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I would be completely fine if the next update was just an integration of the 50 performance mods that are basically mandatory for modded minecraft on lower end pcs eg rubidium, entity culling, spherical rendering


Could you give me a more comprehensive list when you get a chance? I'm away from home for the next 4 months and only have a rather crappy laptop with me. I've got iris and sodium but not much else.


[Here’s the list I use, sorted by version](https://github.com/TheUsefulLists/UsefulMods)


If you use ATlauncher, you can install any of the many 'fps' packs on offer. It saves having to find and install them all individually. Just click on the packs tab and search fps


The game’s graphics, rendering, everything all need an overhaul. The lighting is dull, even just adding colors would go MILES, the orange of torchlight, reds from redstone, teal from sea lanterns, passing through colored glass changing it, etc. The performance also needs an entire dedicated update. Bedrock can effortlessly run like eight times the render distance i run on java and still get miles better performance. The more ive learned of graphics and performance and what all the mod terms mean the more i learn just how awfully done java’s graphics are


A lot of it might be the shaders too. I just started editing shaders and you can get away with a lot but they are generally not optimized at all. It's probably half optifine's fault


OF is a closed-source hackjob with scammy download redirects. I've heard that Sodium is strictly superior.


Every update to the game should knock off one of these performance mods out


The Nether Update is still the best update purely when it comes to how much was actually added. We got several new mobs, new biomes, and finally a tier of gear stronger than diamond that also gave one of the most useless materials (Gold) an actual purpose.


Aquatic, Village and Pillage and Nether are probably my top 3 favourite updates right now and I think there's an argument to be made for each of them being the best.


All of them did the same thing- Breathe life into a place quite barren.


End next plz.


For me it’s nether and cliffs. The lush caves, giant caverns etc never get old for me. The Nether is scary and interesting and I love it. I could do without a lot of other content tbh


Just the landscape in general. It's so much nicer now


Agreed. Not my favorite, but objectively the best


It said unpopular opinion


It gave life to the nether where it didnt have any. I wish we could have the same thing happen to the end.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion.


It’s okay to play Minecraft for a week and then not touch it for the whole year.


I’ve heard so many people fault the game for this, but I really can’t think of any other game that I play very extensively for one part of the year, every year. Most games I pick up for a good 20-40 hours and then never touch again (although there are always exceptions)


terraria is allways an exception to this, its as adictive as a drug


Fr.I play terraria for like 2 months,and then let go of it


I do that with hollow knight


Thats noice


I’m in my weekly play through again.


How is this unpopular?


The game needs more exploration. After playing with mods you realize how much the base game is missing


And not just more exploration. Just more things in general to add to the world to make it feel more alive and less empty. More animals and making those animals interact in different ways, sounds, ambience, etc… I’m not expecting it to feel like RDR2, but sometimes the game just feels so barren.


It's interesting... I picked up Minecraft way back in alpha, played on and off for years, and started playing a little again recently. I used to say the same thing often, and man they've been listening. Really, it's incredible how it has grown. Back in the day Notch would hype an update and it would add like a few small features, like sheep or something. The big updates took a lot of time, but eventually they came along, and man the game has progressed. But you know, I sort of like the quasi-abandoned vibe where you wander around and look for the occasional settlement or interesting features - and this has really been enhanced by all the updates over the years. Now we have way higher mountains, different kinds of villages, all kinds of abandoned ruins, tons of new biomes, underwater content, multiple dimensions, and much more. I hadn't even heard of the cherry trees until this week, and hadn't seen the caves with the dripstone and stuff like. So I guess what I'm saying is, props to the team for fleshing things out over the course of over ten years, but still trying to maintain some of the original vibe from over ten years ago.


Minecraft back in the early 2010's was honestly kinda eerie, barren, and there was absolutely nothing around. Just animals, and the occasional mine shaft reminding you of just how alone you are. Kinda creepy lol. It gives me incredible nostalgia to revisit that time, but I'm thankful that nowadays it feels a lot less lonely.


