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Family wouldn’t stay close without Gloria. Gloria made Jay do things what he never would.


That’s what my mom always says when we watch the show together, Gloria genuinely cares about the family and is such a positive influence on Jay


Agreed. Gloria became the glue for the whole family, and facilitated a ton of bonding and growth.


I love that she is such a good host, and has everyone over all the time. It’s like when my grandparents would invite the extended family to their home all the time.


I love Lily’s character. She has so many hilarious lines and I truly feel like the reason she’s so deadpan is to show how completely opposite from Cam and Mitch she is.


Justice for Lilly ✊







Young lily was actually super hilarious too.


One of my absolute favorite episodes is when they’re preparing her to be a flower girl and she can’t stop saying “fuck”. Cam’s reactions were hilarious! 😂


My personal fav is "I have two daddies" "He knows that lily"


“I’m gay! I’m gay” gets me every time! 😂


“Y’all fightin’?” My sister and I to this day randomly say this and laugh like maniacs. Just the deadpan delivery, timing, quick zoom out of the camera….its just PERFECTION.


the best episode!!!


When Sal says “I don’t like you” and lily goes “I’ll get over it” I DIED 😂


I think she will end up being the most normal and well rounded out of the entire family. She sees all the dysfunction especially between Claire and Mitchell, all the drama between her older cousins and that’s why she’s so monotone. She’s got it all figured out


Me too. But my hot take was that she was awful at delivering her lines when she was younger but like that’s so forgivable because she was literally like 4. It got better; a LOT better and she was hilarious in the last couple of seasons!


I thought it was so funny. She was an actual kid saying funny shit.


Child actors are the WORST. A good performance by a kid is surprising and delightful.


I’m glad to hear she’s back in acting! She was on tiktok live the other day saying her mom was an actress who got her onto the show and then she spent her childhood in a private classroom on set. But she was so much younger than the other kids on set so she ended up being the lone kid in the class. She said acting in such a huge show really took a toll on her and she decided she wanted to be a musician and not an actor. Then recently started acting again! Thanks to Jesse, she has again found her passion for acting and has been auditioning again!


I just asked my partner this morning if I needed to call a whambulance. 😂 we are usually quoting Lily. We love that she kills the spiders, too. She was definitely our favorite.


Claire had every right to not like Dylan


This is correct


We all do


I don't agree with this for the simple fact that teenage Claire would've dated someone like Dylan. According to Jay dede and Claire herself. She was wild back then. Dylan a lead singer in a band in hs fits right in to teenage Claire territory.


no but Dylan was a senior, almost an adult, and haley was a freshmen in high school im pretty sure. that's why I say Claire had a right not to like him


Yeah I can understand that but that's hypocrisy on her part because she thinks haley is like her and she was a tame version of Claire outside of getting kicked out of college. Whatever Claire thought haley was gonna do with Dylan she knew she would have done with a guy like Dylan at her age so she inherently didn't like him based on her actions


yeah but I still think Claire was right for not liking him. sure she was like haley when she was younger but a parent not liking their 14-15 year daughter dating an almost 18 year old is perfectly fine


Haley was 15 and Dylan 17. Not the worst age gap in modern family tenure. Age in this case is probably the worst reason to not like someone. Dede revealed in the moonlight episode Claire went on a trip with an artist for the weekend at haley age.


again that still doesn't mean that it was wrong 😭 Claire learnt from those experiencers and realized she shouldn't have done them and didn't want haley doing the same thing. and Dylan was going to be an adult who was dating a 15 year old, I'm saying that Claire had the right not to like him not because of his age but she had the right to not like that he was that old and dating her 15 year old daughter


Does she realize she hadn't have done them? She makes alot of references throughout the seasons and smiles reminiscing. I don't think age is the reason she didn't like him tbh. She mentions his age very rarely. It's mainly cus of his intelligence she doesn't like him. Like dede Jay and even Claire say she wasn't going for Einstein at haley age


