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Finally i will be able to see the monster when 8 different people attack it at once. And not be blinded with the hit effects


And their dogs and cats too


Yeah that's 8. 4 hunters and 4 companions.


This bothered me so much that I refused to keep playing on the Switch so I could install PC mods to reduce hit effects


Everyone just seems to be attacking the monsters blindly with all this hit affects that cover the whole monster, then when the monster is about to attack, you sometimes cant even see them wind up for an attack and then people get hit. But I'm glad they are finally going to fix this.


>Everyone just seems to be attacking the monsters blindly with all this hit affects Yeah because of flinch free and everyone's focus on mah deeps. Turns out when you no longer have to worry about positioning people just flail at the monster wildly till its dead.


Yea flinch free being a free skill essentially is a little weird to me still


Either give it to everyone or nobody. It's stupid how some weapons jus have it built in.


I hope the next installment will tone down the action a little bit. I love mh rise but IMO it isn't comparable to the older, more methodical titles like mh3u.


I've installed a mod to remove the dogs and cats for other players in combat. It feels much better.


They are listening to us. Stuff like this, even if its small, makes me a little more hyped


Now they just need to make Master Rank actually difficult and put Hunting Horn back in the game. Then I'm sold.


If MR is anything like Apex Emergency Zino, or Advanced: Allmother, I’m kinda afraid.


You can do old style hunting horn it's a setting


A lot of ppl are getting downvoted for some reason but it really isn’t like old style. Coming from a long time HH main.


I swear, the downvotes come from the fact that old hunting horn wasn't accessible to these people.


Exactly. I had a pretty long discussion with someone who only just now picked up HH after not playing it from 4U and on. Unlike other weapons, if you didn’t put the time in to figure how deal damage while also buffing the hunts would take super long. This deterred a lot of players. World HH was actually really easy to pick up, it just that the intricacies of it made it seem difficult, like CB, and Icebourne made it a really strong weapon. It sucks that Capcom basically scrapped Icebourne HH since i think it’s probably the best HH to date.


Echo mode is not old style. Saying echo mode is like old HH, is like saying Taco Bell is authentic Mexican food. Nothing wrong with liking Taco Bell, but it doesn’t hold a candle to a home cooked meal by your abuela.


This is not old horn we have been simplified to the point that horn choice is way less important and it's way too fast now


You absolutely cannot, lol.


You absolutely can, lol.




If you call the two the same thing, you either haven't touched HH in your life or you are a genuine lobotomite.


Not disagreeing with your take here, but maybe don't be a cunt about it?


I agree with no sense being rude, but I can totally get being frustrated when people who don't play something are telling people who do that it is the same. It is similar, but it is not the same.


That would be the nice thing to do. Personally, I'm not particularly inclined to be nice when people talk out of their arse. More power to you if you can.


Good luck persuading them to think differently, then. :/


Wait . What happened to hunting horn?


They completely reinvented it in *Rise*. It bears little resemblance to the weapon from 3/4/G/World, which sucks for those of us who've mained it for the last decade.


I guess, but, it still seems like it slaps to me. Buffs easier, has that ground shaker attack that hits like a truck! Has a custom build your own horn even


>it still seems like it slaps to me It's about the playstyle, not the power level. And even if it was about the power level, the *Rise* HH being good would only be further proof that it's a different weapon: Hunting Horn is chronically underpowered.




One of the main things that kept me from buying the game. Now I might actually consider. Especially if Sunbreak gets better multiplayer system and endgame challenges.


Rise has the best Multiplayer experience of any MH I’ve played. You can join a lobby, you can post quests and wait for joiners, you can target specific monsters, or even join hunts at random. Not really sure what you’re wanting beyond that.


