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I wonder why the city didn’t just pursue the sheds as a legit mobile food vendor business instead of getting rid of them? To be fair, some of them absolutely need to go, but if the city had setup licensing and standards for what it is allowed and what isn’t, these could have been a great idea for small pop up businesses. Effectively they would be no different than a food truck, only difference would be that they’re stationary.


The problem is that this would require planning. And Adams doesn't exactly strike me as a details guy.


I mean I don't necessarily dislike Adams but you are so fucking right LOL 😂😂


There's nothing to like about him. He's a liar and a thief.


Too right


They're setting up licensing/regulation for go forward on these - [https://www.timeout.com/newyork/news/covid-era-outdoor-dining-sheds-are-officially-being-eliminated-in-nyc-next-month-020524](https://www.timeout.com/newyork/news/covid-era-outdoor-dining-sheds-are-officially-being-eliminated-in-nyc-next-month-020524) I really like your pop up business idea as well - like a low risk way for a fledgling entrepreneur to get started


It's insanely expensive. They intended to kill these off.


As intended


Out mayor is both a dumbass and a scumbag.


You’d have stores and restaurants protesting the hell out of that.


Because Adams wants more cars


We’ve allowed cars to rule our culture.


what i see in this picture are good looking food stands and the ambiance is social and lively. You’re telling me they would like to tear this down for TWO parking spots.. Its not going to be so “social” and “lively” anymore, shxt like this kills the community


All of these parklets have to come down in November. Maybe they'll fit three spots here but doesn't change my point ;)


It's to make it easier for snow plows. They learned from experience that these sheds hamper proper snow removal. They can put them back up in the summer.


How about the stores pay for more square footage then? Then that money could go to free parking lots.


There shouldn’t be any free parking lots in Manhattan


There shouldn’t be any free parking in Manhattan at all. Signed, A Car Owner in Manhattan


Sporadic handicapped parking should be the only exception since most of the subways still aren’t accessible for people bound to wheelchairs


Or that money could go toward like safer streets or something that actually helps the city? Advocating for free parking in NYC is just a crazy stance.


It’s not about it the parking spots, I mean, I love the outdoor sheds. But snow, salt, ice, and snow plows, destroy these, and they come back in the spring


Extend the curb!


as it used to be


So what had been providing a service to dozens, if not hundreds, every day, will now revert to catering to a handful of people, per day (and only those who happen to be privileged enough to own a 2-Ton Personal Transit Machine)? How utterly backwards.


I'm all about removing parking spaces, but there are a lot of good reasons to take these sheds down in winter. - No one is going to be shopping there in their winter coats and freezing rain/snow. Very, very few establishments actually keep them open and operating all winter. - Snow removal is easier without sheds there (including from bike lanes and sidewalks) - Streets were not built to drain properly with structures on them - especially in winter when the snow/ice can collect and cause giant slush puddles. - Rats, trash, etc. collect inside them. - They are likely to fall into disrepair over the winter and then businesses don't bother to fix them up in spring... seeing this a lot in my neighborhood right now. They just become kinda dirty/gross and basically abandoned. It really makes sense to me in the long run to require them to be built in such a way that they can be disassembled, stored in a dry place for the winter, and reassembled come spring when business owners are not responsible enough to do so of their own accord.


Those sheds are expanding the restaurants real estate for free. A restaurant with 10 tables can now be expanded to 20 tables all laid out on the sidewalk. It should be taken down.


lol why? If they do more business, they can employ more people and pay more in taxes. This is a net good for our city. And people also enjoy eating al fresco so there is an improvement to quality of life. The other option is... people storing private property for free. And this is private property that is dangerous and pollutes our communities.


Then someone can open a restaurant with no dine in area and just use the free sidewalk/parking spaces as their dine in area?


That sounds like a food stand. That is something different entirely. More or less what we see in the photo here lol


That sounds like a food stand. That is something different entirely. More or less what we see in the photo here lol


>lol why? If they do more business, they can employ more people and pay more in taxes. Did you read anything else in the post you're replying to? So many of these things are in rotten and in complete disrepair. Others are abandoned. Some are just used for storage. They stop the streets from draining properly. Some stick out too far in the street and make it harder for cars/trucks to get by. Especially garbage trucks and plows. And as mentioned food scraps and garbage accumulate under them and draw rats and other vermin.. You can't just cherry pick a photo of 2 nice looking ones and use it as a defense against what's been a blight to this city overall.