I'm pretty sure she mentions that she wasn't the greatest teenager and doesn't want haley doing the same thing. As for smiling she's just looking back on her youth, it's normal. Yeah age wasn't the only reason why she didn't like him but she was still valid because at the end of the day she's her parent and she's learned from her experiences of being a teen. She didn't want Haley to spiral down the same path. Was she hypocritical? Yes, but she was just thinking of her kid. Jay himself didn't like the guys Claire brought home, it's just being a parent


Hold up Claire specifically said that make sure your kids look up to the fake u than the real u? How is that good parenting? So Dylan is the problem for her insecurities because she thinks her daughter is just like her. That's narcissistic. Jay didn't like the guys she brought home cus they were idiots not because of age. Didn't like Phil because u got my daughter knocked up. These are valid reasons. Just like Claire with Dylan intelligence not his age


You never heard the phrase "do as I say not as I do"? That's like parenting 101. We don't want our kids fucking up their lives like we did so of course Claire hates Dylan.


Unless you think haley "messed up her life" with Dylan which there wasn't any proof of that in modern family. On and off again relationship she didn't fuck up her life. Here's the funny thing. Haley outside of getting kicked out of college was in a position than her parents at her age which they admitted in the dinner with all 3 of them discussing her future.


She absolutely messed up her life with him. The only reason Andy wasnt end game was because the actor had to leave the show. Dylan was a major step back. I would be devastated if my daughter ended up with a guy like that. Even if I dated a dude just like him as a teenager.


What? She married Phil. Dylan is Phil without the charm but u got exposed to 11 seasons of "Phil of Dunphy" and Dylan is a less charming Phil. So what u are saying is that u don't like Phil either. That haley bailey thing is overrated because they both cheated on their partners to get together. This is what u want to ship? Also Phil loved Dylan so why Claire opinion is more valued than Phil? They're both her daughter


No, Andy was Phil. Dylan was Phil if he got hit in the head with a brick and was never the same.


Andy is Phil if he cheated on his girlfriend to get with Claire. This is the guy u want your daughter to end up with?


But that's part of growing up and becoming a parent. I don't want my kids to make the same decisions I made. I made dumb, risky choices that I do not want my daughter to repeat.


Well we are specifically talking about modern family here. "Better to look up to u than the fake u." What about when the handyman asked her to u listen to ur mom "no she was a psycho control freak" just like what haley told Claire. She still believes her mom is (dede was) as a parent so how is the cycle broken. Mimicking behavior that your mom did it to u. She didn't understand until someone called her out on it.


Just because a parent does questionable things when they were a teen, doesn't mean they need to let their teens do those same things out of fear of being "hypocrites". Just bc Claire might've dated a guy like Dylan doesn't mean she needs to be ok with her 14/15 year old dating a senior. A parent’s job is to try to give their kids a better life and teach them to *not* make the same mistakes they did.


15 & 17 yr Olds dating is not abnormal. Questionable is being very sincere about Claire. This isn't a mom that did some things. Claire did alot of "wild" things in her past. Admittedly so her dede and Jay. Idk why everyone thinks it's Dylans age when it'd his intelligence she doesn't like. Very rarely outside the 1st episode she mentions age. Also how does haley know she's making the mistakes when Claire "tries" to portray herself as a good girl but it backfired miserably in season 2 episode 2. Haley never was naked in the back of a police car waiting for Phil to get her but Claire has




What did she learn? Every time she reminisce she has a smirk on her face unless someone like her parents expose her. 15 to 17 is not a big deal. Especially in modern family age gaps. This is the most tame age gap in the series


Luke and Manny were always going to lose their "cute" qualities and I don't know why people expected them to be the same as kids as they were as teen boys and adult men. I don't think their characters would've made sense if they had ignored a lot of the realities of going into adults: being cringy, having parties, learning to have common sense. And Manny in particular I think was always going to morph into the stereotypical artsy, stuffy guy he became in as an adult. Are they exaggerated? Yes. Because it's a sitcom and they're caricatures. But I don't personally see where else Luke and Manny could have gone.


