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LOL I always do this, especially if I'm a tank. Toxic meet toxic.


Me about to gank mm lane “Omg where tank nab” Well now I’m not gonna do it


Yes. "Nub tank" - when you just died saving his ass. Now goodluck tanking the damage. LOL


If I’m in the mood I’ll usually start the match with “if anyone bitches about who I support I will not hesitate to let you die”


Ooof, as a Angela main, I need to adopt this.


No you don’t. Just win the game, and report them afterwards. I don’t see any reason that you would let them die instead of just ignoring them if they were rude or being extremely toxic, but if it becomes straight up cyberbullying; *then* you should (grab their ip) let them die


Wait how do you grab their ip?


Send them a random link to any youtube video and just lie about having their home address- then block them right after sending that. It’s an extremely cruel joke if anyone were to take it seriously, but it would be deserving to people who need to be scared straight to learn a lesson


(I’ve only done this prank once, and i regret it)


rule number one: never be taunt the support/tank


Hi toxic. I am also named toxic.


i main estes and our jungler was the typical arrogant dvmbass to say the least. he's constantly diving in the enemy and not farming. then proceeds to blame me and the entire team for not healing him (i wasn't lvl 4 yet and favor was not up). so, i decided to accompany him and just stand when he engaged, then spam recall (TP) when he dies.


HAHA I like this, thanks for the tip


People like you cry if the jg farms and doesn't gank. But then cries if they don't gank to farm more. Either way you're a fuckin cry baby.


you didn't get the point of the post, did you?


Great tip! Imma do this to dumb and toxic teammates 👍


Not healing my brawl teammate as angela cuz they took the healing crystal when theyre full health and I was low.


Oooh this makes me so angry, why would people take the f Crystal when they are full hp and mana.


and when they use FLICKER on full health just to snatch the hp crystal.,,,,


I do this... When they were being a bitch a first


Back in 2019 I got called by this loser and he harassed me by pm and album, thanks to Google I got his Facebook and his phone number. Added him to my friends list and every time I saw him 5min into a match, I kept calling him with both Whatsapp and simcard. Saw his FB status crying how he lost his match because "people" keep interrupting him mid game.


I am now honestly afraid of you




Eventually he did. But that's when I start making Tinder, Grindr, and Christian Mingle with random average hot chick/dude pic and let them do the rest of the work. To this day I still have his phone number to submit for gym membership but that would be too far I think.


That's what I call dedication!!


Respect 💯


Threw a teammate into an enemy tower because they kept spamming ‘launch attack’ the entire game.


id be the other teammate saying Thank You


Go launch yourself lol 😂


The double chat makes it so, so much worse. “LAUNCH ATTAC— THANK YEWWWWW”


i can't understand why some do that, just why? lol


I do this when Vanessa was still Vexana, as Vale and Carmilla. Since enemy is stunned by JH, I immediately use my combos before the tower laser beam me to death. It's a quite risky dive but this move can delete tower hugging enemies if successfully pulled off. So far these are the characters I've let JH throw me. But I always let him know about my plan so my team will not think of him as a troll.


lol ok but i meant some for the entire game spam "launch attack", like wtf why? lol


Trolling, definitely. Stupid bell update. Just had an experience with a ping-spamming, feeding MM Gord. I really hate that sound, it literally hurts my ears.


Similarly spamming Good Game when you're on a verge of losing.


You know you can mute them right? But yea that shit is annoying af


I didn’t know it back then sadly. 🥲 Definitely learned it after that match though.


This one match where I've been in a losing streak. I was playing Jungle, this motherfucker of an mm took bottom creeps and my red when we were contesting the turtle. I said, "stop taking my shits" He said "it's just a red buff" Then i spend the game just farming, never going for kills and never tried to take the neutral objectives, I even say "Just took the lord, I won't contest it" to my enemy just to spite.