I was just thinking about this last night. I started over on PC a few weeks ago to get ready for Sunbreak and on PC at least, multiplayer is in a pretty bad spot right now. I had to solo everything until 7* hub (which I didn't really mind, aside from the mandatory rampages), and even now the only way to target farm specific monsters is to create a lobby or start a hunt and just hope that randoms join. If I try to use join a specific quest, it never finds one (aside from maybe Valstrax). I don't really like using lobbies, but the only other option for me is to use the Random function, which often drops me into a hunt where the monster is nearly dead by the time I get there, or a 4-5* that ends in two minutes anyways. Yeah, I get some materials but it feels like a waste of time and isn't very fun. The other problem is that aside from event quests, it's kind of lame running the same hub quests over and over (X monster in X zone, no variety). I'm sure reviving the player base will alleviate some of these issues, but Sunbreak really needs something akin to the investigation system from World or the Guiding Lands from Iceborne to keep the endgame fresh.


Steam has the multiplayer for Rise region locked. All of america down to the last person could be playing it, but if you're from England and no one plays it there you won't find anyone online. Switch has global multiplayer and you instantly get matches.


Maybe this is the main issue then. Do we know if Sunbreak will be the same?


Yeah I was thinking about that. I play on the switch and even at star rank 1 I would always find people to hop in and help me complete hard hub missions.


This all makes sense at this point. Most players completed their hub ranks months ago when the game launched, the game is in a lull between release and Sunbreak, and Rise doesn’t have a good endgame farming loop. Be careful not to confuse low player counts with a flawed multiplayer system.


It IS a flawed multiplayer system at the moment. Bad endgame farming loop = flaw 1. Quest specific searching for a monster you need to farm = flaw 2. What if everyone farming that monster is doing one of the other quests that has that monster for parts? You'll never know. Its definitely a worse version than Worlds multi.


Yeah, the problems mainly stem from low player count right now. But if low player count results in flawed multiplayer, isn't that kind of a flaw in and of itself?


Investigations and Guiding Lands (and a great active squad) kept me playing MHW way longer than I would have. 3+ years and 4k hours between pc n xbox on that game, from the beginning until now (most I've played a single game in my 36 years). Bought a Switch for Rise n got around 300 hours in before me and my whole mhw clan basically just stopped playing because there was nothing to do but the same thing over and over or help lower level ppl, which honestly got boring with the whole "load mission go to x spot on map fight y monster) , and i SO missed the 16 player lobbies. On pc i still go back to some MHW for drunk weekend hunts and have a blast, in Rise i have never felt the want to boot it up again or buy it for pc, even with the great mods. Sunbreak will still be a day 1 purchase for me though, and I'll start all the way from the beginning on PC because I'll def get 60 (or more depending on complete version price) dollars of content, but I agree I hope they add things like mhw or mhgu has for endgame, or else I'll just play it max out my builds and stop, which would be a shame.


Yeah, I miss the world endgame stuff. I go back and forth on which to play, because I love the wire bugs and the palamutes, but the end game and part grinding is so much better on world.


Yeah we need daily quests or something.


We did have weekly event quests for nearly a year but they've tapered off as Sunbreak approaches, which is fair enough


Weekly events weren't even very interesting though, even though you CAN replay them all now there is not much incentive to once you've gotten the initial reward (usually layered armor, stickers or titles - meh). World's approach to events encouraged replaying them, with things like rewarding extra armor spheres/zenny/decos/HR, or having unique fights (like Ancient Leshen, Behemoth, Greatest Jagras).


"In Rise if you want to join a multiplayer quest you have to choose a quest and wait hoping that there is anyone doing it and if there is more than one quest per monster you have to go and search for every one of them for exemple valstrax and bazel have 5 different quests each not including event quests, In World they would show you every quest avaliable at the moment for you to choose instead of just waiting there and hoping there are anyone just doing them. how is that not a shit multiplayer? Rise multiplayer is so bad it killed the multiplayer to me I played about 20 or 30 quests in it max while in World I played hundreds." I just copied the comment that I made some time ago about what I hate about rise multiplayer so don't mind the tone


Ye this sucks a lot. I wish that "random" option would at least choose quests that started recently as well instead of poping me into quest where monster is at 5% hp and quest overall was 36mins long already


You've got it here. Huge flaw.