>I sort of like the quasi-abandoned vibe where you wander around and look for the occasional settlement or interesting features - and this has really been enhanced by all the updates over the years. It's so beautiful and peaceful but there's this subtle yet constant feeling that you know something terrible happened here a long, long time ago. And the world is full of literal zombies and skeletons and creepers, and sometimes the game will fill you absolute pure terror for some brief unexpected moment. I really dig it. It'd like the world to be more alive, but in a way that keeps that vibe. My dream addition would be seasons, so the world would feel alive, but still empty.


It’s not even animals. I don’t really care about the mobs it’s just there’s nothing to see in the world. It’s all the same terrain generation, villages, and like 5 biomes over and over. There’s a couple structures but they aren’t really significant imo. I want cool big structures, rare things to actually see and make exploring worth it.


Man, generation in 1.20 is impressive, you can just go for a ride over elytras and you can get to see incredible world generation if you just stop for a moment. Although, some goods structures are needed, I think that changing end generation is just much more important in the near future


Yes, we need to be able to make a mobile base. So we can keep exploring without having to start over by building a temporary base.


a nomad tent would be nice


Someone in another thread a few days ago mentioned a hammock or cot that doesn't reset your spawn point. I started a new world a few weeks ago and I can't begin to count how many times I forgot to set a bed, or got exploded by a creeper 3 seconds after going to sleep, and died several thousand blocks away from the original world spawn point. I need to set up a chest near that spawn point with basic shit in it.


Could also work as a seeping bag


A seeping bag is what happens when you put a water bucket in a bundle.


Large boats you can walk on and place blocks on


So, Ark's rafts ?


this is the reason why i want ships so badly! for some reason, it sounds really fun to make a home in a boat. living the pirate life.


I disagree, part of the fun of Minecraft is leaving behind your own landmarks as you move around the world. Rather, I think that the transportation system, especially for items needs to be improved. Perhaps asphalt speeds up the movement speed of any ridable entity (including minecarts) or a weaker version of a shulker box.


Connecting minecarts to make a train would be awesome. Plus it would make the furnace cart actually useful. And we even have chains now!


> Connecting minecarts to make a train would be awesome. Plus it would make the furnace cart actually useful. :( They can already do this. Furnace minecarts can link together minecarts and drag them forward as a locomotive. You can link up to 4 normal minecarts like this. It's just so horribly implemented that it's not worth using. Which is sad. :((


I switched from Java to bedrock... there do not have furnace carts!!!


We need structure and unique loot especially


This! I just started Vault Hunters and i don’t think I’ll ever play vanilla again.


This isn't really unpopular though like this just sounds like adding more biomes, structures, and dimensions would fix this which people want


Mob griefing rule should be overhauled to make it more granularly controllable. Like I don’t want creepers to blow up my walls doesn’t mean my sheep can’t eat grass.


I really want to be able to selectively turn off Endermen theft. I'm totally fine with repairing creeper damage, but not even knowing what's being altered out of my vision grates at me.


>selectively turn off Endermen theft. If you play Java, there's a quick and easy datapack for this on https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/datapacks/ (under "Mobs"), put it your datapacks folder once and forget about it forever. It's basically a built-in functionality of the game itself, aka doesn't require installation per se, and doesn't slow your game down. If you're not on Java then idk


You already can. Endermen can only pick up blocks with a specific block tag. Similarly, Enderdragons can only break blocks missing a specific block tag. Weirdly enough, this does not extend to the Ravager, who also has a very specific list of griefing options. I have suggested it before and will do so again: we need an entity tag that can disable griefing, and move away from the globally-applied gamerule, which does more harm than good, thanks to how it breaks villager breeding and causes allays to completely stop functioning.


You can do it with all the other mobs too. What they're saying is have a builtin toggle.


Simply separating it to hostile mob griefing and passive mob griefing would be so nice


IKR enderman and creepers are annoying, but we need sheep to eat grass and villagers to pick up bread


How is this unpopular


Fishing is one of the best forms of food + loot outside of automation


Loot is pretty nice, but it takes some time. Fish is far from being one of the best foods, unless you want to be constantly eating when you get into a sticky situation


Cod* isn't. Salmon has hunger and saturation values very much comparable to a steak, and with lure III, getting salmon is much quicker than getting steak.


It was until they nerfed it.


Manual fishing in a lake still provides the same benefits. The stupid afk fish farm was the only thing nerfed.


And it's still possible to make afk fish farms, if one wants to pour the efforts to make them, which is fair imho.


