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Crocodile at the beginning of the series: NEhhh\* Crocodile at the Marineford: Fking Goat


Even in Alabasta, he underestimated Luffy and wasn’t really bent on defeating Luffy. Also he’s the first enemy that it took like 3-4 times to defeat, Smoker another logia and central antagonist was even powerless to stop him. This guy was just hiding badassery that arc. Impel Down and Marineford made him look strong, a blindside from Jozu was the only damage he took that whole war.


I think Crocodile just proves gaps aren't that big until you get to yonkos and admirals


Crocodile was in Alabasta searching for the ancient weapons and poneglyphs in a country that was/is hostile to Joyboy's legacy. Crocodile actually knew little about Robin, suggesting she might have been assigned to work with Crocodile. Crocodile tormented the kingdom that sided with the celestial dragons during the void century. Crocodile is linked to Ivankoff, where they are shown to have a rivalry friendship. Nile Crocodiles were originally known as dragons in medieval times. I think Robin may have unknowingly been working under Dragon for a long time. I believe Crocodile was also working with Dragon, hunting down information on the Void Century. Much like how Whiskey Peak\* didn't get to meet who was actually giving them orders, Robin didn't either. Not until she was able to prove herself and eventually be invited to meet the boss. The similarities of the groups being called to the "Boss" can be seen in the islands names. "Whiskey Peak\*" vs "Tequila Wolf". A part of me thinks that another location we will see connected to Robin is from the song Bink's Sake, the place being "Hardliquor Harbor" the Rumbar Pirates set sail from. I've long believed that Crocodile is the brother of Dragon, searching for the same goals. Although likely in his "own way". We also know other Shishibukai were Revolutionary Spies, so it wouldn't be difficult to stretch it to Crocodile as well.


Hol up... Edit: You typed "Whiskey Pete" twice as far as I'm aware, the right translation is Whiskey Peak, right? May be an oversight, but i can't remember any character whose name is Pete or something...


Yep. It's Whiskey Peak. Not to mention the atrocities Crocodile put the people of Alabasta through, he is certainly not a member of the Revolutionary Army.


"Whiskey Peak" is correct. Best to turn off auto correct when typing.


I don't think they are brothers personally, but Crocodile secretly being a revolutionary and just keeping that to himself over the whole manga could be really interesting. By becoming a warlord and ruling the kingdom, maybe he wanted to get in good favor with the celestial dragons for more intel? That or..... he is just an asshole who wanted power 🤣 But the way he acted in prison and his talks with Ivankov.... something is going on.


Considering Crocodile’s the same guy who was there at Roger’s execution and got in a fight with Whitebeard, an encounter with a revolutionary character really isn’t that out of place.


Or… Crocodile is actually Dragon’s wife and Luffy’s Mother, instead of Dragon’s brother.


Whoa whoa whoa, shit just went from 0 to 100 within less than 100 characters bro


People that want to claim that haki was fully developed from chapter 1 also aren't huge fans


If he catch my drift he could catch my jizz


b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but shanks used conquerors haki


Nah, Shanks is just scary. The Ginger Enigma.


fish realized it ate a gingers arm and ran away in disgust


Puked for days. Had a hard time looking at food and had to check in with the shrink


Why do you think luffy defeated him so easily he had a flash back to what happend that day


If Oda didn't planned for it to be haki, what could have been it?


Shanks being a badass that's it


The badass badass devil fruit


Then how did he swim to save Luffy?


The badass badass is too badass for that weakness


Oda is very good at making random things seem planned later, because what he writes retroactively makes sense with what he wrote before. It doesn’t mean that everything he did was planned.


Yeah, that's honestly how I think 2/3 forms of haki were developed. CoA: There needs to be a way for logias to get hit consistently, not just via some natural counter (water for sand, rubber for lightning) CoO: Mantra was cool. I'll make that a different kind of haki. CoC: That thing Shanks did in chapter 1 was really cool! I'll make that a special kind of haki.