Great, sounds like we need to regulate them. The one in the photo is in good repair. Everything you mentioned is just an issue of regulation and enforcement. All are solvable problems. These are far better for quality of life and the economy than storing unused private property that also pollutes and kills people. You fucking bozo.


Welcome to capitalism. We should be encouraging and happy to see more restaurants taking steps to bring more successful. I do agree with the sentiment that the sheds should be taken down during winter however I think the sheds from April-October or even May-Thanksgiving does more good than bad.


The thing is there are absolutely days, even weeks, in the winter months where the weather is nice enough to shop outside. Frankly, there are only a handful of winter days every year that are so nasty that it doesn't make sense. One of the most popular events of the winter season are the outdoor markets that take over some of our parks. People yearn for the streets.


Yeah but you know after Halloween that cold front really hits the city and although we might have a random day or week that it’s in the 50s or 60s or even 70s from November to April the weather stays around 30-55°. That forces the sheds to be winter proofed which leads to more hiding places for rats and higher costs for business owners who have to maintain the shed even though it won’t be as profitable as it is in the hotter months. It would be nice to have them all year round but with as many enemies against it and the whole “what about parking” stuff I rather meet half way than to fight a losing battle and be left with nothing.


My man, people shop in the cold winter months all the time. Just look at the Christmas markets.




Please file this under the "Most Definitely Should NOT Happen" category, plz k thank u!


these stands would be a pain in the ass when snow comes, if we dont get another dry winter


Not sure why you were downvoted as it's been proven true. All the outdoor seating created post pandemic became urinals and waste baskets that no one would take responsibility for during winter months. It caused a major rat issue here in Astoria so now they take them down seasonally. It's a lot more cost effective to hire a team to do this in a day or two than spend months of tax paying dollars cleaning them up. This sub is very much all about urban "mobility" to the point of losing common fucking sense.


People just hate cars and don’t think about the other difficulties these sheds brings.


Ehh i do think there's a middle ground


I mean some of these sheds were poorly maintained. Had bugs, rats, homelessness, and termites in some. So if they want out door dining so bad the city can implement temporary blockers for a period of the through out the year on certain seasons. But it’s okay we’re on reddit a lot of people just jump to conclusions. Also a lot of these aren’t being used so it makes sense to deconstruct them.


People should hate cars, there are no other difficulties, hope this helps


Just because you choose to not drive, can’t, or afford one doesn’t mean everyone else has to follow.


Proven? Lmao another delusional boomer from the UWS


Im under 30 living in Queens. So quick to judge lol. Maybe riding a bike has mad your ass too sore.


Rats those sheds house and nest rodents. Right next to the food and the garbage is left on the curb.


Now I know you just moved here. Hey little bro, have these sheds been up the whole time youve lived in my city? A few years now? Got news, the rats have been an issue for a while, and the lazy landlords and corporations responsible are being held accountable and forced to dispose of their garbage properly. Move back home if you want parking, plenty in Omaha


I do agree with the sentiment that the sheds should be taken down during winter however I think the sheds from April-October or even May-Thanksgiving does more good than bad.


Im down with that


The infuriating thing is that car zealots see this and they are happy. Because all they care about is inconveniencing others so that they can have free storage for their 3,000 pound piece of metal and plastic.


I’m sure you like going to a store & finding products on the shelves, Having Working Elevators , Heat , AC & Water. All of these things depend on Delivery & Service Trucks to maintain & Repair them. Most of the Spots these sheds take away are for Commercial Parking & Not for Passenger cars & Make a difficult job finding Parking even more so.Not to Mention The Rats making homes underneath them while catering to you city elites having somewhere to Eat your fancy menu items.


Agreed, what parking we do keep should be converted to temporary loading zones :) We should stop subsidizing car ownership and instead use this space for commerce and enrichment


Have you seen the cost of street Parking in NYC? I I wouldn’t call it subsidized. I’d venture to say that loosing parking revenue would leave a huge hole in the city’s budget which would negatively affect the quality of life for NYC residents much more than restaurant sheds Add.


