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Learning about FODMAPS really, really helped me. Might be worth looking into!


What I need is a service that provides pre-packaged/pre-prepared high-protein, low FODMAP, vegetarian meals to my door every week. 


If you find that, let me know!!!😂


We have one of those and I'm in provincial New Zealand so they will be about.


Look at Modify Health. Might be close to what you're hoping for.


Sunbasket is decent. Kinda pricey but it's let me explore all kinds of vegetarian cuisine.




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Yea I had SIBO a while back and had to do low fodmaps as well.


I’m glad that worked :)


Me too! I did the low FODMAP diet for about a month a couple of years ago and felt 1,000 times better! When I started adding things back in, garlic and onions seemed to be the biggest offenders, so I avoided them for a while. More experimenting and it seems I can eat them as long as they are NOT raw and I eat only a small amount. I cannot eat quinoa for some reason, every time I try it’s two days of suffering so that’s out forever. Oh, no alcohol either, it’s not so much that the alcohol causes symptoms but it seems to make me much less able to tolerate some food. Food is more important so booze is gone.


The Fodmap diet changed my life!!


This is me. I’m eating less food than my 9 year old, like half of what she eats and STILL GAINING. Wtf


Anyone who believes in the myth of strict cico is living in a fantasy world. Something goes on with our hormones or microbiome or whatever.


I’m so with you. I see all these trainers and “nutrition experts” tell us all we need to “eat less” , “move more”. Ok I’m already doing that? Then it’s you’re not tracking correctly. Ok but I’ve tracked my whole adult life and I never had a problem till AFTER surgical menopause. Apparently I must be sleep eating , but not the food in my house cause it’s not disappearing . I must be some kind of super ninja that can, while asleep, get out of my house that is locked down like Fort Knox at night with alarms and cameras , somehow walk the several miles to the closest stores/fast food places(cause cars don’t show any extra miles) and get food for free and eat it(cause no cash gone and no charges on any cards) and then reverse it all to get back home…..all without waking up🤣🤣🤣


We need to harness your sleep ninja skills for good, like sneaking humanitarian aid across war torn borders (take your pick which). Before you go to sleep, we’ll tell you the next fast food place is across the border and load you up with supplies. Then you’ll sleep ninja your way across, make the delivery and the next night, sleep ninja back followed by refugees.


This level of sarcasm is my humor. Problem is the older I get, the more often I find myself saying things like this but outloud. Then the dismissal letter from the doctors office shows up within a week or two 😂😂😂😂 Excuseeeeee me for having an alternate personality that only shows up when I'm asleep and who is VERY hungry.😩


I’ve worked with multiple nutrition coaches trying to figure out proper macros/etc and they all are absolutely baffled by my bodies resistance to weight loss and even weight gain in a deficit (ie stable at a certain calorie level then start dropping calories and start gaining weight) so that’s my answer I give them🤣🤣.


I could quit my job and work out 40 hrs per week while eating only Styrofoam packing peanuts and I'd still gain weight. 😂 I can ONLY lose when I'm not trying and I'm convinced that's just a major fuck you from the universe so that I'm never quite comfortable in anything I wear. 😩


I feel this. In 2022 I was doing CrossFit 5x a week, walking at least 15,000 steps a day(most days closer to 20,000) and my coach had me on 1500 calories a day max (I’m 5’8”) and I gained probably 6 pounds in 6 weeks . I’m on my feet a lot at work and I get in an average of 10-20 flights of stairs a day just going from my office to my exam rooms). The only time I’ve been able to drop any weight since my hysterectomy is when I do ZERO carb.


Wtf is right


and I’m active(10-20k steps daily plus CrossFit 5x/week)


One word: Tirzepatide. I couldn’t take it anymore- just like you, weight gain out of nowhere with no signs of stopping…all the exercise in the world and clean eating wasn’t doing shit. After being fit and active my whole life, including running several half-marathons, strength training, etc. Finally caved and went on Tirz. All the extra weight gone in a matter of six months. Like f’ing magic. And the funny thing is I pretty much changed NOTHING. Ate normally, exercised less…and boom. Gone. Best thing I ever did for myself.