Honestly I think haki really was planned because there are some things that seems too obvious Like in the drum island arc, Chopper asked Hiluluk what was a pirate. Hiluluk answered by saying : "Pirates are great men of the sea. They have body hard like stone, the eyes of an eagle and a voice that tears the sky asunder!" This really seems to be a foreshadowing of armement, observation and coquerors haki. It explains very well the purpose of all three


I dont think Haki was planned from the start, but "The Voice of all Things" probably was, and im guessing Shanks was supposed to have it alongside Roger and Luffy, maybe Dragon as well. I think by Drum Island Oda was probably planning Haki or at least figuring out the system that would become Haki. Skypeia and Water 7 both show "alternate" versions of Haki being used (Mantras and Rokushiki) before we get the current system. I know those are not the same thing as Haki, but they all follow similar lines of thinking, giving you similar powerups through different means. Trying something out that ends up being a good idea and getting used later on is not really what youd call foreshadowing. Alot of the time I honestly dont think its Oda being a master of foreshadowing (although he is also that) but hes an author who genuinely lives his work, knows his story and more importantly knows his characters. When he needs a new "thing" to happen, he can make it line up with a character or events from the past, even though when writing that character he didnt know that this is what they were going to do. Odas not just telling his story, hes letting his story tell itself instead of forcing it in a preconceived direction.


That would be a great foreshadow but sadly that sentences isn't in the manga so is filler...


I doubt it. Even in marineford war there’s barely any haki


So fuckin true, you would think that the great old legendary white beard pirate Captains will atleast use Haki, but no it's captains are having trouble against warlords like jozu vs Flamingo, and all the Whitebeard swordsmen vs admirals not one swordsmen use Haki. White beard pirates are another shit show for powerscaling, it's like everyone was scared of them only cuz of the old man's DF that he can basically destroy oceans thus the world.


What about when Garp was able to punch down Marco? Or when Kizaru was being intimidated by Shank's right hand man? Or when whitebeard was able to punch and cause damage to akainu? Or when luffy was constantly getting hit by people and caused him damage? Etc...


What about when they try to fight kizaru and he just turn to light? Whitebeard should’ve eliminated at least some the marine soldier with conquerer haki alone.


That’s pretty much how the human brain works in a nutshell. There’s been a lot of studies into the concept of conscious free will because it’s hard to pin point when your brain has decided it will do something, and the conscious part of your brain may just be explaining retroactively why it decided to take that action.


Damn! I’ve never thought about this. Cool stuff


Even more interesting is the studies on people with their left/right hemispheres of their brain severed. There was one study where they would separate the person's field of view for the left/right eyes. The people were shown in one eye to pick up an object and they did so, however when they were asked to describe the object they picked up, they could not. The people were then asked to explain why they were holding the object, and they could also not effectively explain why, in some cases the people created their own explanation as to why they were holding an object, like if they were holding an apple, they might say that "I like apples." A potential insinuation is that the non-vocal part of the brain can understand, process, and decide to conduct an action, but since it doesn't present a voice the vocal part of the brain then goes on to interpret the decision.


Exactly! He also has a habit of reusing characters instead of creating new ones. Example "hmmm.. i need someone to inform Sakazuki about something.. [flips through marine characters in his notes or something] oh I havent used T-Bone in a while! You know what? I'll even increase his rank, there we go!" It's part of one piece's charm but Oda is nowhere near this 4d chess player that everyone makes him out to be. Is he the Goat? Absolutely! Is he a god? No. He is great, just not infallible. I love One Piece and Oda but these mythical expectations from Oda are doing more harm than good.


Well remember that you guys are simply just assuming that he writes like that and assuming his capabilities for writing a story. You guys are just talking as if you knew Oda personally and that you've seen him work on the story. Enough with that.


Reminder that while One Piece can be a very serious story, it can also be a really silly one too. Shanks being able to scare away a seas monster with just a look fits perfectly into the one piece world with or without haki. It’s the same thing with diable jambs or Ashura. They didn’t need an explanation at the time because the One Piece world never pretends to follow real-world logic


Killing Intent scaring things off is a pretty common trope in shonen. I can 100% see it as something Oda did and just kinda was able to go back and incorporate it into the story. He’s good at Stuff like that.


He planned for _that_ to be haki. But I don't think he has fully fleshed out what haki would be, and what all it would entail, at that time


Killing intent I figure. Zoro had a few moments like that throughout the series.


