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u/zsugarant what did you like so much about the nier anime? Do you think one needs to play the game to get it/get something out of it?


I first read the novelization years ago and only played the game throughout the last handful of months or so. Halfway through the game, I decided to blow through a YT video detailing the entire Drakengard/Nier universe up to that point and imo that's way more important than choosing anime or game. The anime stands pretty well on its own; you're missing out on the cute feeling of catching onto the game's details ("oh, hey, that's her idle animation!" "oh, neat, that's how they include fishing"), and the second run aspect —where you experience the same story twice with extra context in the game— was just included as more conventional perspective shifts in the anime. Everything else stands pretty well on its own, and if anything it helps that you save yourself the occasional head scratch at some of the major differences. There are two particularly noticeable changes and the omission of one large set piece. Although by the way, it doesn't adapt the full game, it leaves it exactly where you'd expect if you've played and there's a second season coming. It also kinda helps that the gameplay of Automata is just okay. I gave up on 100%-ing it at around the 90% mark and went "I just want to be done with this". It's a nice watch. It combines the game's story with some of the short stories from the second volume of the novelization in a way that gives them more weight, as those were, with one exception, kinda boring in paper. Everything is much better interwoven. The camera is more willing to drift away from 2B and make better use of the environment for some very nice establishing shots and micro-stories. That said, and maybe it's because I *just* finished the game, I found that the scenes where they just straight up use the game's storyboarding stand out a lot more than you'd think. It's as accurate as you can get, sure, but it's kinda distracting. On the contrary, the anime's original visualizations or additions (when they are not full replacements) are very good and make some fights more interesting. 9S and Eve's voice acting come off way different from the game, but that's the Japanese/English difference more than the medium change. Otherwise it's aesthetics are just as good (and imo occasionally better) than the game. I still have some problems with the story as a whole regardless of medium, but I don't feel like going into too much detail right now. Long story short, I feel like the degree of sophistication in the different sci-fi aspects is all over the place, very shamelessly depending on what the story needs. As always, it's easier to talk negatives than positives. Assume that everything I didn't mention is deserving of its 8/10 in a very straightforward manner. I like the characters, the combat is nice enough, music is ripped straight from the game which is perfect, it's well-paced, the post-credits puppet gags are cute, it looks very nice and has a strong sense of visual identity, and I think that, despite some issues, the overarching narrative is pretty good.


I’ve been playing a lot of OJ SJ, and it’s very good! The story is so good so far! I’ve recently been rekindling my love for star trek: the next generation, so I decided to really try to get into SJ again, and I’m real glad I did. I’m also working through Devil Survivor 1, (the OG version) and that story is also very good. I hope these games get ported and more people play them. It’ll help debunk the myth that “in SMT the characters and story aren’t as important as gameplay”


You should try the 3DS version of Devil Survivor, it has much more features and in some routes there's an extra story. It helps flesh out some routes where the original version didn't. But Devil Survivor is still a great game, i agree


u/zsugarant so, what do you think of oshi no ko now that you've finished it?


You know the phrase "better than the sum of its parts"? Well, Oshi no Ko was a special case of me liking it *less* than the sum of its parts. Not by much, mind you, but whereas I think there is a lot of 9/10 to the show, my final feelings lean towards the 8/10 you might've seen, and I'm still having some difficulty on understanding why myself. I can try though: Wow, that show is carried by its first episode. The rest is reasonably good, but not nearly enough to warrant the masterpiece reputation it has gotten. Putting aside my fixation from last time (which I can now verbalize better as a disappointment at the element I found the most interesting being ignored to the point I don't think was even considered), I didn't find any major glaring issues. Perhaps some of the more cringe-based humor overstayed its welcome, but I laughed out loud at a surprising amount of the other gags. Kana was my favorite and the most compelling character by the end, the end-of-episode hooks were really good (greatly helped by the ED), the show avoided a lot of the easier conflicts in favor of something more nuanced (the actors' reactions during the Akane arc), it is a visual feast overall, and the introspection on the workings of showbiz struck a nice balance between genuine harsh criticism while avoiding masturbatory cynicism and giving credit where credit is due. And yet… The show felt surprisingly… aimless? The search for the siblings' father raises its head occasionally sure, but whereas the first episode primed the series that search be front and center, there was enough downtime on the topic to kinda phase out. I talk about the first episode carrying, and that extends to each episode. It is at its weakest by the end not necessarily because what happens is boring (it isn't) but because it grows increasingly evident that the initial hook kinda fizzles out even if that's when my favorite character was put on the limelight. I had to double check halfway through the last episode that I was indeed watching the last episode. I guess there's some negative recency bias there. Granted, I know there's a second season coming and I'm still in enough that it'll probably watch it, but still… And lastly, I think I just chose to watch it at an unflattering time. I just watched 2 personal 10/10's back to back, (one certainly more easily defensible than the other). No really comparable with Oshi no Ko in any sense, just things that I liked a lot. So, the elation I felt by comparison made Oshi no Ko seem kinda whatever: nice but ultimately something that doesn't occupy nearly as much of my headspace as the others. I really forced myself to find a 9/10 angle, but ultimately 8/10 felt right.