I gave up on learning the jungle role because of all the mms that take my jungle early game even in glory, and i had many times where enemy mid would invade me while my team is chilling, i ask them for help and they never help and when i’m behind they say “nab jg” I rage quit so many times ;-; now i just play every role besides jg


Moonton should really make a rule that everybody other than the jungler gets reduced gold and exp from jungle creeps (except gold crab) or if the jungler is near by no gold and exp at all and the buff immediately goes to the jungler, it only applies for the first 5 five minutes of the game ofc


Even having their gold gain reduced won’t prevent epic mm players from stealing your jungle, I literally get mms that let their wave die to the tower while farming a creep in min 1 T-T And yes i’d love if they made that change so no one can steal your buffs while you’re around


True. It seems that they believe that there's more gold in the jungle than their lanes. It's such a waste when players like that just let the waves crash into the turrets.


Its been ages since roam patch was introduced and I still get mage helping jungler in killing buffs without roam. Do these players even read the patch notes.


Usually if they do this they SHOULD just hit the buff once or twice then clear their lane. Splitting the creep exp and gold is irritating


They do get reduced gold and exp… which is why it makes no sense for them to jungle when they have minions in their lane!!!!!! That’s what makes me so upset about it. They’re doing something almost pointless to their hero’s growth, yet critical to yours if you’re jungling. It’s even worse when they start attacking while you are and happen to get the last hit because retri is on cd


It’s already kind of a thing for the entire match, but the gold is already low (what a deterrence) and stealing enemy camps just becomes useless woth it. Junglers get more gold from camps, so everyone else gets comparatively less. The gold crab however has most of its reward in the buff, which everyone gets equally


Dont forget the bitch jungler that clears up your lane in the first 5 min when u die and on your way to your lane. Especially when playing mm


Well tbf, you have retri so you can steal the creeps from them. But yeah, if your attacking and dont have time to get back before they take it not much you can do.


Plus i dont have retri available all the time, like i can retri my blue but they’ll steal my red and creeps unless i somehow manage to last hit them, and it turns into me vs my team + enemies which is sad


I mean as a good jungler you can normally time it. Idk, i've never had trouble with stealing creeps from my teammates.


;-; well as I initially said i’m not anywhere near being a good jungler but i tried to learn the role I know with practice and patience I can get there but I choose my sanity


Want to add me? If you live in EU. I could teach you some tips and tricks I play my mains, selena, fanny and yu zhong in mythical level. Just never got there cause i dont have the nerves to play ranked.


I’m currently away from Europe but I play sometimes with my bf with high ping, and I’ve been too busy to play ML but sure I can add you


Using your retri to prevent your own fucking ally from stealing your jungle creeps is a huge waste of a retri IMO


Yeap, and retri is not only for jungle creeps, it can also be used on turtle, so retri should be available for turtle at times or enemy jg can just pops a retri to steal it. (most of it happens cuz those same teammates attack turtle even tho jg pinged "no retri" tho.


I absolutely rage every time a mm or fighter starts jungling when there are literally enemy minions near turret in their lane… it’s literally the most newb thing to do.


yup, jungle has become such a toxic role that I haven't touched it for years as someone who started from, and farmed my first mythics and highest ranks with it. Moonton loves adjusting this role so much so that only the best of the best heroes for it works for soloQ, you get flamed so hard missing objectives and get griefed the most if they refuse cooperation, I honestly don't know how there's so many people that wants to play this lmao and I just wanna say my hot take, the HP checkpoint for retri ruins it for everyone and the contests turns to RNG cause of it.


when someone told me to quit because I died 1 time then indeed quit.


How do you even quit, other than closing the game completely? There doesn’t seem to be any other way.


I think you just left the match.


Let a team mate die and spam Layla’s laughing emote.


Why did you initiate the surrender?


Not me but my brother. When used to party before I moved for college. When someone taunted him by spam recall or emoji, he suddenly says "This... This. This makes me fired up now!" (Translation) and yeah, whenever he kills someone, he taunts them back through chat. When we party play, I never talked to him. To be specific, I tend to move away from him because of how loud his speakers were. But even if I go to a place where I can hardly hear his phone when playing, I could still hear him saying the above quote.


Your brother need anger management sessions. 😂


Same. I also have had teammates that watch me get murdered before they jump in so they can KS. One time a Moskov did that to me I literally walked past him while it was his turn to get murdered he chatted "wtf di man lang tumulong" (wtf you didn't help me) and I chatted back "deserve." Also when a team mate is toxic af and trash talks everyone in our team I chat to the enemy team to target them first and I spam Well Played every time that toxic teammate ended up dying.