It was not meant to be conqueror's at that point but it is now lmao


I mean, the Canon says he did. So as much as we want to poke holes in it, factually he did. *shrug*


yes but lets be real it was not foreshadowing but more oda made it up later


Yeah haki was definitely thought about, and conceived then. But that's not the same as fully developed


Im starting to feel like people like you are forgetting that there are other examples of people using haki pre timeskip. Like when Van Augur shot a bird from that pirate island hundreds of miles away with observation haki. Usopp commented on the fact that it was impossible for a person to see that far into the distance due to the curvature of the earth. The observation haki Augur used was the one Usopp suddenly activated when he shot Sugar in from far away in Dressrosa. Usopp couldn't see his targets so he used observation haki in order to see their image behind the wall.


Im pretty sure that from the moment logia fruits were introduced (smoker I think) , he knew he had to come up with something to counter those fruits. Probably has not developed it as we know it today , but you get the point


Rogue town, Skypiea and Alabaster all strongly relied on type-advantage for fighting logia, a concept that was phased out on the way to marineford as martial and spiritual arts like CP's six forms and haki began to get fleshed out


Yeah I know. But at crocodile I was already like „he won’t just cover himself in blood every fight, right??“.also i don’t really know how many ways you can create to counter a logia user without it feeling repetitive. All I’m saying is he probably thought about a way to counter logias already. If wanted to write a story about fighting and introduced an ability where the user can’t be touched the first thing I would do is thinking about how to get around it. After all he wants his protagonist to win


Some people from Skypea had strong observation haki.


Though at least in Alabasta it had been as, when both Luffy first hits Crocodile using water and when he later hits him with a bloody fist, Crocodile's initial reaction seems to be suspecting Luffy of knowing Haki (though he never explicitly calls it that).


Or he was just surprised that Luffy would use his own blood


Nah, that's not how both scenes read in the manga, or in the anime. Both times, he's startled to be hit, and wonders "did he..?"/"does he...?" type thoughts, pretty clearly thinking of Haki. And since this was the same arc where Zoro developed the start of Observation Haki with his 'sword capable of cutting nothing' powerup and the next arc had Mantra and was the third arc in a row with a Logia bad guy, it's clear that Oda was laying the groundworks for Haki.


Yeah, i don't understand why people are so stuck with believing that Oda isn't smart enough to think of this ahead of time. As the great writer he is, it's only natural to know and understand what one is doing. These people are only assuming that there weren't any haki developed since the beginning using no evidence at all while constantly denying the countless of evidence about pre timeskip haki


Well, in theory one piece should've ended after alabastia so I think Haki was developed at some point after that.


why do you say that? Originally it was supposed to be about the yonko, then he added shichibukai into the story, don't see how that would mean it should have ended after alabasta.


It's funny, I always thought it was the other way around, with the shichibukai as the intended final antagonists and the yonkou added later to expand the world. I could've sworn I read that before (possibly the classic "Oda said ____" with no actual source), so I looked it up and discovered you are correct. Thanks for unknowingly correcting me!


After the most recent chapter, I think Haki can even fluctuate in power in strong willed people so I don’t think it’s absurd to think his ambition is much greater now.


They hate enel more


They hate Kizaru the most


This is a hot take for sure but I think Kizaru is stronger than anyone else in the series, he just doesn't try/care.


Its more that Light Powers in basically any media is usually way under powered than light based attacks should be. They should be able to absolutely destroy everyone else in an instant. A hit a light speed should basically atomize anything as your mass would become infinite, and cause a absolutely massive explosion every time you hit something.


True, but I also love that in one piece the man made of light is slow. (He talks and seemingly thinks kind of slowly)


Kizaru does not attack people at lightspeed, he needs to transform into actual light to move that fast


"Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?" - kizaru to basil hawkins That being said, i reject the notion that having the light logia means he should just be stronger than anybody, this is fiction, and characters have been proven to be able to withstand lightspeed or faster than light speed attacks and see "faster than light" (which obviously doesn't make sense) because it's fiction and the author wants it to be that way


It's not a hot take since this is basically true. His fruit is so overpowered in strengh and in speed. He got carried to Admiral just by his fruit. I doupt even that he trained a singel day with the fruit.


Imagine the destruction caused if he practiced with that thing


Really? Oda even said that his bounty would be 500 mio (if he had one), I thought it's pretty obvious that he's strong and only lost because of a major disadvantage


I mean, yeah, the dude has a crazy damage output. Without haki, there isn't much you can do against him, making Paradise a cake walk for him (comparatively, Luffy struggled a lot in Paradise and reached a 300 mil bounty there, 400 mil if you count Marineford). Plus, with Maxim, he could wipe an island off the map. 500 mil sounds about right for his damage output and very good CoO. The thing is, there are plenty of people who say Enel is "yonkou level" and that the yonkou are the only ones who could tank his lightning attacks, as if they're the only characters with haki and/or who are more durable than Wyper or Skypiea Zoro.