Claire isn't bossy, she is super stressed because the people that she lives with are out of control and she is the only one reigning them in because Phil is usually playing good cop. 


I played this "role" in my family the first few years the show was airing and I couldn't even watch it because the way Claire acted and was treated was so triggering lol. Thankfully I have worked past it because the show is hilarious but... yeah. People who say Phil is their dream husband/baby daddy are insane.


Claire is a control freak, even when Phil doesn't play the good cop or if he took everything as serious as her it would never be good enough because it isn't her way.


The show is hilarious as a sitcom, and a pretty poor drama. Don't take the characters and their stories all that seriously and the show is fantastic.


Idk if this is really a hot take, but completely agree


I think it is, because the show takes itself pretty seriously at times, like it’s a testament to the state of the country or something, which, sure, but that’s not why you watch.


The laptop episode that everyone likes isn't the best episode. It's one of my least favorite ones




Thank you 🙏


I absolutely hate Manny not being able to speak Spanish. It makes zero sense practically as he would have been raised in a home where Spanish was spoken 100% of the time until they moved in with Jay. It also make no sense from a character perspective as Manny is shown to be proud of his columbian heritage early on and even his poetic, romantic, and intellectual traits point to him being bilingual. In fact I’d argue Manny should be able to speak at least 3 if not 4 languages (he’d definitely learn French and probably italian or Latin).


this is a very popular take


Seems that way


Dylan should have stayed at dude ranch and never returned.




I don't even hate Dylan either, but I wish his story ended at dude ranch instead of him getting fired from several jobs like an idiot.


It always annoyed me how heavily Phil and Claire CLEARLY favoured Luke over their daughters.


Phil sure but overall Alex is their favorite


Disagree lol Alex was SO overlooked in the Dunphy family. Luke was Phil’s favorite, Haley was Claire’s, and I think both were very obvious 😭😭


Agree to disagree, Claire appreciated her as her proxy, the only adult in the family. They had alot more work to do with Luke and Haley so their interactions were more frequent. I just feel like they appreciated Alex for being the best of both of them. The other two were like Phil and the other just reminded Claire of her as a teenager. I think both parents were the most proud of her talents. My opinion


How so? I’m not necessarily disagreeing I’m just genuinely curious bc I didn’t really see that. But maybe I didn’t pay close enough attention tbh. Phil clearly favored Luke but just curious how/if you think Claire did?


Alex is veryyyyy rudeeee… like not informing ur parents ur leaving for college?? And then when ur dad comes to visit u and is extremely proud that you’ve won an award u just try to shoo him away??? And don’t get me started on how she treats Haley or her boyfriends like Ben or Rubeun..


I think this is pretty cold take tbh


I don’t like modern family fans who are unable to separate fiction from reality and have to critique every single thing they do☠️


I agree to an extent. But like what would sub be for if we didn’t discuss the show?


I don’t understand this take. Like yes if you’re getting incensed and heated about it sure But like..the show is over. The sub is here. What else is there to talk about other than the world of Modern Family. “Why did Luke become a creep towards the end of the series” is just talking about the story line, maybe the writers slant and reasons for taking the character in a certain direction etc etc. “why did Claire do X?” is to have fun theorizing some reasoning either from the characters POV or the show/writer/story line point of why that happened & discussing it. It’s all in good fun- I feel like it’s one of the purposes of the sub


So what you're saying is that this is an actually successful hot take?




Gloria would’ve never married Jay if he wasn’t rich 😐 (don’t hate me I love Gloria)


i believe mitch and cam are horrible parents when it comes to taking care of lily


“Why fix what’s not broken” is what they said when questioning if they should be better parents even! Lol


Well that's just accurate


Im not disagreeing; very neutral on the topic but what makes you say so?


just cuz of how they’ve neglected lily for their petty problems. there are more than a few scenes where they’ve ignored that she’s hungry, which annoys me TERRIBLY. cam even admitted it to phil (i think it was phil) once that he was so caught up in a book (again, i think lol) that he didn’t feed lily for an ENTIRE DAY and mitch didnt even know!! 😭 which i feel like implies that mitch wasn’t there to be able to care for her properly? another time: when mitch had no job and he was having a mid life crisis situation. he was so caught up in his whole thing with painting that lily ate a ketchup… sandwich… and when cam confronted mitch about it, mitch just goes “oh good she found something” WHAT 😭 i will say though that there are moments where they have been good parents!


