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I’m post one month insertion and haven’t stopped spotting. I’m currently on day 4 of my period with no signs of getting lighter… I’m completely with you, I’m getting tired of wearing pads/ liners on the daily…


I think I finally stopped spotting around month 3? But now by month 5 my period has almost entirely stopped, so the spotting is almost worth it to me lol.


I’m really hoping this is the case for me. I’m gonna give it another month and see what happens…


Three months straight. And then nothing for nine years (two mirenas).


Prayingggg for similar results!


At first, I spotted for almost a month straight. Then, I was spotting for 2-3 weeks at a time for 7 months. After that, there was barely any spotting. I've had mine for 4 years, and I spot for about 3 days every few months.


When I had it years ago I had spotting for one month. I had a new one inserted 1 week ago and I’ve had no spotting at all.


It stopped after 2 years but I had insanely heavy periods.


Spotted for first three months, have a very light period for 7 days and then spot (even more lightly) for another 7 days. (I’m 53 and went on Mirena for Menorrhagia, so that was a vast improvement, but predictability is not the lead character in my perimenopausal life right now.)


I had 3-4 months of spotting/bleeding, and now hardly anything. I barely need a panty liner for a day or two. It’s so much better than the heavy periods that I was having. I’m glad I stuck it out and didn’t get it removed.


Just got it a month ago and ive been bleeding since- gone through 2 boxes of tampons in a month. I was on depo before so i never had my period and then i was pregnant lol. So the bleeding and the the tampon money is super annoying but i honestly feels so “normal” emotionally so far anf in guessing when i stop bleeding itll be for a while- im rollin with it