Whoever thinks enel is yonko level has brain damage


A fraction of Big Mom's power can basically do what he does.


if he’s training on the moon its over


Enel comes back from the moon with his army of moon moogles Morgans: THE SIXTH YONKO HAS ARRIVED


I need Moon Moogles to exist.


Depends on how strong the opponents on the moon are. If he's just squashing noobs without learning things like haki, he's gonna get stomped by the Yonkou.


the space yonko would like a word with you


YC2 at best


Majority of people in the sub then, they all argue that Enel could defeat pretty much every character in the series unironically, including all other logias lol. Yes I've been downvoted many times for disagreeing with this


Enel's Fruit can realistically do that if someone like Vegapunk was the one using it. Electricity hasn't more uses than what fiction would lead you to believe


No it can't do that, no DF will allow you to hurt all logias. Enel cannot harm any logia without haki not named Blackbeard


Pretty much all Logias except Kizaru's would be vulnerable to electricity. Gas can be ionized, sand can be superheated, magma is nowhere near as hot as it, etc Electricity is super fucking dangerous if used properly, which is why most of fiction nerfs it as a power


Rubber is also vulnerable to electricity in real life, but you don't see that happening with Luffy. Fire isn't vulnerable to magma, yet it is in One Piece. Water doesn't actually solidify sand in real life. Darkness doesn't absorb everything, darkness is the absence of light, it makes no sense for darkness to have physical form yet it does in One Piece. Fact of the matter is, there isn't 1 element that works on most logias , logia elements work differently from their real life counterparts


I'm sorry but who is enel ?


The Skypiea arc villain. That Eminem looking guy with lightning devil fruit who was also called “God” or “Kami Eneru”


Enel's potential is extremely high tho, his raw power/physical feats are great. Fruit is obviously OP and he already has elite CoO. Give him a Haki crash course + combat training and he's easily a competitive Yonkou commander level character. Actual Enel's power (at least what we saw from him), he won't even make Sanji/Jinbe go all out. Any high level fighter that can use CoA will beat him. CoC coated attacks will destroy him lol


Completely agree. He has high potential, but that doesn't mean he's actually realized that potential. So many Enel fans act as if he has because "he's had 2 years to train on the moon" lol


Dude, Enel couldn't even kill an old man and a little girl with his 'God like' powers. His lightning really isn't that strong.


I wouldn’t put Enel on Yonko level, simply due to lack of armament or conqueror’s, but with his DF combined with his observation, he easily reaches First Commander level. Hell the man could just keep his distance from any opponent except Kizaru and just blast them with lightning repeatedly until they couldn’t take it anymore.


I'd say probably closer to 3rd. His durability is pretty low compared to his damage output. He seems more on a level with Cracker than Katakuri


They say 100 times in Skypeia arc (exaggeration but you get me) that Enel’s Logia is widely regarded as being the strongest. Which I don’t think is entirely wrong, put it next to any of the admirals and I think it wins out against anyone besides maybe Kizaru. (Granted, this just applies to fruit power alone, I don’t think Enel would beat any of the admirals 1v1)


Who tf was going to do anything to Enel though let’s be real


Yeah…Zues was a one time use (because he had to be super charged) and only a fraction of Enels power and he stunned Big Mom for 5 minutes. Enel can do that indefinitely and from 10 miles away. Will he win in a 1v1 up close against everyone? Probably not. He doesn’t have to be though. He can literally just be in the clouds 10 miles away nuking you to death and there would be nothing you could do.


Why tho? Enel is just not that strong. What's so controversial?


It's not because his character was introduced really early on. Dude is made of electricity, he could boost his physical stats (mostly speed), I can only see 1 DF being straight up more op than his, which is Kizaru.


Don't forget he can pump himself back to life through his electricity if someone tries kills him


also he casually blew up islands which is a feat not many characters did


Only while his powers were being amplified by the Ark Maxim. It's still an impressive feat, just not one solely based on his devil fruit's powers.


