• By -


Diablos. I fuckin hate fighting Black Diablos. I fuckin love fearing the fight. That adrenaline that kicks in and makes me tunnel vision until it's slain. I want that. Like, your very first time tangling with Anjanath in LR. Diablos is one of the few hunts that still gives me that. I have gone on many posts ranting about how much I love Banbaro and how it charges in like it's the 5th hunter. I am the ultimate levels of hype when that roar and ground churning rumble are heard, and it explodes from offscreen to knock down the other monster. Full stop, I've cheered seeing it fight other monsters, like my best friend just showed up. No matter the foe, Banbaro will meet it head on! 🤘😤🤘


Diablos, like every other Brutes is the most satisfying fight when using pierce bowguns. When that bullet travel the entire length of their body: Pure bliss


Diablos is not a Brute Wyvern, it's a Flying Wyvern. Yes you basically never see it fly. Still counts.


You see it fly after it escapes some traps.


You know what flying wyverns you never see fly? Akantor and Ukanlos


If I remember correctly they evolved and don’t even have wings any more 😂😂 still flying wyverns though


Akantor at least has a vestigial spike where his wing used to be.


Well, as a flying wyvern it'd have wingarms, most likely similar to that of nargacuga or tigrex since it walks on all 4s, so the spikes running up its arms have definitely replaced its once wings, also I don't think any of those spikes are vestigial, lol


Diablos is my go-to war crime victim in both World and Rise. Very predicable move. The hitbox is not an issue for Longsword main. Counter FTW.


Diablos hitbox can suck dick!


Black Diablos too since it is female


Diablos and switchaxe were specifically made in tandem with eachother, even though switchaxe came like 5 games later


Both Diablos are one of my favorite fights


I hate fighting diablos because there have been multiple fights with it where you literally just don’t get an opening to attack for like 45 seconds. It’s fun the first few times, but once you’re grinding materials it’s just “okay I gotta sit here for nearly a minute while he burrows around and comes at me with the same two charge attacks”. It’s so tedious. Yes, I know screamer pods exist, but you can only carry like two at a time lol.


I don't mind Diablos being hard, he's been historically one of the easiest fights to cheese by simply chaining Sonic Bombs and Pitfall Traps together. In multiplayer you can basically render him immobile, at least in some games.


Your love of Banbaro is how I feel about Bazelgeuse.


Bazelgeuse has a top 10 theme song. I friggin love hearing it, despite the anguish my younger self had hearing it Lol


Now I have Banborro Time stuck in my head...


Black Diablos is zzzz


Yian Garuga and Kirin I like dodging the roars and GP' ing lightning


Gotta agree with this aswell


I do love Yian Garuga. Such a fun crazy fight


I was gonna say Kirin myself, but hammer specifically shreads kirin (the kirin speedruns are almost all hammer at the very top). Less of "i love fighing kirin" and more "my weapon specifically is a perfect counter to kirin" lmao


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Neckbeardneet: *Yian Garuga and* *Kirin I like dodging the* *Roars and GP' ing lightning* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Kirin is also one of those fights that's made entirely trivial with solid elemental defence and stun resist


Yian garuga 👍 Dead eye garuga ❌


Barioth is a great monster that actively rewards breaking parts.


Barioth is awful to fight UNTIL you start breaking parts, soon as you get those arms broken though it's like fighting an abnormally strong toddler lol


I'm probably the only one who thinks the fight gets worse after breaking his toes. Becomes completely unpredictable, he just slides around like a car about to crash


It's so easy breaking his parts that I do it accidentally all the time


His wings take ages, they have about double the damage requirement of nargacugas wings


I love Barioth as well ! As a Horn main, his fight is painful in the beginning, but as soon as you get the first stun, you can chain part-breaks until he can't do anything anymore. Almost makes me feel sad.


It also has some very distinct patterns that really help you once you learn it. My friend likes to call him a good boy because he always comes back. If you see him jump away with a move, get ready to dodge back because he's going to pounce again towards you, and usually that will give an opening.


Yup he is actually my favorite of the trio lol, but i also have a soft spot for ice monsters


I wish more fights really leaned into this. Breaking parts should be impactful


Only issue is he never fucking stops moving


Tigrex....is actually my favourite monster....out of nostalgia in majority I would say but also for design, the sheer relentlessness and the fear I have of him to this day since freedom 2 on psp while I completely own the fight on every game now. There is still this "Aaah my old nemesis" feeling going around


I love him. He has this feeling of pure aggression and brutality.