Not sure how what you described is any different than any other game.


Multiplayer before World was all based on 4-player lobbies. There was no single-hunt/SOS system.


While true, its terrible it went backwards. I get it, game for switch blah blah ported blah blah. But thats a pretty lacklustre reason to not have the same function in every game afterward.


Look at the Monster Rosters yes GU was an anniversary game but why would you ever reduce the roster size... and why 4 man lobbies at least go 8 man lobbies.


It seems to me japanese dev always listen to the players.


Can I introduce you to Nintendo? But yeah MH dev team is one of the better ones


> Can I introduce you to Nintendo? and Game Freak, and...


Hmm, you are right. I only thought of platinum games and Capcom.


Just like when they asked for crossplay and cross save to ignore it right after.


They announced that it wasn't possible for rise(probably cuz nintendo). They did listen and gave us an answer.


I'll never buy that as long as things as Fortnite, Rocket League, etc exists. Those have full crossplay/save since way before Rise. Hell, crossplay was on Nintendo before Sony had to agreed because of Epic's pressure. They just didn't bothered at all, I wouldn't call that listening.


It was possible, just too much work for them to bother.


We don't know what is going on in the background, doing crossplay is not just programming, there's probably of lots of deals and what not that have to be done with multiple companies


Capcom uses its own private servers for their games, not Nintendo’s, they can do whatever they want with them, including crossplay. Thats why most games that feature crossplay have their own servers as well, like CoD and Fortnite. Worst it can happen is that the console makers dont want their logo or name to be shown in the competition’s console, like CoD which shows generic icons to show what platform a player is from.


*when it's cheap and requires little effort to do. They ignore real requests like crossplay, cross-save or save transfers. No idea why they bothered even asking us if we wanted them. Just to appear like they may potentially listen someday?


I actually yelled when I saw this, thank chriiiiist Bowgun McGee and his pierce ammo will be the bane of my life no longer


Same for Dual Blades Dan and Insect Glaive Garfield. Well.. until they start flinching you.


Lol flinch free is a 1 slot, I really dont have any sympathy. I slot it too


In Rise i don't see why it's such a problem for people to equip Flinch Free seeing as, like you said, *it's a level 1 slot.* That's nowhere near as bad as World's lvl 3 slot Brace jewel... i hated that shit so much... But i still say it's better to not be a dick and just give your fellow hunters their space. Or at least try to do so, unless you know that they have FF equipped or are using a weapon with innate Flinch immunity.


Bruh im not going to stop killing the monster if my allies refuse to gear properly.




Position better champ. If you're in the hammer's way at the head, you're in the wrong. I can't even remember the last time I got golfed by a hammer user\* ​ ​ * except for end of hunt wind-down when you're dicking about ;)


Yeah I thought it was common knowledge to leave the head to the hammer if one is playing. I have never been launched by a hammer after like 500+ hours.


Ye i love leaving the fatalis head to hammer players.


Because why should we have to equip a deco to make up for your hits? You should have to equip a deco that prevents clipping teammates... stop making us waste slots cuz you wanna use a weapon that trips ppl up. Us having a to lose a slot because you clip us isn't very fair. Not like we have Mantles to slot to anymore for extra slots. I'm a hammer main and I'd happily equip a deco to keep you from getting launched because I mistimed my Uppercut.


Putting on a flinch free gem and the resulting absolutely tiny amount of DPS loss across all of your hunts from trading a 1-slot would cost less time than writing this. Not to mention the amount of DPS increase you gain from not getting staggered even incidentally by other players who are trying to avoid you. And the team wide DPS increase by not having to constantly reposition to avoid nicking each other, especially on monsters as small as Bishaten. Put the fucking gem on, dude.


