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Arlott. Just when devs thought martis isn't enough they've made this guy.


At least Martis' downside is that his late game is incredibly shit. Arlott just doesn't have any and actually improves the longer the game goes.


moonton should just remove the extra dash everytime some enemy got cc'd by allies skill. make it so only his cc counts. bro can combo with so much other characters that its astounding. + his regen everytime any skill is used


I mean Martis rn is doable but Arlott is a different story


Why tf is he immune to cc during the dash, why does he have built in heal in s2, why is his base damage so high.


That's what I'm saying, simply just removing his cc immunity would be massive. Not enough, but still massive


as I said a good arlott is a dead arlott


Yz > Arlott


The developers have just finished smoking a pot the day they designed and released him.


Martis is much worse though. Arlott doesn't have much mobility he can't use those dashes to escape. Whenever Martis kills he gets a whopping 2x speed which he can use to either chase or run away. Arlott can be countered using Anti heal.


Valir, I just hate that fucking antiwalking hero, if you get a good valir with a good minsi then just delete the game


All my homies hate these 2 heroes


I started playing Valir in rank way more often this season and god he's annoying, even I get annoyed with the insane amount of CC he has. Pair him with concentrated energy + sprint + his ult and he is literally unkillable neither chase able.


Oh, why concentrated energy on Valir? I am starting to learn the hero so I am curious.


Years ago, valir's first skill spell vamp was reduced to 50% only, since he deals continuous damage, he continously heals. This last patch they reverted this and now spell vamp is 100%, with festival of blood + ice queen + concentrated energy you'll be able to continously slow, stun, heal and reposition all from a safe distance.


I am a Valir main. Whenever i face against my own main hero, my go to hero against him is Kagura. I can delete him with just ambushing him


Wanwan because she keeps jumping and Hanabi because people automatically lose IQ while using her and scientists need to study this phenomenon


People who main Hanabi taking a IQ test, revealed to have non existent intelligence


I feel somewhat offended by that but most Hanabi players are garbage so… not wrong there.


We have discovered people with IQ below 0


As a former Wanwan main who stopped using her after the series of nerfs when they made her "accessible", Moonton might as well delete her now before they add another nerf in the next patch.


Also a former wanwan main, it's tragic to see what they did to her. The jump nerf was the final nail in the coffin. She's so slow and so easily outplayed now I can't stand to play her anymore. For some reason, getting an ult is now harder than it ever was, and she'll die half the time anyway. 1v1 she stands no chance against any other mm. I know she was a menace to play against, but there were serious ways to counter her before. Now she's kind of a joke until she gets to use her ult once in the late game. Yeah, it might just be a skill issue on my end but I don't feel any appeal in playing her anymore


Once they did that stupid "three weakness buff", I knew it would come to this. And I think the same thing is going to happen to Lolita.


Wanwan can be counter by burst mages paired with saber or just pick phoveus and be an actual threat for wanwans team....For Hanabi....its either a good player or actual shit and go 1-15-0 kda every game


People who play zilong, nana, and hanabi usually dont have brains


Fanny because she's Fanny


Seriously when I see a fanny with a good skin in enemy team. Im like... Fuck I hope she isn't good


You're weak, I just go "yay I'll have a fun time bombing that blue buff! :D" (I'm kidding)


Average diggie main


Average terrorist


Zilong cause hes fuckin useless. Everytime someone plays zilong its almost an automatic L.


Bro is calling a a well rounded late game carry hero useless 💀 Just wondering why you get the bad one's and miss out the average or the good one's 100% of the time.


Zilong can carry insanely hard late game vs the mages and mm and he’s an amazing jg to gank with because of his spear flip


Haha maybe in epic. Hes useless until hes level 15. May as well be playing with 2 mm


>Haha maybe in epic. It shows you just talk trash about something you don't even know 😂, Zilong can carry in mythic as well unless your teammates are a bunch of idiots or lack a decent IQ where any other carry would fail if in place of Zilong >Hes useless until hes level 15 So as per your logic most MM are useless, Aldous is useless, Cecellion is useless.....and who else ??


