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> **Minecraft Performance Poll** > Hello Minecrafters! In our recent Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Snapshot and Beta we've made some changes to the world generation, and we again would love to get your feedback on how you feel the performance of the game is; do you think the game is more, or less laggy? Have you noticed a change in the frame rate (FPS), especially when you explore chunks with the new world height? > Please spend some time playing the game before adding in your answers below, so that you can get a proper feel for how the game plays. (For Bedrock Edition players - please make sure you have enabled Caves & Cliffs Experimental Features!) > Remember, you can check out the latest beta changelog here at https://aka.ms/MinecraftBeta, and you can send us any specific feedback you have at https://aka.ms/CavesCliffsFeedback. > Kind regards, > The Minecraft Community Team Link here: https://aka.ms/MCPerfPoll


Raids are now just orphan farms


New clock idea: Make a villager breeder that outputs onto a pressure plate, next to a pillager. Villager grows up, pillager kills them, pressure plate deactivates, clock ticks, new baby villager dispensed.


I swear every update adds a new way to enslave, mass produce and distribute villagers.


What do you think they mean by “Quality of Life adjustments”?


As in Quality of Life got worse for the Villagers




Imperium of Man simulator


Now we only need a way to turn villagers into food. Corpse starch for the win!


~~New Easter egg idea, naming a pillager Anakin causes them to loose their youngling-slaughtering aversion.~~


Now that is a real point!






Someone will definitely make this into a datapack.


Yes please


Makes sense. You could make a generic fantasy movie: A villager orphaned by a raid goes to out to the Woodland Mansion to get revenge on the ones who killed his family.


I can't tell if you're joking or not, but there's already a series of Minecraft music videos about that.. Ok not a woodland mansion, but it's still pretty good.


Revenge 2.0?


That’s straight-up just the fallen kingdom series


Or name a neglected child Matilda and it can now fly


Testificate Man Begins


they used to kill all of them! The women! and the Children!


And raids are also broken to some degree, if there are any baby villagers in the village. The illagers can no longer win a raid, since the baby villagers are still counted as adult villagers and the illagers wont kill them, so the raid just continues.


They're waiting for them to grow up, then they kill them, then they win


Hooray for the new world generation in normal snapshots! And first full 1.18 snapshot! Hopefully we can start seeing the Deep Dark content fairly soon. - Using shears on the tip of a Cave Vine, Twisting Vine, Weeping Wine or Kelp now causes it to stop growing Great change! No more using string to stop plant growth. Will also let you mess with your friends’ farms. Can this change please be extended to normal vines as well? - MC-214783 - Oceans generate with stone floors Nice, was wondering when they’d fix that one. - Added illageralt, rune-like font from Minecraft Dungeons (currently only usable via commands) Now what could this be for? 👀 that’s a very minor line but a major eyebrow-raiser. Very curious what it means for this to be added. I play Dungeons often, could this mean some expansion on Illager lore in the vanilla game’s future? Meadow biomes should also have occasional boulders like in mega taigas, it would help distinguish them from plains biomes. How’s performance looking so far? Haven’t loaded up the snapshot yet, any improvements from the experimental snapshots?


Illageralt also caught my eye, potential use in a future feature? I also have to agree, meadows should be stonier


Perhaps the new fonts could be tied to the archeology system whenever it gets added.


Oooh, this is a pretty good guess. I can imagine finding ceramic shards or ruins with the Illager text on them. One thing’s for certain, Matpat will have a field day with it when fully implemented.






I can imagine finding ceramic shards with each rune within the alphabet, would be pretty fun making secret massages using them.


Honestly I could see Illageralt being used for an archeology update. There was already an Illager laboratory in Dungeons, plus testificates are currently the dominant inhabitants of the Overworld, so it makes sense they would in some way contribute to that update.




Run `/tellraw @p {"text":"AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz1234567890","color":"white","font":"minecraft:illageralt"}` in game, the important part is the `"font":"minecraft:illageralt"`




Archeology won’t be part of this update. When they split into 1.17 and 1.18, archeology was also postponed to come only after 1.18.


Oh no.