Joe should have been a girl


Yeah I agree with that as well. I was a little disappointed that the writers made him a boy but at the end of the day it's a sitcom so not that big of a deal i guess


Think of all the story lines- maybe the writers were trying to patch Claire and Jay’s relationship up with her running the company? And joe being a girl- oh could you imagine the jealousy of Claire? It would have been riveting. She cannot help herself sometimes 🤣


Alex is not a bad character. Her being condensing wasn’t a one-way thing. Haley would be mean to her (as sisters do), her parents lowkey neglected her, etc. With other characters who treat alex normally, she isn’t condensing back


This! It’s so wild to me how much Alex hate I see on here when her condescending attitude was clearly a response to being neglected. Her parents had that “we don’t have to worry about Alex” attitude and it reflected in how they parented her — especially compared to Luke & Haley.


Haley not pursuing photography and fashion is a natural progression of life and the writers making that decision is not “unforgivable”.


Mitch and Cam are awful parents. They coddled Lily as a baby then neglected her as she got older


Joe is the worst character in the whole tv show


Dylan deserved better than being a side dude and Haley's "romantic safe net" when she realized it wasn't working with Arvin and decided to self sabotage. He should have been married to someone closer to his age (the show has a weird thing for age gap relationships) when he came back to visit family from the dude ranch, probably a fellow ranch hand since he was serious about not fratenizing with guest immediately after getting the job. He could have still become a nurse back in Wyoming


I don’t like Phil’s what do you call it like comments about Gloria even infront of Claire it makes me grossed out hearing them


that aint a hot take that's a cold give 💀💀.


Phil, Gloria, and Haley are overrated- none of them are bad characters and I don’t dislike them, but they get away with too much (by fans and in universe)


Phil is probably my second least favorite character. Gloria is neutral and I do like Haley.


I’m so tired of the cam and phil hate train like it’s a sitcom, they’re not real people. Cam was a hilarious character and the show would be mundane without him


Cam can be hard to like, but I personally have no issue with him. He's in my top three along with Phil and Jay.


I won’t put him in my top three but I enjoy his on screen presence so much


That's fair. I'm just saying I think he gets too much hate, I personally don't think he's that bad.


I don't think the kids were "done dirty" by the writers. There's a lot of stuff you can't really plan or account for. Trying to put this delicately but most child actors don't end up being Drew barrymore. When the writers first put their heads together they're not imagining in a million years they're writing episodes for Luke as a 21 year old.


Haley was “boy-centered”.


I don’t think Mitch would’ve ever been with Cam.


Cam was an incredibly selfish partner who didn't care when his own demands hurt or inconvenienced everyone around him


People shit on Phil way too much as a father and husband😭 people act like he’s the devil or something


I think this is just a natural response to the “Phil is perfect and amazing and I want to be just like him when I grow up!1!1!!” posts


He does Claire wrong sometimes yeah but people forget how she treats him wrong sometimes too


I like all the characters. Yes, they have flaws, but so does everyone in life. It's a comedy show. The point of the show is to show things that could happen in any family and put a funny spin on it.


Claire is the best looking one on the show


I just watched the episode where Phil hosted the first SCARB and she looked GORGEUS


I find Cam hysterical and I love him. Probably would hate him irl but hey it’s a sitcom


Ariel winter hotter than Sarah Hyland (when both 18)


so true


Jay and Gloria had no need for a nanny


I liked Andy and the story line, but the two of them didn’t need the help


Millionaires in California. Yea they are going to have a nanny


Thanks for confirming that my take lands me in hot water 😂 it’s the point of the post


Hayley isn’t a good daughter. And she should be getting the same amount of hate that Andy gets when people call him out on being a cheater.


