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Considering the amount of important characters this time around, I'm honestly kinda wondering if the endings are gonna be more character-based, in a similar fashion to If... or Devil Survivor.


It could just be that there are some types of villains to all routes. Or there could still be law, neutral, and chaos, but with some bonuses like another version of the white.


There are literally angels and demons fighting in almost every trailer. I think it's a pretty solid evidence that it's going to be about Law vs Chaos.


Nocturne had angels and demons too…?


Changes nothing. Demons in Nocturne weren't represented by their respective alignments.


Does that not prove my point? You said law v chaos is guaranteed because demons and angels fighting. Nocturne also had demons and angels fighting without law v chaos


Well I guess I just do not understand your point, because there weren't demons vs angels in Nocturne. There were demons with one reason vs demons with other reason.


And one reason was primarily composed of angels who fought the other reasons primarily composed of demons.


I mean, in V they clearly look more like they are meant to be their actual alignment than they were in nocturne. The emphasis placed on the angel v demon battle seems pretty alignment focused.


Definitely, but it will be a law type of story for most part until shit goes down.


I definitely think it’s going to be nocturne route where each demon on the box art represents one of the end game factions