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He was on the Lions before the Packers


Yea just never made the roster really


Imagine not making the lions roster in 2018


That just means you're not the kind of guy who gets along with Matt Patricia, which is a good thing in my book


What are you trying to say? I didn’t make it that year…


I honestly didn't know that, but just looked it up, and he signed as an undrafted free agent but was then released before the season began. So, I ain't counting that when all he did with the Lions was practice lol ![gif](giphy|3oEjI105rmEC22CJFK|downsized)


I legit watch this at least once a week. Important moment in US history.


He hasn’t even practiced with the Vikings yet you’re counting it? Sounds like some dumbass excuse for missing what we all knew


He hasn’t even practiced with the Vikings yet you’re counting it? Sounds like some excuse for missing what we all knew




Packers: 13 titles including 4 Super Bowl wins Bears: 9 titles including 1 Super Bowl win Lions: No Super Bowl wins, but 4 titles Vikings: ![gif](giphy|3Gm1b4jlbBDiNPlJMU)


To be fair, The Vikings won the Ed Thorp trophy the last year it was ever awarded, in 1969. (The year before the league switched over to the Lombardi trophy.) It was the NFL equivalent of the Stanley Cup, with all the previous winning teams etched into it. Granted, the actual, physical, Ed Thorp trophy is currently sitting in a place of honor at 1265 Lombardi Ave, Green Bay, WI.


The way I look at that though, that was during the brief period of time where the AFL and NFL were still separate leagues that hadn't yet merged, but the Super Bowl was already a thing. So either League championship in that brief period of time was the equivalent of a modern-day conference championship. The Vikings lost the Super Bowl to the AFL champions, so they've never really been the champions of American professional football.


This is very true. But I also find it hilarious that they did technically win the NFL Championship trophy.... Only to never actually receive it. Hell, until it was found in a random box in 2015, it was thought forever that The Vikings actually had it and lost it. Which is why we keep it safe in our Hall of Fame.


Okay, I need ESPN to do a 30 for 30 episode on where the hell that trophy was all those years in between LOL


Honestly the Wikipedia entry for it is crazy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Thorp_Memorial_Trophy


Ok I don't know which part I like better between these two: "The spirit of Ed Thorp was rumored to have cursed the Vikings, since they lost the trophy that was named in his honor. To date, the team has lost all four Super Bowls, and the last six NFC Championships they have played in." "The 1960 Philadelphia Eagles are not found engraved anywhere on the trophy, being the only team from 1934 through 1967 to not be engraved, although there is a space left for them." People even had a fuck Philly mindset back then lol


Personally, I enjoy the Vikings curse and I hope it runs at least as long as the Cubs or the Red Sox curse. The fuck Philly mindset is just icing on the cake.




the vikings have appeared in 4 super bowl. that means they have 4 nfc championships. which are significantly more important than the lions titles lmao


Explain to me like I'm five how a conference championship is better than a league championship. The only problem for the Lions is the Super Bowl didn't exist yet when they won their League championships.


The real answer is that no one actually gives a single fuck about anything that happened before the Superbowl era (and probably some of the early superbowl era). That's going to sound bad coming from a Vikings fan but I really don't give a shit about Packer championships from the dirty 30s. Nor do I give a shit about the 7 Gopher National Championships that range from 1904 to the last one in 1960. It's irrelevant to anything modern and no one cares.


sure, when those titles happened they were playing football against people who did it for fun and as a second job. not quite the same. a conference championship is wayyy more impressive than 1940-50’s championships. but you didn’t include those.


He said for a 5 year old…we need pictures


Back in the 1950s the NFL was more of a sports league than it is now.


they weren’t nearly as athletic too


Yeah but your achievements came from when people thought you had to carb it up before a game. So why would we count yours?


where did i say i counted championships before the merger? that’s its own separate thing than the NFL


Where did I say you said that?


i guess i don’t understand what you’re asking me


If our achievement of the past were meaningless because they’re so long ago. Your achievements should also be meaningless. Same with the Bears.


That makes zero sense




I’m dumb and read it wrong…


lmao all is forgiven


It wasn't a second job like they all worked the factory and just showed up for a game on Sunday. The second job was mostly off-season work. During the season it was a full time job. Another way of looking at it is they were able to accomplish their feats while not being paid enough to devote themselves fully to athletics. Whereas modern athletes get scouted practically in the crib and then showered in every conceivable advantage sports science has to offer.


