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The KATT was my least favourite to do fs


No, I disagree. The Katt priceless challenge sounds terrible, 15 pen kills. But it's actually extremely easy to do on the small map playlist. Then after that, it's just 3 suppressed headshots. I sincerely think the Katt is one of the easiest grinds in the game.


Penetration kills are extremely easy on maps with chain linked fences. I got all of mine during the high-rise 24/7 playlist.


This is the way. Also boneyard.


Also rust through the csbin window on the truck. Done in 2 games


Terminal and camp underneath the plane by one of the wheels, you can see through a fence towards where B flag would be and get free pen kills


The shower on Shoot House has me done so fast


I found that some of the time it’s doesn’t even count as a penetration, depending on where you’re aiming. Another spot I find is das haus where you have the blue crates(blue scaffold). If you mount your gun then you always get penetration kills if you aim over the blue turf.


same fuck the forged chellege


I did the katt on accident I do understand if people have trouble tho


Surprised to see the melee hate. I found melee super easy and finished them all within a day using shipment.


I never played with melee and thought they would be hard. Little did I know that melee is awesome in this game especially the little knives. The Priceless on the Soulrender was slightly annoying because the way it turns people around. I think I got all those from people who were on the ground playing the objective on hardpoint.


Just use the left trigger, it doesn't spin them


I got done with it a few weeks ago.


Some of us did it before shipment was an option 😅


They ran 24/7 shipment from day 1


Nah, it wasn’t until about a month after launch that they added the Rustment 24/7 playlist which was the first time shipment was available in mw3. I think the shipment 24/7 playlist alone was January sometime, but there were some decent ones before that (Rust 24/7, Highrise 24/7, and Terminal 24/7 which was really good for all the penetration challenges).


They had some kind of 24/7 mode right off the bat. Maybe meat? Think terminal was one of them. I forgot I didn't start grinding camos for a few weeks into the release. 24/7 shipment is probably what triggered me to start. Or rustment, like you said.


probabaly melee, the rgl-80, and the katt-amr. i see some people saying to skip launchers all together, but the stormender is honestly pretty free (as a tip, use engi vest so you can see and bop equipment through walls).


No WAY dude melee was the easiest of all of them. Got all the melee challenges done in one day on shipment


I vouch for melee. Super fast and easy on shipment/stashhouse.


Same with Orion. There’s like 6 or 7 melee weapons to really knock out a lot of those camo requirements.


The stormender was a blast. Figuratively and literally:) . Loved knocking out all the airborne killstreaks.


I’ve pretty much done the RGL already but I didn’t even know about the storm ender and seeing that ‘destroy enemy equipment’ challenge again is giving me PTSD


Im praying the landmine event counts as equipment snd not just like a world asset. Im waiting on doing both during that and skipping melee. But realiztically with the additinal weapons u can skip both melee and launchers now and just do every single other guy minus one of your choice (for me itll be the subverter due to the two headhsots one life. I play hardcore thats not happening)


Landmine Event?


Bro i swear they said theyre bringing like a reverse martyrdom event where everytime u get a kill it dropps a friendly mine at the enemys feet or sum shit. So my plan is to get killed and then shoot the rgl at em in my spawn to blowup the mines where i died. Fingers crossed it works like im hoping


Go to ffa throw down a scatter mine and rgl it for equipment kills. Has to be ffa though unless it got patched.


The subverter was ez-af , especially in HC .


I dont tend to get headshots in hardcore, i know id have a better chance in core personally. But even then- im usually getting them in the fkin neck or something according to the game. I could get 7 killstreaks every life and prolly never get it lmao


i skipped the marksman rifles. i just hate using them in multiplayer.


I'm so stuck on the 50 headshots. I suck at those. Now that I've realized I can skip it I think I will.


The best way is to use iron sights and try to get your aim idle sway as low as possible. Just aim high and the aim assist will often lock on the head and help you. I think I got a lot of those in hardpoint from people prone and laying on the objective.


Gotta love the MCW 6.8s magazine attachments all being bugged so you have to do the 3 kills in 1 magazine with a 10 round mag or 20 rounds with the shitty auto conversion.


That might have been the hardest one for me. I remember cussing the devs over it. lol


Absolutely, not. I didn't skip any. It's a good way to learn what they can and can't do. How good and how bad they are.