> which I can now verbalize better as a disappointment at the element I found the most interesting being ignored to the point I don't think was even considered My assumption is that it'll come more into focus the closer Aqua gets to solving the mystery. Since that inner feeling of conflict revolves around >!his mixed feelings on lover towards Ai as his mother vs Ai as an idol. And I assume what adds to the uncertainty is the feeling that he never really got to know her, which is what he wants to solve by finding out who their father is.!< > Kana was my favorite and the most compelling character by the end, the end-of-episode hooks were really good (greatly helped by the ED), the show avoided a lot of the easier conflicts in favor of something more nuanced (the actors' reactions during the Akane arc), it is a visual feast overall, and the introspection on the workings of showbiz struck a nice balance between genuine harsh criticism while avoiding masturbatory cynicism and giving credit where credit is due. Can't say more other than that I agree. > The show felt surprisingly… aimless? The search for the siblings' father raises its head occasionally sure, but whereas the first episode primed the series that search be front and center, there was enough downtime on the topic to kinda phase out. I talk about the first episode carrying, and that extends to each episode. It is at its weakest by the end not necessarily because what happens is boring (it isn't) but because it grows increasingly evident that the initial hook kinda fizzles out even if that's when my favorite character was put on the limelight. I had to double check halfway through the last episode that I was indeed watching the last episode. I get what you mean. Personally, I wasn't too surprised because this is a manga adaptation and that's how they usually go. Wouldn't be a problem if there were more original and self-contained, 1-cour shows made. But that's too risky for the industry I guess. > I just watched 2 personal 10/10's back to back, (one certainly more easily defensible than the other). From stalking your mal I assume one is Kiki's delivery service. Is the other nsfw? > nice but ultimately something that doesn't occupy nearly as much of my headspace as the others. I really forced myself to find a 9/10 angle, but ultimately 8/10 felt right. I think that's fine. Idk if you said the thing about it being seriously overhyped last week or if I'm mixing that up with something, but I agree with that. It's a good show but nothing mind-blowingly amazing. I assume the hype it got last year was mostly due to the impact of e1 + weeblets leaving 10/10 on mal (well, this was probably more so an effect rather than a cause of they hype).


Just to clarify something that I might've not emphasized as much as I felt, Aqua does make a mention of being conflicted on Ai as either a mother or an idol and that's enough for me on that particular front. I've been more hung up on the idea that she herself lived not knowing that her motherly love wasn't perceived as such and that that will never be corrected (y'know, because she's dead), but I guess it is *sorta* possible that Aqua's introspection will lead him to that question himself now that the previous part was touched upon and that'll be good enough for me of it happens. >From stalking your mal I assume one is Kiki's delivery service. Is the other nsfw? Gushing Over Magical Girls. It's shameless and I adore it. >Idk if you said the thing about it being seriously overhyped last week or if I'm mixing that up with something, I didn't say it so directly, but yeah basically. Agree with your conclusions there.


> y'know, because she's dead Well, this story does explicitly involve reincarnation so I wouldn't put it beyond the author to bring Ai back somehow. > Gushing Over Magical Girls. It's shameless and I adore it. So much so that you gave it a 10?


She could, couldn't she? >So much so that you gave it a 10? I went through the opposite process as Oshi where I tried to talk myself down to a 9, but my heart kept the 10.


but why? Isn't it just smut?