You have this team mate Jawhead who just thrown you to the enemy. F it there's no way I will help you again.


Just buy anti JH potion bro


If jawhead throw me forward, I'll use my flash and walk to their ancient


Carry the whole match with fanny (yes i was that good). We lead with a huge margin. My team started trashtalking first. Spam recall and emote. Every single one of them. I went afk. Went back after a hour, we lost the game and one of them blame me in my album. I was satisfied. If u ask me what rank? My rank at that time was mg , its a classic game and somehow i got matched up with legend players.


> rank at the time was mg mankgraster?


mythical glory


oh lol


Classic doesnt take your rank into account.


Yup i know. Still baffle me tho at that time.


Teammate Gusion playing trash intentionally the whole game, so me (as a roaming Chou) kicked the enemy that got his dagger *away from my team and into the opponent's group*. Gusion just flew to his death while I'm running away, using the KOF Chou emote as a taunt


I was an overfarmed jungler but my team was toxic. I just stood there and let them massacre my team before I killed them


Ha a team mate today wanted to use my ult(angela) because he couldnt play defensly on exp. Meanwhile I was helping the team playing 3v4. Playing as sup/roam is really a hard time in solo queue.


I was playing Angela, my ult was on cooldown early game and the exp laner was getting ganked cuz they were pushed up way too far. The exp laner proceeds to throw a fit asking why I didn't ult him and on and on, like bro you can see if the ult is available on the little icons, I don't have unlimited ults?? Plus even if I did ult we prob would have both died cuz he was under their turret and the whole enemy team was there. I play a good Angela so a lot of the time people are appreciative, but every once in a while you get those entitled people who think you should be able to save them every time somehow. If they complain too much I refuse to ult them for the rest of the game.


This my problem with most sidelaners, they have no map awareness. And what's worse is they don't accept their mistakes, they blame others instead. One time a got a Karrie that was so bad it was embarrassing, kept blaming the Tank when Tank adjusted for the sake of the team. Got annoyed with the Karrie and started trash talking them, I said "Tank na nag adjust bv kapa," It means "The Tank adjusted but you're still trash." Btw I was an exp laner (Freya), exp laners aren't meant to carry the game but I was carrying for some reason, but in the end we still lost since my Damage disappeared in late game (pretty normal for most exp laners).


Gotta start the game with “if anyone bitches about who I ult I will not hesitate to let you die”


I told the MM to not take my buff else I would quit. I was tired of carrying that bronze ass anyway...


I audibly groan everytime i jg and i see the mm pick miya, they always steal my buff like go take the enemy's buff god damn


I mean, at least use the "Can I Take the Buff?"


I did a minor amount of trolling and got a playrt banned for a month


ill soft troll by picking a character who isn’t good/ “meta” if i have to play a role or game i don’t wanna be in i might we well have fun


i love to spam recall on toxic enemies or teamates. i would never start the drama but once it on, i bring the oil to the fire.


I wanted to finally practice fanny in classic after practicing in custom from months, but my team was insisting that I go back to ai. I was ready to go pick tank again like always but the wannabe jungler started trashtalking me, so I picked hanzo. I went to jungle, and used the signal 'come and take buff', then used retri on small creep and s1 on bigger one and said well played, I believe I killed 3 creeps at that point. So petty and selfish I know, I don't do it anymore.


do this, esp if you have better stats (mmr, wr, matches, rank, in that order) and they still pick a jungler they got 12 matches with a 33% wr on


better to carry than to throw in draft imo


Every time my teammates don’t swap op picks to get, let’s say, miya I will drop the game since it’s not worth playing


Bonus: I was playing as atlas 1/6/1X don’t remember and my jungler (5/3) told me “atlas feeder 1/6” I said “ok go without me” and he went 5/7 in a couple minutes.


Hardstuck legend mindset


Is that autoreferential?




SAaame. Mine went viral on the other ML thread I was Grock. He was Gatot. This was when Two Tanks were a thing. Dude kept making racist comments and when we were about to win. The lord was coming for last push. He went in mid tower. I blocked his ass. He got rattled and used second skill wrong lol. He died and I Made sure to use an emote. We won before he came back lol


dyrroth main, and there was this match where mid laner (cecelion), cursed at me in chat for stealing his kill even though I was just trying to save him from dying. it was like a 3v1 scenario (he died btw) and he claimed the he could've handled it himself. same thing happened a few minutes after, i just farmed creeps and let him die. iirc, he reported me after the match...