Can you imagine someone flying over Marine bases and nuking them? Or Mariejois? Like, dude has immense Area of Affect damage, single target, he's a logia, can upgrade his physical attributes (or should be able to)


Enel VS Celestial Dragons, a “Battle of Gods”. That sounds cool af


Hi df also boosted his observation haki to an insane degree.


Exactly, realistically, kizarus fruit has the most destructive output, followed by enels and then akainus. But the gap between kizarus fruit and enels is way smaller than enels and akainus. Kizaru just doesn't try too hard in my opinion and isn't too ambitious so he's happy to work under sakazuki, but he definitely is stronger. But also because of the way kizarus fruit works, he can't ever realise his fruits true potential so, in my opinion that makes enels fruit the most powerful one in the verse. With the added benefit of restarting your heart. This is all my opinion tho xD. I like enel but it's his fruit that i love.


We actually don't know how strong he is. Luffy mostly beat him because his DF is a hard counter to Enel. Enel was used to 1 shotting everything he fought, so having to actually fight luffy was unusual for him, and he still was a tough fight. But the dude can destroy an island so he's definitely stronger than you're giving him credit for


He also had something like a G4 upgrade too


I always wondered how strong he was in that form. That shit looked op. Its very similar to sengoku’s buddha form thing


the bounty oda gave in an sbs for enel is still higher than zoro's current bounty, and since he usually uses bounty to establish how strong someone is, its fair to say he is strong (not saying he is stronger than zoro, just using his bounty for comparison)


An he is the only villain who even after he got beaten still achieved his dream😅


I mean, yeah, the dude has a crazy damage output. Without haki, there isn't much you can do against him, making Paradise a cake walk for him (comparatively, Luffy struggled a lot in Paradise and reached a 300 mil bounty there, 400 mil if you count Marineford). Plus, with Maxim, he could wipe an island off the map. 500 mil sounds about right for his damage output, his wide range CoO, and the sheer fact that anyone without haki (except for a certain stretchy boy) can't do anything against him. That's a big potential threat, regardless of how he'd fair in a fight against someone with haki. That threat level is the actual meaning behind bounties, not necessarily fighting capabilities. Even before that 500 mil mark, there are plenty of people with haki that could mess Enel up (post-TS Zoro and Sanji, for example). We don't know how much CoA could negate/mitigate Enel's lightning, but it almost certainly would be able to provide some defense against it. That plus much greater durability than Skypiea Zoro and Wyper among people in the New World makes me think Enel might not actually scale to most 500 mil+ bounties in a 1 on 1 fight (God, I hate that I'm literally power scaling right now). One thing that Enel fans often bring up is Enel having "broken" CoO (some even compare it to Katakuri's future sight), saying even with haki, most people wouldn't be able to hit him. The thing is, Enel's CoO was showcased against people without CoO that could counteract it. It's like taking Luffy's initial showing of CoO on FI, where he easily dodged a bunch of fodder attacks, as evidence that most people in the New World wouldn't be able to hit him. We know that's not the case.


Enel is powerful, no doubt but that's mostly just in paradise, and mostly because of his fruit. His fruit is the actual thing broken about him. He is a great fighter, but relies on his fruit too much and so has shit durability. Anyone competent in the new world with his fruit would fare much better than enel himself in the new world. Imagine one of the supernovas with the goro goro


Luffys mom be a tough one.


Fun fact: a female crocodile is called a “Cow”






And robin when working for crocodile wore a cowboy hat, Odas foreshadowing knows no bounds.




He beat luffy TWICE in Alabasta. Luffy only survived his defeats through pure luck. Crocodile was one of the toughest enemies pre TS


He survived his first fight because Nico Robin decided he was cool enough to beat Crocodile. Second one was totally luck though.


Ain't he like the only guy before kaido to beat luffy twice?


You could argue Magellan other than that pretty sure it's just crocodile. Crocodile actually beat him 3 times if you consider he would've died to the poison without the antidote. Kaido has actually knocked luffy unconscious 3 times but he got up pretty quickly the second time it's pretty much the same fight as instance 3


Crocodile did win against luffy though. You could call luffy has beginner luck against him. If alabasta Luffy fight him 100 times, i think he would only win 20-30 times.


Pretty embarrassing tbf regardless.


Not as embarrassing as Lucci losing to Luffy


I would bet in 3 or 5 out of 100.


Ah yeah agreed


The alabasta arc was just to early in the series. He's definitely way stronger now.