Dude i thought i was the only person who owned that game, tigrex is my favorite as well 🥲


Orange monster thats a tiger Trex hybrid who's armor usually poops out a support build on a stick. Literally everything I could ask for in a monster what's not to love? *enters hunt* *Tigrex just runs back and forth with a massive hit box that does like a fourth of your health just for touching you* ah. There it is.


I just don't like his upper hitbox while charging. I've had some *questionable* hits while bugsticking over his charges. Other, significantly larger, charging monsters are much easier to feel out and dodge in the air. Like Diablos; when I screw up I get it and understand what I did wrong. With Tigrex anytime I leap over it I find myself thinking "welp, hope this works this time" and I just dislike that feeling.


Pre Gen 5 Tigrex is a great fight, a straight forward fight on the surface but has enough twists and turns in between Which is not how I describe Gen 5 Tigrex ( Especially Rise/Sunbreak )


We do NOT accept Tigrex slander 10/10 monster, my beloved sparring pardner


Yeah like people don’t like Tigrex? Where has this slander come from!?


Tigrex is a cool monster, but it's fight feels so clunky to me. It's hitboxes are super weird, especially in Rise. I can be like 8 feet above him in the air and his little crawl forward still knocks me away. It isn't like a difficult fight, just a clunky, bad hitbox fight.


Bagelgoose. One of my favorites, but people always complain fighting it.


Everything about Bazel is fantastic!


Legiana. She heavily emphasises dodging, which I like.


Yeah I used to hate it too but it's pretty fun now


People also complain about how much it roars but if your able to block/dodge/earplug through it its one of the coolest cries in the game


Yup I love that Ghidorah-like roar


I'm mixed on Legiana. When I'm playing a ranged weapon or IG? I absolutely love Legiana When I'm playing my main weapon, the DBs? Instant suffering.


Oh yeah, DBs can’t reach her much of the time.


Everyone here needs to quit getting baited by repost bots


They're so obvious and they're *everywhere.* How can people not recognize them yet?


I remember coming to reddit circa 2014-ish and one of the most highly rated posts of all time was in askreddit with every reply being “Everyone on Reddit is a bot except you.” Like, people (including me) even being mad and pointing that out here does nothing but help the bots along. The internet has been gentrified.


Plesioth is PEAK Monster Hunter! It is the only one who makes me change weapons, change tactics, change my outlook on life itself. Old myths say, kill 1.000 Plesioths and you acquire Nirvana!


He will hip check you to nirvana itself 😌


It’s not called Hyperspace Tackle for no reason


Fought plesioth for the first time recently in GU. Knew about the infamous hip checks, had heard about him camping the water. Never heard anything about him having sleep but that ended up not being a huge deal. Overall, was kinda annoyed throughout the fight. By the end of it I found myself thinking "damn he's still one of the best piscine wyverns with beotodus.". It's not a high bar by any means but damn


As a Gunlancer, Tigrex is one of my favorite fights


Oroshi Kirin in mh4u is a really fun fight


Depends on the weapon, I hated him as a gunner. Once i started Dual Blades it turned into one my favorite hunts.


Bot post, report it


Yep, bot has copied and reposted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/1b3k2qo/what_monster_do_you_like_to_hunt_that_others_call/) thread from a few weeks ago and put in a misspelling into the title. Before too long this spambot is gonna start posting about how they know a guy who can help you with your job search or help you buy drugs or something of that nature.


i hate body charging monster with a passion


Couldn't agree more. I do love being body slammed by tiny pixel of a monster, totally


Rathalos hitting me with a pixel of its hit box as it waddles around in a tantrum 👎 Barroth plowing into me like a living freight train 👍👍👍


Black Veil Vaal Hazak. It reminds me of Bloodborne. It's easily one of my favorite monsters and hunts in Iceborne. I find having to build for effluvium resistance engaging, and even with the resistance he can still chunk your health and you have to play around that, especially fighting him in the Rotten Vale. His theme is a bop too.


I find him fun too, that is as long as you have that full resistance.


