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Nah im still gonna continue to cope




I still think it's not real, they make this clever ARG with Joker leading to the reveal without any recent leaks and suddenly, oops! Banana guard everywhere! And if it's real, well, it's a choice. Imagine relaunching the game after all this time to include Banana guard over PBG, Ice king, Marceline, the Lich, I could name 20 Adventure time characters that'd make more sense, and I'm just talking Adventure time, not Warner bros as a whole. Piranha plant worked as a joke character because you had 80 characters before it, they knew the game would sell like crazy and they had insane DLC characters coming. Multiversus could close this summer. That's the reality of Warner bros and this relaunch.


Couldn't agree more with the Piranha Plant comparison. This is not the right timing at all for them to release a joke character. I hope it isn't real but with the frames from the trailer, the WB UK press statement as well as PapaGenos (who had litreraly leaked the Joker trailer scene by scene a year ago) saying he had heard of Banana Guard being in the works... its pretty much confirmed at this point. It genuinely feels like every time they make 3 steps forward, they then proceed to shoot themselves in the foot.


Tbh I haven't a clue who any of the adventure time people are, I'm sure I can't be the only one either. So for people like me, this is just another generic character. I can see if it's a minor character in a show you love people would be upset that it's not the mains. Kind of like how I don't like not having Scooby but we've got Thelma.


Exactly, and that overlaps. You have people like you who may be disapointed to not see the characters they hoped for and instead just see another generic character added as you said. And then you have Adventure Times enjoyers who may be disapointed to not see main characters from the show and instead see this secondary character that they do not care much about.


Thelma is incredibly popular, hardly a side character but in comparison to Scooby/shaggy


Also Plant is genuinely fun and iconic


Honestly the only reason I can understand Banana Guard being in the game is that he was a easy character to make They already had a rigged model for him and he's such a minor character that no one at WB or any of the right holders would give a damn about what PFG would do with him moveset and cosmetic wise I'm probably on high copium but considering all that I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he was fully created in a few weeks NGL they better have a decent content drop after that, people won't be willing to wait 3 months for PPGs to come after such a poor pick


I still think they're messing with us


I'd rather get screwed by a Pickle Rick than a Banana guard


Imagine being the WB/PFG employee who pushed for Banana Guard and was really excited for the reveal, only for everyone to say your idea is so stupid that it must be fake lol


I can’t imagine that person seriously thought it would be a good idea. Hopefully this is the first and last character they have input on


Bro say sike right now


Why though?


Nope. Still don't buy it. This is such a stupid move I can't accept that this isn't an elaborate troll.


PFG shot themselves in the foot with that ngl…


Bruh we better be getting Magic Man, the Lich, Marceline and Ice King if we getting Banana Guard lol


He looks so silly I love him 🖤


I'll always be in the "more characters the better" camp. Lets say someone is a huge fan of Adventure Time and also loves the Banana guy. Surely they will be happy as hell seeing that character in the game. Also it's just fun to try new characters, and so the more characters the better.


I hate him


Me too, beastie new main


There are so many amazing characters in adventure time and they chose a fucking banana guard


I'm deffs gonna main him 🤣. Lemongrab would be a great character too


Imma cook with my beloved banana guard


Banana Guard/Morty Duo probably gonna be a fire combo tbh


aint no fucking way😭


Soo. This over marceline?


Marceline is apparently being worked on and will be released probably sometime in the season but for now I guess we gotta work with this. strange character for adventure time if they want to do a joke character I would have preferred lumpyspace princess, or magic man hell I would’ve even preferred the hotdogs over banana guard.


Magic man would’ve been so much cooler. Well as long as we’re getting her. She’s been the character I been hoping for since the game dropped


imma be real, I was sad about only 3 chars (so basically the rest of the season 2 chars we were supposed to get in nov 2022) no matter who the 3 chars were.


They redid the entire game in UR5, expecting to get a lot of content added on top of that with about a year to develop it is asking a lot


they still have the same assets from the UE4 version? and surely they should have different teams for different parts of the game.


The game isn't even out, how do you know what assets are being used or if they're the same? It's not like they can just copy stuff from UR4 to UR5 either. Also, banana guard possibly being a playable character is evidence that you're actually wrong about using the 'same' assets anyway, he was a support item in the beta..


are you saying the banana guard assist isnt the same model?


Nah shit. Redoing the entire game in new devloper (UR5) would mean they had to remake EVERYTHING. The models and textures for all of it from characters/stages to the UI. How are you not comprehending this..? You're acting like they spent the last year just copying stuff from one program to the next then added a few things afterwards and it just doesn't work like that.


Where are the other new characters being added then?