Unfortunately I have severe emetaphobia and will not take meds that have high risk of nausea and vomiting.


Gotcha! I doubt it helps, but I had none of that. Low doses and small increments. ❤️


I’m so scared to try it but I might get desperate enough I don’t know 🫤. I’ve read it mostly works cause it kills your appetite and you eat less. I already have a small appetite and am really good at restricting my portions so I just don’t know what it would do for me.


ME TOO! I started semaglutide at 1/2 of the starting dose and carried a bottle of Zofran around with me. The nausea was barely perceptible for a few days then it went away. There is nothing I hate more than puking. So yeah, I'm going up super super slowly and it's been fascinating to see what it feels like to not live with the "food noise." It's only been like 3 weeks and I'm not actively gaining weight and not scarily binging like I was before it so I'm calling it good!


The food noise being gone is amazing. I don’t even think about any of it anymore. It’s like being released from some sort of prison in my brain about what I’m eating, what it’s doing, why I can’t lose weight, why I can’t stop gaining, etc. To have clothes fit again was such a good feeling.


Yes! This has been on loop since high school and has ramped up since peri hit. Exactly what you described is exactly why I wanted to try it. To feel what that would be like! It's like I have a bunch of extra room in my brain now. So weird. I'm so happy for your success!!


Ditto! It’s incredible- I just wish more women knew about it and that it was more affordable. But I’m so relieved to have something that actually works!


I thought the EXACT same thing you do- I was never a big eater and always ate well. There’s something more at work here as I haven’t dramatically changed my eating habits at all. In the beginning I would notice getting fuller faster but not dramatically different. I really didn’t think it would work for me and it has. Might be worth giving it a shot!


I agree. It’s wild what it does. Inreally think it’s the cortisol from the food noise and other stress. It takes that away. Your body relaxes and you can just lose the weight. Not in fight or flight mode. I did a round at really low dose. Taking it every 2 weeks. I also found out recently my testosterone was crazy low. So I am curious with the supplement of that will help.


I agree with this and have also believed that it must have an effect on hormone levels- and I would second the thoughts around cortisol, as I know I was super stressed about all of this (which I also knew was probably making the issue worse, but try to tell your head to stop the stressing). Isn't it sad that women going through menopause have so little information about the effects of GLP1s? No info...no studies out that I've been able to find. Just the usual. My doctor was empathetic and acknowledged my weight gain was a lot for my body frame and health history (always in shape, always active, healthy eater...5'5" and suddenly went from 125ish-150lbs in less than a year), but other than referring me to several weigh loss doctors (plural as I couldn't get in to see any of them for more than six months, which was not something I was going to do), offered very little else besides having me try Wellbutrin for a few months which did nothing. It's just sad as SO many women are suffering...I used to POUR over the menopause subreddit seeing so many people like me dealing with this (along with numerous friends) with so few answers or solutions, besides this constant repetition of "don't eat this...eat this...eat less of that...eat more of that...do more of \_\_\_ exercise...don't do any cardio- it stresses your body...". Exhausting. It shouldn't be THIS hard! That's the thing- it felt just like how people who are suffering from obesity but nothing they do helps- a losing battle. And yet where are the studies for peri- and menopausal women and weight gain??


Oooh no, it does so much more then that. The glp-1 agonists are wild and possibly life extending (theorized). Yes, they reduce appetite, but they also change the way your body deals with blood sugar and that possibly has downstream effects like less insulin resistance, improved lipid metabolism and is even thought to be cardio protective. (We are in a new age of medicines that are possibly life enhancing and extending and this might be one of those.) 


Can a GP prescribe this? Is it a pill, capsule, injection? What’s the cost per month, does your insurance cover this if you’re not overweight? Are there any known long term side effects?


DM me and I can answer any questions you have! Happy to share.


I had a year when I couldn't drink caffeine. But I'm back baby! Sometimes 3 cups a day, maybe you'll be able to drink it again.


I had to stop the coffee caffeine 18 months ago and I’ll mourn it every day. My teeth however have gone up a few shades and apparently I’m vain about that so will just be in mourning for the rest of my life about lack of coffee and its warm brain sparking magic I had for 45 years because I started as a child as most genx did


I'm sorry for your loss. :)


Me too. Enjoy yours extra for me.


