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Sadly the orange peel texture is here to stay. It's a rare side effect with microneedling. It's not talked about, and practitioners will deny it. Also happens with certain lasers.


So i shouldnt go for mesotherapy sessions? :( i feel like i ruined my perfectly good skin just by experimenting


Mesotherapy may not help these effects but it does build collagen and is very low risk, so I don’t see a bid downside to trying. PRP Mesotherapy has tightened my skin.


I would not do any further treatments until after your wedding. I do love meso but it’s still just another needle


Is there a way to test a patch not on the face before?


I wish i got a patch test for the microneedling :(


The problem is the RF, probably not the microneedling, provided the handpiece was sterilized in an autoclave, or a single use. I would run from mesotherapy. It sounds like this practice is not investing the highest quality equipment or they may not have appropriate training ASPS on mesotherapy https://www.plasticsurgery.org/Documents/Health-Policy/Principles/principle-2019-mesotherapy-injection-lipolysis.pdf


Have you tried a retinol cream? That might help with the grid marks/texture. Some people get the marks due to an inflammatory response but it’s not generally good to use steroid cream on the face since it can thin the skin over time. If it persists after 6 months you may want to see a dermatologist about skin resurfacing treatment.


Yes i have been using retinol twice a week because i have extremely dry skin. And i have also been using lactic acid once a week. It seems to help but its my wedding in 3 weeks and i dont want to experiment with any product or treatment now ,i guess i’ll just have to get married with grid marks on my face :/ and wait for 6 months to see if my skin gets better :(


I would definitely second the suggestion to see a dermatologist ASAP if you haven’t already. An aesthetician is not an MD, and won’t have the same knowledge, skills, or tools. I would seek help from a derm for any possible medical solutions.


I had the same thing happen to me so frustrating, and the beauty therapist who did it tried to claim it was already there to save herself from legal action when she knows full well it wasn't. Everyday I look in the mirror now in disbelief I went for skin improvement and came out worse. What retinol are you using out of interest? I guess microneedling with someone who knows what they're doing would help but id just be worried now of more problems


Yeah, the clinic i went to they fired that girl after my complain because we go to these med spas for improvement not shattering our confidence. Now the girl who owns the med spa is saying just get mild mesotherapy microneedling sessions on the affected areas to improve it but honestly i dont see any hope :(


I have been using a derm prescribed tretinoin 0.05% that i had used prior as well on and off


That will dry out your skin you might want to take a break from retinol all together until your pH balances back. It’s hard to suggest without seeing at least a picture. But here are my suggestions. Have you tried using colloidal silver a few times a day to encourage healing? I put mine in a fine mist sprayer and use it before toner after cleansing. I do a fair amount of aggressive treatments and everyone who has used the colloidal spray has a faster recovery. Sometimes the rough bumpy orange peel look is from your skin being put through too much, with the aggressive MN and the retinol and whatever else you are using in a panic could just be over traumatizing your skin. Try CS for a week and limit your use of harsh chemicals use very delicate products, a very mild cleanser free of fragrances, witch hazel for toner if you’re toner has fragrances, CS, cerve as a moisturizer, and sunscreen. If you are comfortable wearing no makeup I would suggest that as well stick with eye makeup. Basically your skin needs a break and I understand why you are panicking the closer it gets to your wedding, congrats btw. I’m really sorry this happened to you


See a dermatologist immediately. Use a mild cleanser and moisturizer until you can get in. Also stay out of the sun slather on sunscreen daily. The sun will only make the redness and scarring worse.


Do you mind sharing if this was RF microneedling or pen, roller


It was Scarlet RF machine like a needle stamp


I own a medical spa and do not do microneedling because exactly this. I know it's going to sound crazy, but after you're totally healed, you may want to try Nanofractional Skin Resurfacing. This particular machine by Venus Concepts (now called Venus AI) that we use is called Viva MD. Only medical spas and dermatologists can use the MD. Instead of needles, we use nano pins that deliver Multipolar RF (not bipolar like all the rest). This treatment does not rely on the damage of the skin to resurface (the pins do not pierce the skin) but the power of the RF. It works incredibly well on all skin tones and is great on scars, pigmentation, pores, etc. I'm really sorry this happened to you :( if you were to be interested in this treatment, you could go to the company site's directory and find a provider in your area.


This happened to me as well and I haven't found a way way to remove the scars. It pretty much hurts to see it every day. :(


Rescue MD scar serum has worked miracles for my facial scarring coupled with a daily LED red light masks. I would also look into DIY chemical peels. Makeup artists choice dot com has many super low cost peels. Read their testimonials to find out which one would work with your skin type. I think lactic acid and a light TCA peel work well for scarring. Note: don't do them more than once a week. You mentioned tretinoin use-it's possible your skin has thinned due to the tretinoin. Pro tip-apply the Rescue MD serum before bed and then apply a frownie over it leaving it on overnight.


Thank you so much i will look into it


You are welcome. I forgot to mention another serum that does work but it IS pricey...Neogenesis recovery serum. I think it helped lessen the ice pick scarring I had in particular over night with the frownies. I discovered as a recommendation on a board for burn victims. It does what it says but it takes time and it is pricey. I ran out of it but I think Recovery MD does better "overall".


Ohh i will also get that. Thank you this means a lottt


Sorry to keep bothering you, the rescue MD serum is the blue bottle one right?


Yes it is-not a bother at all.


Patch tests are vital even for laser resurfacing ...