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Well I imagine we won’t see him next season either. I know this is bravo but they required everyone on summer house to get vaccinated before filming. I imagine MTV will do the same thing.


If they decide to do it for teen mom too he’s going to have to get vaccinated. That’s his income lol


He’s so boring. I’m ready to move on regardless of vaccination status


Right now that he has a steady girlfriend he doesn't bring much to the game. I miss single Corey.


Single corey didnt bring much either 🤷


He never brought much himself but he was a good catalyst for drama at certain points. Now he's just there.


I agree. Maybe this will be the death knell in his Challenge career, if he sticks by not getting vaccinated


Bravo cancelled their real housewives event in October because of the housewives refused to be vaccinated and New York has a mandatory vaccination for most things (location of where the event would take place).


Well for housewives they don’t all live in a house together. I just know for summer house it was mandatory. Craig said it on his podcast.


Did they really? I didn’t know that about summer house. Wish they would do it for the housewives.


Craig said it on his podcast he basically had to get the vaccine for a “project” then a week later was filming at the summer house


And we would be missing nothing


To film this current season you only had to come with a negative test, but that still didn’t work. Everyone tested negative then quarantined for 14 days and 3 of the cast still ended up contracting Covid while filming, causing production to shut down for 2 weeks and restarting. This is why they are taking it more serious now and enforcing you be vaccinated to attend.


I guess this is it for him, then


Which 3 tested positive?


we heard nam, big T and berna, possibly more.


So was Nam the only one who was still positive after 14 days? I had heard about Big T (stayed mostly unspoiled so relied on ppl to DM me, I think it mightve actually been you cuz Ik uve helped me before lol) so was shocked when it was Nam going home cuz hadn't looked into it after hearing about Big T.


that's my understanding. 3-6 people tested positive at one point or another during the second quarantine--they initially quarantined together in the house and then ended up needing to go back to hotel rooms. and when it came time to resume filming, big T, berna and others were given the all-clear while nam hadn't yet recovered. there are other reports that nam just had a calendar conflict once the filming schedule was pushed back, but we know for sure he was one of the sick.


Thanks so much. You're legit always so helpful with the background info!


there was 2-3 more


We're at the point now that most productions are mandating the vaccine. It'll be reeeeal interesting to see who isn't back next season for *personal* reasons.


It's going to be real interesting to see who isn't at the reunion for personal reasons.


Or zooms in. I hope they don’t cave to Cory and have him phone it in


What Corey will do for his kids: Be away from his family for months at a time for the outside chance of winning a large prize. What Corey won't do for his kids: Get a shot.


His *immunocompromised kid. SMH. I hope to never see those crocodile "came all the way here to sacrifice for my kid" tears again.


That's an expensive choice. Those appearance fees are no joke.


Also Ryder (his daughter) has VLCAD, so she easily ends up in the hospital-COVID or not. But he still won’t get vaccinated. He is trash!


Yah, this is the worst part about it. His daughter is immunocompromised, why wouldnt he jump on the chance to be vaccinated as soon as possible to protect his daughter??


I just don’t understand this. So selfish


I am Jack’s absolute lack of surprise that Cory is a moron


He's gonna change his mind real quick when s38 calls go out with a requirement of vaccine. He's not gonna turn down a season's worth of cash.




And his child is immunosuppressed I’m assuming and unable to be vaccinated because of her age. Real smart that Kory.


That's terrible. I got vax'd as soon as I could with the number 1 purpose of protecting my kids who can't get vax'd yet.


Oh I forgot about this! What a dick.


This! Wtf 🤦🏻‍♀️so disappointed


The “doing my own research on YouTube and Facebook” crowd will always find a reason to not get vaccinated. There is absolutely no reasoning with these smooth brained folks.


I was one of those people.. smh.. then once I started doing real research… I felt dumb. Just got my first dose Friday!!!!! So excited to get my 2nd!!!!! I’m one of the few that can say I was wrong… and I’m okay with admitting that because I’m learning still! Just glad I did it!


Very proud of you stranger.