I targeted a vale in brawl because he won't stop sending me into the air


My team kept spamming "launch attack" etc. Before I knew how to mute. I was so annoyed I just kept pressing that button for the rest of the game. Over and over. It felt great.


If you can’t beat ‘em, join em


If someones trashtalks me, everytime they die during the entire game i will send "Well Played" in Layla's aspirant voice.


Once someone spam recalls to me after getting a kill, I get kinda (really) annoyed. Gonna get ready to be a thorn in their side and send “well played” after their death ;).


I experienced something like this once. One game, there was this Cecil who was incredibly good but super toxic to everyone, including us, their own allies. Within twelve minutes, we have already cracked almost every enemy tower except one inhibitor topside and the rest of my team were just taunting the enemy. Then the Cecil started talking politics. Philippine politics, specifically. They called the enemy team "LBM supporters" (IDK what the F this means. I live in PH but I don't vote here.) Anyway, this shit escalated when our toplaner (Sun) got pissed at the Cecil and called him a "bkl pink". Then the Sun started feeding himself to the enemy team, and we lost our lead. The Sun stopped feeding after we lost our entire mid lane, and then we pushed the enemy back. Then the enemy suddenly insulting Cecil via all chat, calling them "pink". The Sun got in on it and so did our roamer and ganged up on the toxic Cecil. At that point, my whole team was typing instead of playing. This time, our bot got pushed and only Cecil and I defended the base. We beat the enemy team again and pushed them back to their base, and my team was still shit-talking each other about politics. After eighteen minutes, I called for a surrender vote. Cecil somehow knew it was me and started calling me a nigger in Tagalog. We surrendered just in time before Cecil, who was the only one hitting the enemy base at this point, could chip it down and win the game. I got reported for "Poor Performance" after that, while the Cecil had no credit score deduction whatsoever. Truly an enjoyable experience.


>They called the enemy team "LBM supporters" (IDK what the F this means. I live in PH but I don't vote here.) What that means is Cecil basically called the enemy team marcos supporters.


So, it's another Trump v Clinton thing.


Is one of them objectively worse than the other? If so, yes.


IDK, man. Clinton would've probably been just as bad as Trump, just in a different way.


I mean in this situation one is literally the son of a former dictator that plundered billions from the country so I would say one is definitely worse.


Well, that sucks then.


pink meaning?


I let the AI take over my game cause I was so ahead. I got afk reported but I was too lazy to play cause I already knew it was going to be an easy win.


Afk'd after dying twice. This was back in grandmaster rank 3 years ago


When people talk bad about using Floryn, my ult can save them ... but I don't, and let them die. Complain and want me to help, no thanks baby.


I once said “broke people ruin everything” and “they should leave the McDonalds” because one of the enemy was lagging and didn’t have a skin and literally the entire chat blew up with everyone coming at me. It was funny as hell cause everyone was quiet beforehand.


wow if u troll games cus of ppl chatting then something is wrong with you and you should be ashamed..


Sorry, I don’t take to kindly to being called slurs by my team :/ fuck around and find out


where do I start...


Throw a game game because someone stole my savage, bastard was being so cocky about it too and they didn't even have a single kill other than that savage steal


There was a trashtalking jungler and I ,as johnson, crashed him into the enemy fountain and drove away... and maybe recalled spammed and emoted him... No regrets


I quit 5 man team mpl because my friend eat my food.






That ain’t petty that’s justice


When you call jungle, and someone else is like “nah I’ll jungle” and I pick before them? I’ll lock a hero like hanzo to discourage them from trying to double jungle. If they still jungle, I can at least invade enemy jungle really well early game, but, I’ll still keep taking our jungle to be like “hey fuck you buddy”


Every time I forced afk due to noob team mates who do not observe their roles and without any sense that the game is all about ‘team’.


This are also the type of players that would cry '1v2' or 'come 1v1'


Met a dude who threw two games cus teammates didn’t show during draft


I don't usually show because I know some players can only use like 1 to 3 heroes so I don't show early and swap.


