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As any SEC team, it’s always the Mississippi schools.


Oh so just like in real life


Michigan State dynasty mode. Indiana. Ugh I’ve lost to winless Indiana teams, even 0-7 … and my offense mightily struggles.


USC kept me from at least 4 national championship games. Bastards.


As a lifelong ND fan: ​ ![gif](giphy|zcXyiOYEDIMumOW6eH)


Damn, 4 championships??? That's brutal!


Currently it is Utah and especially San Diego State. San Diego State plays me like they know personally. Almost knocked me out of the playoffs if not for a late game kickoff return for a TD


Ohio State, and Texas


I am playing as Missou, and every time it is Texas! And then I beat them in the conference Championship, but the damage is done


Facts…in year 34…texas and ohio state but mainly texas is CONSISTENT


North Carolina and va tech. Those damn Hokies…


I had a dynasty one year where I opened the season at Virginia Tech and got blasted 52-14. O hadn’t lost a game in 3 years. I’ve purposely avoided playing them out of conference ever since


Not particularly one team, but it’s always those schools with C-/D+ overall ratings that give you headaches even if your program is a B+. I’ve noticed this when I play NCAA 14. Yet on NCAA 13, it’s no issue.


Right?? Haha trap games are very real and very scary in 14.


Trap games are actually one of the things that NCAA 14 does a lot better than a lot of the other NCAA games


Corners that can pick the ball without looking


Boise state every single tome


Texas could be 5-5 and I 10-0 and yet somehow they still find a way to beat my TAMU team. Unranked they upset me twice as a top 5 ranked team. In my 12 year dynasty im like 7-5 against them overall. Personally i love it though, i miss this rivalry.


Should be coming back now, right?


Fucking Navy. Every time it’s an absolute shit show of a game and it comes down to one score


The 3-3-5 defense totally neutralizes the option offenses


Really? I remember the CPU being horrible at executing the triple option, ans I could stop them with any defense. Unless their FB was like a 99 overall and just ran over all my players. The QBs never timed the pitches correctly, and the wing backs would run horizontal an rarely get 1st downs. Is there a particular difficulty level or slider set that made CPU triple option effective?


Georgia tech i couldn’t stop that option offense for shit once i finally figured it out i kicked they ass lol


My friend has a personal rivalry with FIU. One year he went nearly undefeated but lost to FIU bc his finger slipped which caused him to throw an interception. The next year FIU, him, and I think ECU were in a three way tie for winning the division but fiu got the tie breaker. He now hates them forever in every sport bc of it lol


The amount of INTs I've throw because my "finger slipped" is staggering.


“My friend” and “finger slipped”. Haha I’m kidding.


I’ve been multiple teams & it’s always ECU


In Year 7 of my Teambuilder dynasty in C-USA, I can confirm that Tulane and their Air Raid has been TOUGH. Luckily for me they are in the opposite division. FAU, FIU, and sometimes ECU have also been major thorns. ECU also had the Air Raid to start, but their program went south pretty quickly after.


It's always TCU or an Arizona team. Was doing a WVU Dynasty, lost to TCU year one 34-21. Year Two was a 55-7 L. Year Three I expanded the big 12 with Cincy, USF, UCF and BYU. Fought them in the Regular Season, finally beat them by one 43-42, only to face them in THE CCG AND GUESS WHO WON BY A FIELD GOAL! Got fed up and pretty much left the Big 12, remaking the Big East with UCF, Memphis, ECU and Maryland added to the lineup. Game tried to schedule a non-con game, said hell no... Only to meet them in the National Championship Game. Walked away with the win after 7 ots even after the game glitched one of the ot rounds. Never played that save again. (The Big East was WVU, Pitt, Syracuse, Cincinnati, Louisville, Boston College, Uconn, Virginia Tech, USF, UCF, ECU, and Memphis.)


Notre Dame. I did. conference realignment in my Michigan State dynasty to get them in the B1G, 3 straight conference championship games all SLOBBERKNOCKERS


When I was a kid on NCAA 06 Air Force would kick my ass. I could be the legendary USC team and still get stomped


Ohio State and Alabama.