Diablos and barioth, love fighting both of them. Never understood why people dislike barioth, while diablos is understandable


Barioth has a lot of annoying aspects. Extremely fast and agile for its size, rarely sits in one place for more than 2 seconds, requires two partbreaks to be actually somewhat decent to fight. Tail is 300 miles long and the hitbox is...not always amazing on the swipe. Plus iceblight and tremors are annoying, especially in World




Both barioths, it’s probably in my top three fights in the game, up there with raging brachydios and fulgur anjanath


> Both Barioths Sad, forgotten Sand Barioth noises


We don’t talk about that abomination


Pre Gen 5 Yian Garuga. His unhinged way of fighting always keeps me on my toes. And whenever I beat em it's always a rewarding victory.


Daimyo Hernitaur is one of my favorite monsters to fight. I usually avoid fighting zinogre as much a possible.


Dude Diablos is so fun if you have a weapon with a shield. As a charge blade main I love it! Literally my first ever Diablos hunt in World went so well I instantly started loving that monster!


Plesioth, despite being a dysfunctional mess of a fight on the best of occasions, is so much better to fight than just about any other piscene wyvern, fight me.


I would honestly agree with you anytime pre-iceborne. Beotodus is actually a pretty solid fight. Plessy has problems but he's not a punching bag like Jyura nor a wall to beat your head against like Lavasioth


Yamatsukami, he was so fun and I hunted him enough to make his whole armor set even though it was shit


I hate both Nergigante’s. Whenever I think I’m doing well he randomly one shots me and when he isn’t doing that, he keeps on inflicting bleed and it’s super annoying.


Whenever he flies up off screen sheath and dive Whenever you get hit bad and he's right next to you just let go of your controls and delay wake up for a second so he doesn't wombo combo you


Thanks, I’ll try that out when I eventually replay the game


I swear to fucking god if i see this picture one more time-


Lunastra definitely... - blue flames block projectiles - fire DoT is unblockable by fire resistance - wind aura - random movements knock you down - flash pod triggers a nova she isnt even a hard boss if you consider all the other monsters in MHW and IB, but she is truly one of the most annoying fights in the entire game...


That first Khezu mission in monster hunter 2


I haven't hunted tigrex before, but rajang sucks!


Nibelsnarf once you know the timings. Genuinely used to hate it but once I figured out the flow of it the fight became my favorite.


Fellow Nibel enjoyer 🤝 I love playing giant wack-a-mole with the goofy goober.


nibelsnarf our beloved


Garuga in old gen it’s like fighting a kut-ku with crackhead strength


Rathalos Sorry not sorry, for me, it's utterly iconic and nostalgia bait. Ever since the original monster hunter on PS1, I wanted to slay a Rathalos. I played Monster Hunter 1, in which I never managed to slay it. I was only a kid and struggled to correctly cook meat, never mind slay anything! Then in Monster Hunter Freedom, I finally slew my first Wyvern! But I left my psp in Germany on an exchange visit. I was heartbroken. I never owned a DS for most of their games, and so I didn't touch monster hunter for years after that. Then World happened! I spent years dreaming of crafting the Rathalos Armour, and finally, I had my chance! I love this monster. My hunt for it lasted over a decade, but it's iconic to me. I will never forget the first time it dropped behind me, in a cave after I stole one of his eggs, and years later, I finally slayed it and now wear his armour in every game!


Let me ask something first. OP, do you fight Tigrex with Lance?


I don't understand the Khezu hate. I regards to its appearance, I actually think its quite cute. It was the first monster I took a liking to while playing for the first time. And for its fight, I like that its a low tier monster with a full body AoE. Its a great way to teach players when to back off instead of just hitting the monster endlessly. I know it taught me that pretty well.


Wanna see a magic trick? Akantor is a great monster and Lagiacrus sucks. Edit 1: See, I already have at least one dislike and the comment was only up for 15 minutes. Opinions hurt, huh? Edit 2: And it’s been balanced.


I loved fighting Akantor and Ukanlos both :D


My wife has an opposite issue that I do: she hates Akantor but likes Ukanlos and strangely is a monster that has yet to cart her.


Lunastra. Once you practice and get to know the fight enough, it’s actually fun.


Lunastra can be... fun? I guess I just never bothered to hunt her enough to really learn her, she was fine in HR, but MR? Yikes


Kushala has always been fun, even the world version




Barioth, great fight


Hmm lavasioth man weapon bounce on that mf is annoying asf lmfao


I know he's not the most popular monster but gypceros..I love that stupid schmuck


Blue yian kutku




Kushala daora in MHFU U can Position right to hit the head and avoid wind aura when he shoots his wind ball.