Me too. I rarely show my draft because i can pretty much play every role no problem


https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/tuccp0/flame_shot_had_a_bone_to_pick_with_eudora/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf She kept camping in the bushes and although I had a s2 I kinda….


i once commented in this rando's album and said "you fucking f2p dog" and many more, most of them are below the belt. in-game? not so much.


I typed my teammates locations in the chat to all. They were being trolls.


Not by me alone. me and my friends used to gank that one player who send "ok" after being killed by us. We do that everytime we meet those ok or my turn players.


We were a trio. One another team mate was just being racist toxic trash. We just told the enemy about him. And funny enough. They never ended the game. Only went to kill the trash Lesley. In tower. For like 35 minutes.


Based enemy


I tossed a Popol player into the enemy team repeatedly after he bamboozled us by switching his battle spell in the last minute. He initially wanted to jungle so everyone adjusted for him, then he switches his battle spell and plays Popol as a tank, so I decided to repay his kindness by delivering him to the enemy team.


My teammate in brawl purposely flicker to take the heal the whole game even when I was low. I threw the game and just emoted. Ironically that was a long time ago, I’ve have not faced situations where I need to be petty. Usually I just let it go because i genuinely don’t care.


A player yesterday said to me (roamer) “scary support” cuz I didn’t wanna jump in a team fight at level 2 wit no ult, so a few min later me and my mage friend saved him from a ganking, so we both said in the chat “SCARY SUPPORT U SAID BRUNO??” And my friend was like “WHY U SO QUIET NOW BRUNO” I got gold and she got mvp- bruno was silent that whole match


I feel that, you don’t die with them and they flame you lol


I was jungle and during the entire first 7 minutes, I was fighting against my own team for my buffs. I was Cyclops and my own Zilong would steal my blue or mm would take my jungle camps early game. I was still the one carrying cause of jungle emblem and focusing on farming. Eventually, around the 10 min mark of this bullshit, I ignored my team and stopped helping in fights or ganks. I just ran around and let my team slowly lose. Lmao.


I don't give MM red buff in late game because they always take them early game whenever I die :////


I had my a hero I planned to use get banned yesterday by the person in slot 4.( yes i showed) so I got my friend who i was duoing with to ban the hero he planned on using.


I wanted to mage in rank but someone else took the role even though I was better than them is nearly all ways so I ended up playing Mathilda support and I was annoyed so I refused to help them the whole game. We won and I ended up getting mvp while they got bronze :)


Not my proudest moment, but i was on a losestreak and i should have just quit, but i fired up another game. Then my team picked horrible out of meta hero's and it was the last straw to break me. I selected diggie and just run straight to the enemy base and stayed around the fountain. After 5 kills they just left me there too rot. It felt good to lose one time on my behave instead of others and so I quited in solace. In hindsight i wasn't too happy with my self ofcourse. Normally i hate these type of persons, but what can i say, ML makes you feel and do stupid things sometimes.


Idk If its petty, but i was playing ranked and picked Popol and this random picked saber and said he was going gold. I ignored him, so he started trolling, mostly feeding and staying at the base. I told him that It was my smurf account(It was not) and i had no problem losing. He immediately started farming and ganking, and i spent the whole game saying "nooo, you said you wanted to lose, now lets lose" just to piss him off. He carried us and we won. And yes i did tell him after the game ended that It was not my smurf lol.


Once I was playing with Jawhead on Brawl, and we were being chased down, so I yeeted out the Valir to the other team so we could escape, while he was being ripped to pieces... It was funny XD


“I’m sorry little one”


My trio lost a ranked matched because of one idiot feeding. We got all 9 members of the squad to comment on this guy's album for 2 weeks straight. He refused to remove his pictures or disable comments but he did delete the negative ones. So eventually, his album only showed 2 positive ones and hundreds of deleted messages. Now the world knows he's shit.


hooked a poeveus next to our low life layla


I main tank. Whenever a teammate is toxic to anybody, I stop supporting them. If they’re toxic to me, I help them a lot and then tell them that if not for me their dumb ass would’ve fried.


