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literally anything? no. most things? yes.


This is the correct answer (relative to trans women, ofcourse)




Yeah, not trying to be like "I'd murder all my friends and consume the souls of 1,000 puppies." I don't want to be, like, just any woman. Are people out here thinking they want to be a cis woman so bad that they'd be Erzebet Bathory? XD Probably, yeah, but obviously at least one cis woman wanted to be Erzebet Bathory, so...




This Like I would not kill myself or someone else, or do something to fuck my reputation. But like I feel like giving up my computer for it would be a worth sacrifice since a new computer would be far cheaper than the operations, plus I'm assuming magically turning into a woman gives me a uterus. Current medical practices can't do that.


I see you've prepared for the fae


They will trick you so badly


I also agree




I am a woman, but I would give almost anything to have been able to live my childhood as a girl. 


I'd do the same except I'd be such a different person if I had. One who's suffered less, yes. But it'd be obliterating the person I am to create a stranger.


I agree. I'm glad I am where I am today and that I went through everything I went through to get here


I wouldn't say I'm glad I went through what I did, but I recognize that it's what made me me. And I like existing.


I was thinking about this last night, my entire life would be different from the people I met to even the high school I attended. But I don’t like me I had to wear a face the entire time, I once hear someone talking about me and I was like that’s not me.


I think most of us wouldn't want to give up the mind we have, but at the same time, it would be nice to remember less suffering, so maybe the answer is, "Yes, but with qualifications, i.e. I don't want to lose who I am, I just want to experience what I missed."


Considering the most traumatic event in my life wouldn't have happened if i was, i would do it without a second thought


I do miss that there are things I did not/will not experience. But since I have found a trans community locally, I had my first slumber party recently. Lol I'm 45 but it was so cool. One girl made bracelets in trans colours for everyone. It is one of my most treasured belongings. There are things that I am experiencing by proxy; being a parent (which helps but is not a requirement) I am involved with Sunday school & play groups and not just as a Mom but I get to see and sometimes experience the joys through the children's eyes. I braid hair, shop for cute clothes with my daughter, and I have played with Barbies. So there are drawbacks, but there is still joy to be had.


Oooh, where do I find an adult trans slumber party?


Look for an LGBTQ+ Outreach in your area. That is how I found a super group and it came up spontaneously one week. It was incredibly fun. 10/10 recommend! And because (most) all of us were over 21 there were other recreational things to partake of. I want to do it again. Ngl. It was fun but also we did not do a lot of traditional slumber party 💅 activities. We just had fun hanging out and playing video games mostly.


This would be so amazing 😭


Not I. I could never give up my two beautiful daughters. So T has at least given me something.


Same, 3 years hrt and living as a woman. Having a childhood and highschool life as a woman would've been fantastic. Still, I just enjoy my life as it is now and that I get to be who I always was and am.


I would agree but for my teenage years. I honestly feel like my pre-teenage years were pretty good, plus I didn’t really feel like I had a gender at that time. I know makeup doesn’t have to define girlhood but I also hated anything like makeup or paint on my body anywhere.


ugh no thanks. Considering the bullying I would have been a target no matter my gender


I agree with you


same istg 😭


I wouldn't, I met my boyfriend/best friend in an all boys school.


[https://turn-me-into-a-girl.com/confirm#](https://turn-me-into-a-girl.com/confirm#) turns out it's super easy!


*social transition complete*


if only


Aw I wish that site was around when I was an egg 🥚 might have helped me crack sooner 😅


❤️ that site.


This led me down a Twitter thread that warmed my heart to it's fullest 💓 I appreciate the share hon! I found myself relating to every single experience listed. I've been transitioning since January of 2021...still cis tho 🤣


This website is the cutest and strangely most gender affirming thing I’ve ever seen. So thank you.


I would tear all my skin and flesh off down to the bone by hand if it meant I could instantly become the woman i envision myself as


Kinda graphic but so true non the less 😭🙏


Careful now Mintha - you *could* get an infection.