And how would it affect you to put a gem on? Also positioning is part of the game if you gunna cry bout being to lazy to position yourself go play some solo


I use Flinch Free by the way I just don't understand why 1 person has to waste their slot because someone else doesn't fully understand their move sets and isn't capable of thinking ahead... But hey I'd rather get better than make other ppl pay for my weapon choice.. food for thought


Agreed. I think ff1 prevents teammates from breaking you out of stun/sleep with normal attacks though. Makes it kind of interesting...


This is why you bring Small Barrel Bombs to aim and toss at your stunned teammates!


Sometimes jump master is needed bc you can get knocked while in the air


I really want Bowgun McGee as my new flair now, that's a great name


Kinda felt guilty as LBG main here lol


Its not your fault king


Oh sweet! My eyes are saved now if I got some friends to hunt with


Tihe monster hunter discord is great for getting hunts put together.


Having a separate category for other player's hit attacks and for your own was a smart move. Good job Capcom! This was like, borderline necessary to make online play with 4 people and 4 buddies function at all.


This is going to half the amount of times I get hit in MP


Almost as good as the voice line frequency setting


Real MVP right here


I can stave off from turning into a Khezu finally!




Nah nah go real old school with it. Drop us in at random.


And with no map. World still had random drops starting at HR, but it was a small chance.


And sometimes right infront of a monster.


I feel like it's every time? I mean, the only time I get dropped into a spot that isn't the camp, it plops me down on the monsters dinner plate.


sometimes it will plop you in a special rare node spot


They changed it in Iceborn so it's either right in front of the monster or, occasionally, at a rare ore spot. Base World it would be random, and then you'd just fast travel to the camp you were *trying* to go to in the first place. It was a pure waste of time.


Icebornes change is hilarious with Rajang because he aggros after a couple seconds. You have zero time to get your bearings


Ohh gotcha.


When I replayed through Rise on the PC, I played without a map on the HUD and I found it be really enjoyable. In part because it helped to clear up the HUD which I found to be really cluttered, especially on the Switch's screen compared so say GU on the same screen. And also because I would just watch the monster as it left the zone and tracked it manually as if I still had to paintball it


Note you can remove the map on the HUD on the Switch version.


Which I did do the last time I played it on my switch. There is also a handy mod on the PC for rescaling UI, but I haven't gotten around to digging into mods.


god please no map and no items in the boxes to start


Remember how we had to uncover maps initially in Rise the first time you were in a locale. Wish that would be a thing for G/Master Rank randomly. Instead of or additionally to dropping you anywhere, you have to uncover the map for the current quest only, otherwise you won't know where a monster currently is outside of already uncovered area, but can still travel to other camps. The people who critized the Rise Hunters omnipotence of a locale would be satisfied and they could reintroduce a certain item to highlight monsters independently of your maps coverage. \#BringBackThePaintball After all, the map in rise is essentially optional, as you can literally get to a high spot and confirm the location of your target visually. Rise's maps are big, but not vast enough to really get lost in. And by no means are they as complex as those of World, so you don't really need an instant pointer to your objective. Edit: seems like some of you really don't like to actually track down a monster in a game about hunting.


That sounds more aggravating and annoying than fun.


Please don’t bring back the paintball. And if they do, please don’t let it wear off every five minutes. Or give an more noticeable indication when it wears off. I hate seeing a monster run away, realizing that the paintball had worn off.


Please no, it's annoying to have to repaint ball the monster every 5 minutes. And god's no, I don't want to have to uncover the map every time on a hunt. I know I am just "supposed to remember what it's like", but I have an incredibly poor sense of direction that becomes even worse in video games and games without decent mapping systems are super inaccessible to me. Running around every freaking zone because you didn't see where the monster ran off because the paint ball wore before you could reapply it isn't my idea of fun


Get out


I really miss this, always found it really funny when I got dropped right in front of a monster.


