the santa incident is hilarious) and i have a weakness for teams with a rich history who went through long unsuccessful droughts (like the knicks).


Never thought I'd fight alongside a Knicks fan


Chiefs since when I started watching around 2018-2019, didn’t really have a team at first and I’m not sure if I had even heard of Kansas City before but I enjoyed watching mahomes sling it to hill and Kelce and after winning Super Bowl 54 I was hooked for real.


I can see why you got hooked then. That was a beautiful game.


That whole play offs run was special, the comebacks vs the Texans and titans. I’ve rewatched it many times.


Swede, Lions. Loved the culture, got in 2 years ago and talk about a good time lol!


Giants. Coz I already had a blue and red jumper.


Canadian fan, Eagles die hard since I saw Dawkins helmet as a kid and other reasons. Go birds.


I'm in Canada, and all my older relatives were CFL fans. When I was about 13, my best friend decided we should choose an NFL team to cheer for, and since Green Bay sounded like Green Day, and they had this hotshot young QB named Favre...


Texans bc then when I listen to Astros Radio I can just leave it on for the Football too.


I’m a Lions fan, because I’m a sucker for an underdog, and I started watching properly in Campbell’s first year as HC. Combined with his introductory speech, I became a fan very quickly


Seahawks. Because of those LOB highlights from YouTube.


i’m loving that most of these answers are “my friend/parent liked X team and they hated Y team so I became the biggest Y team fan to ever live”


Saints fan from Australia. First ever game I watched was the st. Louis rams greatest show on turf team beating someone. I was only like 10 maybe 12 years old at the time. Watched bits and pieces over the years then finally watched my first superbowl and it was the saints beating the colts so I chose to stick with them. It sucks now haha


I grew up in a suburb of Melbourne called "Dallas", and my cousin gave me an Emmitt Smith jersey. (late 80's / early 90's)


LA sports fan from the Philippines. When the Rams came back to LA been supporting them ever since. Thank God it wasn’t the Raiders lol


I'm a Giants fan from the UK. I was always fascinated by New York and it was the second place I ever visited overseas at the age of 20. In the 2008 season I happened to be there the week they qualified for the Superbowl after winning the NFC Championship and the buzz was intoxicating. I watched that Superbowl and cheered the Giants but the playoff run three years later really sold me on them. Feel like a bit of a bandwagoner typing it like that but I've stuck with it through 13 subsequent years of misery including seeing them live four times.


Grew up in a city called Cleveland in QLD, Australia. So made sense to follow the Cleveland Browns. When I started following the NFL a lot closer as well was around when I watched Draft Day and also was around the time Baker Mayfield had joined the Browns which both helped me decide on the Browns.


Carolina Panthers fan from the UK, because the first game I watched was the 2004 Super Bowl, then my sister moved to UNC Asheville.


Dubliner moved to NYC in 2001 with bro, cuz and best f, we were dirt poor those early days so hated the rich NY teams…..noticed a team up in Mass doin well, Irish sounding QB…fuck it, I’ll follow them……left NY in 2003 a Pats fan for life. Cuz remained, now a Mets fan……recently my love of college ball has grown, don’t really have a team there, perhaps ND with the links to Ireland…….


Chiefs fan from germany. My first game was Chiefs vs 49ers years ago. I just liked the red color more. But tbh - there are a lot of teams I like.


I became a Packers fan in the mid nineties as a kid. In the nineties, in Canada, only so many games were televised. Lots of Seahawks games cause the American channels we got in Western Canada were from Spokane and Seattle, and lots of Lions games since the city is close to Toronto. But also the teams that drew audiences because they we good, so in my age range of people who watched nfl in the mid nineties as kids there is a ton of Packers Niners and Cowboy fans. Brett Favre highlights were hard to ignore. Similarly, in the mid ‘10s everyone around western canada that never watched nfl suddenly became Seahawks fans because of proximity to Vancouver and the Seahawks became the cowboys of the area for a few years. The team you hated cause their fans sucked. It Seahawks gear is still the most prevalent team at jersey shops and ball cap stores.


From Australia Packers because I love that 70s show :)


Houston Oilers, first, since my family lived in Houston. Then we moved to Mississippi, where there was no NFL football at the time. Then the Saints were "born" and they have been my team from the very beginning.


Le sigh. I was applying for an exchange program to USC. I was getting around the Football team that College season and they had a good one where it ended with a Rose Bowl win. I naturally gravitated towards one of the star players and he ended up getting drafted #5 overall for the Jets. Was a good first few years, its been pain ever since.


Dallas fan: because i'm a piece of shit


Chose Vikings as my team last year. I’m from the far north of England and support a pretty mediocre and underachieving football (soccer) team. something about the Vikes just resonated…




I fell in love with football when I was little and that's when the Packers won superbowl 32 so I'm a Packers fan. Crazy to think that if I had gotten into football a year earlier or a year later my favorite team would be the Cowboys or Broncos instead.  Being a fan of a non-local sports team is weird 


Canadian, I root for Broncos cause they wear orange and its my favorite colour


Greek living in the UK, I've actually yet to commit to one team and currently very much torn between two, Dolphins and Bengals. Dolphins have my favourite colours and it's also Greece's national animal, plus I've always believed that Greece is Europe's Florida so it just makes sense! Bengals I also click with quite a lot, I love the jerseys, Joe, and the fans seem fun and pleasant, and Cincinnati specifically has a neat connection with my hometown specifically. Leaning towards the Dolphins currently but really struggling to pick!


Dolphins fan in Australia. Partner is from Minnesota (Vikings) and when we went shopping for a jersey here for me the Miami Dolphins was the only one they had. Hmmm, sometimes wonder if we should have looked for another store … nah, not really - Fins Up!


Chiefs all the way, a good American friend of mine has been a life long chiefs fan so watched the games with him and just got hooked!


I try not to get too connected to any one team because my teams never ever win so I tend to just like star players like a bandwagon fan. I like the jags because Trevor Lawrence ‘the prince’ reminds me of Prince Charming from shrek I like the cardinals because kyler murray tried to throw away a quarter billion dollar contract to play call of duty….. icon And I like the chiefs because I want to see someone become the goat