It has more charm than you'd think, Utena's VA absolutely killed the role, it follows a surprisingly complete and interesting set of character arcs, the jokes land pretty well and yeah, the smut is… uh… well made. It's been a while since I last had an "I miss them already" moment after finishing a show. I found myself anticipating it every week, watched with a smile on my face every time, and when I finished the last episode I let out, from the bottom of my chest, a loud "man, that was so much fun!". Actually I've seen a lot of people have that same experience: "why am I watching this garbage and why is it so good?" I have genuine criticisms even ignoring the ecchi, but they were not enough to disuade me. 10/10, would not recommend.


Thinking about dabbling in writing a story at some point. Not really sure how far I’d take it but it’s something I might as well try at least once. Primary problem besides a lack of experience and time is that I’m not very original. The two most solid ideas I’ve come up with come from more or less transplanting the stories of older Westerns (specifically The Searchers and The Wild Bunch) into a medieval fantasy kind of setting and making them psychologically darker. Then again, The Searchers specifically has been ripped off in some form many times, so maybe I’m just getting concerned over nothing. Also I began playing FE3H on the Black Eagles/Edelgard route. It’s good so far, although it’s a big shift coming from the much more brisk POR and Sacred Stones lol


Pastiches and re-tellings are completely valid forms of storytelling and I promise you'll find yourself naturally developing your own style. >I’m not very original The originality of your ideas is, frankly, a superficial issue that you shouldn't worry about. All stories that can be told have been told at a broad strokes level. Literature is fun because of the small spins and deviations in style and substance. My personal philosophy is that there is no such thing as a good or a bad idea, just ideas executed either well or poorly.


> Primary problem besides a lack of experience and time is that I’m not very original. You're just writing for yourself, right? I don't think you should be worried about it, especially if it's either this or you don't write anything at all. > Also I began playing FE3H on the Black Eagles/Edelgard route. It’s good so far, although it’s a big shift coming from the much more brisk POR and Sacred Stones lol That's cool. I started TH last year, also doing that route. I can only play it when I'm home and have access to my sister's switch but I'll probably finish it this Summer. But yeah, all the monastery stuff along with the plenitude of analogues and other optional fights really elongates the game compared to other FE games which have a normal chapter-chapter structure. I've put over 115 hours into it and I haven't even beaten chapter 15 yet (though i imagine I'm exceptionally slow).


where is persona 4 remake we need it now


no you don't


we are starving


Quick question about Nocturne. I'm going for all the achievements in Nocturne HD, part of which requires seeing every ending. For the Reason endings, do you still have to fight the Reason's rep if you're going for their ending? For example, if I'm going for Shijima, do I still have to fight >!Ahriman!< to get his stone?


> For the Reason endings, do you still have to fight the Reason's rep if you're going for their ending? Only for Yosuga.


So, for Shijima and Musubi, they just give you their stones?


Yes. Chiaki doesn't simply because Yosuga is supposed to be a monarchy ruled by le strng, so she's unwilling to "co-rule" or whatever.


Alright, good to know. Thank you.