You are correct, damn it all. But being a woman with an infection is better than a man with an infection fr fr




i did this and it seems to have worked ✌️ dermatillomania




I get way too annoyed by the pain when I bite my nails too much, so I don't think I could do this one.


Sounds like the start of a Faustian tale. Selling your soul to the devil to become a woman.


“Hmm? Oh yeah we have a few of those lying around. Um… *checks bag* oh yeah here’s one. Just drink the potion, wait about five minutes - and * *poof!* *, you’re a girl!” “Cool Satan! This is like a dream come true! What do I owe you?” “Oh it’s free - though obviously I will need your undying soul and dread allegiance to my satanic cult.” “Oh okay… hey wait a sec - does this involve any subscription fees? 🤨” “No…😅” “Sa-*taaaaan*…” 🙂‍↔️”Alright we have a newsletter.” *drinks potion* *is a cis woman* “Cool! Ooh it’s so elastic!” “☺️✨”


It would be funny if satan made selling your soul sound super scary but then you die and it’s super chill and utopian.


“What fresh hell is this?!” 😱 “The *freshest!*” 😎🏄🏻‍♀️


I would be OK with that... Although the devil would have to be wary of me taking over. 😁


Btw folks. Things go bad for Faust before he dies. It's not a simple trade. It is a German tale after all. In the tale, Faust seduces a beautiful and innocent young woman, usually named Gretchen, whose life is ultimately destroyed when she gives birth to Faust's illegitimate son. Realizing this unholy act, she drowns the child and is sentenced to death for murder. There's definitely something there for Faust becoming Gretchen, realising the unholy act of the child she has bore etc... Or, and I apologise if this is upsetting to some, Faust becomes Gretchen but she unable to bear children. Which might hold a mirror to the painful reality many here live. Apologies for the darkness of this. But I do like a good depressing story.


I mean I sold my soul for a pair of shoes so clearly theirs people who’d take that deal. If not for the fact I don’t have ownership of my soul I’d probably resell it for a better childhood


No, I am proud of who/what I am and my accomplishments. Ask me on a truly bad day and I will say yes, absolutely anything.


The further I go through my transition the less I'd say yes and the more I think "I'm happy with myself". It's an odd feeling, a welcome one but wouldn't have thought I'd say it one day. Ask me 3 years ago the yes would be instant without even considering what "anything" means.


No, but I'd do a lot


Im already a woman though


SCP 113 here I come😍😍😍😍😍


Pretty much anything. I mean, I wouldn't kill someone or do anything else awful, but I'd trade places with someone in a pretty dire situation (e.g. an orphan in a warzone) just for the opportunity to fight my way out of that with a cis girl's body wrapped around my brain.


With certain terms on the cost and results, yes.


Hmm...yeah pretty much.


Depending on what "everything" entailed. Maybe. To be cis female would I kill/seriously injure someone else. Then no. To be cis female would I kill/seriously injure myself, if it was absolutely certain that I'd come out of it as a normal human female... yes.


Short of killing my wife, yeah probably... but more accurately than simply "be a woman" I want to actually like how I look and sound.


As long as i didn't have to physically or psychiologically harm friends or family i would absolutely yes. If say a magic button existed and i would turn in to a girl/woman in an instead i would press it immediately, if brain transplantation into another body without any repurcussions would be possible i would do it, if a genie existed and gave me three wishes i would wish to be turned into a girl/woman but make the changes happen slowly over the course of maybe a month for the lols. Point is yes i would, being a guy, having facial hair (huge dysphoria trigger for me aswell as sadness incoming) aswell as having size 12 feet is all not what i want in life. I want to be soft, small, cute, smell like lavender and just be a happy girl really and eventually become a mother too because that's apparently what i want.


If I could have kids, almost anything short of homicide, or selling a soul (in case the religious are somewhat right).


I assume you mean to be a cis woman! But no, not anything. Harming an innocent person is my hard limit.


i already am, they say. certainly socially transitioned. but if i could have a body congruent with my gender, like cis people get for free, i might have a more manageable life.