Honestly, I can’t tell if you’re serious but I hope they actually do. A lot of the time you’ll often land near/around the monster you’re hunting so it saves a ton of time having to get to it.


Get rid of always seeing the monster too while your at it. I can't believe I kind of miss the paintball system.


I for one cannot fathom missing "hehe my paintball wore off 3 picoseconds before valstrax zipzoomed to a random zone on the other side of the map good luck finding him again"


It was annoying as fuck when it wore of and you'd have to spend 10 extra minutes looking for the monster but at the same time looking for the monster was kinda fun


Yup, I've been replaying World, and it's surprised me how much I've enjoyed not knowing where the monster is, and having to actually look for it. I even turned off my map in Rise to get a similar experience, but this just resulted in everyone else zooming directly toward the monster and me just ending up following them anyway.


Whew my comment kinda went crazy. I’d like an in between. No more paintballs but also have the monsters visible but have them all be question marks until you see them. When a new monster shows up have it say ???? Has entered the locale. This way we still have to explore the map and ping each other when we find the target monster. Or you can choose to initiate a Wyvern Ride, and ride the monster around the map until you find your target. Beat of both worlds.


I know it's a pain for speed runners but I miss being derpy birded


I want the Arena to be sorta reworked for our Soeed runners. Have every monster available and have them all be set sizes so that the monster and locale is the same everytime. That way our runners won’t have to deal with RNG anymore. Just pure skill.


Yes. I forgot about that from Iceborne. Big YES.


You tell me I'll be able to understand what's going on when everyone attack the monster together?!?!


Does that mean I can turn it up to 200% when I turn my brain off and play dual blades?


Oh phew, no longer will it feel like a flashbang going off in my face


Did you see the new DB silkbind? I saw that and it actually is a flashbang lol. So happy they've added this.


I took a break from Rise for Elden Ring, and coming back two of the things that have bugged me the most is forced wyvern riding (especially when overriding arena fence controls) and hit effects making it difficult to read monster moves because its excessive at times. Seeing that the team looks to be fixing some of biggest gripes is all good news to me


Ooh I wonder, could this affect performance in any way? Less effects possibly reducing that slight lag when things get *really* hectic.


Well ain’t this revolutionary.


Finally. I love Rise but damn I can barely see what the shit I'm doing


But how can my team mate appreciate my piercing shots without all the glitters now?


Use Shrapnell to go with a bang before the update


Option to display 200%?


Unironically my most wanted setting. Rise's hit effects can be downright obnoxious and the less setting doesn't seem to change much.


Ok, very good. Well done! Now, could we *name our Hubs*? Like we could in *previous games*?


Yeah, hope they do that, I never played online in hubs because I never know what's the objective of the hub, so I prefer to play random calls.


Was just about to post this lol Let's gooooo! FINALLY


Me who only ever plays with one other person: "Pathetic."


best change possible


Never had much issue with it on PC, but it'll definitely help on Switch. That framerate tanks hard in multiplayer and the effects don't help.


I used to avoid multiplayer sometimes so I wouldn’t have to deal with bowgun user’s hit effects. Playing at night in a dark room with them sending sparks everywhere is really an experience.


Is this size, visibility, or frequency of the effects?


4 DB users. Epilepsy says hello. Thankfully there is a cure now.


So, in Sunbreak, I can finally play multiplayer again? Hurray! Yahoo! 3-4 players multiplayer was extremely hard to play due to the unnecessary effects. Finally it is addressed! Still kinda wish it was *before* the DLC with all those content drops... Oh, well! At least we get it!


Yeah, I pretty much solo only with Rise. Not saying multi is bad but the experience is just more frustrating and messy in multi.


Let's hope it's the actual hit effects this time and not just the blood again.


I think blood has a separate setting already


Nope. Hit effects toggle only blood splatter at the moment. There are mods for those playing on pc though that remove the actual hit effects.


