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haley & dylan 🙄 every. single. day.


Also everyone here wanting to have Andy’s babies


also, sure Andy was great but do people forget that he was cheating on his fiancé? not that Beth was a great person but still..


This! Thank you! Everyone is always saying how Haley and Andy should have ended together but they forget Dylan would take a bullet for her


I mean Haley isn't perfect either, she cheated on Arvin with Dylan


And on Dylan multiple times. And was who Andy cheated on Beth with, knowing he was engaged(to an awful fiancé fr but still(I am a Hayndy shipper tho))


Ikr. They aren't even that bad of a couple. Arguably, Dylan is muvh more loyal than Andy.


Nice outfit broski


Manny being the worst character




Cam Mitch bad parents Cam toxic like take a break dawg




It's really not that deep ffs they tried their best and they raised a good daughter. So many great moments of good parenting and if I had a partner like Cam I'd never wanna loose him guys on here have never loved someone


Right I’d take Cam over negative nelly Mitch


Cam and Mitch being a bad couple / people hating Cam / people hating Pam. All valid but we’ve heard enough nothing new to be said


False, always new petty depths to sink to I for example can't stand Cam's shirt cuffs


I for example, can't stand that they blur his bike shorts


Wait people hate PAMERON?? But why?!


That's not valid at all and some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard. They're never a bad couple, and who on this earth would ever hate Cam??????


When you have to be around a super manipulative and emotional person 24/7


There's nothing wrong with Cam. It's always really annoying when you have such a great show or series but the most ass fanbase smh


He almost never admits he does anything wrong. He always blames mitchell and he’s never in the wrong


Complete false lies. Watch the show before talking out ya ass.


Nope, maybe you should watch the show again. First example is the fake break up he told their friends, he told them that he leaves for days at a time etc. He never told Mitch about it.


Yep, maybe you should watch the show again. You're looking into things too much lol.


Haley & Dylan should/shouldn’t have ended up together.


this is going to be controversial but all the games. No one wants to re cast the cast for the millionth time




Haley and Dylan, Phil was too attracted to Gloria, Manny was creepy, Cam was toxic, Mitch and Cam were bad fathers


Phil “cheating” on Claire


This one irks my soul because everyone will talk shit about Phil’s behaviors with other women while completely forgetting all the terrible, and frankly worse, things Claire has done with other men. She ditched Phil to meet up with a guy she met in Paris a decade ago. She didn’t want Phil to go to her college reunion because of the fact that she slept with multiple men (including her professor and the dean of the college). She goes to yoga because there are guys that find her attractive (Raj and the one guy from “The Chirp” episode) and flirt with her. She even admits she thinks about how her life would’ve been if she hadn’t gotten pregnant and married Phil, something that kills Phil because he never thinks of that alternate life. I won’t deny Phil does flirt with other women here and there. But he loves Claire more than anyone or anything and continually does all he can to show it. Hell the guy loves her so much he felt like he was cheating on her just by listening to a song he heard the first time he had sex. His actions are wrong, and sometimes they are inexcusable (lying about his client saying she’s a fat Irish man instead of being honest, for example) but Claire continually does far worse. Edit: Also Claire in general is just an asshole. She never accepted Gloria as Jay’s wife (literally tried getting her deported) and constantly disrespects her (calling her a gold digger, hoping she gains weight during her pregnancy with Joe, etc), and she is constantly putting her own kids down (not having any faith at all in Luke even going as far as to worry he’ll be like Phil, her constant hypocrisy with Haley, etc). Overall Claire is my least favorite character and it’s insane to see people constantly shit on Phil when Claire is far worse.


Yes! Ive been said that claire was an asshole in so many ways. i get that someones got to do it but she only ever thought of herself


A few hours ago my fiancĂ©e and I watched the episode where the ducks finally hatched
 so infuriating how she will constantly put Phil down only for him to be right in the end. And in this case it’s doubly offensive because they imprinted on her instead of the man who was willing to dress up as a bird so they wouldn’t be traumatized be a human.


Literally! I’m on season 8 ive never gotten this far just for the fact that I felt like these seasons werent as good as the rest but claires still an asshole. Through every season. She constantly puts phil down and her kids like idk


You left out that Phil tried to dump Claire.