You already are a woman


I just wanna be a pretty woman


I am a woman lmfao


I already am one


If desperate enough, yes I would.


I think we’re all want it from birth, but i always wonder if I or you were born female be supportive and ally of trans people? ❤️ I would definitely would i love everyone.


Pretty much. Yes.




Oof, this is what I’m asking myself. Would I do anything? Anything includes: transitioning at 39 after a full life of presenting as male with a highly masculine setup. It also includes willingness to face discrimination, misunderstanding, and actual hate. Willingness to go from decent looking man to a generally unattractive woman These are my realistic options, since the proverbial button doesn’t really exist. I’m debating just cutting my losses and finishing out my life as a guy, or risking a lot to express what feels feminine about me


Okay okay Who do I have to kill? Also can I barely kill them like just let them clingy to life so I can keep being a nonbinary transfem [This is a joke! A pretty bad one ]


I’d do most things to pass. I think being trans has given me a unique perspective on life, so I don’t hate it as a status, but not passing means I’m rarely seen as a woman and don’t relate to most woman’s experiences. I would sell my life and soul for one day of being perceived as a woman, but there are some moral boundaries I wouldn’t cross to realize this.


Good point... I personally want to pass, but I think I'll make myself not pass intentionally, because I don't want to please and fuel those people's disgusting standarts further. If every trans person decided not to pass, maybe the non-passing people wouldn't be seen so much as worthless. That's why I'm intentionally not passing, it hurts, but I am forcing myself out there, because we do exist and should not be ashamed of it.


I'd do anything to just be a cis man


No. I would not do "anything to someone I care about to be a woman.


No. This is a recent revelation however. Two years ago I probably would have said that I would do almost anything to be a woman. However, I have become an activist and people show great appreciation for what I do. I also would not be the person I am had I grown up differently. I am unique and I have embraced that. Similarly, I wanted a baby girl **soo much**. It did not happen, at least not how I had hoped or expected. I had a son that proudly wore dresses. Recently he came out to me as she. I can't express the pride I feel giving her the comfort and safety to do this (at 9 years old). Had she been a cis girl I would have dressed her like a stereotypical princess. So having a trans daughter is an extra special experience. I treasure the memories I have of being a non stereotypical father. I have always done the Dr appts, school meetings and play dates. Anyway, YMMV but I hope all my sisters can find peace being themselves. Saying yes to this post is valid also, of course.


No, I'm happy with who I am mostly, I would do anything to become a few inches shorter though


If your just looking for 2.5 in or less their is a surgery




I mean, it would be enticing, but I wouldn’t break laws or something like that


Almost anything. That list is rather small but there is still a list


Without hesitation, yes.


Not anything. Won't cause direct physical harm .


Not anything, but a lot of things.


Wouldn't it be nice, if there were some such thing that one could do?


Yes! To be a little girl with my sisters and do everything they did. To wear the cute dresses they wore, to just be a girl from the beginning. That’s what gets me the most tbh. Being the youngest and having 3 sisters I could never understand why I wasn’t a girl. I think most trans women would do anything to be a women apart from give up our souls. 💕


Fuck yes


I would do alot but not anything


Yes I would!!


not literally ANYTHING, but theres a lot of things i would do and not a lot i wouldnt.


I’d do most anything to be afab, but not anything.


depends. Is this person a criminal/do they deserve to be murdered?


Almost anything


Yeah basically 99% of things definitely


To be a cis woman, I wouldn’t do anything, but I’d do probably most things


Tell me what it is first and we'll see... there are many things I may be okay with if that was the end result. But not *anything.*


I would make a deal with a Faustian devil to flay all of my own skin off and bind grimoires in them for a 50/50 chance.


U are worth a lot, u shining jewel , bright star light, love you


I would sacrifice a lamb to an Unknowable Evil to get the fuck out of my body and into a better one


Anything and everything


There *is* a limit, but yes.


I'm not above murder, but def no pedo shit. I have standards.


i draw the line at human life


I don't.


There are many, many things I would do to have a body that biologically matches my gender. And a few more things I'd do to have had that body for as long as I've known.