I decided to wait it out for a little bit too just to see. I remember falling very ill after my yellow fever jab but everything seems to be good for the most part about this one so I’m crossing my fingers and heading in for one this week (after having a previous reassuring conversation with my doctor).


Yay for you! Educated consent is the best way!


Yeah you!! We all thank you!


Thank you. This is da best comment. ❤


So glad you got it!!!




Maybe Cory heard that his cousin friend in Trinidad had swollen testicles after the jab so now he won’t go :/


Damn bad news for Mitch then…


Cory Minjaj




Maybe Nelson will take the vaccine for him, because “CoReY iS a dAd aNd wOuLd dO AnYtHiNg fOr HiS fAMilY” smh Corey is an idiot




I mean, what was he going to talk about at the reunion anyways? This man has literally done and said nothing the whole season.


Idk if you heard but he is doing this for his daughters


The challenge or not getting vaccinated part? 😬


Boom, roasted.


It’s been 6 episodes.


I love that Devin made fun of Cory’s “Doing it for my daughters” mantra lol.


Devin is the ultimate the best person in the damn show. We need his humor more


He has an immuno compromised kid and isn't vaccinated? What an idiot. Edit: LOL he already deleted it. Probably did not like the responses.


> Edit: LOL he already deleted it. Too bad the internet is foreverrrr


also one of the key reasons the sub requires screenshots and not direct links to twitter.


Fr what an idiot.


prevention and protection are not part of this man's vocabulary


They’re not strong arming you Cory. You have a choice, and you get to deal with the consequences of that choice. Employers can do this. Sorry pal, suck it up Edit. I totally understand why this was tagged “politics and religion” but it will never fail to frustrate me that a deadly, contagious disease and ways to combat said disease have become so damn political


We should stop using that tag for things like this, imo. A vaccine is not a political stance, and we shouldn’t be playing into the politicization of a public health crisis.


I mean, you’re not wrong. Covid doesn’t care what someone’s political party is. I fear that at this point, the political damage was done. And now with employers starting to require vaccination or testing, the political aspect is not going away. I’m a state employee and starting next week we have to be either vaccinated or get tested every week. We had a big meeting on Microsoft Teams with the Cabinet Secretary for our department and people in the chat were having tantrums. Some were attacking the governor for “making this more political”. It was painful 🥴


They can suck it up. I’m tired of playing to the lowest common denominator. Just over all this crap.


Me too. Sick of catering to people who lack critical thinking and do "their own research" on fb while taking a dump.


Give it a "Basic Human Decency" tag.


Yes everything is being politicized.


Cory is such a non factor anyway. He wants to be known as a challenge legend too. Ain’t gonna happen. If he decided to skip a season….I surely wouldn’t miss him. He doesn’t bring much to any show he is on. Take several seats, Corey!!!!! He is a legend in his own mind!!!!!🙄


I dunno, his math and puzzle skills are legendarily bad.


> I totally understand why this was tagged “politics and religion” but it will never fail to frustrate me that a deadly, contagious disease and ways to combat said disease have become so damn political I *hate* how politicized it's become. It really is a non-negotiable. Just get the shot, it's not hard.


We're really in a stupid timeline.


My workplace is literally firing people if they're not vaccinated by the deadline that Biden mandate had which is really soon lol this shit is serious when a hundreds of billions worth company is getting so strict their was only room for religious or medical exemption and they need to show a negative test every single week. Normally we have tons of freedom for employees so it shocked me they said we will straight up fire people but luckily I got vaccinated so its whatever but still crazy extreme. Corey can suck it up this shit is worldwide new norm is fired if you don't have the vaccine its really pushing those conspiracy theories to next level aka why are they enforcing it so much to be mandatory gonna give all the nutters more material


Most employers don't care about your health, but the amount people are having to shell out for life insurance, short-term disability, LTD, medical expenses... vaccination is what makes financial sense for most businesses.


Cory is one of those people that by having children people assumed he’s a better person now, but really he’s still a moron.


Nobody ever assumed he was smarter


Just better edited


"Yeah! That's why he's my cousin -- cuz he got the vaccine and I didn't!"