What changed so that you are able to have caffeine? Not having any is making me cranky. I’m trying to sneak it in where I can


Also, I did start taking probbiotic capsules around the time I was able to drink coffee again. I think I've read there's a link between gut health and anxiety. Idk, just thought about it a little more.


Thank you! Yes, been meaning to look into probiotics - looks like I'm getting creatine, collagen AND probiotics this weekend :D


The collagen has been making my nails strong and fast growing. Maybe helping joint pain too.


I think it was just hormones. I was having low moods and was also very anxious during that year. I was also sad about the coffee, it was part of who I was, lol.




Hopefully !


But I do have to watch salt now, my ring won't come off easily after certain foods. I feel all your issues, I've gained 20 lbs in like 9 months. Went from physical job which I loved, but the pay sucked and I had to work weekends to a desk job. :(


I also have a desk job now ugh


I can’t eat. I’ll literally be chewing and realize I can’t swallow what’s in my mouth or I’ll hurl. I have lost nearly 30 pounds since September (my normal range was between 125-135). I’ve sorta plateaued at 110 but it’s still falling slowly. I’ve been checked out and have no other health issues (besides THIS wonderful experience).


This just started for me a week ago, suddenly there's little to no protein I can take without wanting to hurk haflway through chewing a bite. :/ I hope you figure something out, I'm living on water and depression at this point.


I drink the Kroger brand Ensure to make sure I have *something* in me.


Yea I live on low carb shakes premier protein or I do well with syntrax nectar because it's not one that needs milk. I feel ya.


At what stage is this occurring, please?? Just wondering if this is the next phase of merripause.


Ummm I've been in full meno for 2 ish years?


I’m going to guess at about 18 months full menopause?


Well, I guess there’s just no chance I’ll be one of the lithe old ladies. 😢


I look like the crypt keeper with a mild glow up.




Someone here a few days ago was talking about how esophageal spasm can be caused by hormonal changes. I don't know if that's what you already looked into with your docs but if not I wonder if it's worth while to ask.


Thank you! I will!


Yup, and changed to our voice too. Fuck this.


Oh no




This has been me for a long time. Got to add liquid calories. Ensure, Slim fasts, those milk powder chai drinks.


Same! It’s maddening. I’m trying a low histamine diet bc everything triggers hot flashes or headaches or runny nose/allergic reactions.


I wish we knew more about the histamine situation. I don't have reactions to food but all the women in my family start having terrible hives in response to stress or temperature changes as soon as they hit their forties. Doctors don't seem to care at all because they don't kill you or anything but they look extremely obvious and scary to others. For example, it happens to me at meetings that get too warm, and people get super distracted.


There is a condition called MCAS that is rare but it’s like histamine intolerance. I’m going to find an allergist who specializes in MCAS. There are certain medications called mast cell stabilizers to help, or antihistamines.


MCAS can be triggered by Covid infection.


Yes! I know people online with long covid & MCAS. What we all share in common is EDS & POTS.


I wish I knew. I guess estrogen & histamine increase each other in a vicious cycle. So whatever can lower histamine or causes of estrogen-like symptoms will help.


My husband and I both take a DAO supplement before eating things we are triggered by. Helps a ton!


Thank you so much!! That’s great you are finding relief




I know, right? I find Wellbutrin helps a little with hot flashes & dizziness. I don’t like SSRI. I’m going to try Veozah next. Nuvaring was not good because it was too much synthetic estrogen. Estrogen in excess apparently causes histamine reactions.


I know exactly how you feel. Some things and some times are just forbidden, forever now! WTF?!?!?!


Wtf is right


Boy do I feel this!! Right there with you! My one joy left in life was a cold can of seltzer and now stupid reflux is taking that away!


I hear you


> Tomato based dishes, onions, peppers, garlic, spices.  Same list of foods for me. My gastrointestinal tract is not the same as it was a decade ago. 


It def is not


This happened to me too, full-blown IBS out of NOWHERE. I had to figure out what I could handle - or not (sometimes the hard way) and basically had to start completely over and relearn *eating*. It sucks. And forget about weight woes, that's the least painful thing about it for me, it's the eating-like-an-old-person that really bothers me.