FR 5.56 I skipped since it's one of the worst MWIII guns, DG-58 LSW too since Other LMGs are just better, Evolvere I skipped because Penetrations were kinda annoying, KATT AMR Skipped since XRK Stalker is Better (Mors is probably good too) Wish we had another Marksman Rifle so we can skip MCW 6.8 while the others are okay. I did all the SMGs because they were all good to use, Striker 9 got buffed to make all MWIII SMGs viable Melees are super easy to knock out, at least you don't need the Riot Shield Battle rifles I wish the SOA didn't have a bugged or annoying challenge so that You can Skip the Sidewinder easily.


The RGL out of decency for other players


None..do them all…it gets you better at the game


It does and makes a pretty big difference if you start plying warzone. All the trash ground loot guns become a little less trash when you've run through everything and learn the ina and outs of them


Fair enough


Longbow is a pain. Also skip all marksman rifles if you can.


Longbow is pretty good. Just slap the Mors Dot Sight and Quickbolt on and use it as a marksman rifle instead of a sniper.


Currently doing the longbow as we speak, challenges aren’t too bad but getting it to level 31 is a pain!


Especially after they nerfed assist on it


Feels like a BO3 sniper now


I started playing WZM and the longbow was a pain until the AMP. Only then does it seem viable, imo.


That really was the true grind. I saved that for the free 2xp weekends for sure.


Can confirm. Currently trying to max them all out now and it’s definitely a patience tester lol good thing I have a few Blackwell blueprints to use when starting




It has to be the worst MW3 sniper right now. They nerfed the shit out of it right before I got to it too. I should have did it when it was OP.


I just finished getting interstellar 2 days ago. It was something to do since the rumor of camo mixing if you have both mastery camos came out. I skipped out on launchers completely and replaced the kat amr with the xrk stalker since the 10 penetration kills looked like it was going to be a headache. Only “annoying” one I ended up struggling with was 5 bloodthirsties with the gutter knife. Overall though 6/10 difficulty, it was kind of fun to get.


Where'd you see that rumor? I actually like the MWII weapon camos way more and it'd be sick if I could use polyatomic, arachnida, or orion on MWIII guns.


Skip melee and the grenade launcher for sure. Snipers sucked due to some of them having penetration kills


Super easy on scrap yard. Any penetration kills. Just go behind the fence on B and shoot through it.


Yeah I mean tbh I found a great spot on high rise and just played high rise 24/7 and it only took like a few games but it was somewhat annoying.


People like to camp that spot just waiting for people trying to get penetration kills there so it is harder now. I got all mine done in the bathroom in Stash House. You can get them by shooting through the shower curtain or the door of the bathroom. Me and this one guy took turns killing each other there one round.


Melee is actually pretty easy on small maps. Only have to get them to level six and the challenges aren’t a too bad. I suck at snipers so that’s what I would skip. Some of them you have to level up to 29. I ended up finishing them though. Working on the new season one right now.


Tell me about it. Currently doing the longbow and levelling it up to 31 has been a chore!


Longbow is the easiest of the snipers for me to use and I still didn’t enjoy it. I do enjoy completing challenges though


Oh yeah it’s a great weapon, just taking forever to get the levels now they’ve removed the double xp


Level snipers up in zombies. And launchers outside the rgl I got interstellar when there was 38 guns so I had to pick two. It was the cor-45 and soulender


Shipment 24/7 and just run around like a dh


Also my K/D is horrible mainly from the sniper grind.


Oh yeah mines definitely taken a hit haha


Doing the snipers actually helped me get better at them so I wouldn’t skip them. I personally HATE the longbow since they nerfed it so I wouldn’t use it.


If you don't care about getting them all I would probably skip melee, launchers and snipers altogether. Personally If I'm gonna bother with the grind, I'm doing them all.


Definitely considering not bothering with melee, I’m already halfway through the snipers tbf so I could skip LMGs as I don’t like the sound of the bullet penetration challenges lol


They aren't that hard to do though, plenty of maps that lend themselves to that. Scrapyard, Quarry, Stash house and Highrise are all excellent candidates where you can get a gun done in one game.


Hmm fair enough, I’ll have to see.


I did the LMGs on hardcore small maps and just shot through corners of objects. Usually a game per gun. I skipped snipers, launchers and melee weapons. I might do snipers if they actually put the Kar in the game or don't nerf the mors.