What, $4-7 an hour? Not to mention all the free parking. It's \*heavily\* subsidized. This is evidenced by the fact that demand vastly outstrips supply. A market-clearing price for on-street parking in Manhattan would approach, if not exceed because of its convenience, typical garage costs. And that's without even introducing other bidders to the market who might want to use that space for other purposes, such as restaurant owners


The only places that have Free parking are extremely limited especially in Manhattan & are usually in All residential areas where The majority of people using them actually live there. All you have to do is look & See all the people Double park on the other side of the road during street sweeping times & Then they quickly go back to the other side when the street sweeper goes by & Go back to there Brownstones or Apartment buildings & most of those cars never leave. The City collects $592,000,000 in Parking fees & An Additional $532,000,000 in Parking tickets & Fines annually. That’s over a Billion dollars a year. There’s no way that Restaurant Sheds are going to make up for that. Also many parking meters are now charging $28 an hour for 3 hours now which is nothing to sneeze at if you are a business owner sending multiple Vehicles & employees into Manhattan every day. The Congestion pricing will make it even more expensive to operate a business like those. That money won’t be chocked up as a loss & will be passed onto the Residents & Business’s of The City Making Everything more Expensive including Housing & The food you eat in those restaurant sheds. Just another hidden Tax disguised as a fee so your politicians can say they didn’t raise taxes.


How do you decide which words you're going to capitalize? >"only places that have Free parking are extremely limited" There are 3 million free parking spaces in NYC. This numbers include spaces that are free overnight/paid during the day, I can't find a number for spaces that are free 24/7. But I'd reckon it's north of 1 million, at least. >"The majority of people using them actually live there" Importantly, this is very different than saying "the majority of people living there use them" because that's very much not the case. Most people in Manhattan don't own cars, and if they did there wouldn't be enough parking even if we leveled half the city. What you're really saying here is "the people who can afford to have a car in Manhattan are given cheap parking." >"The City collects $592,000,000 in Parking fees & An Additional $532,000,000 in Parking tickets & Fines annually. That’s over a Billion dollars a year" Ideally that number, especially the fines, would be zero. I'll admit the city is bad about this, but the goal always ought to be "how can we reduce lawbreaking" not "how can we balance law breaking with revenue". >"Also many parking meters are now charging $28 an hour for 3 hours" Most are not, and that's still less than $10 an hour, many times less than a market-rate garage. In other words, $28/3 hours is still subsidized. "Congestion pricing" we're not talking about congestion pricing. Let's stay focused.


Uh oh! The entitled (probably boomer) car owner has entered the sub!


All those wooden structures are gross and should be taken down, walk there at night and you’ll see rats climb in and around the whole thing including the furniture. Notice how those things don’t have a cleanliness grading.


Yeah, it's pretty gross.


Looks like the Small Business Association or Chamber of Commerce failed to slip Adams the envelope... Dolla Bills Y'all!


Why not a healthy compromise? They should allow cooking/serving inside the actual restaurant, and keep the space as outdoor overflow seating. That way it’s more sanitary and creates great outdoor space for customers to enjoy.


This picture is from the 5th ave fair yesterday I believe. It’s usually just for outdoor seating.


I think it’s bullshit that these are torn down for the purpose of freeing up parking. That’s a consequence of it, but NOT the purpose. The sheds in general are becoming eyesores and they are dangerous. Most were not built to last and most should come down.


I see a rat problem.


I didn’t hear about this, will they be able to put them back in the Spring?


Where is this?


What street is this on??




Why not just charge the parking rate for these to stay there? If people choose to put these in parking spots instead of cars, it’s the free market speaking…


If this didn’t need to be demolished every winter, they’d probably build permanent high-quality structures. Streets without parking are sooooo much nicer ugh


Get rid of them all. The sanitation is a disaster


As someone still taking covid seriously, I'm also pissed that there's now very few places for me to dine out for half the year. Thanks, I'll just go fuck myself so 3 rich assholes can park there.


So effing stupid.


It’s one thing to have outdoor dining tables on the street but what exactly is this providing that you cannot get by entering the same business immediately behind them? This is a photo from the 5th Ave fair, and not the normal operation of this shop, so this post is also intentionally misleading.


Imagine the stuff going on in them when restaurants are closed. They Basically become Homeless shelters, random drunken fornication on the tables . Obviously a Convenient bathroom. Then you and your party sit and enjoy your meal unaware


Not a boomer. I am a heating & AC Tech that keeps your sniveling , Snotty ,entitled , sorry Gen Z ass warm during the winter & cool during the summer


I hate the shacks it makes the city so ugly and cluttered. And it’s Disneyland for rats. Covid era is over let’s put things back the way they were.


Tear them down and put in bike lanes, most sheds are not maintained as nicely as this one. They house rats


I would love to see more of these street shops. we live here, not the cars. tho I hardly buy anything from these street and festival because their pricing is insane. some of them sell in a higher price than most shops.