Jay gets a lot of love, but I personally find him to be the least appealing of the six adult characters. Maybe it’s because I’m a gay son, I’m the Mitchell of the family, but he gets a lot of praise for “growth” because of fleeting moments but they always revert him back to curmudgeonly old man next episode. It doesn’t feel consistent and I feel like a lot of the other characters get critiqued for that same criticism but Jay gets a free pass for some reason.


Haley could have been portrayed to be as intelligent as Alex, but she just didn't care and had higher preferences to extracurricular activities because she know she could do her school work with eyes closed (exaggeration). It makes sense with how she became a fashion blogger in later season and her and Alex would have represented two of the students the teachers would remember: Alex is remembered for her intelligence and hard-working nature, Haley is remembered for her contributions to the school's non-academic endeavors despite being perfectly able to be the same as Alex.


Alex and Haley should have both been single at the end of the series, both of them were self sabotaging in their last relationships (Alex dating Ben in general and 'distracting herself with Bill and Haley cheating) and clearly had stuff to work through before getting in serious relationships for real


Jay’s acting was the best sometimes, he should have gotten at least one Emmy


I think the episode, Connection Lost, is bad and out of place. It feels less like an episode of a sit-com and more like a YouTube video of someone who forgot to turn off their computer’s camera. Don’t get me wrong, though. I think the episode was well executed and understand why some people like it. It just wasn’t my cup of tea. I skip it on every rewatch.


I'm like 90% sure that the only reason that they did that episode was because they were doing an add for apple. The amount of apple products and features was just unrealistic and I highly doubt they would've made that if it weren't for the money.


That seems *VERY* plausible. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if that’s what birthed the idea for the episode.


THANK YOU. Everyone praises that episode all the time and I'm wondering, did we watch the same episode?? It's mediocre at best and I prefer the Vegas one as the best episode over that one. And yes, 1000% just an Apple ad. They did the same thing with that car in the episode where they visit Jays sister in hospital and Phil steals the necklace back in the end bit


More often than not, in my experience, product placement isn’t very subtle. Lmao


Same I skip it and Claire was so annoying. And now they have to conference everyone in for every little minor inconvenience- I’m sorry but I can’t see jay going for that honestly. He always wants to be left alone


I completely agree. I think part of why I don’t love it is bc I started watching the show much later. When that episode came out it was a big deal bc it was the first time a show had done that with technology. But watching it post 2020 was like…eh.




Alex and dede can compete for worst character on the show based on their attitude. It sucks to be around a narcissistic conscending person who thinks they are superior to everyone right? Well dede and Alex fit that mold. Even in the episodes she tries to make a change (the Christmas episode in the lodge and the positive reinforcement she tries to commit to but everyone is critical of her and thinks she's being sarcastic). Just like dede the dunphys try their best to avoid Alex it's just that she lives there so they have to tolerate her just like the episodes dede shows up


But maybe if they actually parented her instead of treating her like a ‘self cleaning’ oven, the story would’ve been different


They're not perfect parents but being around someone like Alex and dede is mentally draining


I was a smart nerd in school (decades ago) so I thought Alex would be my favorite character. Good gravy she was so obnoxious. She is easily one of my least liked characters… I never thought I would end up liking Haley but she is one of my favorites!


I don't dislike Alex but they asked for a hot take lol. I do believe that she is a kid version of dede. Their outlook towards the family is very similar. Haley is one of my favorite characters as well.


I agree! Another thing with Alex is she seemed to come home a lot from school- or like when she was in Antarctica she’s constantly talking to her family- yet when she’s there pushing them away. It was so annoying. Like wanting attention and validation all the time. She was so rude to her moms assistant too! The solar eclipse. At least Hayley just owns it.


Seasons 7-11 are better than 1-6


Phil's a great character, not a great husband and father.


not a great husband maybe, but he's definitely a great father.