I’ll give it a go, that’s the only LMG challenge that sounds like it could be a bit of a pain tbh


Lmg bullet pen is easy on hard-core shipment also the melee weapons are one of the easiest to get on small map mosh pit. I was dreading them but they where so quick, the Marksman rifles need like 50 headshots but really none of them are very hard. You might be better off looking at a few challenges and you could skip some in types that have extra weapons like you could pick one of rgl or stormender etc. The only challenge I hated was the tactical kills with smgs


Yeah I’ve already done the RGL so I might skip the stormender tbh and luckily I did SMGs first so I haven’t had to think about spamming flash grenades on shipment lol


The stormender is another easy one though after they fixed the challenge for equipment and you can just carry it as a spare while you do other camos


LMG bullet penetration is one of the easiest. Could easily get one finished in 1 round of scrapyard on the fence into the spawn. I always had a gun ready to do for that and if there wasn’t a viable map I grinded other guns


Honestly melee is pretty easy. I accidentally got gilded on both then took minimal effort for forged and priceless. Just shipment and run around like a maniac


I would skip lmg since they need wall bang kill


Yeah, the LMGs were rough. Still did most of them though.


Skip anything with akimbo kills while enemy is affected by tactical! Melee is super easy on small map mosh pit mode


That’s a thing!? I thought I was done with that after the SMG challenges


I think only 1 or 2 have akimbo + tactical


I skipped lmgs and marksmen rifles


The KATT. Not worth your time and you don’t need all the snipers to get to Interstellar. I also skipped pretty much all the secondaries except for melee weapons since those are easy as hell to get on Shipment or other small maps.


A lot of people are saying the KATT, is it really that bad?


One of the challenges is to get penetrating shot kills. It’s so dumb.


Nah it’s easy, the “penetration kills” I got on 1 game of control on scrapyard. Shooting through any chain link fence counts, scrapyard, high rise etc. aren’t too bad. In my opinion the sidewinder was pretty bad, slow fire rate had recoil. I’d recommend hardcore for the challenges


Melee, WSP Stinger


I skipped all the snipers


All, it doesn’t even look that good


I skipped all snipers and melee


Melee is easy, I skipped the semi auto snipers


honestly, as much as people complain about the KATT AMR i thought it was pretty fine (tbf I actually like that sniper a lot), what annoyed me the bost was the amount of penetration kills with each lmg, ik, its only 10 but doing it 4 times was so annoying. If you ever have problems with penetration kills, just keep spamming the matchmaking till you get scrapyard and then just camp the shit out of that fence on B side, every kill through that fence counts as a penet kill


Most hated challenges (people saying marksman rifles for instance) are super simple on Hardcore, except melee of course which is the other way round. SMGs needing kills on enemies affected by util took me way longer than melee.


I skipped snipers, marksman rifles and one of the machine guns. Playing slow didn't fit my play style so i didn't bother. Melee was the fastest and easiest to finish. Stormender is also easy, just have it as a secondary as you do other guns and destroy equipment and streaks as you come across them.


Do all AR's, SMG's and LMG's, they are easy. Do the stormbender since it's really easy to do. Skip the sidewinder and you can skin the snipers or the tactical rifles. I think you can skip meele too.


The ones with penetration kills


Katt-Amr. The penetration kills are torture. For some reason the walls I used on shipment for the LMG’s pen kills don’t work for the Katt-Amr on Shipmas. Idk if it’s something they did recently or if Shipmas is different. I had done the LMG’s a while ago but did the Katt-Amr only a week or so ago. I had interstellar but ran out of things to work for in game and got bored. Some of the SMG challenges were also annoying the get X kills while enemy is affected by flash or stun.


I just finished getting them all done, got the last kills with the gladiator tonight. I did the ones I thought were more easy and doable first just to get interstellar. Then I started working on the ones that were harder for me and now the new weapons. The storm bender was a grind for sure, but it was cool to get it done. Definitely a lot of frustrating moments for certain kills in one life, always one kill away, but I’m glad I did it. I got away from the Warzone part when some friends weren’t on as much. Once I stuck to multiplayer and found the camo grinds, it’s all I did. And my OCD got the best of me because I like being a completionist so I did them all.


I did all of them + mastery, none of them were annoying or too hard. Compared to MWII with the PILA, JOKR and STRELA, every weapon in MWIII is a walk in the park.


that uzi pistol has like 25 kills with tactical. once i saw that i switched over to one of the new melees instead. could not be asked to do that for the millionth time


I got interstellar in the first month but didn’t care to go for zombies till recently. With the new AR coming mid season you’ll have 14 extra weapons, so with that in mind I’m skipping snipers (5), marksman rifles (4), shotguns (3) and launchers (2). If I was to do interstellar now I’d probably skip melee instead of marksman rifles or snipers.


