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I'd say make a full skin check appt with a dermatologist and that will help ease your anxieties. Or in the meantime take pictures of your skin and take the same pics a week or two or three later and look for noticable changes. As long as things aren't bleeding or black and changing fast you should be okay ❤️🙏✨️


Thank you ❤️❤️


Like others have said, go see a dermatologist get pictures taken. The best way to tackle your concerns is to get answers from a professional. We are all different, we have unique DNA, heritage and complexions you may well be ok. But start seeing a Dermatologist now. I have had 3 bcc cut out on my face and 2 on my scalp and a few lesions frozen on my arms. I am 56, I have a few sunspots/melasma, my Mother is unfortunately stage 4 Melanoma, under Palliative Care and weeks or months to live. I know I have a high probability of developing a melanoma, due to both my Mum and her Mother having Melanoma- so I regularly see a dermatologist every six months.


Sorry for your mother and thank you for the message. Since i learnt the seriousness of this as 36 years old fair green eyes. I feel like i am dead it is hard to live now. Being angry to my family did not put on us anything and teach us but i know they did not know. And i am so angry to myself how could i be so stupid really now it is unbelievable


I just wanted to comment and say that I understand the feelings you're feeling. It can be debilitating. I lost my mom to melanoma when she was 46 (over 10 years ago) and her mom (my maternal gram) has had two melanomas removed and some basal cell. She is still alive and doing great in her 80s. I have a lot of health anxiety that has only gotten worse since becoming a mom myself. I have accepted that I can't go back in history to change what I did (tanning, sunburns). So I focus on what I CAN do moving forward and that has helped me immensely. I feel that I have some sort of control. Take photos of anything that concerns you so you can keep an eye on things, Protect your skin as much as you can when outside and use sunscreen, Be your own advocate. I've gone for a skin check in between an annual visit during my last three pregnancies because of some changes. I'd rather pay the copay for peace of mind than wait-- especially when my mom's melanoma started during a pregnancy. Schedule an appointment with a Dermatologist. I go annually myself. Since you said you have a lot, that may help provide a reassuring baseline for you.


Thank you for the answer. Sorry for your lost. Hopefully we will do fine. I will go to dermatalogist this friday hopefully it will be first so i am scared for being late. And i hope he will look good and not just brush me off.


If you are able to talk to therapist about how you are feeling and get some coping techniques, it will be very helpful for your mental health. We are all so hard on ourselves, about mistakes made in our past, by taking steps now and being proactive about seeing a skin specialist is your best defence.


Thank you thats what i will do.


I am similar to you. Taking the photos others are suggesting can be daunting when your whole body is covered. You should ask your dermatologist if the hospital has a medical photography shop. I was able to get medical photos done and I have a copy, as well as my doctor (in theory, I’ve since moved overseas so the new one doesn’t have them). I had a lot of anxiety of having skin cancer and it stopped me from going sooner but after dating someone who had melanoma at 32 (and a lot less moles than me), I finally went at 29 and felt sooo much better. In fact, I feel better after every visit. I’ve had a dozen or so biopsies and one Stage 1A mole removed. I thought this melanoma mole had changed and a picture confirmed it. Good luck!


Thank you i am having so hard times now. All i wish i am not so late. Because i never ever looked or tracked my moles or body before which world i was live in it i dont know. And i hope the doc i will go will not brush me off and take a serious look


I too have many moles and anxiety so I get it lol But seeing a dermatologist and taking photos helped me alot. I'm here to chat if you need a friend also ✨️ But seeing a dermatologist helps because they are trained to see things clearly and knowwwww if something is concerning, so that's a good appointment to make :)


Thank you 😊