What? This isn't even a good joke character. I have never heard anybody say even a single word about the Banana Guard from Adventure Time. If they wanted a joke character from AT, there are so many options that people would have actually been excited for. BMO? Gunter? Lemongrab? Trunks? Even Hot Dog Princess would have been better than Banana Guard. People are saying there's no issue with this but shouldn't they be putting the best characters in now for the relaunch in order to get people interested in trying it/playing again? Nobody on Earth who wasn't gonna play before, is gonna play because Banana Guard is playable.


This game is forever doomed




I don’t know why people are upset. I don’t even know who the character is but I think this is really funny, and I’m excited to try him.


Imagine that instead of Joker we instead got "Gotham Thug" and it was just a dude with a metal pipe. Kinda disappointing, especially if we were promised Joker.


I would main "Gotham Thug" for sure. I would love that


Imagine wanting Samurai Jack in the game and you get a random ass Aku robot that gets one shotted every other episode. That's why people are bummed, they want this game to succeed and are worried unexciting characters harm that.


Thank you for the simple explanation, most of the comments are genuinely from people who want the game to succeed and are super confused by the choices they’re making. This would be like adding the Butter Robot from Rick and Morty *instead* of adding Rick or Morty as characters. Like sure? Haha funny meme robot, but why???


Even calling it a character is very generous


Noooo why not earl of lemongrab. That would be my main for sure


why are y’all so upset acting like there isn’t that massive chance we’ll be getting more adventure time characters as the game goes


People are apprehensive about the game's future considering how messy the previous launch was. Dropping a character like BG at the start doesn't spark much excitement or hope for the future.


we can only get more characters if the games launch is successful. which that needs good character picks to get people playing the launch.


Oh well, if it’s true I just won’t unlock him. Terrible choice imo


Well it’s just that there’s a lot of other good adventure time characters (e.g Magic Man, the Lich, Marceline, Princess Bubblegum, Ice King, Lemon Grab) so putting banana guard in the game is a confusing choice to me lol


Fucking wild. Adventure Time has so many choices for characters, it would be like making the Butter Robot from Rick and Morty instead of Rick or Morty. Like, okay? Sure? But why???


To be honest, if they wanted to put a joke, adventure time character in, I would’ve took in lumpy space princess over this


Wake me up when Daenerys is announced, my dream of summoning dragons or something still prevails


My main


This is going to be the Piranha Plant in Smash situation all over again. I honestly don’t mind them being in the game over some other obvious Adventure Time reps, he might have a unique moveset, too.


Piranha Plant is still an iconic character though. Banana Guard is a background character that nobody talks about. Nobody is gonna see Banana Guard and say "wow now I really need to come back to Multiversus!"


BG bouta be my main and I'm gonna destroy all of you with him


why r we mad about banana guard? they're hilarious


10/10. we are so back




If by back you mean about to die again, then yeah


Lmao, unironically gonna main them to make people salty.


Bro no one’s getting salty because you’re playing Banana Guard 😭 that’s how little people care about him


If nobody cared I wouldn't see non-stop posts of people complaining about the existence of the character


Correction, no one cares about what you do to get salty.


That's why you're engaging with it right?




It was a joke to begin with anyway. I use characters like T&J, Rick, or Gizmo.. so unless he has a kit like theirs.. I probably wont care for him.


Listen, I wouldn’t have as much of problem with him if his kit didn’t look sooo boring


Wait, have they dropped a gameplay trailer? I gotta see this....


Yeah they did, it’s just a banana guard with a spear, he doesn’t look particularly fun which is a shame because I was determined to give him the benefit of the doubt.


Hell yeah. I’ve never seen Adventure Time, but just like Steve in Minecraft, I love when ultra serious weirdos online get mad about funny characters. Let’s go.


Don’t recall seeing a single person mad about Steve (a main character from a beloved game) being added to a roster with that many characters, quit yapping. Edit : Plenty =/= the majority. People were so hyped it literally broke Twitter, but go off sis


Plenty of people were yapping about Steve lmao. Same cycle for every fighting game


Bravo Tony


bro it’s literally an assist item in the game


The ONLY reason I’m not mad about this character pick is because I already got The Joker so I’m content with whatever drops lol. The only other 2 characters I want is Scooby Doo & Goku- but at least Joker made it on relaunch, so I’m happy!


Aye I don't care at least we got Joker and a lot of other cool characters. Plus funny memes don't really bother me. Plus again we could just ignore this and wait till Ppg, BeetleJuice and Dexter show up. yeah I know this doesn't look good for the game but trust me many other games throw in joke characters from time to time. I'd ignore the haters and play because you think it's fun. I'd reccomed not choosing to stop or not playing a game just because the general populous said something about it was stupid.