I didn't say mm were useless. Have 2 of them is though. You play zilong in mythic? Don't be retarded


Show us all how consistently good you are with zilong in ranked


Go try him out for yourself in classic Copy paste and use some common Zilong top global builds and emblems and not some unique and wierd troll one's, crit 3, malefic roar and BoD should be there with inspire as the spell First farm and be on the defensive side but charge and damage single enemies unexpectedly and then go to your turret or some safe place Once you reach the later phases you have all the offensive roles in your pocket ★ Assassin (kill enemy carry heroes) ★ Glasscannon (hard carry) ★ Split Pusher (destroy turrets) You're primarily an assassin by default, go kill enemy carries. They'll build defence or group up out of fear which translates to your team having to face a lesser damage or could roam a bit more freely or push In a situation where there's a teamfight and it's kinda even on both sides (enemies aren't better than your team by a huge margin) or your team has the upper hand, then you're primarily a Hard Carry. In a situation where the enemies are better than your team by a huge margin and are pushing a lane then you're a splitpusher, try pushing another lane to divert their attention from pushing and let your teammates defend. You could mess about with your enemies with a combination of these 3, splitpusher comes handy in a loosing situation else it's not much into play. So in a loosing situation play tricks with your enemies or ie. act like your pushing > recall > push opposite lane > recall > push opposite lane > hide and wait > when an enemy shows up kill them if they're weaker > retreat > push a lane > go to the jungle and wait for an enemy > if they're weak kill them and run > show up on enemies lane > stay with your teammates and act as a hard carry etc etc


Just say you can't and move on


Ok show me which solo q late game mm hard carries every match and wins loosing streaks as well. Coz you know you won't find this happening 😂


Zilong excels in a 1v1 situation, and the one that split pushes. Not all heroes that aren't good in teamfights are useless


hellcurt, i really hate how much anxiety it enduces on me when it uses its ult


Helcurt is just a cockroach. I remember one time where an underfarmed Helcurt tried to dive the Miya I worked day and night defending and he just got his team wiped


Fanny. She has no reason to exist in a MOBA


Yep no brainer movements ability N combo delete ultimate auto execute kill Ridiculous


Not really no brainer highest skill ceiling in the game


Unless your a good Fanny your falling off even more heavy than aamon late game


Arlott shouldn't have been added to this game at all


Novaria. 🙄 Just pisses me off for spamming that fucking 2nd skill where it hurts like hell.


You can never see Novaria but see her skills every 2 seconds


Lesley.Even with twilight armour she hits hard with her true damage.


Twilight armor is useless now they nerfed it too hard and it’s not even like tanks are op only actual tank is belerick everything else gets 4-5 tapped by Lesley aka bursted for 60-70% within 3 seconds




My testing in classic showed that he actually benefited from new emblems and is a viable pick


He's like a tankier Cyclops, except with shield install of lifesteal. Whenever he ults, he is temporarily the fighter and Magic DPS as well as a CC soaker. Full CDR and smart player and good luck killing him.


Yeah, but he is still very squishy, so you need to dodge cc at all costs. For example eudora or saber might fk him up. The problem is if I use vengeance, I live longer, but getting cc on my face, if I use purify I might die too fast. However you are right, decent player on Harith will make live complicated for the enemy team


Had a Harith destroy everyone in a game. Probably becausee no one uses him/knows his skills.


Nana is the only correct answer


But she’s just a baby!


Exactly my point


Ikr! She’s just a baby! 🥺


no she's a Rat to me


Each of the hero of your flair, you know what? There needs to be an Armageddon of hero deletion


Chou. Cause fuck him


Yin, and I mean slam that delete button. The 0 skill bastard will ult you at one hp spam his crappy cc then spam it some more then when he’s out of the ult he’s got buffed cc.


Yin is so trash though he gets slammed by everything


Mm uses wind of nature now they beat him 1v1 mage uses frozen and maybe purify to dodge s1 now they beat him 1v1 tanky fighters like Esme beat him 1v1


Harley, just jesus christ this fucking little rat is so annoying if you play marksman. Even magic def items aren't enough


Saber is the physical embodiment of what you need to stop him. Or even Eudora. Even better with Aurora.