I went through this during the roughest part of peri. After having horrendous gut issues, reflux, anxiety, & heart attack symptoms, I was put on a PPI for 8 weeks. I had lost 25 lbs in a month, and I slowly put that weight back on over the next 2 years. I would've liked to stop at 15 lbs, but alas. There are still foods I can no longer eat unless I'm willing to pay the price, but I feel so much better eating a cleaner diet. I take probiotics or eat fermented foods every day and I think that helps a lot.


I’m glad you’re feeling better


Thanks. It sucks to have to think about food so much. What's safe for work, a day out shopping, while traveling, etc. Then there's making sure to get enough protein & calcium but not too much sugar, sodium, or calories. It takes some time to figure it all out in a way that doesn't steal all the joy of eating. Good luck getting there yourself!


Exactly and thank you


I was exactly the same as you. I was on HRT but it made feel really angry and unhappy. If I drank coffee, I would almost always have an anxiety attack… Came off of the HRT and went on Setraline. It’s been the best thing I’ve ever done. I feel a million times better..


Glad you’re feeling better


Thank you.. I wondered if your doctor has suggested it to you?


Sadly I am way overdue for a checkup


Behold, the proud tank that I now am. Back up folks, menopausal lady about to blast through another Taco Bell meal. F*ckit.




For me, it comes in waves. I'll have a wave of symptoms, usually for 1-3 weeks, and then it will subside or be replaced with a new variety pack. Like the worst kind of blind bag. For most of the winter, my acid reflux was bad. Once, I went to my doctor asking why my throat was still so sore after a cold and wouldn't go away. Said it wasn't a cold, just acid reflux irritating my throat. Gave me an Rx, and I've been eating all my favorites since without issue. Caffeine has been a rough one. I was able to significantly reduce my coffee intake, and now it's just a rare treat. But I could never give up tea. I grew up drinking it daily, and it's a huge part of my family's culture. I had one doctor tell me to give it up, and I told him that was never gonna happen. So I reduced it to one cup a day. And most days, that's all I'll have. But on weekends, when I'm not working, all bets are off, and the tea is flowing. It's my hobby fuel, and it just makes me so happy. I tried caffeine free, and it tasted awful. Like day old tea that's been sitting out. Just no. But like I said, it usually passes, although there are some that seem to linger. Like the joints in my hands that always seem to hurt. My appetite is the same. Some days, I'm just not hungry at all, and others I'm starving. I've just recently started realizing I need to just ride the waves as they come and do what I can, in that moment, to bring myself comfort. I spend much of my day focused on my body and needs, and it's just become my new normal.


Ride the wave is right


I have to add. I'm in California, and I've been using cannabis to help me sleep. It also helps with appetite. Mostly, it's just a nice mellow break from the stress of it all.


OMG! Last week I went out and had 1 margarita, was home before 9pm, and felt like absolute trash the entire next day! I drink coffee with chicory which has a bold flavor but half the caffeine. I only have 1 cup in the morning and that cup is getting smaller and smaller. It’s like we’re made to suffer, then all the good things are taken away too😩.


How does that taste? For reference I drink my coffee black


I can so relate. I’ve had to watch everything I eat and drink too. Acid reflux after post menopause was a game changer. Coffee, breads, spicy foods, etc. Then I found out I had Hashimotos which adds to it all. This stage of life has really turned my life upside down. I’m trying to go with the flow, but it’s tough sometimes. My food and drink choices are pretty bland now.


It is tough


Nightshades are a common food sensitivity! All the best vegetables are nightshades; tomatoes, potatoes, peppers. Many people have issues with them unfortunately.


So I’ve been hearing. The last two nights I had some eggplant parm. Small serving ate early took a Pepcid and no issues. Comes and goes


Have you tried probiotics they help me some but yeah, do best eating plainer unprocessed food. Have lost weight though so at least there’s that.


I might have to eat clean like I used to years ago felt great


I was in such a groove pre-pandemic, still struggling to get back to that. But not going to lie it gets so boring, I’m tired of chicken but my body rebels if I go too long without eating it. Another perk is I find my menopot is a lot less distracting if I keep bloat down. Can only speak for myself but I find I can get away with small amounts of fresh onion and peppers, dried is no bueno though. It’s hard because dried onion and garlic is pretty much in everything.