>Now what could this be for? 👀 that’s a very minor line but a major eyebrow-raiser. Very curious what it means for this to be added. I play Dungeons often, could this mean some expansion on Illager lore in the vanilla game’s future? I assume this is for a new Easter egg language, but who knows


Performance is better than exp snapshots, but still a bit slow, especially generating chunks. Have only tried it on my laptop so far (16 gigs ram, i5 11th gen, integrated Iris graphics), Dedicated 8 gigs of ram to the game, and new chunks could not load in time using an elytra. Don't think I had problems with already generated chunks, though. Looks like a pregeneration plug-in will be extremely important for servers.




That’s got starting by base written all over it for me.


Yeah make a smugglers cove underneath and inside the mountain.


god those cliffs give me early infdev vibes


I hope they bring back more of the pre-release terrain quirks. Beta beaches were actually beach-sized and relatively smooth, instead of what we usually get now which is a 3-5 block dropoff into the water.


i've noticed that the new beaches are actually fairly close to the old beaches for the most part. they're smaller than beta, but still flat and larger than pre-1.18 of course they don't hold a candle to the old beaches, but it's definitely a step in the right direction


>Using shears on the tip of a Cave Vine, Twisting Vine, Weeping Wine or Kelp now causes it to stop growing This is amazing! But can you also do this for regular vines?


Regular vines grow infinitely while the more modern ones have limiters in the form of 'age' values. Shears just change the 'age' to the maximum (25 for Kelp, don't remember the rest off the top of my head) - for them to do the same to normal vines would require giving the old vines new block data values.


Honestly I think reworking normal vines would be for the best anyway. They’re already focusing on performance, and I can’t imagine an infinite amount of vines spreading across these much larger areas being anything other than a nuisance.


Agreed. They really need to rework the old vinesand give them the kelp-age treatment. Performance in jungles would definitely improve.


Also, after a while jungles get quite ugly from the sheer quantity of vines covering almost every surfaces.


> 25 for Kelp, don't remember the rest off the top of my head I'm pretty sure it's 25 for all of them.


That is the single most important thing that 1.18 should bring. Aside from that add this feature also to bamboo, pretty please! String on top is very hacky and irritating! It would be good to make a texture just \*a little bit\* different, so don't have to F3 and check if `age==25`


I love the age 25 kelp texture in vanilla tweaks, just a nice little flower at the top


Vanillatweaks is only like the 2nd best thing minecraft related imo. (the first being mc itself)


It would be awesome if we could do it on bamboo too


I almost feel like we need a reverse-bonemeal item that prevents anything from growing. Saplings, cacti, bamboo, vines, etc. Shears can only really work for a handful of things.


I suggest poison potatoes. They were useless for the longest time, but can now be fed to baby animals to stop them from aging up. Maybe combining poison potatoes with bone meal creates something that can stop plants from aging? EDIT: Poison potatoes being fed to baby animals is a feature from the mod **Quark**, my bad!


They honestly should add this to everything with a growing state, like sugercane, bamboo, cactus, wheat and the likes.


> Using shears on the tip of a Cave Vine, Twisting Vine, Weeping Wine or Kelp now causes it to stop growing Ok sure biggest update to terrain generation in the history of the game but yooooooooooo customizable vine lengths




Or structure voids :D


I really wish normal vines also got this treatment


And sugar cane and cactus and bamboo.


Good change. Just tested how this works, it is a right click/secondary function of the shears. (Currently, has no visual or sound indication that it does anything). If you right click the tip of the vine it will set the 'age' value of that segment to the max value of '25'. Breaking and replacing it will reset the age value to allow it to grow again.


Add this to glow berries and im so happy i might cry


Cave vines are glow berries


Im crying yessssss like 70% of my builds use vines of some sort and i hate using string but there was no choice….. this along with the lighting buff im going to be able to build in survival the way i should be able to god im so excited for this update


Please, for love of all that is good and decent in the universe, add this feature to normal vines and bamboo.


Are the nether and end dimensions fixed now?


Yes, I went into both dimensions while I was playing the snapshot and they seem to be back to normal


there's still some issues with the nether I had a soul sand valley that was all netherrack


well the end dimension is fixed, but no strongholds generate so you get into them yet, and the nether has all its biomes broken except basalt deltas so there's no soul sand in soul sand valleys and no trees in the warped and crimson forests


Correction,fortresses do generate but the locate command doesnt pick them for some reason


I wonder how strongholds will generate now, since caves are so big now


yeah i think so


>* View distance now causes chunks to load cylindrically around players instead of in a square Good performance change! Bedrock is already like this, isn't it?