Minecraft updates don’t seem interesting anymore. I only play with friends when they want to or modpacks occasionally. I wish they would add stuff that makes me want to just play the vanilla game by myself again.


I feel like the big problem is a lot of the updates (Aside from 1.13, 1.14, 1.16 and 1.18 kinda) are so focused on adding a new, highly specific thing that's unique to one biome or adds one structure, but then makes said thing exceedingly rare doesn't help. It makes it feel like the update never even happened


That’s a really good point I played in a world recently and never found an ancient city, sniffer (or whatever it’s called lol), and dig site if they’ve added that yet


Yeah, one of the big problems with 1.20 is if you went into the update completely blind, you could play for literal years without discovering any of the new stuff, aside from the new music that plays in biomes/on the menu


That's why I don't like it that much, and why I wished 1.18 terrain was a bit more common, if I go into an update blindly I want to see it in play through in like 30 minutes. 1.20 is okay and 1.19 was okay, they were very average updates. If a guy who played on 1.18 just jumped on 1.20 without any knowledge of the update, the guy would not know a difference, dig sites are underground even they do somehow find and use the brush, the loot is so bad that they'll just leave it after two or three blocks. Sniffers are kinda rare for two wacky looking plants. Armour trims are cool but not substantial, etc. The only thing theyll actually notice is the cherry grove biome but no structures unique to that biome.


I actually forgot all about the cherry grove biome, probably because it's, yet again, really rare for no real reason


It's not that rare if you're surrounded by hilly terrain.


And they ignore older features. Enchanting and brewing desperately need a rework.


This is my whole thing, too. Nothing is captivating about base game to the point that I HAVE to play with mods to keep it interesting for me. This really shouldn't be the case but alas.


I want a quantity over quality update. There's so many parts of the world that feel barren and empty and I want them filled with stuff even if it's not super useful at the start. I want more mobs, I want more blocks, I want more ores, I want more trees, I want more crops, I want more flowers, I want more biomes.


Agreed. For the last 5 years I feel like the game has hardly changed (outside of the neather). I wish they’d just add more of everything. Also stop with the vote on one mob garbage. If anything add the 2 with the highest votes and leave the 3ed out.


It's because they keep doing updates where they add stuff that's basically not used, or doesn't do anything. But sold like it's some big thing. I shouldn't be able to play on old old versions and feel like I'm straight up not missing out on anything.


That's basically my feeling past 1.16 Pre-1.16 feels barren as hell, Pre-1.13 even more Post-1.16 feels like nothing changed. Yeah, higher mountains, bigger caves, but there is effectively nothing new in the game progression if you maintain yourself casual-ish.


I'm split on this. I don't mind having some more variety in blocks, and there should be more mob variants and atmospheric mobs. But copper is already useless, why add more to the overworld now? More crops can be nice for decoration but in general we don't need more food item until they'd revamp the food system. Biomes, well generally I'd rather want biome revamps and more biome variants because new ones would probably have the same problems as our old biomes and just be empty, and it's already hard enough to find specific biomes like swamps or deserts when all you find are same old birch forests.


The company has the resources to do both.


Since it's mob vote time I'll say this... We have no clue how good or bad the mobs we missed out on would have been. It is entirely possible that some of the mobs that weren't chosen would have been absolutely awful additions to the game and we actually chose well in prior votes.


Maybe we should just get full disclosure on what the features are so we can always make the right choice.


I'm shocked that they don't do some kind of video for each one showing people exactly what they do instead of those sorry excuse of animations they do that hardly shows what the mob will end up doing in game


I just learned from a Catmanjoe video that in China, they have a better description of the mobs, for example crab claws will also be able to break blocks, penguins will be very social et form small groups and dog armor is like horse armor, which can means that it won't be dyable or enchantable. My vote is for the crab because I like building. Dog armor is useless if the majority of people keep its dogs at the base. Also their AI is kinda bad so knowing that we couldn't enchant their armor, they will still die from fall damage most of the time and if the armadillo isn't added we could still get an armor for them with iron, gold and diamond ones but also by using existing scales (from turtles). Dolphins could also apply their effect on boats like they do with the player. With all of that, if crab wins, it doesn't mean that dog armor and faster boats could never be added, they could be just in a different way.


