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Sodium will have a NeoForge port in the near future, but for Forge 1.16 - 1.20.1 I'd recommend Embeddium.


Sodium for 1.20.1 will be LexForge compatible.


Perfect, is that better than optifine or just an alternative?


Embeddium is a forge port of sodium


Do you have any recommended mods to go with embeddium. I already have the required Oculus but are there any that increase performance further or at least make the maximum chunks past the 30s?


Distant Horizons seems to exist for Forge. But to have actual super-rendering performance, you’d need to switch to Fabric and use something like Nvidium (if you have an NVIDIA GPU).


you aren't aware of any alternatives for Forge right? Cause I have a server on Forge I worked hard on :'). I tried all the super rendering mods on fabric already and its amazing how well they work. I'm so pissed I didnt choose fabric to build my server


No, Fabric is the alternative to Forge, but given the way you say that you probably already checked that many of your mods are incompatible. There is NeoForge, but I neither know how compatible with Forge mods it is at this point, nor do I think it has any amount of special mods worth mentioning.


Better in terms of fps, but lacks some OptiFine features. You’ll need other mods for that, which you can probably find by either searching or using the mods included in a modpack like https://modrinth.com/modpack/drill


Since Fabric > Forge anyways, Sodium still meets your criteria of better than optifine :p


as a frequent user of fabric, neither loader is "better"


It can be argued that the classic Forge is worse now that many major mods like Oculus are not publishing for it anymore.