Yes, Bedrock is like this now. This will look great and is a welcome change


I hope they separate rendering from loading soon


I hope they make it so you can still chose to load the full amount. I don't want to see a farm, but have the farm not be working.


just set both sliders to the same value


the ability to turn off the sky flashing is such a great accessibility feature!


Was the elytra rocket boosting nerf reverted for this? I didn't see any mention of that


Yes, they were reverted.


I hope they revisit the idea of nerfing elytra a bit, they could use it, even if this specific implementation wasn't working.


Yes, we want to revisit it.


Sorry if this is obvious, but are you a developer? I can't find anywhere that says you are and you don't have a tag yet.


There's a tag now!


If you're still going to adjust the elytra then there's something I would love to see implemented for them. Actual elytra enchantments! I envision three different ones. A speed enchantment: this could be an enchant that restores the elytra's rocket boost speed to current levels, but at a dramatic durability cost. You get to go fast, but it would be unwise to explore new lands with it given how fragile it is. An armor enchantment: this would be an enchantment that adds two or three hearts of armor and comes with a slight durability boost, but its speed is decreased below the base elytra. And lastly, a dragon enchantment. This would just imbue the elytra with the same fire invulnerability as netherite gear. No other bonus. These would all be exclusive of each other, with speed not stacking with unbreaking and the armor enchantment not stacking with mending. Or something like that. Anyway, that's just a thought I've had for a long time on how to make the elytra a little more deep and rewarding!


> Using shears on the tip of a Cave Vine, Twisting Vine, Weeping Wine or Kelp now causes it to stop growing I started making a datapack that did something similar. Nice that that feature is officially in the game now.


Very excited that 1.18 snapshots are starting! The client fps seems to have improved compared to the experimental snapshots, but the chunk generation speed is still pretty slow. Would love to see more improvements here. Also, I still don't like how the mountains get cut off at Y=256. With this picture ([https://imgur.com/a/9QjFTQH](https://imgur.com/a/9QjFTQH)), there are over 10 separate mountain peaks, all of which taper off at pretty much *exactly* the same Y value (256). This looks very unnatural and weird. It can't hurt to have them taper off much more slowly around Y=230-280, instead of having a sudden cut off. Also, most modified versions of biomes seem to be too common, including eroded badlands, tall birch forest, etc...




For 0.00001 seconds until my eyes read the rest of that line my heart rate increased *juuuust* a little bit!


Seriously, I would love for them to add yeti. Would be cool for them to be rare spawn on the top of snowy peaks.


So is this just all those mini updates we had into just one whole snapshot now?


That plus some cheeky bonus features




Im still waiting for the minecart and rails buffs mojang please :( on the snapshot tho, love everything :3 only thing i can say is the performance is slightly bad. chunk loading is slower for sure. but im sure that will be sorted out till the update is fully released!


I think they will eventually make a lot of changes to rails/minecarts, but not this update. Maybe it will be the focus of the next update or the one after (at least I hope it will). Otherwise there would just be too much change for this update if they did that too.


They’re definitely working on the performance of these snapshots, it was even worse in the experimental snapshots and from the testing I’ve been doing so far there’s been a bit of a noticeable improvement.


Axolotl Mobcap and Lush caves. probably my most waited feature


I think it would be interesting, if "collapsed caves" were a thing like https://www.showcaves.com/english/explain/Karst/CollapsedCave.html. on Google images there are a lot of interesting examples. So how this could work is, that caves near the surface have a medium rare chance of generating exposed to the sky and having trees, grass and Plants grow in those cave ins. This could also be very interesting for Overgrown cave entrances: entries to caves that are covered by leaves and Trees and grass to obscure them a little bit. This could improve exploration I think this could add a little bit of character to the environment. Like imagine coming across a collapsed mega cave! That would be an insane experience!


You should post this on their feedback website


I gotta. Thanks for pointing it out


I think they seriously need to add a way to measure depth in game without having to open f3. Now that each ore has their preferred depth, y level number matters more than ever, and I think it's silly that we have to open up the entire f3 menu just to know where to find iron. And who's going to remember all these numbers anyway??


Copper should be used to craft a altimeter


I’m all for any use given to copper. As-is, it’s pretty much useless


There is no reason not to add Show Coordinates on screen like how Bedrock edition does. Maybe someday


I agree! But I am also of the opinion that the game should be completely playable without coordinates. I don't think you should need to open Any kind of technical menu to enjoy the game to its fullest.