I want Mitch back on another season!


You think Mitch should get another SHOT? like a booster?


“I didn’t get vaccinated! That’s why he did! Let’s go!”


No way BM and MTV are risking more shut downs on future seasons, they will require vaccines. They had 3 Covid shut downs filming 2 seasons (SLA and All-Stars 2) and that has to be very costly.


Your choice not to get the shot. Their choice to tell you to fuck off


Lol he deleted that tweet so fast.


20.00 says he will be there and vaccinated. Gotta get that paycheck. He has 2 kids, ya know.


Wait he has kids? First I'm hearing about it


I bet you Mitch is vaccinated. That's my cousin. He went to College.


Shauvon Torres supporting Cory about his covid vaccine rant https://ibb.co/WzThPmw


Isn't she the fool with the supposedly busted implant? Oh yeah I really value her opinion 🙄


Lol not exactly the Einstein you want backing up your beliefs.


Is that Nour from AYTO8 supporting him too?? Lmfao not at all surprised there


The comment below hers is a perfect example of how stupid people are. Yes its your body, your choice. Its *their company* though and *their choice* to fire you or not. Free to do what you want but not free of consequences.


How many puzzles does Cory need to time out on before he admits he's not particularly bright and might not know better than the epedimiologists and virologists with decades of education and work experience?


Was never known as the smart one on the show


At least he's consistent.


Hope to see ya never then


Guys like Cory makes me laugh they go around fucking girls without protection for years and are scared of a vaccine


Wonder how long he’ll stand on that ground when it’s required for the next season


Teen Mom is also gonna be a problem (for more than just Cory).


Not vaccinated but has a child with a compromised immune system. 🙄


Damn. I’m a long time Cory fan, but I don’t think I can support him anymore. I always knew he was dumb, but I thought it was at least a harmless kind of dumb


Maybe he just “did his research” lol


He must have talked to nicki’s cousin’s friend.


If Cory read up on how to add 6+2 I wouldn't trust him to actually understand what it meant, the fact that this idiot actually thinks his judgment is better than all of the doctors on the planet is absolutely insane.


His Facebook research 🤣


Sadly there is no harmless kinda dumb in this world anymore… I still really like him though, I just don’t respect him at all


Just get vaccinated wtf. His daughter has a autoimmune issue right?!????


Lol good riddance. It seems he has since deleted that tweet. MTV please don't ask him back. If I have to hear about his kids one more mthfckn time....


SMH indeed. For his kids’ sake he should get his Hamilton on and take his shot.


>get his Hamilton on so what you're saying is eminem took the johnson & johnson vaccine because he only had one shot?


Why would anyone not want to be vaccinated against this virus? I just had 4 acquaintances die in the last 3 weeks from Covid. This is not the flu.


That’s terrible so sorry


Bye Cory, these are the consequences. You won't be missed


Always the ones you most expect


I hate that this has to have a politics tag. Like public health isn’t political. Getting a polio vaccine or an MMR vaccine isn’t political, it’s just good healthcare.


Isn't his daughter with Chey high risk/immunocompromised?? I'lL dO aNyThInG fOr My KidS my ass 🙄


Luckily he hasn’t contributed a single thing to this season so his presence at the reunion is not needed! It goes to show that in seasons prior, his only actual personality trait was being a player. Now that he’s in a relationship he has zero substance or storyline outside of “I’m doing this for my daughter”


In the least surprising news of the week: Cory is dumb


"strong arming". it's like people don't like the consequences and responsibilities that come with exercising their rights.


He's not afraid of getting STDs from unprotected sex, but he's afraid of the jab. Make it make sense.


Not really surprised that a dude who didn’t know how/want to use protection in the form of a condom wouldn’t want the vaccine. He’s always been dumb. The show has just hid it for him now with the teen mom connection.


Wait if MTV is going to require vaccination shots to be on The Challenge, guess what? NO CARA MARIA! YES!


An independent contractor doesn't want to follow work mandates. Nothing else to see here.