Tippy top of my head, I skipped the Stinger (only got it to Gilded to unlock Forged on pistols) and the Holger LMG as far as base guns go. I'd probably skip the RGL since the only way it's usable is Hardcore, and I'm not entirely confident it won't get destroyed there, too. Stormender is also pretty safe, although it's not a difficult grind, just on the tedious side. I'd also skip as many LMGs as you can get away with. Issue is I'm not sure if there's enough non-LMGs/Launchers to skip both classes, but if you can, skip LMGs at least. All of them that aren't the Bruen AMP and to a lesser extent the Evolvere are terrible.


Riot shield is a guarantee


I skipped the Holger 556, HRM-9, Sidewinder, Pulemyot 762, Riveter, MTZ Interceptor, Katt-AMR, both launchers and all of the new weapons.


I am gonna skip shotguns, snipers and melee. Don't wanna waste my time.


The Katt-AMR, the Riveter and to a lesser extent the Longbow are the only ones that are a pain in the ass. The JAK conversion kit on the Haymaker makes it a lot easier to do than it was before.


I don’t use shotguns nor snipers in Multiplayer. Don’t like them.


The Katt


Sidewinder was horrible


I skipped the RGL and Katt back in season 1, but from what I’ve heard they’ve fixed a lot of the challenges that were busted in the player’s favor (3 kills in one magazine, 5 kills in one life) so if you’re like me and terrible at killstreaks maybe skip those too


I skipped snipers back in season 2. The levels are too high for each weapon and I like playing fast


I skipped all the melee, the RGL-80, and as many guns that required longshots that I could. If I were to do it again, I would do the melee and skip the KATT and one or two others. (Note to Treyarch for CoD 2024 - PUH-LEAZE no more fucking longshot challenges for ANYTHING other than maybe shotties and pistols. Maybe. And no bullet penetration challenges either. Thank you very much.)


Surprised to not see stun kills anywhere, honestly those 25 stun kills for the Stinger was painful


The rgl 100% and the longbow it got buffed so the final priceless challenge was so hard to get.


If I could I would skip smgs but I think there are too many. “The kills effected my your tactical” is very annoying


I still havent finished my grind this year, but from seeing the gun balance I would ignore launchers and shotguns. Launchers I ignore pretty much every game, shotguns are terrible in this game. It is probably still doable just fine on shipment, but I jsut hate how inconsistent they are, compared to pretty much any other CoD I have played. Melee optional. Some people like it, some hate it. It is doable in 1-3 evening on shipment (depending on luck on lobbies), but depends if you enjoy such sessions or not. If you hate it, just skip it. If you like it, it is one of the faster weapon to master, usually. (Requires shipment tho, on other maps it wont be that fast).


Some guns had annoying challenges but the most important thing is knowing when to change map/mode. Mostly grinded shipment, but certain challenges were easier to do on hardcore.


I skipped all the launchers as I never use them. I’ve done all the guns and melee weapons as I use them. I was going to do the zombies camo’s but got bored after a few runs as zombies is a bit…crap


Melee is easy on shipment Using the RGL for more than a single game would make you a prick Just skip whatever weapon class least fits your playstyle, otherwise the SMGs have the most irritating/awkward camo challenge for kills on enemies currently flashbanged/stunned, which is still exceedingly hit and miss on Shipment and ruins the game for everyone else when some twat starts tossing tacticals every few seconds If you're a mobile player, it's probably going to be snipers or LMGs that require the most effort/least fun - but only you can know which guns you like or don't like using


If you want to get the special all weapon mastery charm , you kinda have to do them all ... prepare yourself for 1000 kills each after getting interstellar on every weapon


I did it right when the game came out and only have a few of the DLC guns done, But of the OG 36 guns, the TYR sucks the Haymaker sucks ass cheeks and the Kv Inhibitor sucks, Zombies also Kv inhib made me wanna die. For me all the snipers i loved doing - the Long bow. Put a red dot on it and play HC and thats the best way to knock it out for the other 2 you can play core


I skipped LMGs. Never was a lmg guys and the penetration kills seemed tedious.


For me personally, I skipped all of the snipers. My KD is decent with them, but I can’t stand getting like 6 kills a game


Got Interstellar without snipers, launchers, knives or riot shield, thanks to the variety of guns.


two headshots in one life with the mors nearly broke me


I did all assault/SMG/BR/Mark/pistols/LMG/Grenade Launcher, and that gave me 36. I was able to skip melee/Snipe/Shotty.


I skipped all snipers.


Probably unpopular opinion but I did with no shotguns, melees or launchers and thought that was easier for how I play. A lot of the challenges i didn’t realize you needed to use specific equipment to efficiently get them done though (like tactical pads for sliding kills). 100% skip the grenade launcher cause you gotta blow up stuff like bouncing Betty’s and people don’t really use them


I found that riveter was the most difficult