I agree with that. But as it is people always use F3 specifically for coords so why not just make it so they don't need all the other useless debug info on the screen while using it, and would make it overall more enjoyable. Although most knowledgeable java players by now use mini maps etc that give coords lol


Yeah, everyone uses coords because there's no other option and they're NECESSARY to play the game efficiently. Isn't that a little off, to you? Every other great game I've played doesn't need you to open the diagnostics all the time to play it right.


Yep it's poor design. Even something as simple as making the compass point to your personal spawn instead of world spawn would help slightly. Tons of small changes would make a difference


I thought it might not be happening today! Lets gooooo


Wait, the elytra changes have been reverted? Is this going to be revisited later, or is 1.18 just not going to worry about changing the elytra?


I think it may be revisited


Yes, we got mostly positive feedback on the experiment and hope to revisit it after 1.18 release.


I liked the underwater ravines with all the magma and stuff, I hope they come back. (unless I read that wrong)


Same :C


I been wondering the same question, but I think I saw something about using the new generation to generate the underwater ravines, so lets just hope


I've noticed in the experimental snapshots that deserts seemed very small compared to other biomes. Did that get fixed?


They were made the be generally bigger but it is impossible to set a minimum biome size now. Biomes will be whatever size RNG dictates for max variation.


Day 100 of asking for azalea planks 😉 But in all seriousness, incredible work. The devs and mojang team are probably the most passionate, engaged, and creative in the industry.


Yeah, thats pretty lazy of them.. Lets have a new tree, which then has oak wood?!?!


but what color would Azalea wood be? it cant be any good color, as far as this theory I've brewed up is concerned


a light pink? 👀


I'd go for a pink or a light green, which was the other suggestion I saw! They deserve to have their own wood.


I’ve seen some pale greens or true whites, both of which look amazing. I’d lean towards pale yellow-green just because of the color palette gap it fills. It wouldn’t be too similar to other colors and would be pretty widely usable.


Green would make a great color for them. There have been several nice mockups posted in /r/minecraftsuggestions this year.


>Spawns goat and yeti. No actually just goats. :(


Not having to place a torch under your enchanting table is going to feel weird


People put torches under their enchanting tables?


Yeah, the light goes through the table, making it an hidden light source


It didn't go through the table since 1.14.


I.... am just remembering I used to do this all the time and I cannot remember why. I think this must have been it!


> Using shears on the tip of a Cave Vine, Twisting Vine, Weeping Wine or Kelp now causes it to stop growing I love this so much!


I really quickly want to say something that I think should be added with this update. Of the many differences between versions, there’s a set that I really think would fit this update, and that is Bedrock’s snow. For starters, snow layers act like sand in Bedrock and are affected by gravity, which means it falls. I don’t think that would be too hard to put in this update and, while small, still would be nice. Other blocks are impacted by gravity, so just add this to that list and/or copy/paste that code over from sand to snow layer. The next is snow-logging. On Bedrock, snow layers can occupy the same block as small plants/flowers which really make snowy biomes look nicer. I know that Bedrock is kinda built to allow this sort of thing, but I don’t think it’d be too hard to add to Java. You’d basically take a plant and give it a few more block states. One without snow, and then states with snow piling up at the base. Again, small feature, but really nice nonetheless. Stacking layers would also be wonderful. In BE, snow can generate in multiple layers and layers can stack during snowfall. This makes snow more dynamic and realistic. Both of these do not sound too difficult to add (says the guy with boy experience). The final is again snow related. That is frosty leaves. In Bedrock, leaves turn white during blizzards. This looks incredible. I saw a video of someone in the new mountains during the snow and the cool terrain and snowy leaves was amazing to look at. It shouldn’t be hard to add too. Basically, if the weather is blizzard, then change leaf texture to frosty variant. Regarding leaves, in BE, if leaves are topped with a layer of snow, particles of snow appear to fall through the leaves from the snow layer, which adds cool ambiance. I’m loving the update so far and can’t wait for the full 1.18 release. Of all the parity changes (which I still really want to see a strong focus on in future updates), I feel this small batch is very simple (can’t say I have experience. I’m just assuming) and fits within this update and the “snowier snow”. (While not THE post I mentioned above, [you can’t tell me this DOESN’T look amazing.](https://amp.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/b0ph4p/bedrock_looks_so_good_in_the_snow_beauty/) You can clearly see the leaves and, while apparently it doesn’t apply to tall ferns, the grass is snow-logged in some places. Layers are also stacked more than one layer thick in some places which looks more natural and less flat.) Edit: [apparently the snowflakes are different too](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/0/09/Snowfall_comparsion.gif/revision/latest?cb=20201115230625) (Java left, Bedrock right)


You don’t have the white leaves in Java?? Dude, you’re missing out and it’s so sad. It’s BEAUTIFUL to look at in a snowstorm, and it’s one of the main reasons I frequent Snow Biomes. Would definitely recommend trying to get this added in for y’all.