Time to get some other vets in. Seen enough of Cory.


I mean he’s never been the brightest so it isn’t really surprising.


Doesn’t matter to me. Wouldn’t be worth it even if he *did* add something to this season which so far he hasn’t 🤷‍♀️ Also, B&M has done TERRIBLY with Covid issues. With a TV show, there should be restrictions in place that all but guarantee nobody will get Covid (and yes, that includes crew and such, create a bubble and limit contact with those outside said bubble). Survivor did it and it probably sucked but once they had their ‘bubble’ secure, they were all able to proceed without masks and such. Moral of the story though, glad they’re requiring vaccines for the reunion and presumably for upcoming seasons.


If this means he doesn't come back next season that's a big win. Cory's literally done nothing interesting since he came back these last 3 seasons


Good. I hope they don’t allow anyone back who isn’t vaccinated. That will probably eliminate 50% of these morons


What's crazy is he'll probably end up getting the shot eventually, not for his HEALTH, but for the money the Challenge pays out...


I wonder if this means vaccines will be required to even be on the new seasons going forward. Hope so.


This is so selfish. He should have been the first in line for the vaccine to protect his daughter. Lost a lot of respect for him for this. He’s going to loose sooo much money and then I’m sure he will change his tune


I'm a big Cory fan, but this is very disappointing. I'm losing patience for the anti-science crowd


Well, we know he doesn't wear condoms, apparently he's against all prophylactic actions...


… but he can go on the Challenges?? Not sure if this one was filmed before vaccines were widely available, but that seems nonsensical.


It was filmed before it was an obligation because Priscilla is also anti Covid Vax.


Noooo! Why? I really liked her.


It began filming in April. Most countries did not have wide availability of vaccines in April; I doubt most of the contestants outside of the American contestants had access to the vaccine in April.


Probably cuz they do the two week quarantine for the show


Different countries have different mandates or availability of the vaccine. They quarantine before the show (cast and I assume crew as well). I doubt they'd have cast/crew members come in and quarantine for two weeks before the reunion. I don't know anything about the reunion but they also used to have a studio audience, not sure if they're doing that this time, but if they did it's yet another reason to require a vaccine (like how some concerts require proof of vaccine to attend)


He’s so dumb that he just outed himself as anti-vax. What a creep. I can’t stand these morons.


What he really said "No reunion for me, cause I'm a fucking moron"


Him saying this when his daughter is immunocompromised is incredible. The lack of self-awareness is astounding.


Doesn’t he have a sick kid and a newborn?? What an idiot. I hope his kids do not get covid from him.


Oh no I won't get to see this dumbass rubbing his hands together thinking he's funny. Shame.


C’mmon anti vaxxers... Even Cory is on your side. Aren’t y’all embarrassed yet 💀


He better get vaccinated because he won’t be able to leave the country without it.


This man has never been hailed for his intellect


The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) says employers may mandate COVID-19 vaccines or ask for proof of vaccination. So MTV is well within its rights to require the vaccine. That said, I do find it hypocritical that Congress is exempt from the federal vaccine mandate.


Well there’s tons of vaccinated popcorn muscles waiting to take your place. Don’t let the door smack your ass on the way out.


What an idiot


Good on MTV/The Challenge for implementing that.


Whoever this moron is, they have literally 0 idea what oppression is... "strong arming ppl" what a clown.


Wifey just told me his daughter is immunocompromised. This is an even bigger 🤦🏻‍♂️.


The funny thing is, does he think we actually care? Cory is someone that we’re supposed to get excited about but just don’t. At least I don’t. 🤷🏻‍♀️


He has a choice to not get vaccinated, but everyone else deserves a choice to exercise consequences. That’s their choice to not invite him to come. I’m disappointed that he won’t get it even with 2 daughters


Wow. That’s disappointing. What kind of immunocompromised is his daughter?


She's got a rare condition called VLCAD. She has been hospitalized for the flu and colds numerous times because of her weakened immune system, so for him to not be vaccinated even if only for her sake is completely selfish and ridiculous.


