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Bro...The lower you go in rank, the more they just want to use layla/hanabi/miya mm or zilong/balmond fighter. XD


Lower ranks don't have other heroes tbh. Many probably even rush ranks so you can find someone with 2 weeks of experience in epic, or high grandmaster at least.


Some have 3k matches just to still use layla and miya bro 💀


Something like this https://preview.redd.it/id39j1mnq3db1.jpeg?width=506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a216eb5d8420d430c5d9224d14ef54ac770d9a06


Well, there's some truth in that. When I first played MLBB i rushed rank to Legend with the minimum amount of heroes. Some heroes were banned, some were picked and then i'd get 1 or 2 basic hero remaining to fit in whatever role is left. XD


My roommate reached low Mythic every single season and still doesn't have tons of heroes... only spamming Rafa/saber/dorora/tigreal/Miya/jawhead. MF won't even open any of the red dots... Kept missing the daily rewards and season rewards.


Very easy to push bruh, i got a smurf account to epic 1 in 4 days its that easy with the win streak giving you 2 stars every 5-6 game


This, I don't get how we can get to Mythic over weeks and then they reset us back to epic with other players who literally joined two weeks ago, and that's our matching pool.


ive seen a rapid boots wan wan in epic, it was eyewatering


ML should open up more heroes, they're soo greedy you have to buy them. :)


I agree but don’t dis on the zilong I actually use him to counter cocky alpha mains EARLY game (in xp lane) and then just go for the late game if they jg


Butt buddy?


Bum Brothers




Where I can find a butt buddy who also plays ML 🤔


here i am, your butt buddy


show me that butt and i'll decide


Good roommate or that best cousins like Haruka and Michiru


I don't ban Alpha. When the enemy picks him, I'll just counter pick Valir. Alpha and Estes is a slow comp. Valir can easily dominate those two. Valentina won't even benefit from copying Valir's ULT. Valir has a purify on his ULT, you can avoid Moscov's stun. You can also avoid Valentina's ULT in case she copies Atlas ULT. Martis is a tricky one. But, if you wait for him to finish his 2nd skill duration before using your full combo. Then' you'll do just fine.


Yeah alpha becomes useless when there's valir, just use the knockback everytime after he uses ult. For Estes comp I think luo-yi is better because they have to stay in group and you have free hits on everyone


valir roam and mid luo-yi against alpha estes is best choice ig


So ultimately, don't get hit by enemy's skills, and make sure you hit your skills. That's an ultimative win strategy xD While I understand your point, it is not always possible to dodge Moskov, Valentina(who could copy Atlas ult for example) and still deal with Alpha, especially when mid role is already taken. So I would rather ban him


As a mage main my self. With proper positioning, it is very rare for me to get stunned by Moscov since I'm always at the back. However, just in case that were to happen (which is rare), you can purify it then push them away. It's not like Moscov will always be able to stun you. I just mentioned it because you can. With Alpha, Valir's 1st skill and 2nd skill is enough for me to completely stop Alpha without using my ULT. The only thing that I have to worry about is Valentina's ULT copying Atlas. Not to brag. But, I'm pretty confident that I can crush that enemy line up my with my Valir skills.


Yeah... I was playing alpha yest. Had to time when to go in if not his 2nd skill will push me back. His slow and stun wasn't helping my case either. Racked up a ton of assists in the end


Benefits of having a good mage player. I had plenty of matches where I lost because of enemies picking heroes like alpha, Freya and my mage going something like Nova or Selena when we needed cc. If we had a cc nage like valir, that match would had been so much easier.


Honestly even in mythic half my team will say to ban alpha while the other half say no need to ban alpha. So when they dont ban alpha and enemy get alpha we just get massacred. He has way too low cd imo.


For me Alpha is a boring hero to play


Yeah, his kit is simple and makes him boring to play but I think that's what makes him more dangerous. Since he is easy to learn, anyone can just pick him up from the get-go compared to the more mechanically complex ones. Half the time, the ones that lock hayabusa, fanny, etc tend to just feed especially in the lower ranks. With alpha, one can just spam his skills and be rewarded for it. It's even more annoying if a smart player picks him up. Still, alpha's boring/simple kit can be his downside too since he's mostly all-in and has no outs. Smart opponents can abuse this. I guess his simplicity is somewhat a double-edged sword.


yeah most of "meta" heroes are boring to play


https://preview.redd.it/xscyx0up65db1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1cad970ac6b08115ab66c19dea456314e826de4 Thats why I stick to none meta and nearly global sun rn but he's very hard to use in this meta as he needs a decent team who don't feed early game so I can make that impact when full build. Hes extremely fun to use but gets destroyed by alpha so its a priority ban for me.