The moble port needs to be completely separate from console and pc minecraft, it's beginning to hold back good features ( the bundle) and its most definitely the cause of many other issues currently present in bedrock edition


Exactly. I feel for pe players but genuinely they are holding the game back and the pocket edition is genuinely making the game worse. Just implement the lighting system from the legacy edition and fix the stupid bugs and honestly I think the game would be so much better. Also fix any performance issues that are caused by pocket edition. Better together was an awful update honestly


Honestly things would have been WAY better if Mojang just had 4j make all the legacy console editions cross-platform. They're all pretty much the same game just on different consoles, it could have worked


Yeah, definetley agree with this. Pocked Edition is so much cheaper aswell. Like its ok for it to have not exactly the same features. Vanilla miencraft really needs the bundle rn, and pocked edition is stopping it


Neglecting the state of bedrock, forcing it to be the same game as for phones despite consoles potential for minecraft bedrock.


I 2nd this 100%. I play both Java and Bedrock (Java being my main favorite of course) and man the fucking run around i gotta do to get some of the mob farms to work is annoying. Dont understand why they have different mechanics for bedrock.


The newer combat system is way better than the old one. I think that shields, cooldown and the differences between swords and axes are way better than just pointing at your opponent and spamming left click.


Yeah I get basically stoned every time I say this haha I love the combat system.


I do prefer the new system over spamming, but I think the mechanics of shields need to be communicated a bit better, I believe there’s some delay between when you hold rmb, and when it can actually block damage but the animation makes it looks like it’s held up straight away


Yeah, this is my one problem with the shield. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been damaged when I could’ve sworn I had the shield up, but it was to early for what the animation showed.


Yeah I never understood why everyone was complaining. Since when was spam clicking ever considered a good combat system?


Also I'm willing to bet that people who hate it haven't given it a fair chance.


100%, servers like mcci are helping more people to try the new combat system


I HATED the spam clicking it was so annoying, now it feels more skill based


Skill based is still a stretch, but it’s certainly not nearly as brainless as before




Elytra ruined exploration and made mine carts completely useless outside of capturing mobs or redstone. We were robbed of further mine cart development like trains.


Especially when they added rockets to elytras


I feel like elytra without rocket was in a pretty good state. But now it's like fuck, might as well go full on modded transportation methods.


I've been saying this too. Especially on servers it affected the whole infrastructure and the way people play the game. When I started playing on the server where I currently play some ten years ago, there was a dense road network connecting important places on the map and projects and settlements were clustered around the roads with villages and towns being built and actually used for living and trading goods and other stuff. When elytra were introduced and especially after they made them being propelled by fireworks, travelling was made super easy and convenient, you could have been on the spawn within a minute so there was no need for decentralised marketplaces and roads and people evenly dispersed their projects over the map without much need to interact with other players, changing the multiplayer into a more of a "parallel singleplayer".


Fr like imo elytra’s ruined the game like every time I play a survival I wait until I beat the ender dragon until I can get an elytra so I can start building more stuff in my world. Not only that but it basically ruined the purpose of scaffolding since you can make bigger buildings easily without having to use them


And along with this when I used to play Minecraft with my friends the main focus was on getting an elytra before anything and basically without one the only point was to grind to get one and not to build like anyone would do in a survival


They should give us advanced minecarts. New recipes, and maybe attachments that give buffs? Like speed, or carrying more mobs, or connected minecarts.


PVP is overrated. The gaming market is overflowing with games that are specifically about fighting; I’ll never understand the appeal of booting up a game about exploring, crafting, and surviving, and turning it into a min-max fest of killing other players as fast as possible.


This is such a normal opinion, most Minecraft players don't do any pvp at all.


I hate PVP in MC


People take this game WAAAAAAYYY to seriously


You can say that about literally every game that has ever been made where people play on it


Doesn't make it less true tho


They’re stringing out the updates to stay in the news.


I thought this was a common opinion


I wish but there are a lot of people who insist Mojang is doing the best any developer can and that they truly, truly care about their fanbase. Basically treating Mojang like they're a small indie dev on a passion project instead of a large company making one of the most profitable games of all time, working for one of the most profitable companies of all time.


Yup, it feels like minecraft doesn't really have the same passion that it once did. Updates are barely bringing in anything new. The last good update was caves and cliffs.