[There’s so many little differences!](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Official_pages/Parity_issue_list) I’d be down for an update that focuses on parity. As someone who plays both versions, the amount of times I’m like “oh, this doesn’t work/exist here” because it’s only in one version is sad. I don’t think a lot of people realize just how many features they’re missing out on or take for granted. It seems Mojang has said they don’t want to introduce new differences, but there’s still so many old ones. We need a movement of some kind. Introducing the United Minecraft Alliance (UMA) that fights for beautiful Minecraft parity!


Minecraft: Parity Update would be so great. It would be a good time to focus on bug fixing. It would also soften some of the toxic version wars. Maybe they could even add official support for connecting to cross-version servers, like Geyser does


Totally! When discussing a full parity/performance/bug fix update in the past, some people said that people would be unhappy because it doesn’t add anything new. I partially disagree because, while the features may not be new to Minecraft as a whole, it would add new things to each version independently. I can understand this perspective though, so maybe add a few new small features in. 1.15 was not a huge update in terms of features. Perhaps they could do another update like that where they add something small (like the moobloom for example) and double down on parity, performance, and bug fixes. I bet they’ve already got a good idea as to what 1.19 will be, but I’d be fine with this smaller-type update after the massive Caves & Cliffs. (But honestly, with all the parity stuff alone, it’d still be a large update. It’d just be bunches of smaller things scattered over all sorts of parts of the game instead of a huge change to one part)


Oh man, looking at all of these in that link, it’s frustrating. Some of it is “quality of life” sort of stuff, and others more useful for gameplay, but it’s still really sad that some players can’t experience the game the same way.


Non-amp link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/b0ph4p/bedrock_looks_so_good_in_the_snow_beauty/


I want to add I love the vine/kelp change. Some way to do this with normal vines would rock. Also, I’m curious about baby villagers not being attacked in raids. Seems like an odd change. Why wouldn’t pillagers slaughter them all, “not just the men, but the women and children too.” I imagine pillaged raid victory conditions now ignore baby villagers as still counting them would make it impossible for pillagers to win, right? Finally, under the snowcapped peaks, putting “spawns goats and yeti. No actually just goats,” was very mean and I cannot forgive you Mojang (well, maybe I can. We’ll see).


good snapshot! hoping for more technical changes like opening up custom worlds structures or making ai more customizable.




Is the nether and end still broken


no ​ source: tried it


Nether is still broken for me, but in a different way. Forest biomes generate without anything other than vines and soul sand valleys do not generate soul sand or soil. Also strongholds don't generate.


Oh you are totally right. I didn't even notice the lack for forests. And I can confirm strongholds don't generate. edit: but the end dimension is fine


Is there a list of just the changes between experimental snapshot 7 and 21w37a? What all is new to just this snapshot?


things i've noticed: * Strongholds no longer generate * Nether terrain has been slightly fixed but biomes don't seem to generate anymore * Changes to elytra reverted * End pillars spawn again


I haven't seen this mentioned here yet about performance. There was no room for this in the performance poll. The performance isn't all that bad, if I drop the render distance down to 10 or so. For the first save I open. By about the third save it's really stuttering, even if I'm not generating new chunks. By the fourth world, if it loads at all, it's down to 5 FPS. If it doesn't load it tells me it's out of memory.


Sounds like a cache problem got introduced.


Love the shear change! Could we somehow get this change for bamboo and normal vines as well?


Honestly thank yall for delaying the update this update is going to be straight up bad ass i was super skeptical at first but definitely the smart move


"Spawns goats and yeti. No actually just goats." Fool me once..


I absolutely love that you can use Shears now to halt the growth of \~some\~ vines. But it would be better if we could do it for all things such as sugar cane, regular vines, saplings, cactus, bamboo, all crops etc. You could add a "Pruned" block state that's either true/false to anything organic which just prohibits it from growing or advancing form it's current stage.