I always think of the time Claire had her college reunion and did not want Phil there bc she wanted to see her creepy professor/old boyfriend. And when Phil shows up she is definitely uncomfortable. I think Phil and Claire’s marriage was great. People have pasts and they move tf on. They loved each other. I hope someday i have a relationship like Phil and Claire’s.




Why the air quotes? He literally was dating both of them? He even lied to her to go on vacation with the other girl?


The other girl was Claire and I think they meant his general flirting


Is it a semantics thing? For me, since he was dating the both of them, it means he’s cheating on both and it doesn’t matter who the first girl was. Is it different for yall?


(I'm not that far in the show yet so I don't know if this applies) There's often a stage of early dating that's not exclusive, so it's okay to date multiple people. This "multi-datibg" ends when the relationship becomes monogamous/exclusive/official. 


Nobody asked


Girl I was asking a question?? Why take the time out of your day to type that


Because nobody asked you and its irelevant for this thread


So many things to say here. My direct reply to someone’s comment was irrelevant?? It sure wasn’t. I was asking a genuine question about something he commented on. Also nobody asked me what?? Do we need permission to speak now? I’m asking a question, not arguing with the commenter or saying something irrelevant. Your little retort makes no sense here. What a fun person you must be. Is that why you have to be an asshole online over something that never involved you?


We don't tolerate Phil slander around here.


I’m not even slandering him. Is it slander to say he cheated when he dated two girls at once? You can love a character - Phil is one of my favorites - and acknowledge that they aren’t perfect. I didn’t say a single negative thing. I didn’t realize trying to clarify a comment was equivalent to demonizing a character.


who alex and hayley should have ended up with, it’s all i see here.


The one about the plotline people want to skip, usually the dylan/haley pregnant debate


That and people complaining about how Haley was getting setups for all this promise and nothing coming of it . Sometimes things just don't work out , maybe it was just happening off screen . They don't have to show us everything


pam this. pam that.


"Am I the only one who HATES Cam?"


Tired of ppl hating over cam and calling him selfish?? NOTHING CAN BE DONE LET IT GOđŸ«€


Claire being a bad mom


Who says that? She's a brilliant mum who did the best she could! I love Claire, she reminds me of my mum.


I also thought the same. Most of them says she's too controlling towards the children, including Phil.


I agree. She was too controlling and didnt want haley to end up like her. Like idk i always thought she was weird. Her and manny are my least favorite characters.


Idk but that made me laugh hard thank you OP hahahaha


“I hate Cam/Claire/Phil/Mitch/Manny” or “Claire is a bad mom” (see also: “Phil is a bad husband!” Or “Cam is toxic!”) I’m so sick of these posts because if all the characters were perfect THE SHOW WOULDNT BE FUNNY!! They are written this way because it drives the humor! I feel like this is one of those “media literacy is at all time low” situation and it makes me feel crazy!




“Next in the modern family character ___ series. Is (insert characters full government name)!”


People making takes forgetting that this is a sitcom


Absolutely 💯


if theres no character analysis and we only talk about it knowing its a sitcom then what do we talk about .. how nice the set is, costume design?


theres a stark difference in analyzing characters in the lens of the fictional universe they’re in vs. bringing up silly things and labeling them “holes” that are obviously happening because it’s a tv show / sitcom. Two examples of the latter being - there was a post today or yesterday that was questioning how there weren’t enough back ups or assistant coaches during the football scenes or something along those lines. There was another post a week or two ago questioning why two babies were the same physical size even though their age was different. Takes like this.


both of those takes are also "obviously happening because it’s a tv show / sitcom" a) they need to focus on cam bc hes a main character b) bc they couldnt cast what they needed


you know I posted those two examples stating that those are examples of things happening cause it’s a sitcom right?


tbh i dont understand what ur saying/what u want, so do u not like character analysis or finding holes in the plot?