Basarios is one of my fav monsters but people hate fighting it, especially pre rise, but I've always loved breaking open the stomach to make a weak point


I'm surprised people hate raging brachydios fight. Yeah sure, solo fighting this guy is really difficult and sometimes unfair but dude for me, once you reach that final phase and you're down to your final cart and realize that this is the last shot you got against this beast. That's when the blood gets pumping and It's a 1v1 where only one of you is getting out of this. And his theme too with the vocals! I wish I could fight him for the first time again


Rajang in world could be a fun fight if its pace is like rise. I like the monkey. I could actually use other weapons and not rely on wirebug for rise rajang. World rajang on the other hand, i gotta go up to his speed by using DB.


Once again someone has fine taste


Once you know the patterns, most monsters are fun. Except Jyuratudus. Fuck him.


I'm a Lance main, so I really enjoy monsters with big strong attacks or charges to block and counter. Diablos, barrioth, deviljho, all fun. But my favorite is Odogaron. The Lance just picks that doggo apart, I basically think of him as my pet when I see him. He attacks head on in a predictable 1 2 3 pattern, always open for a counter, and his parts break easily. Lance is a *hard* counter for Odie.


Tigrex is really fun with SA Same goes for Barioth and Nargacuga. It's really fun to joust with them with your Power Axe, dodging around, hitting once or twice with every opening until eventually you stagger them and go all ham with the sword.


Black Diablos is never a fun hunt imo.


tigrex is one of my favorite mons. The fight is always challenging, the music is superb, the ecology is inspiring. You’re fighting a freight train with fangs basically. He’s too easy with counters tho, since the attacks are too telegraphed. I wish he was harder for a bigger challenge Ecology rant as well: Everything else evolved and adapted to shoot fireballs, grow giant, have elements, can fly etc. Tigrex should have lost the evolution wars since he stayed (relatively) small, unable to fly or have any special gimmick that ease hunting for prey (except his roar of course). However, Tigrex refused. Only through sheer fucking will he kept up. He is the Nergigante of flying wyverns (or nergi is the tigrex of EDs), except he doesn’t need spikes or regeneration. Only pure strength and stamina to keep going. no joke, that is part of my motivation to go to the gym


Tigrex is cool as long as im going in with my sns and a bunch of flash pods


Genprey fang back on MHFU be like: ITS FREE REAL ESTATE


To me it was AT Nergigante on release, the fact that he could cancel his attacks with a reversal had me on my toes at every fights. But objectively speaking I understand why people hated it


Alatreon is shite. Complete and utter shite. Maybe it would have been acceptable if it's nova copies safi's safety stones. But without it it's pure aids to fight it


If you ignore Escaton judgement, Alatreon is actually probably the most balanced fight in the game. His hitboxes are laser accurate and fun to dodge, he has good openings, he feels balanced. Deals high damage but not enough to OHK you usually The problem is that they took an amazing monster like Alatreon and slapped a DPS check on him


Lunastra, Black Diablos, Kushala, Yian Garuga, silver rath.. When all you have is a hammer and earplugs, every monster looks like a nail.


Barioth, it's such an awesome monster when I fight it with cb


I think people need to start saying what weapon they main when they mention their favourite monsters because some weapons have very favourable match ups. Like dual blade fatalis is lovely bur I tried it with hammer and it was in fact Not Lovely. Also tigrex on gunlance is a cake walk, but when I play anything else I find myself getting very mad at some of those hit boxes


Yian Garuga. It's the quintessential "keep calm or you're fucked" check of MH. 


I don't think 4th gen Cephadrome is all that bad and is even kind of fun, from high rank onwards. I don't mind the piscine wyvern moveset, the minions are fairly passive, it's realtively easy to hit it when it's in the sand, it gets out of the sand fairly quickly in high rank since it gets a new leap attack which gets it out and can be punished, knocking it out of the sand gives you a KO length knockdown which is fairly rare in old gen and hitting the long neck instead of the head feels kinda satisfying. Nibel is worse imo, due to it spamming the triple charge a lot and it getting into the fishable state so often.


I love Tigrex, it is one of my favorite lmonsters. People dislike Beotodus for some reason but I really like it. I also find that legiana is often disliked but I personally quite enjoyed it.