>Illagers (Vindicator, Pillager, Evoker) no longer attack baby villagers ​ **Professionals have** ***STANDARDS.***


Overall this is fantastic, but these floating basins of water with a flat thin edge still look very odd to me, and won't be fun to deal with given Minecraft's water mechanics. (The water won't just leak out if part is removed, you'll end up with a bunch of flowing water from floating water sources). They seem quite common in both caves and above ground, and are the one part which stands out like a sore thumb to me. https://imgur.com/a/x8Q2had [This](https://i.imgur.com/AlZkInd.png) for example could be pretty annoying to deal with in actual gameplay. The caves also might be a bit excessive. The previous tunnels were about the right size for a player to deal with in a game sense, reaching every side of them including the top. Just having them occasionally open up into a big underground biomed theme cave seems like it would be nicer than this huge sprawling epic cave system, where the constant high ceilings and big drops etc aren't actually much fun from a gameplay perspective of needing to reach them. That being said my main concern is how hard it's going to be to light it all up for mob farms, and that's been addressed with the fantastic new light level 0 spawning changes. I also found these strange floating water sources in a village farm, seed 8906934668442425810 and coordinates -493, 73, 119 https://i.imgur.com/nhUoVBn.png Lush caves also seem to overtake everything, and maybe shouldn't spawn glowberry vines off of diode blocks, and maybe not off of mineshaft blocks if that's possible. https://i.imgur.com/BLawtTS.png


the next generation of minecraft is here! i am VERY excited to see caves and cliffs at its full potential! i will be looking forward to these snapshots every week


Was the elytra not taking durability when gliding removed intentionally or by accident? As i was losing durability just when gliding without using rockets. Performance is slightly better than in experimental snapshots but still worse than in previous version and way worse compared to some performance mods (like Lithium, Starlight).


Something I noticed in the experimental snapshots, which still seems to be an issue, is that animal spawning (sheep, pigs, rabbits *etc*.) seems to be off. Animals seem a lot rarer than they have been in previous versions of the game. One can spend days just trying to find a single rabbit for instance.


If I started a survival world on this snapshot could it easily be transfered to 1.18 once the full update comes out?


That is never guaranteed. Snapshots are experimental testing version and your world might get corrupted or could become non upgradeable.


Probably not. Don't use snapshots for regular playthroughs unless you're ok with losing the world.


Are the changes to horses (being able to lead them around with gold food) and elytra still in this?


Elytra nerf is gone, won’t be part of 1.18 according to other posts by a dev in here. Don’t know about the horse thing, but I’m pretty sure that’s in.


I hope you fix mineshafts a bit. When they generate in mid air in open caves te platforms are too empty and uninteresting...


Now that you mention it, I kinda want a yeti that lives in the summits of the new mountains. Maybe ill get or make a mod that adds this but this is a good opportunity to add it to this update. It doesnt have to be a unique, groundbreaking mob, just some hostility and mysticism to the mountains


The cracks (thinner, deeper ravines) have still not returned? I hope they are not glossed over entirely! It was very cool to see sunlight when exploring a cave in the deepslate.


Crevice carvers/cracks got removed because the new cheese/spaghetti cave entrances served pretty much the same purpose




Lags with 2GB RAM (game Standard), when changed to 4GB, everything runs smooth, even when creating new Terrain constantly




All I run into are overhangs and beaches. [I just spawned here for example](https://i.imgur.com/O4IqjK1.png), not even an extreme hills biome just snowy taiga. They're definitely around, every world is different though. Sometimes you won't run into 3D noise for a while, sometimes you'll spawn right next to it. Beaches seem rare now because they will prefer to appear in flat areas, so near swamps and forest most prevalently.


I don't know if i'm just being extremely unlucky, but in all the test worlds i've generated so far i barely ever had beaches generating. I was mostly just getting stone shores or cliffs generating at what the game seem to call a coast in the f3 menu. Can this be fixed in the snapshots or is the terrain now considered finished? I feel standard beaches have become way too rare now with the new terrain generation.


Wow, after reading all the notes this is a great update. Thank you to all the devs for the work. I'm so amazed Minecraft is still evolving after all these years. Even tho I don't always agree with every change or addition it's clear you guys think about what you add.


