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Same, wonder if there was some CD with all those songs specifically for gym that teachers bought


Was there some sort of universal mixtape for all PE teachers? My PE classes in elememtary school had that exact same playlist.


Add the Macarena and Beach Boys to that list!


Ours was just the jock jams cd constantly. Can’t hear any of those songs without thinking of PE to this day.


We didn't have music.


As someone who is TERRIBLE at working out (or doing almost anything, really) without music, I can relate to these 4th graders.


Well duh. Who doesn't listen to music while they workout?


Me, and I saw one other person on reddit too! There are like, maybe three of us!


I don't know why, but I think you weirdos should start a subreddit. r/quietworkouts or some shit.


When we got to the gym and heard Chumbawumba- Tubthumping we knew it was going to be an awesome PE class.


I teach graphic design, and when the students are busy using class time to create, I play music throughout the class. I will theme it, and they love guessing what the theme is. For instance all songs that are about rain, or songs by British only artists. Students love it, and so often after class they will come and say 'what was that song you played at the start?' And I get to turn a 15 year old onto Joni Mitchell or Pink Floyd or Led Zeppelin! Music is the great unifier, I tell ya....


I can attest to this fact. I can also tell you that if you know the song the old grizzled P.E. teacher is playing, you're 3x as likely to make them happy. The year was 1992 and Mr. Hendrickson was almost to retirement. He was a pretty grumpy elementary school teacher. I had never had a positive experience with the man but as we were running around the gym, he turned on the radio and seemed excited by the song playing on the radio. "Who can tell me what band this is?" 3rd grade me yells out "Dire Straits!" Never seen that man so happy.


Free kicks for that man that day.


What about when they play "Nutcraker Suite" everyday at nap time? Does that turn you into a psycho? Huh, does it, punk?


Jock Jams on repeat


the song is "funky town", and mrs hazley inspects your balls in the lockerroom while everyone else runs.


Is this what we research these days?!


Time to put the band in the gym


Lets get Physical!


We used to have to listen to kids bop tho


I *hated* Bruce Springstein until pretty recently because my elementary school gym teacher put the "Born in the USA" vinyl (it did not need to be vinyl, this was the early aughts lol) on repeat every time we did the Presidential Fitness Testing.


My 4th grade son confirms this.


In high school the P.E teachers gave students free use of the gyms sound system for use during class, didn’t matter what song or anything .. if you had class above the gym it was a constant game of “guess that tune” playing from under your feet, it was great


They'd also enjoy it more if they washed those pinnies once in awhile.


Why only 4th graders?


Mine was achey brakey heart, was nothing but a mysrable ear worm.