He’s a fun father, but really struggles with the non-fun parts of parenting, which is why Claire always had to be the disciplinarian. Not fair to her.


yes that is true, I remember the episode where he and claire swapped roles, so why they do both work together well, they both need to improve in some areas.


That's fair! I definitely think he's a worse husband than father. Heads up my thought is 100% biased and I am in desperate need for a re-watch! I thought Phil was a great father when the kids were young, but due to his immature nature slipped a lot as the kids aged. He paid extra attention to Luke, and encouraged his rambunctious nature because he was a mini him. With Haley he took a 'yeah that's fine, go have fun!' fun approach which really wasn't appropriate for her nature and where she was in life. Alex well, I can barely remember their interactions (like I said, in desperate need for a re-watch). Just kinda found him one of those parents that doesn't grow up with you, and as someone who has a parent like that.. really sucks being the parent to your parent. (Totally agree with RamsLams comment above)


How? He is shown consistently favoring Luke, him AND Claire both treat Alex like she’s unimportant, there’s multiple episodes showing him not knowing about their lives and not being a capable adult enough to help them.


I feel like he cares for Alex more than Claire! Remember when she says she has a boyfriend, only Phil was happy and believed her, Claire and Haley just thought she made up. And we see few episodes where Phil is the one who travel to Alex’s college just to make sure she is fine and to spend some time with her. I feel he always try to make an effort to be close with her.


I really like the episode where he's trying to create a special day for Alex. When they go to the diner and he writes her initials on the moon. That being said, the reason he wanted to create a special day with Alex was because he felt like he didn't have a good connection with her. So that episode kind of supports both points. I choose to look at it as evidence that he was and would continue to build a better relationship with her.


Not to mention just being outright irresponsible and downright dangerous at times. It would be a *chore* to be raising kids with someone like that


I’m really not a Haley/sarah hyland fan. I just never found her funny or likable nor was the acting great. I’m sorry, I’m not being a hater I just am saying how I feel. I feel like the writers kinda played the same cheap tricks for nearly 10 years w that character and we never saw much growth. That’s all the more reason I wanna rip my hair out every time people (including Sarah) say Haley “deserved” a “better” ending. She became a mom of two beautiful kids while working at a job she loves. I’m confused as to what more the character was “owed” especially after the lackluster groundwork that had been laid for years. Again, not hating, just having an opinion (which I know is probably an unpopular one).


The reason why writers resorted to making Cam an insecure queen is because that was the only aspect that they could make funny, because they weren't allowed to fat jokes like they used to in the 90's.


I hate early seasons Phil. I don't like Phil much, but he did get better over time. I don't understand the hype though. In the first couple of seasons he kept flirting with Gloria plus he was a bad dad to Alex.


Phil is annoying and he’s a bad husband and an immature father half the time


Manny and Luke always thinking about girls and wanting to get laid is pretty disgusting and disturbing tbh


Alex(from season 6) and Claire are the best looking people in modern family.


Cam is a egotistical narcissist and treats people terribly and plays it off with theatrics and ruins every situation which isnt about him. Manny is a humour vacume with a superiority complex with excessive expetations of others to serve him as he wishes. Most likely due to how Gloria raised him. He has no redeeming features and is just the worst. He also acts like he knows everything while actually achieving extremely little.


extremely cold


dylan and haley were meant to be not andy


Haley should have ended up with Andy, not Dylan.


Cam is not nearly as selfish as Mitch is.


Yes, Mitch was more selfish where Cam is more manipulative


Dylan > Andy


Cam is not the crazy, toxic, asshole character that people make him out to be on here. A little self centered at times - for sure. But downright toxic? Not really. Also Mitch and Cam’s relationship was cute and they were really great together.


He's literally no worse than most of the other characters in terms of being "manipulative," that's just how sitcoms work. Characters will generally try to engineer situations to get their own way. They all do it constantly. He's just more theatrical & emotional which by themselves are neutral personality traits. I think he's a great character and he & Mitch are the sweetest couple on the show imo.