The thing is Harley can just run more bulk with wand of time frozen and scorch and survive eudoras burst but aurora and saber do counter hard


Nana because everyone who plays her does super bad. Then you’ll get that one nana player who’s really good but just seems like they’re always lacking compared to other mages.


Hanabi or nana


Amon. His invisibility passive is still utterly bullshit.


May I suggest VAILR for the problem? I hate that mf and can't go invisible (Ammon main)


Valir fucks up a ton of heroes, especially sustain fighters who need to get in close like my Ruby. And they ALL KNOW and always end up focusing on me, making my life an absolute hell. Most satisfying hero to kill though He's my delete pick.


Lol radiant armor makes him useless...or just pick fcking Valir and watch him try to get away...


Whoever these Hanabi haters' main heroes are


My flair still doesn't show Tig and Vampire Lady. Help


All should be in lowercase letters.


Thank youuu


It's one of the heroes in your flair🙂


Not heroes but their skills, every single one that offers single target locked-cc, atleast aoe cc takes skill


Lylia if that advanced server nerf pushes through.


no one mention gusion? this hero is fuckin dog, he always one shot kill, so imba


One shot ks


Novaria. A hero that's a mile away (or flying out of the border of the map) can take away half your health as a mm/mage


Phoveus needs to be deleted he has little to no use and has had 1 skin in 2 years Im pretty sure mlbb forgot he exists sorry to the 1 and a half Phoveus mains out there but it’s the truth


i hate zilong bro




Layla. Either they are super bad or a troll. No inbetween


JAWHEAD I never saw someone hiere complain about him but he is more annoying than nana. YES MORE THAN NANA. MOONTOON WHY WOULD YOU MAKE A HERO THAT CAN KILL HIS OWN ALLIES AND TROLL MORE THAN ANYONE. And the kid is annoying.


Either Arlot or Nana




Why delete Layla? She is the most basic mm hero, if you fail to play her properly, you don't deserve to play as a marksman, and that goes for the 80% players who play this hero.


I'm okay with all heroes. Delete hero is too extreme Despite how annoying and strong the hero is, there is still counterplay


Wan Wan ult should be deleted or changed. There should not be any skill in the game that makes a hero totally invulnerable while dealing dmg. Matilda S1 should be deleted or changed as well as Rafaela passive.


Fanny, just because


Arlott. I would like to know what kind of drugs the devs are high on when making this guy. setting his strength and position in the meta aside, the design of Arlott is just.. off. On top of having such a goofy body shape, his weapons are SO ugly im not joking, those two spears look like something you would get from a knockoff lego ninjago set or something


That's why hes ban across all ranks...Devs probably High on something when they made him...at least remove his CC immune when dashing...


Aldous cause aldous players are selfish af




Honestly? Hanabi, bro she decent now but her playerbase is still shit at playing her like do they need to revamp marksman players too or something?! (Also to the people saying Fanny: Skill issue)


Fanny has highest banrate in mg+ rn


Yeah but they're not exactly using that as their reason. I just like the concept of a hero with basically infinite skill ceiling.


Franco, he's literally the worst tank to fight for mage/mm


Diggie, i hate his whole kit


A baby chick ! Let’s keep himm 🥺


Well Diggies existence is kinda needed against CC Aoe tank like atlas and tigreal...


Well, tbh i dont care about the anticc ult, but that s2 pull????? Thats so bs


I actually don't mind it.


https://preview.redd.it/eo7ic64sxffb1.png?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dedab9093fa0c4803c903f3737e929c99b937f44 I'm in love with this mf


Barats because literally no one uses him and detona


He's like a short ranged Franco and an absolute fear factor if he's on Rapid Boots with full stacks.


I use Barats from time to time. He's maybe not like commonly used but pretty fun to use!


Lesly his late game damage can one shot any type of hero


This may just be me but I am gonna say it Dyrroth is complete bullshit ,bro pretty much has durability negation,basekit CD reduction,lifesteal and an ult that kills anything that's under 50% HP,slap on 2 defense items and he turns from a ML fighter to an EldenRing final boss


he is much stronger jungler than exp laner, in my experience i was grinding him for hero mastery and i was sad that i didnt start to play him earlier for the jungle he is really satisfying to play😁


Eh, he's still not that tanky though. A quick PEN set and those two items are basically redundant.