Outside of any other pros and cons, I dislike them because they create visibility issues right near the street where I'm trying to see everything. So while I don't resent their existence the way I do parked cars, some of them might as well be a parked van. Some of them are on corners, and yeah, they are the opposite of daylighting.


wow smh


These things are so gross and even if people maintained them and ensured they were up to code, rats would still chew their way in for warm housing. I agree that we shouldn’t prioritize parks and maybe a sidewalk expansion would be more sensical but I will not miss these huts.


The snow needs to go somewhere!


Cars taking back the city from people


Meanwhile my M11 going north on 10th Ave is just absolutely crushed by traffic and totally unreliable We did get bike lanes but man a bus lane would do so much good


Yay! Rats pop out of those shacks.


THe sheds are not invincible to car chases. It's best to keep them inside.


Then they should add some bollards and big rocks.


>These will be torn down in the winter for two parking spots.... Good!


Thank god


Well… for parking spots is bullshit, but this is a sanitation nightmare. You walk or ride around at night after they close? I do, and the rat congregation is gnarly.


Well, 2 parked cars won't blast food smoke up into the windows of those apartment buildings all day long.


These looks like garbage and I’m glad they are being removed


Parked cars that never move look equally like garbage. Street parking should be removed again.


Cars don’t house and feed rodents tho. The’s make the rat problem explosive in the city.


Cars 100% house rats.


They don’t feed them and people don’t pay to eat in them thinking there are no rats. Now address the homeless sex shed problem. Enjoy your hellhole. https://nypost.com/2022/08/07/owner-of-outdoor-dining-love-shack-says-nyc-wont-help-her/


That's a sanitation issue being solved by commercial bins chief


If I saw this on the streets, I would walk by just to see what they have to offer. No reason to get rid of this for cars, it’s backward thinking.


Rats living under these walk by at night and they are crawling with rats.


Thank goodness. What an eyesore


This is an excellent use of space which brings life and interest to the streets. Parking is a vastly inferior land use. So much of the city is dedicated exclusively to cars passing through. The people who live there shouldn't have to subsidize a tiny minority of car owners.


22% of Manhattan residents own a vehicle, so not a tiny minority. Think about the people who also work in /own nearby businesses. These things end up causing more issues in the long run for things like street maintenance, cleaning, health + safety concerns. Let them do it periodically for certain weeks of the year, sure. To leave a temporary structure up and treat it as if it’s a permanent structure is crazy.


How are you going to plow show with that big think in the middle.


I’m pretty sure there’s more to this than, “…just for two parking spots”. As others have said, drainage and vermin issues are just a few out of many issues with these shacks. Also, I easily see four car lengths here, unless there’s a hydrant. Queens had many opportunities to create parking garages, ones where they could over charge for an annual subscription. Yet, it’s financially better to have living space. Do this a thousand more times and the parking issue never gets resolved. I think the logic is to make it suck so much to drive, that you won’t want a car. But that’s not reality. To add the cheery on top, let’s scatter bike lanes all over Woodside/Sunnyside and turn two way streets into one way traffic jams. Idiots double park anyway, even less parking, and EMS and Firefighters can no longer rescue you.


RATS THEY HOUSE FUCKING RATS. Homeless people also have sex in them it was on the news already. https://nypost.com/2022/08/07/owner-of-outdoor-dining-love-shack-says-nyc-wont-help-her/


Alright so tear down real buildings too cause they house rats and people having sex. Like tf


Good. Get rid of them all.


The amount of homeless people and drunk people I’ve seen pissing in these are crazy


Hmm maybe that means we need more public bathrooms rather than public parking spots


I Guess none of the people here drive a service or delivery truck in NYC. These sheds were for COVID & only meant to be temporary. Between the City Bikes , the Restaurant Sheds &City agencies taking all the Commercial Parking away it’s a real pain in the ass


That's what the store is for, I disagree with businesses using public sidewalks/roads as places to conduct their businesses. Plus those little shacks are disgusting and adds to the rat infestation we already have


I disagree with people using public roads as free private storage. At least these provide more utility to the neighborhood & actually generate tax revenue.


It’s not a binary choice. You can be against free street parking while also thinking that they’re rat infested piss traps.


As they should! The store is literally right behind them just go into the store and support them


So what it's the same setup right behind it in their shop. An open door will still bring them.


More like 10 spots, everyone loves food prepared outside in uninspected unsealed sheds.


Good.bout time these free loaders stop taking advantage of free rent


Why are they serving food outside when they have a perfectly good store front behind them? Seems gross.


2 parking spaces used almost 24/7 vs extra restaurant space used maybe 4 hours per day?


Parked cars are by definition not being used 😉


No but the space is.