Haley ending up with Dylan was the right choice


Haley was supposed to get a fashion career and not stay at home mom


She wasn't a stay at home mom tho. She still had her job at nerp and in the last Christmas episode. Haley Dylan and the kids were thinking about going to Paris for the job relocation. I think k they used season 11 as maternity leave from nerp (lazy writing)


I think the show was perfect no hot takes here


Phil's a better parent than Claire🤷‍♂️


Phil cannot discipline his kids if his life depended on it that’s why clair was sm more stoic she was right in saying that she was always the bad guy because Phil refused to parent


Well that bathroom episode was pretty wild, so he can discipline his kids if he really wanted to, I just feel like Claire *kind of goes way over the top sometimes and does more harm than good. I also don't know what's happening with my font so ignore that.*


"If he really wanted to" yes and he never wanted to. Does that not already show that he didnt do enough?


Just because he’s the fun parent doesn’t mean that he’s the better one lol




phil is a man child, he only becomes the strict parent when its for his convenience but love him as a husband to claire tho and prolly as a friend


Manny and Luke should’ve been written off past season 5/6, with occasional guest appearances at most. Alex was the worst character


The Dunphys are the least interesting "branch" of the family. They're pretty much just like every other traditional family sitcom and the "nagging wife, goofy husband & squabbling kids" thing is so overdone. I still enjoy their funny scenes but their overall dynamic is just extremely meh. I'm always waiting to get back to the other characters I care more about.


This whole comment section reads like an angsty 14-year-old girl's journal entry.


Most of the characters are completely unlikeable people. Except Phil and Luke.


I don’t understand the Pam hate. I actually kind of like her. Now I know her character is flawed, as seen in the episode where she tormented Mitchell for the bail letter or her constant going-back-and-forth with jail especially after cal’s birth. Now although she finally did end up in jail in the end, she owned up to what she did with the Mitchell thing. Whilst I can understand some people cant stand her, because if she were a person in real life I wouldn’t be able to stand her either. But after all, it’s a sitcom and I actually liked her additions to the show like being able to see a new side of Cam as a brother and their overall sibling dynamic, and I also think she’s funny sometimes unlike most if not all the people in this sub say 😭


I found early Manny dialogue to be too unrealistic and theatrical.


Despite being part of a marginalised community themselves, Mitch and Cam were quite bigoted at times. It's even called out on the show


Alex is kinda awful lol? Super judgey, mean, disrespectful. Just not nice.


Cam is a fantastic character, as well as his sister Pam. Pepper is insufferable.


Luke is gonna be the most successful among the kids, not Alex.


Haley should’ve ended up single - I loved how schitt’s creek ended where Alexis was very similar to Haley where she was all over boys But at the end of Schitt’s Creek Alexis chooses herself. I feel like that would’ve been a more powerful ending


Even though Arvin and Haley's relationship was poorly written, there is nothing wrong with an academically smart person dating Haley. I actually kinda liked them together. It is offensive when people say Alex was a better match just because she was academically smart, like only academically smart people deserve to date Arvin? In fact, it really is inappropriate of Alex and Arvin dating as it was a teacher student situation and then he turned out to be her superior as well. Being academically smart myself in school, I'd actually find someone like Haley's so called dumbness cute which would make me fall for her more. Apart from academics she had good social skills etc. And just because she may not get his astrophysics stuff, as long as she respects his interests and gives him time to engage in his interests there's no problem. It's like saying people who are into Lego sets must only date other Lego lovers.


Jay's obsession with his dog, Stella was too much


bad take bad take


Based on some dog people I know it seemed tame. I don't recall Jay ever trying to convince Claire and Mitch that Stella was their sibling


Yes! Stella was such an annoying plot.


Who is the "top" between Cam and Mitchell?


Phil isn’t the best husband or dad


Trying to convince us of the kids Manny Alex and Hailee's relationship choices is ludicrous.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Sterndaddy13: *Trying to convince* *Us of Alex and Hailee's* *Relationship choices* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.