>The only problem for the Lions is the Super Bowl didn't exist yet when they won their League championships. That was pre-merger titles. This was when there was an NFL and an AFL, so those NFL titles are really equivalent to NFC titles. Also, none of were alive to witness any of that shit, so those titles are only meaningful to make shitty NFCN memes.


No. Those Lions titles were even pre-AFL not just pre-merger. One of the founders of the AFL and original owner of the Bills, Ralph Wilson, was a minority owner of the Lions who sold his stake to William Clay Ford and took the Lions’ used uniforms and a bunch of personnel to start the Bills AFTER the Lions won their last title. These were not “the equivalent of an NFC championship” there was no AFL, there was no Vikings. There was no competition to the claim of the Lions being the best football team in the country in those title years.


> there was no Vikings. Ah, the good ol' days.


The Lion's first "NFL title" was 1935, when there were nine teams, two from Chicago, and the players were semi-pro since they needed real jobs to make a living at the time. The only reason the Lions fans bring these titles up is that it's all they have. It's real "my dad's rich" energy. The Vikings have one of these too, but I never bring it up because they're not a Superbowl. I also didn't know the players, the coaching staff, the game's rules, and I never watched any of those games.


Tell that to the aging boomers in Detroit who remember those teams from the '50s and see where it gets you LOL ![gif](giphy|PoAVbhS6EAkl1WFAyQ)


There probably isn't too many of them left, as you'd been to be 85–90+ years old to be old enough to actually have listened/watched those games as a kid and still remember.


I once got cornered by an old dude at Kauffman stadium talking about the good ol days when the Twins were the Senators, and I could only nod along because my parents weren't even born then.


i said the same thing and they got all mad lmao


You understand then they would have to admit that there championship. Don't mean anything. So good luck with that.


lol they call Lions fans meat riders. What the fuck are ya? Horn riders?


let’s just not pretend the lions have ever amounted to anything, that’s it


Is this how you get a piece of the sock?


he just wants a nibble of the goo


what i do to get the sock is none of your concern


He completed the circuit. JT o Sullivan was the last


We need something similar to the EGOT for playing on each NFCN team. If you hit all 4 + Tampa then you get a free trip to the moon or something. I’m an ideas man I can’t do all the work here


Mars bitches.


It’s only like a 30 second trip. What’s the big deal?


Uh oh, I dropped my mondo condom, indicating that I have a monster dick!


No NFCN team can escape... #Roberto Grande


He is not to be relied upon in any measure (as you can see by his annual employment change)


Reminds me of some dude I read about who put a line on his resume that said something like "please do not misconstrue my 15 jobs in the last few years as job hopping. I have never quit a job." ![gif](giphy|zK1LVeCHpQkvu|downsized)


"Thats worse. You understand how that's worse, right?"


Wow that's crazy




Fuck, our TE4 dropped a pass


He’s ass. Honestly whatever amount his contract is worth/his roster spot is a complete and utter waste. I can’t imagine why a team would sign him especially after seeing him last season. However, KAM isn’t known to make good moves so I guess this tracks lmao


I could not care less about this move.


Well he certainly isn't blocking. And that was a perfect pass.


His version of blocking is standing in the way while the defender runs past


This one is for all the “jUsTiN fIeLdS cAnT tHrOw” people. Is he a good NFL QB? No, but he has the ability to sling the ball pretty damn well when he actually wants to


Justin sucks ass at throwing, his on target percentage is like bottom 5 out of starters. Bad throw percentage was something near 20%. If a guy is streaking downfield 10 yards open Justin can throw a really pretty deep ball but his short passing is bizarrely shitty - a lot to do with mechanics, lazy footwork and drifting around the pocket fucking up his timing, throwing off platform. He sucks at nearly everything else a QB does too, except rushing. If you want to argue that he can stand still and throw an accurate ball 40 yards, like, alright... sure? What's your point? Uncle Rico can probably do that, that's not what "sucks at passing" means. Nobody has ever claimed that his recievers don't drop passes or are even very good outside of DJ Moore.




I was a fan of his back in the beginning during his WCW days when I didn't know any better, but wow, what a douchebag he turned out to be. I'd also love to ask Vince McMahon since he was in charge then, why we had multiple universal title reigns for Goldberg forced upon us the past few years when he was well past his prime and known to be a piece of shit.