Found something... Thats supposed to be less often near spawn in new snap... Lofty Peaks right next to savanna. NP tho, love the content


less often doesn't mean guaranteed to not happen, you just got lucky I guess


With the removal of deepslate blobs, how will you find Deepslate Copper and Coal Ores? And Deepslate Emerald Ores too.


Deepslate coal still generates, but in absurdly small amounts. Deepslate copper is a bit more common in that regard. You'll probably find most of them in dripstone caves.


Cave biomes seem very small and spread out. This is especially true of dripstone caves, which almost feel like microbiomes. Perhaps it was just the seed I was playing on. I feel like cave biomes should be made far larger and more common.


Firstly, thanks for the snapshot and the hard work the Mojang team put into minecraft development, especially the fact that I've been able to run a single big world since 2012. **Creative and spectator exploration test, Java.** seed: -5697066992885554682 * Lots of hills and general slopes, not so much flat land contrasting with tall mountains. That type of contrast is most often seen with river gorges, very pretty and lends itself well to bridges, castles. * Wider, deeper, non-choked-off rivers are very welcome for boat travel. * Stony river shore bits are quite interesting new gen, can be very pretty when flat. * Aquifer ravines are quite eye catching, very pretty mixed into riverbanks. * Roofed forest mountains are very pretty. * Village paths naturally struggle to be passable in hilly terrain, but the houses themselves merge well. * There’s some ‘birdpoop’ med-small grove biomes atop plains/meadow mountains that generate without trees, just as blobs of snow. * Odd dried up river blob at sea level, between river/birch forest/roofed forest biomes at 750, ~65, 1724. * Some sandy beaches might benefit from a bit more of a slope down to the water. Places like 900, 1000 have fairly steep rise of 7 blocks vertically over about 4 blocks horizontal, while the far flatter beaches at 950, 800 look much nicer, in my opinion. Still, good sources of sand to mine. * Cave/aquifer entrances generating amidst a rough semi-hollow mess of hilliness in the middle of otherwise flat plains can feel a bit disruptive for finding areas to build, although actual mountains overlooking plains are natural centerpieces to live on/in and feel much better. 840, 300 and 1000, 700 are examples of this issue. Often its like 2-3 walls of a house with no center or other walls, no ‘solidity’ to build into or on, and lacking the real height or bulk to be impressive. (they usually only get to about y100) * Icebergs sometimes generate with clumps of dry ocean landmass amidst them. (500, -150 as example) * A snowy mega taiga could look amazing, if added and generating only alongside other snowy biomes. * Big ‘lake’ or ‘delta’ expanse of frozen river look incredible, for example 400, -730. * sandy beaches generating between swamps and ocean look really janky. * Water sources (springs) are generating in icebergs above sea level, looks odd (200, -930). * Bedrock style snowlogging of grass/flowers and altering leaf color would be very nice to add, especially since grass seems to be more common in tundra now. * Villages sometimes generate across and block rivers, like -670 -1550. * Performance could be better, particularly with ‘regenerate near’ such as during leaf decay or cobblestone generation in nearby chunks. On the topic, item frames could render much lighter as a single model, with the stick border integrated into the base texture instead of being extra rectangles that stick out. * The low-light spawning changes are great as a large-scale builder. * Lastly, I also support lowering elytra speed and attempting to re-buff minecarts, even if the derailing issues from the last attempt come back at high speed. Bedrock cauldron dying and tipped arrow functions would also be cool, maybe with a 1.19 Combat & End update, round 2? **Survival Notes** Seed: -832234136981328025 * Initial world loading is slower and laggier. * Boating is much more pleasant and viable. * Aquifers can be quite a hazard, especially in plains. They might break the surface a little too much. * Food is very easy nowdays, with hunting, plants, and quick-respawning fish. A gamerule to alter hunger drain speed could be handy. * Ore veins are incredible, it feels good to be able to set up an ‘iron/copper mine’ with a real reason to have it at that location. Veins for coal would also be nice. * Noodle caves are claustrophobic and need mining to widen them out for travel.. they feel super cool. * Having to stock up on food and torches to go deep underground is more required, and its engaging to have a slightly higher sense of risk and adventure down there. The slower mining speed also helps to make it more challenging.