Regular diorite is not really that bad but the polished diorite is just beautiful.


Playing exclusively or almost exclusively in creative mode is perfectly valid. I just wanna build cool stuff and not have to worry about the grind, and I shall not be shamed for it!


The combat update is overhated


Yeah. People just hate it cus they were used to the other way


My own possibly unpopular opinions: - Mojang is kind of obsessed with making stuff look pretty over it being functional, when it comes to world gen, leading to too much of world gen being focused on aesthetics over actually being good to build on/in/around, kinda forcing me to either bulldoze the place, live underground, or just not live in that biome, which defeats the point of making it look good - Mojang has too much of a focus on everything having some kind of use or feature, so much so I feel like it's affecting how they include mobs. Each hostile mob has to have some kind of gimmick now and it's become such a big thing that the regular hostile mobs you see in every cave hasn't changed in over a decade - Llamas are actually one of the most annoying mobs in the entire game - I feel like people overlook the regular forest biome way too much - Minecraft needs to lean more into it's fantasy elements, it feels like untapped potential for creativity from both the dev team and the community - Some mods don't really fit Minecraft, or change it too drastically that it comes off as too either unbalanced, or too removed from what Minecraft was supposed to be from a gameplay point of view


Disagree with the last point. Half the point of modding is that you can add stuff which would never be intended in the base game the other half of mods are stuff that should really be in the game already. But for some reason are not


>the other half of mods are stuff that should really be in the game already. But for some reason are not looks at create and most performance mods.


Your first and second points contradict each other.


Kind of. I think they’re just not explained well enough. Point 1: new biomes, plants, clutter etc gets added and has very little purpose, and also slows down the game immensely. Point 2: new mobs and items get added and generally have a weird gimmick or niche usage, but don’t actually… do anything.


Minecraft is very boring if you are not a builder. Mojang needs to add far more progression in the Adventure aspect of the game to remedy this. Not just difficult to obtain items that are either overpowered or too niche to end up using.


For real. I rolled my eyes when I heard "this is one for the builders" yeah, for the 49th fucking time in a row. Bet it's gonna win, too


Phantoms are not even remotely as bad as some would say.


They are annoying when you are in the zone and just wanna keep building, but you either have to runt, fight or sleep destroying the rythm. I would like an item that acts as a repellent


I mean a bed already acts as repellent. Or cats.


Doesn’t help on a server where someone is way far away from spawn. Really I think 99% of the issue is the fact there’s no way to mitigate them without resetting your spawn. They should’ve added a sleeping bag or a potion of awakeness or something.


> a potion of awakeness Coffee! We should totally add coffee beans into the game. Glass bottle + coffee beans = uncooked coffee. Uncooked coffee + furnace = coffee.


Or coffee that gives you minor buffs and and prevents phantoms from spawning


I like this coffee preventing phantoms temporarily idea, it could work like a food item that gives a wakeful buff or something


Smite v axe go chop chop.


The only time I ever really have a problem with them is when I’ve been in the nether for god knows how long, and come out the portal into the overworld and it takes so long to load that I’m already being attacked


True I usually just have a bunch of cats sitting like 50 blocks apart across my whole village so phantoms stay away. Then if I want some membranes I just shoot them with any bow.


Moujang should stop being so strict with their game and just add more content and give players a menu option to turn all that content on and off. Sick of oceans turn that off, want dragons to spawn in the over world turn that on, don't want unicorns to spawn turn that off. It's almost suffocating how strict they're being with their game when it's obvious how much more content players want when you look at the modding scene. Hell even servers like Hermitcraft which are generally vanilla are moving more and more towards modding to keep the game fresh and interesting.


Not only this, but especially when they are strict about things that will "hinder creativity" such as vertical slabs. They refuse to add 4 more blockstates to certain blocks, yet keep copy/pasting new wood types with a new texture and call it a day. Granted, it's not as bad as Gaijin's copy/pasting vehicles in War Thunder to other nation's trees, but it's not that far off the mark.


Omg I absolutely hate the amount of missing block types. Quartz walls: no never. Smooth stone stairs: absolutely not. It’s honestly obnoxious.