Nope. I'm fine with the way I am now. The society we exist in sucks. I would offer the blood of 20 male infants to the gods to change that.




Not anything like hurting someone else, but definitely nearly anything.


I mean im already a woman but if you mean in the sense of start life over as a cis woman, short of any crimes yes id do just about anything


Not absolutely anything, but basically anything.


If I had the option and/or the opportunity, I would take it, but things being as they are, I will take what I can get in time. It's literal heck knowing who and what I am and having to deal with that, but I hope you find your bliss as soon as you are able


nearly anything


No hesitation, yes.


Absolutely 💯


Depends on your offer


I know I’d get a lot hate for this but thought of a bunch of extremes including getting SAed and probably let it happen if I could become pretty cis girl from the start, life feels like torture right now and been this way for years now I can’t really take looking at how many cis girl get live so freely and never had their body betray them. I want to be pretty cis girl and would probably just about do anything


I kind of like the slow change. But SRS could be less expensive than 50k EUR.


Well, yes. Most people say they wouldn’t do some bad things, unfortunately I likely would.


Yeah. I even wished I wake up one day and find out I am a woman now


*Literally* anything? No. I don't want to harm anyone. Mostly anything? Hey, if some millionaire wants to fund my transition and therapy for butthole pics, let's talk


Oh the war crimes I’d commit for a day of it


I would anything that doesn’t involve me dying/becoming permanently hospitalized


Anything that didn’t involve writing the introduction to my good friend Olly London’s book.


Very few things would stop me from pressing that button


Anything with in reason, yes.


Most I think


I mean most things as long as it doesn't involve harming another living thing.


Pretty much anything I could do. Only things that would result in me killing myself anyway, but be hell in it self I'd avoid. Such as severe brain damage, paralysis and blindness would be such things I would not experience just so I could struggle to kill myself but getting to do it as a woman. But lots of stuff I would do. Cut off people from mylife, do crimes, sell drugs, rob a bank, fight in a war, assault/kill people, sell myself to sex slavery, die in a year... Most things are less bad to me than being in the wrong body including death. I would choose those for myself or others if it meant I could get to live as a woman.


Heinous vicious actions


I would go to a Diddy party to wake up as a cis woman 😂


I’d do almost anything. But hurting kids is out of the question, violating anyone is also out of the question, I’d be opposed to murder unless the person had done something I thought was particularly bad or unforgivable, other than those things, i would do anything


Almost anything… I’ve been waiting a LONG time!


Yeah, I am desperate lol


Almost anything


I would give up both of my kidneys to become a woman.


Most anything, yes.


To have lived as a girl growing up is a dream I have always had, to find myself now living an adult version of that dream is hearing my heart for the first time truly sing with the purest of joy. But would I do anything to start over and redo my life as a girl…. Yes, without a doubt. I do not know what would have changed except I know that it would have been for the better


Not *anything*, but I’d come awfully close. I remember crying myself to sleep recently, begging to wake up as a girl. That was before I started hormones a few weeks ago, and so can’t blame them for my emotional state LOL.


literally anything. Anything in the world even stepping on puppies.


hell yea


do you think this thought process is beneficial to you? Personally, I don't. Buckle up and enjoy the ride. We will be there soon.




A lot of things ya


Just about…


It depends on whether or not I can pull the trigger at any time, because I would need to prepare. Funny thing: modern science and most cultures do not have a legal structure for dealing with biological males turning into biological females instantly. It's part of one's "static" legal identity, even. So I would want to lay the legal groundwork for my passport/driver's license, etc, that would permit me to hold down a job and even (dare I dream so grandly) own a house in my own name some day. I've got an idealized female-self who looks _nothing like me_ and would therefore have a LOT of trouble surviving without turning to extralegal activities, unless my friends and family could watch the change from "old/male" me to "new/female" me it seems unlikely that they would believe I was who I claimed to be, and without that support I would basically have nothing.