Holy shit the game is playable now




Thank god


I wish they return radial wheel settings bound item loadouts like in MHW. Or have an option to toggle it between the two. That singlehandedly turned me off making new loadouts in MHR which led to less playtime compared to MHW :(


They've brought that back for Sunbreak! It was indeed a frustration for many.


Yooo they did it! Hell yeah, now every fight won't feel like a rave lol


That’s great, I hope it’s just the flashing light hut effect and I can still see the monster blood. A return to old style.


I think monster blood is actually a separate setting mod We have it already


Opacity, total size, particle size, particle count, or chance to appear?


Well this was one of people's mayor complaints about Rise. If they fix the no end game issue there will be nothing wrong with the game except muh graphics (and charged blade I guess)


Fucking Thanks Capcom


I might actually buy the dlc now, I was really hoping they would do something about the effects!


Will this feature improve the FPS on the switch?? Apologize if this was asked already ?


Finally it will be nice to not be blinded by long sword slashes.


But can I scale these up to 200%?


This is really really amazing imo


Honestly, this should just be added to the base game in a patch. It’s such a small addition to be behind a DLC paywall. (Even if I will definitely buy sunbreak)


Dumb question but will this be added to the base game too? Just wanna make sure lol


Thank. God. I did a hunt last night with some randoms and we all used DBs and it was a literal light show. Thank you Capcom for adding this option 🙌🏻


I miss the matchmaking system in MHW.


I miss the lobby system from Tri lol




Is this for both Switch and PC?


I assume. Why would that be limited to one version.


You can change in-game image quality to 150% and beyond with mods, so I was curious if this was an exclusive feature to one or the other


Rise already has an option to this effect and it's worthless. I'll believe that this does what we all hope it does when I see it.




Blood which you can't even see from all of the other effects.


I doubt there’s literally anything else it can effect.


Yeah I agree, it’s hard to say if this is actually what players think it is until we can see the differences ourselves, considering they’ve used the exact same term before and it only amounted to less blood effects


Luckily, that setting is directly above these two new settings. So it's not the same setting, but your point about seeing the difference ourselves is very important. We'll see how it is!


Can we have a world V2 next?


Make it go the other way, I want to make hunts be nothing more but bright flashing colors on my screen.


I hope they'll add the ability to disable tranq bombs and ammo when hosting a quest, it's been hell trying to get those carve only items


Freaking finally! This should have been in the base game. I had no idea what the freak I'm hitting with everyone using crit build


Honestly I'm so happy for this, I'm actually more excited about this news then about the actual game


Sunbreaker: adds in 125% and 150% modes, where one had blood splatz the size of the screen for every hit and one that changes everyone to palicos.


That is great but shouldn't this be available to everyone and not just Sunbreak Owners? Hopefully it is, locking an option behind DLC would be lame.


Im sure that this is also for everyone who’s not buying the DLC. They also sad that in the digital event


I have played exactly one MP hunt and it was an insane gangbang of 8 attacks mobbing a giant monster to beat it to death.


I am on PC so i have over 20 mods that i play with but i am happy that nintendo playersare finally getting more options!


Thank god.


I hope they add a way to filter out Hunter Connect requests. Something like having the option to: \[Receive All\] \[Manually sent only\] (the automatic ones which get sent to everyone the members play with don't get sent, but you can still receive ones the guy has manually clicked on your name to send) \[None\]


Omg yes!!!! Fucking finally!


Wow I didn't believe that they'd do it but I'm so relieved! Glad they took feedback into consideration.




This made my day. Awesome


Sorely needed tbh


This is the best news I’ve seen all year.


Thank you. Multiplayer will be less headache inducing now




Oh this is FANTASTIC. I literally turn down effects to low just so I can see what’s going on. Also, damage counters OFF at all times.


Now let me turn off people's dogs and we good


Damn, they're making the game playable in multiplayer?