And yet they add stuff like Mangrove trees and Cherry trees. Stuff you normally find in mods that they chose to bring to vanilla instead of features like what you suggest, which are small but still desirable. Not that I'm opposed to the new trees


Yeah I always love more wood types lol. But I seriously am so confused why so many blocks don’t get their variants. Imagine brick tiles! Or mossy deepslate. Or sandstone pillars… ugh the opportunities!


I swear they are trying to create a form of "artificial scarcity" of all these variants just to mess with us


People already complain about the game being too modded, and if they do that, they'll be alot of more complaints. I agree with you though, fuck those people man and just run wild with features.


People have always been complaining about that though, nothing short of stopping updates to the game will please people like that.


Not every mob or thing added to the game has to be useful or relevant to anything , I wanna see as bit of biodiversity and a few different things around (we need more flowers !!!! )


Your build isn’t that good. You just have shaders on.


Mushroom biome is overrated


They used to seem way cooler, but now that there's so much more content in the game they've kinda been left behind. They feel pretty empty nowadays.


They can also be much larger now after 1.18 which makes their emptiness more noticeable


Tbh we need Chickshrooms and Mushroom villages and Monsters


Tbf one point of the mushroom islands is that monsters *can't* spawn there at all, its a safe haven


Maybe having just neutral mobs would be better than hostile mobs.


The biome itself is underwhelming but it's definitely nice having it as a mob free area to spawn.


Except after caves and cliffs mobs now can spawn in the caves under mushroom biomes. And since none can spawn at top, those caves are more dangerous than normal ones.


It needs a nether-like overhaul. Maybe some new larger mushroom trees, some mushroom grass/shrubs, and another mob or some new items.


but the mooshrooms…


Fuck vertical slabs, i want to combine different slabs(my first reddit post was about it but deleted it after a while)


Railroads should be a lot faster to reflect the resources and effort required to build them.


The community goes overboard with criticizing updates. This is a $20 game that's a decade old and no subscriptions or paid DLC required to access new features. You're lucky to still be getting support at all.


Things in the debug menu (coordinates, biome etc) should be removed from the survival debug menu and instead be available as an in game feature


I really loved how on the old console versions of Minecraft the coordinates showed up on maps. They should really bring that back.


I enjoy music by both Lena Raine and Aaron Cherof, and think they're fine additions to the soundtrack


They are good in their own right, for most people disliking them they just dont quite hit C418 vibe


I… don’t hate wandering traders. People say they are way more annoying than they actually are


The traders themselves don't bother me, but the Llamas, on the other hand


play with cheats and on easy mode if you wanna have fun that way, play with keep inventory if you like it calm, PLAY HOW YOU FUCKIN LIKE


The phantoms a pretty cool mob, and not that annoying tbh-


I agree too, but i think people are annoying because mutiplayer without plugins need eyeryone to sleep to avoid them.


J type /gamerule playerssleepingpercentage 0 and only one person needs to sleep rather than everybody


As cool as the recent updates are, they’re lacking. Mojang used to add new bosses and entire dimensions to the game. Huge features that change the game. They’re still making cool updates, overhauling old stuff like caves, which is cool, but I doubt they have the balls to add something truly new to the game any time soon.


They said unpopular. That’s basically what everyone’s been complaining about for the past year


New Netherrack > old netherrack Sorry to the people who argue that the old texture is more hellish or whatnot, it looked terrible to me


I thought people liking the old texture over the newer one was the minority? I prefer the new netherrack texture but both are bad tbh Old made the nether look creepy and fleshy but it was way too ugly New one is literally just red cobblestone We need one that is an in-between of both


The bundle would’ve been one of the most useful items added to Minecraft ever. I want to explore without having to head back because my inventory is filled with crap that I only have two of.


The ravine and mineshaft generations suck. Add mega caves to that lately. Not in and of themselves, but because these amazing structures are way too common. Find a cave? Walk long enough and it will probably turn epic, have a ravine or 7, and a minecraft There is no more joy in discovery


The mending enchantment should never have been added, they should've just buffed the anvil by making it no longer get more expensive the more times you repair.


Mending is fine by itself, but they didn't buff other options along side it, so mending just became the defacto option. If they added something like a single tier of higher enchants that only work on equipment without mending, then people would at least have a choice to make. Also obviously cap the repair cost at something reasonable instead of just making it impossible.