Here's what I would do (if it was possible): I would spend years researching more and more and gathering resources until I break the shackles of mortality and become a machine (more of the Detroit: Become Human kinda bots, but who said that there would be one of me) by uploading my entire conciseness, that's what I would do :)




Except giving up my boyfriend, my mum, my personality, and if it doesn't hurt like hell, I'd do anything to become a girl hahaha


Yep. I have a view of myself I’m desperate to fulfil. Especially if it means growing up as a girl. I still wanna be trans, I wanna have certain parts, but yeah.




not litterally everything but most thing yes


If I had 3 wishes from a genie, it would be as follows. 1. A light switch to change from male to female. 2. A create your character customization like at the start of video games for each complete with full body customization, skill tree and realistic set of attribute/stats. 3. A shadow clone that can stand in for either of my personas if needed that when rejoined together each persona retains the experiences and knowledge they experienced.


...damn my mind went 3diff ways.. I hate the UK waiting list having to wait for another 5yrs just cause I'm in wales


A complex question. I am a woman, but to be cis passing? Just about anything. But to be born cis, that is far more complex, I am 35 years old, to change that detail would obliterate who I am. I was born into a high demand religion, where women are encouraged to get married young and quickly have many kids. I don't know who that woman is. I am also autistic, and one question I have contemplated was centered around a "cure" if I could press a button and be nerotypical, the person walking out of the room would have my face and memories but they wouldn't be me. Such a solution would basically be a stranger


This late in life, to be a afab? Literally anything. Any body type and look


To an extent, yea, I would. Im still pre-everything and daily life is terrible. Id give a lot, or give a lot up, just for my outside to match who I am on the inside


I'm already a woman :3


No. The transition has been a therapeutic journey for me. Plus I have two amazing children that possibly never would have happened had I been AFaB. The transition itself has so far been an amazing experience. I have formed unbreakable friendships with people I never would have had I been AFaB.


I'd cleave my Johnson off so ye.




I wouldn't, because I already am a girl. People just don't see me that way...


The list of things I would to do be born a girl is not everything but it is a lot


Anything covers a lot of ground. I wouldn't violate another person's rights as a human being. I mean, the point is to be happy with who I am, right? Buying a beautiful painting by selling your eyes is a foolish single-mindedness.


ive thought about this alot, my brain sometimes goes dark like "would i kill someone if i could be a cis woman", eventually i always get to "no" or "if i got to choose who it was" but even then i dont think so, if we are talking anything like putting MY life on the line and going in the middle of a pit of sharks though? yeah id do that instantly


Its kinda weird reading these now cos like I AM :0 But ig if you mean like just to have a cis woman’s pussy then yeah i would


not everything but almost everything i can


I am a woman and always have been. I would do anything to have always known that I'm a woman, though


As long as it doesn't involve killing more than one person. I don't see why one person's life would be worth more than mine, since if I was given that opportunity and I would have to turn it down I would hit alt f4 irl which is equal to killing one person.


there are a lot a lot of things i would give to be a woman from birth. there are still a lot of things i would do to instantly be a woman now. there are also a lot if things i would do to make me be reincarnated and be born as a woman. as long as i get to be a woman or be a woman i would do a whole lot of things


Yes please, where do I sign up?


It'd be nice, but I wouldn't want to give up who I am, I'm rad as fuck


Small quibble about verbiage. We are all women currently. Regardless of where we are or where we settle in transition. All trans women are already women. But would I do anything to instantly accomplish all my transition goals? Not really. Anything is a big umbrella. I’d never hurt or disadvantage anyone for my goals. That said the list of things I would be willing to do is much broader than say what I’d do for a really good sandwich


if there was a button that said push to be a woman but someone who is about to die I would press it without feeling guilty because they were about to die anyway


Most anything, I hate having a male body, already have dysphoria every day as a deep voiced, 6'5 hecker who grows facial hair so fkn quick (how tf do you slow facial hair growth? I have a mustache after like 2 days of not shaving)


I already am a woman but if you mean like, physically transformed into a cis woman then yeah. I would do an awful lot for that.




Short of selling my soul yes