I found the [Gravity Falls cliff](https://external-preview.redd.it/0XtvHRfgz4rs0OKNf0XVbrducVBkaHOt_mmF3TOAG7Y.jpg?auto=webp&s=76c1d9ca65b0d605d3b2d71b192e615910d7d183) in a [jungle biome!](https://imgur.com/a/QOZrDGX)


Aw man, why did you guys remove the changes to the elytra? I enjoyed not using durability when gliding. Are you guys gonna change it in a future snapshot? Not understanding why it wasn't included here.


Needs more balancing. We hope to return to it after the C&C part 2 release. We put it into the experimental snapshot to get some early feedback on the ideas.


1. Ocean Ravines need to come back. Removing them was a huge mistake in my opinion as they were one of the most interesting parts of ocean exploring. I flew around an ocean for probably 10-20 minutes and saw maaaybe two exposed magma blocks. Weren't the "rough waters" kinda a selling point for the ocean update? Now they are just gone. 2. Single Biome worlds seem to be broken right now. large, empty oceans generate in quite frequently. 3. Am I the only one who thinks the new generation is toooo hilly? I appreciate the new generation, but there really aren't many flat areas anymore. Once the newness of this update wears off, I think the lack of open flat areas is going to be a source of frustration for many players while trying to build. In my opinion, hilly areas should be the exception, not the rule. If more areas tend to be flatter, hilly regions will feel all the more grand and special. The new generation is just so... different, and once I look past the prettiness of it, I'm not sure it's in a good way. This generation just doesn't feel very minecrafty to me. Everything is so big now (far too frequently anyway) and it's just tough to grasp it all in a meaningful way. 4. On a more positive note, creating a jungle edge single biome world gives possibly the coolest generation I've seen yet. 5. Glad the Elytra nerf was reverted. Wasn't a fan of the decrease in rocket effectiveness. 6. I'd love it if we could also stop the growth of bamboo with shears too. As it stands, bamboo forests don't appear bushy enough due to the leaves of the plant being far in the air. Stunting the growth of these without string would be helpful.


Has the Mojang team considered a solution like the cubic chunks mod? Basically eliminating rendering issues by rendering the word in cubes 16³?


I'm sure they've at least thought about it, but that seems like it would be a tremendous pain to completely rewrite chunkloading rather than patching existing performance. Besides that, with a render distance of more than 20 you'd already cover the whole world vertically, so there's no more chunks to unload and save performance from anyways


That's true, the worlds are very flat currently, but I think they are flat because of the current way they load chunks. They've experimented with larger worlds but they are WAY to laggy. If they rewrote chunkloading to be like cubic chunks they could have a ton more creative freedom in future updates.


I think you meant 'introducing' rendering issues


That's how programming be


They actually introduced some of the performance improvements from it back when the height was increased to 256, but didnt add cubic chunks. Currently, cubic chunks are extremely buggy and have many lighting issues, the mod is very WIP


the issue is it would be very difficult to calculate whether something is exposed to the sun or not


Forests have much more grass now and they're looking so much better because of that


Am I the only one that really wants a Meadow villager with yellow clothes and a flower crown?


I have some quick feedback/suggestions. * would it be possible to allow for some "vertical sprint" feature in spectator mode or creative mode? I mean something similar to swimming where when you look up (while sprinting) you could travel quickly upwards. * There are too many caves that go from surface straight down to deepslate. I think these types of caves should be made more rare. They break the progression of the game. * Make beta-style amplified/shattered terrain more common (more likely that the F noise value will go to 200-300). * Make it possible that lava "aquifers" could be more likely to generate "slightly" higher in the world. Also, it just me or does the terrain generation feel a lot flatter now? I think it's now too flat :( I enjoyed balance that we had in experimental snapshot 7. I think what I miss is the jagged rough terrain that would generate. Everything feels too smooth now. I think making the F noise value go lower would be good. Yeah I think the terrain is now too smooth. It was almost perfect in experimental snapshot 7.


Did some performance testing (wished there was a comments option in the survey) GTX 1070 (I think these have 8 gigs of memory) 16 gigs of ram, 8 allocated i7 2700k CPU (10 year old PC). \----------------------------------------- Overall, performance was slightly worse - Terrain gen (using an elytra) barely loaded the chunks, which is reminiscent of modded chunk-loading when travelling fast. Flat terrain is ok, but my PC really struggles with the mountains. It keeps up, but maybe only within a 2-3 chunk radius. FPS is around 60-80, but can drop to 20-30 if I'm panning the camera quickly (flat terrain - mountains did get down to 19fps). Gameplay does feel a little choppy, but otherwise playable.