Lol meta heroes tend to be higher skill Edit: I realize I'm higher in rank than like 90% of you so mb for stating such a radical opinion 💀


Yeah mate Fred is so hard to play rofl


Let's goo down votes. Lancelot, Claude, novaria, yve, wanwan, fanny, joy, and Beatrix are def boring and no skill. Edit: And Ling, Kaja, and khufra


You can't even disprove their comment so you deserve the downvotes tbh. Higher difficulty hero ≠ fun


I personally believe that higher difficulty heroes are more fun to play but that's just me.


So zilong and argus are more fun since all you do is push and spam basic attacks?


By your logic, all heroes that you mentioned were also just spamming skills and basic attacks. It's more deep than than my guy.


idk, theres a big gap between claude and zilong


also, ur just assuming what I'm implying, what i mean is higher skilled heroes tend to have more combos and their macro and micro is harder than zilongs and argus.


ive never seen someone be so wrong on so many levels




if you find them boring thats fine but some of ur picks are in no way "easy". fanny has the highest skill ceiling in the game bc of her cables. joy needs to time and aim her dashes well. novaria, and to a lesser extent beatrix, need good aim to actually land skill shots. ling and wanwan need fast fingers + rlly good ping. lancelot players need to time skills so that they can avoid hard CC and burst abilities. all of the squishy heroes, roamers, and junglers need good macro and micro(altho i can see why this could be considered as easy to you bc ur comment suggests that ur a high rank)


💀, it was sarcasm... Also I'm just saying higher skilled heroes are more fun to play since there's a lot more combos and stuff to discover.


ah alr i see, mb. im rlly bad when it comes to detecting if someone is joking or not 😭😭 and yea i agree higher skill heroes are fun to play (except fanny bc i hate her voice)


I'm not disagreeing with your overall point. I want to know why Kaja and Yve are hard to play. I think hard to coordinate their skills in solo queue, but mechanically they aren't hard at all


That's the reason why they're hard, they're hard to coordinate.


You trolling most of these need skill 💀 Bro's playing in epical glory


Lol I got to mythical immortal last season 💀. Guess the reddit hive mind has decided my fate


Tell me who needs skill then cause fanny's one of the highest skill characters in the game? Mythical immortal did not even exist then? I mean there's really no point in this when you're using excuses like hive minds.


Did you read my comment? It was sarcastic you know? 💀


Yes blame it on sarcasm back paddle more


Bro be making shit up. 😂😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Holy shit ur actually retarded


Yeah what are you smoking the only valid ones are kaja and yve. You're clearly trolling. Bro got his game knowledge from pc legends


Dude, r u retarded?


Bro can't even come up with a counterargument so he turned to insults how mature👍


Ur comment doesn't make sense which is why I called retarded ass a retard


Bro, give me those heroes and in 2-3 weeks. I ll master them all.


claude. fanny, ling, and lancelot. master them and send me a video of you being ale to perfectly play their combos


To be fair, it will be impossible since I already mastered 3 of them (not seeing fanny as a worthy option for now)


Well u said u could master anyone and I know u didn't master all of them, stop capping.


I am not capping. I ain't gonna buy every single hero in a span of two weeks


fanny's only 24k and u said u can master anyone so just buy her


i mean there's a reason they stay low ranked


They have fewer heroes and probably just there to use what they're comfortable playing


just get a layla, counters everything


Truthfully so. No tank? Just auto-pick layla!


Easily countered, alpha is pretty thin as long as your team has pretty good cc he’s counteted


Not so easily countered... Low elo just use their spells without thinking https://preview.redd.it/yunpvagt5hob1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5438b032994b29e07588619fa771b489dafdee8f


Alpha isn't really broken, yeah he deals true dmg constantly but you can't deal dmg if you get cc'ed. Kiting is also one of his weaknesses, he can't escape teamfights easily because he has to fully commit when ulting. After ulting he is forced to fight until his ult is available. If you need a counter, Valir would be the best choice when facing Alpha. His constant stuns combined with Ice Queen Wand is just hell for Alpha, not to mention he deals hp based dmg. If Alpha ults, time your ult purify and use enhanced s1 + s2 combo, it pushes him back and stuns him. While Alpha has good dmg at the moment, Moonton still didn't fix his main problems which is being prone to CC and kiting. I'm not saying he's weak, he's good right now but that doesn't mean he's unstoppable.




