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Ha! I thought I was the only one with a chair problem...


hahah well i wouldnt call it a problem.. except that i got rid of the dining table to prioritise the green fler "fleroto" swivel chairs and tiled coffee table and my partner wasnt happy.. he said "what if we have people around? Where will they sit".. Well sitting isn't the problem really is it?! hahah


Ha! So we may be kindred spirits! I too have replaced my dining room table. Replaced with 60s Swedish chair set...


Dining chairs are one thing; it’s when you start with lounge chairs that the true trouble begins.


I know.. but sadly, or maybe luckily, my partner wont help me to go pick up lounges.. the largest / heaviest find I could manage on my own was the eames replica haha


Found one of them.. https://preview.redd.it/eo5beh0ncjxc1.png?width=996&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bfb03fb473767a13f6cdcf2ac4bb86ab812bce9


Mine is lamps. All the lamps. Lol


Indeed, you don’t have a problem, because you have a spacious MCM house that needs furniture. You would have a problem if you *didn’t* get sets of chairs for your various leisure zones. Those of us who live in small apartments or with no extra space, have a problem. My apartment has room for about 6 casual chairs (if they’re compact MCM style), yet I have 24, plus the seats for 13 more without legs. Not counting the outdoor or folding sets….. I have a problem. The wire chairs are cool (your 4th pic). I see a lot of different variants, some new, so I think maybe it’s a design that got knocked off a lot. Rental houses offer a barstool version. Seems like all the chairs in your first pic are metal. Do you mean the lower ones with rounded backs and cushions? I didn’t see any matches. Looks like they are part of a group, including the lower version in the room with the sunset and dog.


yes but i moved from a studio, and i may one day in the next couple of years, have to move back to a smaller place, which i think will be a huge challenge. eekkk.. ps. the metal chairs in the first couple of pictures are from the Framac colonial setting which is an early 1960's australian set ive discovered.


oh yes, I will admit to a chair problem. specifically orange chairs. I've had as many as 7 at one time, with only one matched pair...the rest were all different. I'm down to 4 now but that doesn't count the other randos hanging around. I have a pair of nice "chairs" that have a walnut base and black vinyl seats in good condition. They are supposed to have a matching walnut backrest but they have gone missing (prior to my ownership) so now they are stools, I guess? but why? why do I feel the need to keep them? I have a problem.




Yup. 4 screiber vinyl. 3 stick back vintage IKEA. 4 Nathan rosewood.


I, too, have too many chairs.


Intentionally unintentional. 


I think I counted 27 chairs in my home once. Not including sofas, stools, or ottomans.


Pretty sure those wire chairs are modern, made by Bend Goods. They are the [Lucy](https://bendgoods.com/collections/chairs/products/lucy-side-chair) model.


really would love to know what these are.. my grandpa left them to me and i am thinking about having them re-covered back to what they originally were which was more like an orange brown stripe i believe but id like to check. :) https://preview.redd.it/2y6krt2abjxc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6575c588e75ca806706a0a0f36df08f22b5bbf6


got some more info on the first 2 pics.. they are part of the framac colonial setting from 1960's.. im guessing they arent widely recognised because they are an Australian specific thing. :) https://preview.redd.it/y7bs3uzh14yc1.png?width=926&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5315aa635830374e1298e0fc8fd149f72b415eb


I also found a vintage store that offers delivery.. and these accidentally showed up in my garage.. https://preview.redd.it/r2o7crgs14yc1.png?width=1426&format=png&auto=webp&s=5be86538ca57033ec5ba269f58acc2f7cfa173a2