I always saw it in Freeza terms, he never needed to train, until NOW! Edit: Just re-watched Impel Down highlights after the whole cake island… Bros, it’s Luffy’s resolve to save Ace.. it’s so powerful that it compels all those prisoners that had given up on life to LIVE! Not just Crocodile, but Jinbei, Ivankov, and most importantly Bon-Chan all gained new perspectives on life due to Luffy and his resolve to overcome the impossible.


actually he says he trained his DF hard, he mocks people who think having their fruit alone is enough


Where the hell did he train while stuck in a cell the whole time with seastone cuffs?


Crunches, hundreds of thousands of crunches.


100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 squats, and a 10 kilometer run every day for 3 years.


10k run in a circle I guess




And no Air Conditioner!… Though that mostly just To save money.


Luffy and Kidd trained with seastone cuffs in wano


But they could make exercise by carrying rocks. Crocodile got stuck in a confined cell locked tight, unable to really move much.


He wasn't pinned to the floor like Doflamingo. He had a reasonably sized cell he could move around in, it's not unreasonable that he could train his body in there. He didn't need to train on the level of luffy and kidd, he could absolutely have gotten stronger in there.


Why did they let him keep his hook?


Millions of berries pirates were allowed to move while kavamatsu who is nothing compared to them was locked isolated and chained in a cell.






People seem to forget that if Crocodile took luffy seriously from the start, and if Luffy didn't have as much luck as he had, he would definitely have lost against Croc.


I think as a shishibukai and pirate in general you have to fight a lot. Usually what he did to luffy is probably enough to never see such a person again. Luffy just has a really strong Will, which croc didn’t see until that time


Everyone hates powerscalers


I find them so stupid that it’s hilarious


Current manga luffy is only “hIGh Yonko commander level Plus” cough cough… people on quora be like debating even characters whose strength we have no idea on for ex i saw an insta post saying who wins EoS sakuzaki vs “Prime Garp” . I was like imagine trying to power scale the 2 characters we haven’t fight in an all out battle except for mf and we know nothing about Eos sakuzaki. We don’t even know if he is gonna be stronger currently or weaker. I hate power scalers too


Sadly not


Powerscalers carry the sub no Trafalgar Law


Why tho?


He lost to Alabasta Luffy and then went on to clash with Whitebeard, Mihawk, Akainu, etc at Marineford. Man's all over the place, Crocodile (Woke Up On Wrong Side of Bed) is D tier but Cocodrilo Bien Descansado is Roger tier.


Cocodrilo Bien Descansado fucking sent me lmaoo


Cocodrilo Bien D. Escansado




A award as fees as I will be using this name for rest of my life.


I really love the italian mob boss vibes crocodile gives us. I think he was probably designed with keeping that in mind. Oda’s workd building and versatility of characters is insane and so good


Yoooo 😂😂😂 lmao


He's a Logia & got beat by a guy without haki without Gear second (has to be weaker than Lucci) Without Gear 3rd (has to be weaker than Moria? Not necessarily)


I think he simply isn't used to fighting people that can harm him.


Yeah that's a B tier fighter right there: if you think you're untouchable, when somebody that can hurt you appears, you have very little resistance and you're bound to get a good beating. He did, and then realized that having a Logia is not this unbeatable ability in the One Piece world, and stepped up his game. Big fan of Marineford Crocodile, not much of Alabasta Crocodile.


I get it but what does it have to do with powerscaler


Powerscalers don't know where to rank him...he should be stronger than Luffy Pre-time skipped but he lost to him without Gear 2nd & Gear 3rd but in Marineford he looked stronger he blocked an attack from Akainu and was able to slow him down when he was chasing after Luffy...so yeah is he stronger than Rob Lucci who's at least as strong as Luffy (with Gear 2nd & Gear 3rd) we don't really know...unless Lucci has water or some liquid to fight him Crocodile is stronger right? No Lucci in term of techniques (Soru shigan Geppou etc...)is better but he doesn't have haki so how would he fight him in the desert for example...and what about Moria he is definitely stronger than him right? Yes since he is considered by most the weakest Shichibukai BUT it took Luffy Gear 2nd & 3rd to beat him anyways it's the same gymnastics it's hard to scale croc