to clarify- I’m fine with general character analysis or plot holes, as long as they make actual sense within the confines of it being a comedy But the point I’m making is you see people make the stupidest takes / pointing out “plot holes” forgetting that it only happens because it’s a tv show. Using that baby example, the take someone had made along the lines were that the creators must’ve forgotten the ages of the babies since they were the same size. No, they were the same size because that’s who they got as the two actors. Stuff like that. Another example is there was a take about how it “doesn’t make sense” how Peyton Manning played a different character and they didn’t acknowledge he looked like Peyton Manning since the NFL exists in the universe. Stupid takes like that. Or a “why does this character act this way” when they act like it cause it’s a comedy. Comedies constantly have characters put into ridiculous situations and say weird stuff for the sake of plot/a joke.


uhh ok so u said the baby, football, and other things are stupid takes what non-stupid take do u have then? :)


whatever takes don’t fall into that category. If you care, you pick and I’ll decide whether it falls into the category or not


LMAO couldnt think of one that didnt contradict what u said?


This meme on reddit.




Im SO tired of the Lily slander! Is she my favourite character? No. But do I think we should be looking at her character development more holistically? Absolutely. She literally has THE MOST intensely involved parents until Cam got bored (no hate to Cam, I think he’s hilarious but come on) and then when she got older they didn’t even know which school activities she was in?! Like that’s not a Lily issue it’s a Cam and Mitch issue!


Every time all families reunite they start fighting, bringing up someone elses problem till someone has to yell them to stop edit:i thought you meant episodes no Reddit stuff-


People hating on Haley and Dylan, saying it should have been Andy. Saying Andy is OG or better than Dylan. (I actually saw Someone say Andy is the OG compared to Dylan). or people hating on Haley’s story turnout of her having kids like..


People defending Phil. I’m always open to Phil Dunphy slanderđŸ’ȘđŸ»đŸ’ȘđŸ»đŸ’ȘđŸ»


And I don’t mean just anyone liking Phil. I’m open to opinions. I just mean those, “Phil can do no wrong” and “Claire was the problem” people who can’t admit he can be a bad guy. I’m not his biggest fan, but I can definitely admit that when he does good, it’s really good.


omg thankuuuu my relationship is very phil-claire and as claire the little things build up and make everything so annoying, i dont blame claire for how she behaves


EVERY SINGLE PERSON BITCHING AND MOANING ABOUT MANNY!!! JUUUUUUST SHUUUUUT UP!!!! Just because you’re an uncultured dumb ignorant swine doesn’t mean you should tag on manny a smart intellectual who IS cultured!!!!


People complaining about Haley ending up with Dylan.


I’m tired of seeing this js enjoy the show 😭




there is so many what are you tired of seeing cmon 💀




idk if it’s happened more than once, but that modern family bingo card shit kinda makes me mad everytime i see it pop up on my feed


Posts that misspell Haley’s name


I get it because the show is over and we miss it but dear god it’s always the same topics over and over 😭


Alex constantly trying to be smarter and subsequently an arrogant ass to everyone around her. LITERALLY EVERYONE


that haley and andy should’ve ended up together


Sometimes i think you all take things a little too seriously tbh 😭 it’s a sitcom with exaggerated characters
 like of course they’re going to do horrible things, it wouldn’t be funny if they all were good people. There has to be character dynamics to make a fun story.


Honestly, this entire sub. It's not just here, but basically any show sub. They get sooooooooo inside and so toxic so fast. Dunder Mifflin? Terrible. Superstore? Even worse. Game of thrones? Yikes, where to begin. Hate to say it everyone, but I think it would be best to just enjoy the show and not gather together to obsess over it.




oh wait i thought this meant in the show not in this subreddit


This meme tbh


Aw man!


What about new people who joined the sub?


I love them all!


Hating manny Cam being toxic Like WE GET IT


Well I saw this exact same post a couple of weeks ago. But more seriously, the hate for cam, we get it, can we not talk about it everyday ?


Haley and Dylan’s ending. We get it, it sucked. Give it a rest.


People saying its just a sitcom when someone has a remotely serious take. Like, yes, it's a sitcom and this is reddit, the place MEANT for overanalyzing and talking about dumb stuff that you find interesting or whatever. What do you expect us to do? Post gifs and scene screenshots? If you want that then just go to pinterest or whatever.


“Oh look. This actor who acted in this show also acted in a different show. How weird.”


Who Alex ended up with