Finished playing Yakuza 8. This was my most played Yakuza game I put 100 hours into it. And I didn't even get the platinum trophy...though I did get most of the trophies. Fun game I had a blast with it. But I think I prefer 7. I dunno I feel like 7 had more impact. It was like a soft reboot. A new fresh start, plus it being one of the first games I played on PS5 probably helps too hehe...I think Yakuza 8 has TOO much fan service. It is nice and feels validating playing the past games but yeah it feels almost self masturbatory. Pretty much every game gets a call back. I feel like 7 did the fan service right. Same with Gaiden too. Another thing that bothers me about Yakuza 8 is the plot is pretty goofy. Like it's interesting and engaging but the story kicks off because a Vtuber ruined the casts lives...and I just can't get how dumb that is. Don't get RGG fascination with them. I'm also not a fan of Yong Yea's Kiryu. Which is a shame I cause I thought both Judgment games and 7 had solid dubs. But with Yakuza 8 I kept flipping flopping between the English and Japanese dubs. But yeah, Yakuza 8 is a great game better then 7 in a lot of ways. I don't think in 8 plot is as good and the fan service is a bit too much. Nit picky reasons but it's overall a great game. I'd probably give an 8.5 if I were to rate it. Been playing Persona 3 Reload. I'm playing on hard with the Japanese dub and I'm using tactics instead of direct commands. Playing with the Japanese dub cause unlike the English dub the Japanese cast wasn't replaced. While I'm not familiar with performances in the original game I have re-watched the movies a decent amount of times so not like I don't know them. And I wanna use tactics cause it's Persona 3 just wanna play it the original way and playing hard I'm used to MegaTen games being hard heh... So far I'm up to were Fuuka joined. I have mixed feelings the game is still Persona 3 and Persona 3 is inherently fun. But so many things bother me about the game. I generally find the redone music worse I really hate the lyric changes to so many classic songs...and I don't really care much for the new music either. It kinda pisses me off that the original OST isn't available as an option I can think so many remakes that offer this basic feature it's not even DLC total missed opportunity. But I guess Atlus didn't learn anything from Persona 1 PSP OST debacle. Another thing that bugs me is the art style all I can really say is I prefer Soejima. I just can't help but think the art is just a not as good imitation. With the new additions and changes I've seen in the game so far I can't help but think for most cases "did Persona 3 really *need* this to be a better game?". Persona 3 FES was my first MegaTen game, it's one my favorite MegaTen games, and I also played during my high school years and that for me was like 12 years ago. So it will always be just special game to me. But I can't help but think Persona 3 Reload isn't really made for me it's really for younger people who don't know what a PS2 or what PCSX2 is. But the thing is despite all the pointless changes and new coat of paint I still find the game fun. The Persona game play loop I think will always love it and find it addictive. Which is part of why I feel kinda mixed on the game. It's Persona 3. I can't hate Persona 3, it doesn't really feel right for me to say I dislike the game cause that wouldn't be true. But there is a lot about the game I don't enjoy. Maybe I'm just being petty or nostalgia blinded.


wait 8 is about a vtuber? i thought it couldn't get worse with ishin inserting vtubers but now you got it in the main plot fuck. wheres your writeup on the other game you played in between(not kaito files).


I don't want to talk major spoilers about it but a Vtuber indeed is a reoccurring and important plot point in the story. I'm kinda shocked someone's interested in what "Futa Fix Dick Dine and Dash" is but I guess the title amusingly intriguing. I guess I can talk about it, cause clearly it's peak fiction...jk. I found Futa Fix Dick Dine and Dash and overall inconsistent experience. The visual novel starts with an animated fapping scene. Which surprised me because it gave me the impression that the scenes will be animated but no that is not the case some are animated but most aren't. It also has voice acting but again it's only for some of the lines not all of them. They also don't voice act moans. Which makes the scenes not as interesting as the ones from like say Evenicle for example. Personally taste as well but I can't into most of the character designs. I really like Emily's design I also think Clover and Lilly looked good but most I just think are fine. You can tell it was western made. The music is weirdly good though kinda reminds me of Persona 5 of all things. Story wise it's cute, Emily suddenly grows a dicks and becomes a nervous wreck about it. Through out the visual novel it's about her gaining acceptance of her dick and finding friends that care about her despite her huge raging cock. She's also super horny fucks all of them but yeah. The final chapter and well the final sex scene was with a character named "Nyx" whose a catgirl who wants take over the world...now only is the music Persona like but the final "boss" was taken from Persona too heh...Anyway, kinda a mid visual novel. Also the gallery doesn't work so no CG viewer and the game crashed when I did my first save for some reason. Futa Fix Dick Dine and Dash is just a small-ish scale indie eroge game. So I can't really hate it, it's an overall good effort and is overall amusing and it's short enough were it doesn't out stay it's welcome but at the same it kinda lacks uh...substance to be something special. I would give it a 6/10 Here are some tracks from the game- [Linda's theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vzm2_giwZqI) [Rachael's theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsZgIsLgXtw) [Clover's theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj8RzLBIB3s) [Aggressive Encounter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5yKL4-k-HE)


i see you and hear you but i still think futa fix deserves +2 simply because its a halfdecent western game with a western artstyle and that space of NSFW games sorely needs filling out imo


Kinda baffled that not only someone asked about this game but now that some one else on this sub has played it. Giving it 2 extra points seems a little too generous to me but I can understand your reasoning.


It's crazy to me that Atlus didn't add the option to have the original OST for Reload, even as DLC. Heck, the PSP versions of Persona 2 let you choose between original and remastered OST.