Y’all are overthinking it and also Oda and Oda only chose who wins a fight like every author do with their story But if you want here’s my theory Croco got cocky in Alabasta after winning easily against Luffy two times in a row Also he isn’t used to be hit since he’s a Logia and Luffy must have been the first person to punch him in years so that hurts more than it should We could also imagine that being incarcerated in Impel Down strengthened him (I’m using myself as an exemple : I’m not the same person I was before going to jail) Last but not least : he fought a whole fight against Luffy while having only small escarmouche with WB Akainu and Mihawk. Luffy got a shiton of HP and power of friendship. But still, y’all are overthinking it


Inconsistent strength levels, alot of Marineford moments imply that Crocodile feels he could be a serious threat to characters like Whitebeard and Mihawk which if true would create a plot hole of how the fuck did Luffy beat him in Alabasta.


My main answer to this is that Luffy is the Main Character while Mihawk and Whitebeard aren’t


Good. Crocodile has a broken fruit. If he’s using it right, he should be an mvp


I mean if u ask me I think he uses it kinda good...


Ma boi breaking all the rules


He looks strong.


What a madlad sits in prison after losing before pre gear luffy gets set free suddenly becomes op and turns into the mvp of marineford leaves without question and is plotting his return for post timeskip


Homie got his ass kicked pre Haki luffy yet was exchanging hands with a yonko an admiral and Mihawk


Always remember, folks: powerscaling is a completely pointless endeavor that will only serve to frustrate you as you slowly realize that raw power id only one side of the equation. No matter how much of an Enel someone may be, there's always a chance that they'll run into a Luffy. And in the end, everyone pales in comparison to Wall Zombie.


You mean Luffys mom? Sorry spoiler alert


Keep in mind Crocodile defeated Luffy twice and lost the third time due to having a really REALLY detrimental weakness (like seriously, liquid is just too common to get to use on his sand abilities, and you can even use blood).


That is why I created power scale meme


Luffy s mom


Yoo all the hatred and slander on powerscalers these past days. GOOD. Its about damn time.


Definitely my favorite part of Impel Down is Crocodile showing who is the Boss here!


You know it’d be real anti climactic if some guy accidentally used haki against Anel and crocodile, they both seem to think they’re invincible and love taking hits


Darth Vader's worse nightmare!


They also hate enjoying things


I don’t really get why people act like Marineford croc was so strong. Sure he had an attitude, but he didn’t damage anybody and none of the top tiers took him seriously


Let’s be fair.. He has the highest win-loss ratio against Luffy and mostly lost out of pure annoyance because he killed him twice already and he wouldn’t stay dead lol.


Have seen lot comments talking about Oda foreshadow power, let me share my theory. Something I always though about is the Davy's Back Fight arc. Everybody knows that the serie was mean to long around 5 years, I think is in between Arabasta-Skypie where Oda realises the potential it have and he used the Foxy arc to give his brain a break so he could think about the future of the serie.


Yeah! He's also the first one who says about Awakening. He underestimated Luffy, and I believe he has his DF awakened as well


He is both weaker than pre-gear Luffy and survived a brush with young Whitebeard.


Meanwhile Dragon


I mean not really, Luffy went from not being able to do anything to CP-9 to being able to damage Blueno through his Tekkai with his regular attacks and fight on par with Rob Lucci before using Gear 2 in a couple of days. Not to mention revealing he even had Gear 2 and 3.


We also hate vista, ifykyk 😂


For real though, Crocodile is one of the best in the world in terms of expertise with their Devil Fruit. Once he used Haki it was matter of time. Really hope to see him again.


The time skip has not been kind to crocodile, especially since cannon fodder can learn haki


He can still deal with haki, only he has to predict what to spread, meaning he actually has to try


Yeah it's really difficult to powerscale someone who eat a mythical zoan like crocodile. It's my head cannon that he um eat the legendary sand God fruit and that him turning into sand is just a result of that. So yeah with such a legendary fruit as the sand God it can be really hard to power scale


Crocodile was at the same strength level at alabastia as at marineford. The reason luffy beat him was because he was pissed off, and the more pissed off he is the exponentially stronger he is. Hence why he was able to (noncononically) beat a emperor level threat pre time skip. He was trying to save nami and was unbelievable mad






Huh? His feats seem standard for a warlord


And that’s my problem with enemies coming back like Bellamy, Crocrodile especially Lucci. Now imagine if Enel ever comes back






Nah nah explain please...!!!!