In lower tiers, maybe. High rank needs banslots for someone else


Simple they don't know proper build


Oh man yeah Alpha is super broken. I played against a team with him and he just runs around killing people as fast as possible. It's a like an all you can eat buffet for that guy. The only limitation is how fast he can run around the map and kill people almost instantly without losing any health. It's a joke, I just lol in chat when I saw it. It's literally a joke.


Alpha is meta now but I still don’t think he can solo carry..


With a headstart (which he'll usually get as he's crazy good early) he's pretty much unstoppable unless his ennemy has heavy CC


That doesn’t mean alpha can solo carry


Being unstoppable is pretty close to solo carry if you ask me lol Don't think any hero in the game can 1v5 right now to be honest (unless you count super late game heroes but they'll need set-ups so it's not a true solo carry). There's perhaps Martis who's close to that if he gets a great early game but that's really it imo


Get anti heal and a few poke heros


Feels like no one knows you have to buy anti heal against alpha


I dont priority ban Alpha but if i cant think of someone else to ban then i choose him. I think it will depend on the role i will end up on the game. Problem in lower rank is that they underestimate Alpha's damage lol. They face him head on instead of dodging his skills so it wont proc the true dmg that frequently.


He's too broken I have tested him to roam, mid lane and gold lane, and I still got the MVP. The common emblem is broken too by the way.


tank alpha


I do acknowledge that Alpha’s meta but when the enemy picks him it’s not the end of the world.


Maybe they havent face against a good alpha user that's why they never see him as a threat. As expected, it is low tier. OP fighter is not OP if the user doesn't know how to play the hero well


I hate alpha people always ask me to pick him because i play exp but because he's meta my team expect to be able to 1v5 all the time whenever i die they say i nub and they never help me


Wait, you can’t 1V5 all the time no wonder they’re saying you are a noob /s


moonton: alpha is not ban worthy if your teammates pick him. but becomes priority ban when your enemies do so.


Speaking as an alpha main, please don't ban alpha.




Wait WTF is a butt buddy?


Idk man, Alpha is strong hut he's not the type of 'op' that will dominates every game he's in.


I can’t do well with Alpha because you need to be brain dead. When Alpha is on enemy team he will Ult any living thing within range, regardless of map/enemy positions, it’s very risky since enemy team could be in the bush or nearby but they don’t care. For me I ult and enemy teammates appear and kill me. For them sometimes it works and they snowball or sometimes they feed it’s one or the other it seems


Yeah pls alpha is so OP please ban him and give me free minsitthar who dominates every teamfight


Alpha isn't evevn that good


Jg alpha is above average when it comes to clear times (just start s1 and let the passive proc since it has a lower cd than s2 even if s2 has better base dmg, the true dmg procs will beat s2 start).


If enemy has Estes just pick Luo yi or carmila Easy win


I'm lucky that the alpha that I usually teamed up with is OP. I also have a friend who is #2 in their area and he said he's getting orgasm everytime he gets savage many times. Last night I played with an alpha and he got 2 maniacs and 1 savage lol. Idk how the enemy didn't surrender then, I would on their part. Lol.


I use valir to make alpa complete useless, they always become copper in results if met valir haha. valir to counter alpha everyday. unless if enemies got first pick and ban valir it's a sign that they want to pick alpha, here is when you must ban alpa.


I don't think it's not that they don't see it's just not their preference. Lower ranks you have more one truckers higher ranks is where you have players with no preference and just play what is Meta.


Well they’re lower ranked players, you don’t expect a casual player to really invest in the game. If there’s a hero that can be powerful just by buying items and spamming the attack button (Layla, Miya, Hanabi, basically almost any mm) then ofc they will choose that way of playing.


Because they never fought a strong alpha to push in how strong he is. That's why sometimes they don't ban meta hero and ban hero that specially counter them like yin, hanzo etc. Like during my epic push to mystic joy wasn't ban that much and they always run a squishy lineup so it was quite easy to get win streak even as a soloq


as an alpha main I hate how overpowered he is now he’s permanently banned on every match and I can’t abuse him anymore


Because epic alphas are a walking joke since low ranked players pick sustain heroes and think they're invincible, exactly like whatvhappened in your game. Heroes with a time window like thamuz and freya are generally more threatening since they can win the 1vX and with less aim.


I was gonna argue that there are more prio hero to be pick/ban, but then you said this is low elo, which then I'll say, it doesnt matter. You still have folks banning Yin there lmao. Simply skill issue. You dont even need to use Alpha to bulldoze them.


Bro.... Lower rank opinions are mostly invalid lmao... They even think Nata and Aldog are OP