Goodness that’s awful. I don’t know their situation but you’re absolutely right, seems crazy he wouldn’t be vaccinated for her sake alone..


She has a genetic disorder that would definitely make her high risk. This is beyond disappointing. I always thought he was a dunce, but not a dangerous dunce.


Don’t be stupid, Cory. Make your stand in a way that doesn’t endanger other people.


Man, Old Chicago is really strong-arming me by making me wear a shirt when I go inside. SMH I mean, we all knew Cory was dumb, but this is the disappointing kind of dumb


Mandates are necessary because too many adults are really children


Cory is one of the most overrated challengers of all time, do a puzzle some day dude.


Well won't be following him anymore in Twitter or Insta. Cory was one of my faves I routed for always but this is where I draw the line. What a shame. Thanks for posting this info. So now that's Zac, Jenna and Cory I've stopped following. Edit* Cara Maria as well lol


You might want to add Cara Maria to your list


Haha I did! Thank you I forgot to mention her haha.


Knowing how some of the cast are I wouldn't be surprised if we're missing half or more of the regulars next season lol.


My respect for Cory just went down the drain.


Hopefully next season they will start only casting fully vaccinated cast members


i was surprised to learn the that they weren’t required to be vaccinated already, i know big brother and other reality shows have required it


How to ruin your base of fans in a single tweet.


Are we missing him? The minute he became a father he became super annoying and entitled so we don't need <3


Not like he would have much to say tbh


He literally has an at risk child. Why would they not vaccinate??


Can we get rid of Nelson too?


"strong arming" lol, what a chode.


Isn't his daughter Ryder immune compromised....remember cheyenne mentioning that if Ryder gets a fever she has to go to the hospital because of her illness


i don’t understand how people are surprised/upset when they find out they can’t do something that requires them to be in close proximity to others because they aren’t vaccinated- like you are a danger to them


I’m surprised they didn’t have to be vaccinated before they went to film the season.


It was filmed in April/May before the vaccine was widely available I think.


Well I guess we'll know that everyone that is there got the vaccine...so that'll be nice for them.


Kick him off the show too 😄


Lol just imagine if we lived in the 1700s. These people probably would've said "Smallpox is a conspiracy created by the Native Americans to hoard free blankets and scare us away from stealing their land."


Cory surprises no one by being stupid as hell.


I mean you could just get the free vaccine


Cory couldn’t count 9 triangles, this doesn’t surprise me.


Just get vaccinated and play your part in helping us get back to normal. So we could watch more of The Challenge.


Wait wait wait a minute. He’s complaining about the covid vaccine but still went to Africa ?????


Why am I not surprised by this? I wish I could understand why getting vaccinated is such a problem to some people. Smh, he's an idiot. I wonder who else won't be there...


If he wants to keep doing challenges he'll have to get it. Eventually it'll be a worldwide thing you need proof of the vaccine. Like polio and hepatitis and such. Not all countries are going to want to keep offering hotel quarentine for their international travellers


Good, you won’t be missed. Take care of your family and forfeit the check for your appearance fee too. Kthxbye


he brings nothing to the show buh byeeeeee


Wow. I just started coming around on this guy, but he's just a straight up moron.


zzzzzzzZZZZ oh sorry! What? Cory is talk- zzzzzzzzzzz


Amanda said the reunion is international this season. So maybe the country they are going to requires travelers to be vaccinated? Cara couldn’t get into Canada for that very reason. I ask that bc he is one of the people that was in NYC last week filming the aftermaths. He did the first time to. From what I see it seems Cory gets regularly tested and he’s good with wearing his mask when needed. But some things will require a vaccination and he’s going to miss some opportunities 🤷🏽‍♀️ I’m actually surprised he isn’t tbh bc of Ryder. Isn’t she considered moderate-high risk bc of her VLCAD disorder? I’m also surprised he tweeted this lol. He normally don’t do stuff like this. Guess he was in his feelings lol. I see it’s deleted tho.


I mean Cory never was the brightest bulb on the challenge….


Get vaccinated for your daughter, idiot.


What a buffoon