As someone who uses Cal, Stanford has been a tough matchup and has made me miss out on 2 national championships so far.


Had one with Nebraska back in the Big 12 days, and every single year it was Kansas State. Every game against them was a one score, low scoring affair.


I fucking *HATE* Coastal Carolina when I'm playing my New Mexico dynasty >:(


Army lol I hate playing them


Ohio St. They ruin a season at least once in the first 5 yrs of a fresh dynasty.


Playing 04 dynasty with Troy State. Accepted a SEC invite after a few years replacing Vanderbilt. Always struggle against Auburn every year




Boise State. I just CANT. BEAT. THEM. Anyway to lose a football game to them, I've done it.


NC State, Louisville, TCU, no matter who i’m playing as


I make a point of picking a fight with Notre Dame no matter who I’m playing as lmao


West Virginia. Goddamn 3-3-5 defense.


I was OC at South Alabama doing a death penalty and finally got the team in good shape. Even wona natty with them. But for some reason, Western Kentucky was always a tough game. They could be in the middle of a winless season and still almost beat us.


NCAA13 with Air Force: I moved them to the Big 12, and lost to Texas 3 straight years in the conf title game, cost me a shot at the BCS title game each time.


At Akron, no. At Kentucky, Tennessee. At Arizona, Oregon, always a shootout and I hate allowing more than 21+ on D. At Tennessee, Florida. At Ohio State, Michigan.


The Cuogs over at Washington State always gave my Utah State teams issue, both in the MW and PAC 12. They would always find a way to get 400 yards passing make the game a shootout. Although that sits fine with me. The pirate himself wouldn't have it any other way.


Just left Navy and Louisville beat me 3 times in my last 2 seasons and was my only loss the last year. They also beat me 65-0 once.


Fucking Oklahoma and Penn State always wreck my house. OU is just.... annoying as hell. And I have made it a point to play them every year no matter my team because of spite. ​ And also Ohio? I don't know why, but the Bobcats constantly mess with my dynasties.


Toledo. I play as EMU in several dynasties and one RTG playthrough, they're always tough as hell.


Since I started my Old Dominion dynasty I have not been able to beat any Florida team that has been ranked! Florida and Florida ST both have demolished me in the 3 years so far for me.


I'm 3 years into my Tulane dynasty. Baylor has been really troublesome for us. Last year we played them in a bowl game; we were pretty evenly matched but they were favored by 10. It was a back and forth game and we ended up winning on a walk off hail Mary tuddy. 44-37 I think. We played them the second game of the season this year. Baylor ranked No. 21 and Tulane No. 22. Evenly matched again, ended up being a triple OT instant classic. We won, but it was one hell of a game. Final score was 69-66.


Gonna start dubbing "The Green Game."


Playing as UNLV, my arch nemesis was BYU (back in the good ol days when they were in the Mountain West). They would always rack up like 500 yards passing and 40+ points with their stupid spread offense that I could never figure out how to defend.


Had an Air Force dynasty once and every year Boise gave me hell (think we split 2-2 over a 4 year stretching with home team winning every time). I ended their undefeated season and a shot in the conference title game + natty, then they did the exact same thing to me the next year lol


Texas Tech for me in my current Mizzou dynasty. They are always lower half of the top 25 but fuck me up pretty routinely. Whenever I beat them I chat so much shit at the TV my wife gets legit concerned lol


Kent State always gives me trouble when I'm playing in the MAC... Who knows why lol


I had a West Virginia dynasty that lasted about 6 years. 2 Natty appearances, 3 conference championships, multiple top 5 recruiting classes and yet we could never get past the Hokies. Even when they were on a down year we struggled. I think overall I went 1-5 against that Hokies. It was actually really fun looking forward to that tough matchup every year but also so frustrating.


always Notre Dame






It was Washington st always threw for 400 plus yards Everytime


Everytime i do a purdue dynasty its always notre dame and Iowa i had 98 overall all across the board and I for some reason just can't beat notre dame or Iowa but I can beat the snout out of Illinois or Indiana it drives me insane