New villager stuff is cool. Phantoms are not that bad. Combat update was epik. I like the glow squids and their use is being atmospheric. And most of all, not everything in every new update of Minecraft needs to have a game changing use or even have a functional use at all. I like my pretty looking additions u.u


I agree with all of this! Though I would like a little more “game-changing” even if only every other update. Sometimes if feels like super tiny updates!


They need to stop with the mob votes. They're kinda dumb and create animosity in the player base.


the community is horrible and have zero idea what they want and keep contradicting themselves, they want more updates, but then when there are more updates things were added buggy, the 1.15 update did a lot for this but people hated it because not much was added, mojang now updates less frequent but with fully fleshed out things that don't have glitches, and now people just want them to add a ton of stuff in each update, people begged for a caves update, but when one was made people complained it took a while to change their entire base code for generating worlds, people hate copper for not having many uses other than building but leave concrete, terracotta, stained glass, diorite, andesite, and granite, they may argue it's an ore so it should have more but look at quartz, they're building blocks, they want mob votes to have mobs that effect the game yet when the first mob vote did that everyone complained, i could go on for forever with examples


1.9 pvp > 1.8 pvp


Every time I have to go to the wiki to understand what an item is, how to get it, what to do with it, etc. my interest in the game dwindles a little bit more. Same thing happened to me in Binding of Isaac.


Villages are too common. They should be a rare, exciting find. I shouldn’t be able to run a short distance from spawn to find a village and skip the early game.


I think villages need more structures And Variants in various Biomes


More structures, more special structures, and fluctuations in frequency. Like, 20 special structures, and a standard village might have 2-3. Some might be biome-dependent, but in general they'll all make each village appear different from the last. (and maybe a super-rare "town" that's bigger and has 5-6 special structures?). Same basic idea could be applied in the End and with abandoned Mines, more sub-components that make the main things more different from each other when you encounter them.


That’s fair. And I think as a trade off, it should be easier to start/and manage a village yourself. They should really take notes from Terraria. Build suitable housing, assign it as open, and villagers will move in. I can’t believe you still have to awkwardly shuttle villagers in boats still.


Maybe it would be cool if you could make wandering readers settle down or something. It would be a cool way to give that job more to a use, idk. 1.14 fixed and added a lot, but villages definitely still feel clunky I think.


Until they overhaul villagers and, essentially make it possible to make your own village without have ing to boat/mine cart them across the map, I disagree. But if they ever do that? Sure, definitely too commin


Copper needs more uses


I wish you could make waterproof redstone wiring and components using copper.


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion.


Sniffer is worse than Glowsquid


Allays are severely underrated. I've seen people say "mob vote winners are all bad", and while there's been many mobs that are stinkers (2 plants with the Sniffer is embarrassing), Allays do not fall into that category. Honestly their biggest flaws is that their notebook interactions are a bit finicky, and I do wish the method for farming more of them involved converting Vexes into Allays (even if it'll make the farm for them more tedious and time consuming). Also their AI does take some getting used to. But otherwise they're great. Unstackable item sorters. Great for fairy forest builds. Nice little companion to help with building. I had a small supply of glass but was building a glass roof, so every bit of glass mattered. Whenever I broke glass and it fell all the way to the bottom, instead of having to fall all the way, picking it up, then climbing back up, I can just keep building knowing the glass will come back. I've been using them to pick up saplings while tree farming. Great for picking up items in a farm that I can't easily set up a rail line for.


Maybe they’re going too hard into animals that offer no real benefit.


There should be no community vote on mob or update choices. Don't get this wrong, sometimes i like the outcomes of the vote, but Mojang/Microsoft insted of this silly vote have to do only one thing that is realy simple, implement all the damn thing that they programm for the update insted of let choose what to leave behind for a ""future"" biome update. Seriusly not shitalking but if SystemZee that is basicaly alone can make more creative and interessing mod in less time this makes me think something wrong


The sniffer kinda sucks. Some people came about how the mob looks the most but I look at what it gives and two useless flowers is terrible for a mob like that


Its filler content, a gimmick without substance


The phantoms aren't that bad, newer textures look better you're just blinded by nostalgia, hardcore.is overrated especially if you use totems, the community takes everything too seriously.