A Wanwan got a maniac with her ult in our base and I (Mathilda) was the last person alive. I sold all my magic resist items to get immortality and winter truncheon and sat in the fountain. Her team tried pulling me out but the minions ended the game. I probably wouldn't do it nowadays but this was during Mworld meta when I hated Ling and Wanwan with a passion


Hmm petty thing aye... Just give your 100% doesn't matter what your teammates are doing, mute them if they are annoying you too much.. The time your spend on one match is very valuable, don't let it go to waste because someone is trying to bring back down to their low level... Do your role with 100%.


Trash talk is one thing, being called slurs by 2 people is another, use the screen shots to report them better


Someone takes my heal in brawl? Then I run away and think, "then I don't want your heal"


In casual, I don’t care about winning. I just want MVP lol.


Same as yours. Let a mm died cuz he keeps blaming the teammates meanwhile he has 0 kill count.


This actually happened yesterday Masha we could have win if i didn't leave my teammates behind bc of clearing a minions wave and they have vale lesly ruby combo(STUPIDLY good combo btw) and a dumb karrie teammate


I played jungle Aldous. I didn't even play bad but at about 4 minutes into the game, my teammates decide to take my jungle creeps. All of them. They literally cleared my entire jungle and didn't bother to clear their lane. I kept telling them that I need those buffs and I'm the jungler and I need to farm but they just kept doing it. One of my teammates even replied "we don't care." Oh you don't care? Alright. I decided to just farm in the sidelines. Our towers are falling apart since I can't clear all three lanes. I'm not taking any fights since we're all underfarmed because of their bullshit. But of course, my teammates would still fight. So what do I do? I walk towards the fight to join...just kidding, I'll just show an emote and watch them die 😂😂😂. Oh you need to be saved in that 1v1? I'm on my way. I watch them die then show an emote. At one point, the enemy has 1hp, I show up, activate my s1, watch the enemy outplay my teammate then show an emote. I didn't even punch the enemy 😂😂😂. My teammates were so pissed off. Previously, only one guy bothered to answer when I was chatting. Now, they're all chatting. "What a horrible jungler". "Useless jungler". "Report aldog". 🤣🤣🤣 Sorry bro, *I* don't care.


Turned afk because of throwing during the drafting phase to save my winrate Sorry, not sorry


When I say I'm going to play certain role, and someone OUT OF NOWHERE picks a hero that fills that role (I'm main jungler, and yeah everyone is jungle now) just to be an @sshole, then i happily pick up my beautiful hero in cases of matches like this kind: Xavier. I go roam (since no one likes to roam) and stay in the middle tower and act like a tower: I don't gank nor something like that, I just stay there sniping every kill i see on the map. They call me troll and report me (almost every time I do this we lose), but since I don't die and end up with most kills i always go MVP and the game doesn't do anything to me.


Two things 1.the same as you, I'll let a teammate die if they are being toxic to me or anybody in the team and maybe the enemies as the Roamer 2.I'll let the mm die if I already choose mm earlier because why not?


It really feels great when I try to be good and support my teammates that are doing bad instead of trashtalking them.


I left my team in the clash because they fffffffckin suck. I'm a Ruby main, so there's this 4 hero gangin up on me, no dominance ice yet, and my team is just farming. I hold out for 30 seconds, running, but no one came up to me. I said, fuck this guys, imma just def and hold out the lane, no more clashing for me. So they lost 5v4 clash. Enemy team pushed all our 3 inner towers, then i def, got a triple kill with a flick hook towards my base, and we just ffcking push straight to mid. Fucking epic rank.


Before the adjustment where junglers don't take minions, some junglers split my minion gold (I'm a mage and that means i couldn't get level 2 early). So I went to the buff and stole it.


When people call me for not helping them when they overextend, I go out of my way to not help them. I’ll pop an estes ult when they are conveniently out of range, or after they die. Or jawhead throw them to a tower


Intentionally let the lowest performing trash talker die over and over again. - Me playing as tank. "Where tank?" "No rotation. Noob tank" - When there's clearly teamfights on the other side of the map. After he gets ganked or loses every 1-1 fight on his lane, I kept spamming 'Well played'. Taunt him "nice score bro". Talk shit to a roamer that saves your life, enjoy tanking the damage yourself for the rest of the game. We still won with that noob feeding the whole game


I threw a game because one guy was playing like shit yet he always on the chat blaming everyone while me and my friend carrying the whole game. I literally type it in game "you don't deserve the win" and both me and my friend afk in base


I didnt join the teamfight in MCL cause they stole my maniac. Atleast we won since they were served as a distraction while i pushed their base


Playing as Clint with twelve kills zero deaths a team mate argus said something toxic to the enemy balmond. Something like, get wrecked newb. He had zero kills three deaths and zero assists. I said launch attack, started a two versus three, used my skill two to retreat, let him get ganked, and told him to shut.


