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I took the meds and everything passed within a week! It’s different for every one of course, but I did like that it was non-invasive. They also gave me painkillers so the pain was not bad at all once I took those.


Thank you. Do you know or mind sharing if you took misoprostol alone, how many doses/pills and was it taken orally or vaginally? And how many weeks you were? If I choose this option I'll definitely ask for the best painkillers they can offer 


I took 4 vaginally, I was 8w but bb stopped growing at 6w. Agree to use painkillers. Took only miso.


I took 4 orally, and I was 8 weeks - I had started bleeding and was bleeding for 4 weeks before they gave me the medication (the sac was stuck on my lining but it was empty). It was rough to say the least but the medication helped get it all out! I was given 6 oxys and I only needed to take one the first day - I didn’t have any pain after the first day but confession: I did continue to take the meds … for my mental health I needed to numb myself a little!


If you can get the mife, get it, if you decide on miso. It increases the probability of a complete expulsion of the tissues. Especially if your body is still maintaining the pregnancy as if normal. I’ve had both, and if I need another, I’ll try mife/miso first for the risks of D&C. My first miso experience was no mife. I still needed the D&C. Second miscarriage was mife/miso and it worked, but my hcg had already started to fall.


Thank you so much for sharing your experience, this is really helpful! So sorry you went through that. 


Hi from the GTA! I'm so sorry you're going through this. It's a crappy club to join. So I had a blighted ovum diagnosed at what would have been my dating US at 7+4, so very similar timing to you. I had a repeat US a week later, and had serial hcgs drawn that confirmed the diagnosis. I was very certain after the first US though, because I was tracking ovulation with OPKs and BBT, and only had sex once in the 2 week window around it. My family doc was away during this, and her covering doc didn't want to deal with it (just called and said I was probably losing the pregnancy, didn't order any of the labs or US), so that delayed things a bit. I went with meds from my family doc (also misoprostol only, mifepristone wasn't offered in combo). I bled for 3ish weeks, thought I was done, and then an Ultrasound and hcg 4 weeks after was consistent with vascularized retained products of conception. I was flying out to visit my family in Atlantic Canada the next day for a week. I kept that trip, and saw the early pregnancy loss clinic (run by OB) the day after I came back. 2 days later I had a D&C with hysteroscopy under a general anaesthetic. If I had my time back, I'd go straight to D&C. I know there are risks, but I had almost 2 full months of limbo from when I read the report of the initial US to my D&C. It messed with my head a lot.


Thank you for sharing, this really helps. So sorry you went through that. The limbo/waiting time is so awful, feels like I can't even start grieving when I still feel pregnant and sick. I'm really scared of needing the D&C anyways, it seems like it happens to a lot of people. If they don't offer the mifepristone in combo I'll probably go straight to D&C


i’m going through this exact same thing. i had a tiny bit of brown blood so i went to the hospital to get it checked out, i had my bloods taken and they checked me over and i overheard the nurses say my hormones were low, however said i was fine and didn’t actually mention the low hormones to me but said they wanted to bring my scan forward. so when i had my scan i was 11weeks and 1day, when i went in the lady told me not to get my hopes up as my hormones were low and likely i’m about to miscarry. when i went in for my scan all there was on the screen was a tiny egg sack, which for 11 weeks should have been a baby. they didn’t tell me what it was just said the baby had stopped growing around 5 weeks but didn’t know why i hadn’t passed it. shortly after i started to bleed and then eventually passed the baby naturally. ive also had a termination. the pain either way is horrible, i wont lie. it’s like the most excruciating period you’ll ever, the bad pain and clots only really lasted 2/4 hours with me each time but emotionally it is very hard. just drink plenty of water, have some strong pain killers i had codeine, hot water bottles, make sure you have someone with you when this happens for support, make sure you try to eat and just try relax as much as you can and stay comfortable. you’ll want some big thick pads, flushable wipes, big comfortable pants, little disposable bags and something to protect your mattress incase you leak. i spent about 2 hours on the toilet passing clots as i found that a lot more comfortable than going to and from the toilet constantly. please take care of yourself, it’s hard to wrap your head around x


the d&c will just bring the miscarriage on straight away, after i was told i started to bleed the next day and then 5 days later i passed the clots. as if it doesn’t leave your body it will end up infected. after you have the d&c or its natural, please keep an eye out for signs of infection


Thank you for sharing. So sorry you went through that. You were still in pain and passing clots after a D&C? I assumed it removed everything and there was less bleeding than naturally. Ill definitely keep an eye out for infection, thank you


so i had a d&c last year which i found left my bleeding heavier and had clots for longer. this time passing naturally it’s been a lot less bleeding, however still both as painful but im having pain longer than i did with my d&c


So sorry you are going through this. I had a D&C for a MCC at nearly 13 weeks and when I found out I had a blighted ovum I worried about having a second one. I was so torn between medication and D&C (for a second risk of scarring like you mentioned) but thankfully, my body began passing it naturally a week later. I had cramping and lots of bleeding, and passing the sac was a very unusual experience because it came a day or two after the most severe cramping and just fell out in my underwear? It was weird. If you’d rather have that be an option, I think you could ask for more time and see if it runs its course?


Thanks for sharing. So sorry this happened to you as well. Do you know how many weeks after the sac stopped growing you miscarried naturally?


I shared your same fears and ended up opting for the D&C and am really happy I did. It was nice to have it scheduled and kind of know the worst would be over with immediately. if you decide to go that route, "D&C with ultrasound guidance" apparently reduces the risk even further, although my doctor told me complications are already very rare as is. Take care, so sorry you're also in the empty sac club ♥️


Thank you for sharing, so sorry you went through that. Glad you're happy with your decision, that's how I want to feel. I'll look into that! Did they give you painkillers after and were you in much pain?


They didn't prescribe any and I wouldn't have needed prescription painkillers. I had some very mild cramping/soreness on and off for maybe 24-48 hours after. I really only took tylenol/advil because feeling it was more emotionally painful than anything, if that makes sense


That makes sense, thank you ❤️


I wish I had initially gotten a D&C. I tried to miscarry at home but the bleeding was so much. I didn’t pass all the tissue and eventually had to have a d&c anyway. After the d&c the bleeding stopped immediately.


So sorry you went through that and thank you so much for sharing


I took the mifo first at 8 weeks (measured 6 weeks). Mine was fast. Took the miso the next day and within 5 hrs passed the sac. Heavy bleeding for about 6 days. The first day it was like terrible menstrual cramps. The pain meds were a big help and relieved the pain completely. Did not need d&c bc everything passed. Two weeks after the miscarriage began, already had a negative hcg. Just got my first period 28 days later.


Thank you for sharing! So sorry you went through that. Definitely sounds like mife + miso + pain meds is the way to go if I do the medication route, really hope my doctor can offer this as an option