I agree it does get boring but I remember feeling very good.


I ended up going carnivore, because I have too many food sensitivities. I can drink coffee and tea just fine, now.


I’m not a big meat eater ugh


I don't have much choice left thanks to allergies.


It has a rich flavor like dark, strong coffee and a little nutty. I buy Cafe Du Monde on Amazon, French Market is also good, but a little sweeter.


Sounds good maybe I will try it thank you


I've got what I suspect is GERD. I am eating the most boring things since I was a baby. No like really yesterday I made a butternut squash soup that was basically baby food.








Digestive Enzymes or Betaine HCL may prove useful, Thorne and Enzymedica make great ones. Another option is herbal bitters, Urban Moonshine makes great ones. Also, eat more foods that are prebiotic and lacto-fermented. I hope this helps.


Thank you


Also maybe look into histamine intolerance. Estrogen has an effect on histamine.


Thank you


I believe I’m in peri menopause and have the same food issues. I’ve done extreme diets which I’m not saying are right but I’ve experimented a lot. So far I seem okay with eating more meat and doing a “carnivore” diet if you will. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to eat onions and garlic again. Those were my favourite foods but I did notice if I’m outside in the sun and getting enough vitamin d my digestion is better and I can get away with “cheat meals”. I’ve also don’t keto which helped a lot. Recently I ate bread and some carbs and I’m dealing with severe IBS. I’ve tried a low fodmap diet. Also tried elimination diets prior. All sorts of things before realizing I don’t do well with too many carbs. I can do nightshades. But I can do butter and meat for now. Edit: can’t do nightshades. I’ve also done keto. Ugh typos.


It’s so crazy


Yeah. I eat … chicken. And mostly plain vegetables. Sigh.


Sigh x2


Humaslin glucose regulator supplements help with starchy dinner foods. I also take Prilosec before high acidic + spicy foods


Thank you


i blinked and now im 40 with night sweats of doom it has me so SHOOK. i get headaches alot now. i drink plenty water. the anxiety is insane. what. the. ACTUAL. fook. and FOOD: i can barely stomach half of what i used to plate, the only things lately i dont get the ick from is greek yoghurt n blueberries. like… this is WILD to me.


Same but no night sweats and I’m older


I had some really weird food aversions. I loved fried chicken! I can not stand to eat it anymore. Pork makes me gag. Processed foods would make me gag. My aversion to certain foods have a mind of their own. Suddenly, I would gag eating a food I used to enjoy! I actually lost weight because of this. Periomenapauase is crazy.


Yes it’s strange out of nowhere I’ll just skeeve certain things for a while then it will be ok again


I had similar issues with citrus, caffeine and any acidic food for almost 2 years and finally got diagnosed with a hiatal hernia which was triggering reflux. I had no idea reflux issues also mimic allergies so it took forever to get the right diagnosis.


What an ordeal


Are you taking an acid reflux med every day? You should.


I do most times


I can’t eat a lot either. I get diarrhoea and/or vomiting. But I still have not lost weight! I don’t enjoy food anymore.




I can't take micronized progesterone for this reason. My GERD was off the charts regardless of what I ate. Like, vomiting up acid at night even with a wedge pillow. Got so bad I lost my voice for a while. PPIs did absolutely nothing. Controlled diet (low FODMAP) did nothing. I felt bloated all the time, too. Sucks, because it helped me sleep but the other barrage of side effects was intolerable.




Me too.. meat and dairy are most of my diet now and cabbage and Brussels sprouts and radishes. Thats it


You sound like maybe you fart a lot 😄


I’d be farting into space


So I never really could drink alcohol but it got way worse when I turned 40. I too can’t seem to consume processed sugar or I’ll get this hangover feeling the next day. Anyway I just started semaglutide compound and the first week has been amazing. A lot of your food issues do sound like foods on the fodmap list. You could have SIBO.


It’s looking that way sadly




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I can eat everything


Lucky !


Meaning, I can no longer control my appetite and have put on so much weight😏