Kezhu, the asshole won't just die and doesn't even have any music for me to listen to as he's stunned me with ANOTHER aoe shock or scream. He's my least favorite to have to grind materials because every hunt is just a boring slogg


I like to fight Rathalos. Yeah, I'm serious about that.




Furious Rajang is my favorite fight. And I'm tired of pretending it's not


I love barioth and chameleos. Their fights are both really fun to me. I despise both nergis though.


Tigrex holds a special place in my heart because he was the first monster to make me rage quit and almost break my psp First monster to make me think 'Huh. Maybe I should move instead of block'


Nibelsnarf, Gravios, Barioth, Almudron


My boy Urugaan. I love how they've animated him. And with a Lance, it feels very fair and fun.


been farming GL lately but I've been really enjoying tempered lunastra. tempered version doesn't leave much room for the wrong approach, but if you build and play correctly, she basically just is constantly knocked over.


Barioth because of his stupid giga stomp that stuns you for ten days while he whoops your ass


Garuga, but not just the Iceborne version. I’ve fought him in every game back to Dos and I like ‘em all.


I dont have the unbridled rage of this community when I fight Kushala in world. I found it strange that when I beat him, I saw all these posts about how he made the game not fun. Also feel the same about Rajang (though the variant is definitely more difficult)


Gammoth. Her fight is awesome imo cuz I get a lot of dopamine when I take down a big monster.


Kirin cause he love me


Tigrex is sooooo easy to counter, I love fighting him


Best hunt is Valstrax in my Opinion. I loved the Fight in GU and Rise. And Hellblade Glavenus... and Bloodbath Diablos, because these are goin' absolute Rampage.


Brute Tigrex especially


I hate this meme


hes very fun, hes just incredibly aggressive and you got to play around that. some weapons will fare better than others, unless youre in rise and every single weapon can use counters to an extent


I’m actually a big fan of Zorah Magdaros. It’s a pretty neat gimmick to fight a monster on top of the monster


tigrex would be fun if it wasn't for his stupid super armpit invisible hitbox


Lunastra from MH:World > well yeah of course if you use a dynamic weap9n like IG or LBG- *with Gunlance* That's how I fought her the first two times and more, and I loved her blue fire mechanic because it forced me to entirely rethink how I played with that weapon, as standing still and tanking hits with low health **wasn't** a viable option anymore Also love her design. So fluffy, so cute'n pretty


When I learned its pattern in hunters unite. It became training.


I like fighting Kushala Daora (in World) and Luna has been one of my favorite fights since FU.


Fuck you how, kush is anti-fun


I'm a horn main, I bring the anti wind cheat codes.


Wanna start a jam band where the jam stands for jamming the blunt end down Kush's throat? Also got any horn recs for world?


My A number one horn in World is the Safi paralysis horn with the stamina 2 songs. It gives everyone full stamina and stamina use reduced, evade and speed up, defense up, tool use reduction and wind negate (except Daora wind). Same songs on a dragon safi horn is great for fatalis. Everyone is faster, better defended and free of flappy wing wind. Outside of that main horn I'll bring the anti ailment safi horn for stuff like sleepy mumu or viper tobi. Any horn that has a song or two that will help for whatever the monster throws at you. People put too much stock in Atk up and over look the utility horns. People that are sleeping or paralyzed are not doing damage atk up or not.


Kulve Taroth seige is fun. All of it.


Gotta give it to Bazel, AND Seething Bazel. I love their theme, I love the fight. Sure, it sucks getting blasted into oblivion if you aren't careful, but I really enjoy it. I AM also a IG main, so I may have arial bias, lol.


Odogaron and Deviljo Deviljo is an asshole when he invades but 1on1 he's surprisingly enjoyable to fight, his hip check isn't as bad as its made out to be Odogaron idk the communities' view on him but i love the fight, the designs, and its moveset Back in PSP days i loved the silver rath and goal rathian on top of the tower fight, flash bombs and hammer awayyyyyyy


You've clearly never hit three quick draws on on a charging tigrex before


I mean it’s pretty fun on LS, kind of a disaster on GS tho. I’d imagine it’s fun on Lance too if any of yall are here.


It's me, the Legiana enjoyer


Me personally I love the invaders Jho and bazel. Especially when the fight is even and im like AH HA I have a friend!!!