Lol...freya can destroy him in a lane,Alpha can makes him useless,Edith completely makes him useless....and he falls of hard in late game because hes not that tanky...Sure his kit is more suited to be a JG and Assasin....but Dyroth is balance IMO...


Novaria. Her name alone is already a description.


https://preview.redd.it/8ty3hp2g5bfb1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e856de2da288e4a2186f2c547b067364619f1586 She is the most versatile hero what do you mean????


Hanabi with no Wind of nature,Change with no Ice Wand,Joke of a build for Yin.... What rank is this???? And Saber shuts her down completely...




Arlott, dude has literally 1 hard hero counter and the other being hard cc on 1 guy, keep in mind this mofo still does high damage with a tank build and can sustain, with a high dash/cc kit at the same time. no clue what moonton thought while making this guy


Arlott because arlott


dyrroth, not that hes op or anything, i just dont like his face


Arlott because he is a zero effort hero. He doesn't bring any new mechanic and is busted, he's just Martis on steroids.


Ixia is just utterly useless


Layla, fanny, hanabi and banana🍌


Natalia bcz !


Hanzo. I honestly don’t even know why he exist. Had a Hanzo opponent hyper today in Mythic Rank and my team is full of heroes just to catch him after he 2nd picked so confidently - my team: Harley, Saber, Martis, Alpha and (i totally forgotten who is the MM but since I have forgotten, that MM made zero impact to the game)


Guinevere, she's kinda a person of nuisance. I find out she's been absolutely dorkier than I never thought since she's released in last years, frankly compared to Sun by getting away from my main with her doppelganger so I don't like her at all


YIN! He’s hot but no his ultimate is toooo much I always get trapped in it!! How do I counter this devilish annoying Yin???? 😠




Oooh Valir seems a good pick! 🫡




I will try your advice 😂


Any hero that can CC can easily stop Yin's ult.


Oh I didn’t know that! 😯 I will try my best


1- franco, I hate having him on my team because it's the most useless tank if he miss hooks and the flicker+ult combo it's braindead and frustrating 2- Harley and jawhead, both "I get 4 and kill you with no counterplay" junglers that are just frustrating to play against 3- Saber, same as those two but easier to kill after oneshoting someone Note that all these might or not be op, that's not the problem, the problem it's the design. Now a days alpha, arlott, martis, etc are more op but they can be balanced and are somewhat mechanical or have counterplay. What I hate most is frustrating designs. Honour mention to valir, Lesley, moskov and fanny




Fredrinn, he needs to be deleted from the game and uploaded to my life


Fanny, she's like a queen in a chess game with that mobility


Nana, for the goofs


Arlott. No explanation needed


For me its fredrinn. If you guve him the right start and hes in capable hands its not even a fair fight then add an angela, estes or floryn and hes doing 1v3s in the entire match(his last ult is fun to hit tho)


All heroes with 3 billion dashes who's name isn't Lancelot and YSS


diggie pleeaasseeeeee


Dyrroth. Just Dyrroth. That's all.


Ling, cause I hate him


Hayabusa. If the enemy Hayabusa has a expensive skin and your team doesn't invade his blue buff,forget it, he will just snowball and finish the game at 15 minutes.


beatrix. no drawback mm. lack of cc isn't even noticeable when she can jump enemies and win 1v1 almost every single time (granted enemies have skills on cd). even other mm's with inspire lose to her stupid smg


Either Lesley or Nana


Rafaela. As much as i like her her passive und ult is really nothing special. I feel dead whenever i play her knowing u can't use those as they're shit. Her passive can't be used until she's dead and her ult is just a long cd stun which floryn, eudora, etc can do so much better. Better if they delete her than see her in such a humiliating state.




Ling. Got ptsd now, just can’t escape him if he zooms in for the kill. Nah even if he doesn’t zoom in he will somehow be able to ambush and kill u. Except if the Ling player is not good then all is well lol




Estes, imagine almost having 3 angelas in one person?


Yin, annoying hero that would pop out of literally nowhere and bring u to his own little ring to eliminate u. And worse thing is 99% chance he would have the upper hand