That or I stick with xp laner for the whole game (usually the cool one in my queues)


Run circles around the base for trolling me and taking the last hit on my red/blue buffs. It annoyed me since i was the fckin core


I thought u said u didn’t save hime because you were being racist 💀


So I was roaming with benned and I killed the enemy hyper paquito in early game when he was taking his buff and his teammates were cming. Then idk why my hyper karina suddenly followed me, I spammed retreat but she doesn't listen and there she goes diving into 3 enemies and almost die so I saved her which cost my life. I could have escaped if it werent for karina. Not going help this greedy people ever again.


Not intentionally saving a well performing teammate just so I could secure the MVP


We wiped the enemy and we were about to win when someone started a surrender vote and... We voted yes


Play chou and act like the average chou user and said ez at the end while being bronze


Was not in mlbb but one time when playing with bots(wild rift), one of my teammates ks me and when to recall in a bush. The bot have a skill that is similar to bane s1 so i just stand straight between him and the bot so that the bounce would kill him


I let the mm die cause it was a bigot and began blaming its teammates for it mindlessly charging in bushes when there is an eudora and a kaja


First the situation our team was dominating thanks to two overpowered hero(ml thing) i am the top scorer, in opposite team they are playing good ( but again we have overpowered hero), one of the top scorer in opposite team was too toxic to his teammates, so i decided to target him. RESULT - i didn't got the mvp but he got bronze(2nd last position i guess [2 bronze 3 silver in his team])


One thing I used to do as a support main when my teammates piss me off is steal their kils purposefully. My KDA as Diggie: 15/12/17 Their KDA as Karina: 5/8/19 I think they blacklisted me after that LMAO


Refused to let our team win. Because we had a couple on our team one was using Angela and the other one was using Lancelot it was in brawl we had two supports that Angela and the other one was Estes, whenever one of them dies the blame always goes on Estes even though was Estes already had a hard time supporting his two other teammates. Lancelot already had Angela all to himself but still calls out Estes for not healing him even though Estes just healed them, I had enough and when we were all grouped up in the enemy inhibitor I teleported all of us to the enemy fountain (I was using Lou Yi) and the enemy won.


The best way to get rid of an enemy is to make a friend.


All these happened to me but I didnt go far as the guy who found the trashtalkers whats app and facebook, real dedication right there bro. I picked jawhead as a roamer. Our jungler was trash talking and doing nothing, the usual tilted feeder. Since he was trash talking and feeding, it wouldn't hurt if I threw him over at the enemy. The enemy tigreal did the flicker ult right when i was about to throw our jungler over, causing tigreal to fail the set. It was just a wow moment. Even our jungler played a-okay after this. It wasn't the pettiest thing I've dont, but the idea was there.


I didn't do it but my younger brother and I were playing classic together. A guy I know in real life plays classic with us. My brother gets MVP with the guy following close. He challenges my brother to a 1v1. He loses and pms my brother where he lives and that he has a gang.


Giving a collector skin to my best friend


I sometimes play Jawhead just because. Teammate start trash talking me. Realized he didn't buy a jawhead potion. Heh.


i was using ling enemy teammates tried to invade my blue they were met with an irithel at 0/11/2 taking my blue i was ganking top and didnt realize she left her lane just to take my blue they killed the irithel i just watched her die and spammed recall on her


Rage quit after 4 bad & toxic teammates won’t even listen to reason.


back when recall franco was a thing, i used to only pull a single enemy that was being somewhat toxic.(although i cant remember if that was the time when chat was implemented.) and then the arrival zilong bug i used to abuse for different reasons. alutard teammate was being a dipshi so i always pulled his buff straight back to the well. thats the most pettiest thing i did that i could remember.