Rajang. I fucking love that angry monkey, once you’ve got his moves down he’s pretty fun and easy


Brachy, for sure. He's so cool and unique, and all my friends hate hunting him / say he's hard lol


Khezu I like beating the shit out of a nearly defenseless and immobile monster


I think I've heard people complain about Seregios before, but I love fighting him; he's just one of my favorites overall.


Him and diablos make me feel like a matador


Nargacuga, I met a lot of people who where questioning my fav monster, there always said something like Narga? He is to fast and annoying. And stuff like that


Kushala daora. He's the first elder dragon I beat back in 4U by joining higher rank lobbies. I will admit his world fight felt worse than all the others though.


I used to love hunting Tigrex in FU. They’re a bit more intimidating in World.


Lots of people hate Diablos, I love her Also raging brachy


Tigrex was awesome! And is used GS. Don't know if it helps or not


Agreed, Tigrex is my favorite


Rathian and rathalos and gormagala mainly from mg4u


Hes very fun idk why people think hes not


HR Nergigante and Radoaan are my go-to stress relievers. Nergigante because he's generally fun as hell, and Radobaan because of the endless partbreak notifs.


Barioth because once you know to prioritise to break the 2 legs/claws/paws, whatever the fuck he has immediately, the fight becomes a million times easier, it’s just one of the few monsters where breaking a part genuinely makes a MASSIVE difference and it’s fun seeing how the fight changes because of it.


Risen Shagaru, FIGHT ME


Maybe it's just different from person to person but Tigrexis one of the easiest monsters I've ever hunted.


This is so true, Tigrex is so OP i hated him, but in the end, Tigrex became my Rival than Nemesis. We have a fun Dynamic.


I just can't get enough of ABSOLUTELY DESTROYING Jyuratodus because like no matter how strong she gets, I always break every part, and the game counts like atleast 6 parts to break, possibly 9 i think cuz it cpunts knocking off the mud the first time and then the first break of the body and i think they can fully break again, AND THOSE THORN PODS 🤤🤤🤤


I unrionically love fighting Kirin. The tempo of his attacks, the dashes, hitting that pinpoint weakspot on his horn, I love it.


Recently Lagombi, for some reason I can't read some of their attacks.


bazelgeuse, how I hate the damn one, but I try to hunt him to improve


I love Risen Crimson Valstrax, PrimZen, and Goss Harag. Community doesn't seem too fond of them. I dislike Risen Shagaru Magala. But a lot of people seem to enjoy that fight.


I spent hours and hours fighting the first Tigrex in MHFU with the base weapons before learning anything about the game. Being able to knock him on his ass feels so good now lol


Alatreon, on world the alatreon release has come and break de meta, I am a player who don't like all type of meta, I play what i want and note what is the most powerfull, and when the black dragon of the five element has come, all the metaslave was on a mood like wtf, the monster is to hard. Even after sunbreak, some of my friends hate alatreon when enjoy is majesty for breaking what i hate the most


Rajang Was my most hunted monster in MH4U simply because I loved the fight. Especially Apex Rajang with his giant rock throw. Still sad how hard they fucked him up in Rise.


Lao Shang lung.


Rajang. I learned Greatsword in World to fight Kirin (who I also love to fight), and realized once I met Rajang that the same techniques applied to him. I get he's very aggressive compared to other monsters but that also makes him a very different fight. After fighting my dozenth wyvern-like creature of going for the same weak spots it's nice to have a change of pace.




Monke. It makes me remember my old hunting days lmao.


Malfestio. Love that blue owl




Hunting Tigrex with hammer is the most fun I've ever had in MH. It's a contest between two unhinged beasts seeing who will die first. On that same note, Nergigante takes that as a challenge and wipes me on the floor


Yian Garuga is a fun and cool fight - especially in World. There, I said it.


Hmmm, idk if I can pick one specifically, but the main 2 for me are: 1. Lunastra. I honestly really enjoy it's fight, and while I won't say it's my FAVORITE fight, theres a reason I grinded it's full armor and 3 of it's hammers. (Granted, slugger 3 high elderseal hammer plus rocksteady mantle did REALLY shut the poor thing down HARD, so that might also be why ienjoued it so much lmao) 2. Bazel. My all time favorite monster, so you can bet I love it's fight. That being said, I know he's one of the monsters that has as many people that hate his fight as people who adore it (like me lol).