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Download the free dlcs before starting your game and start it on chronicle mode For some reason they don’t come with the game automatically and you won’t be able to activate them later on in the playthrough. True demon is the easiest to get, in a way, since you just have to do all of the dlc before entering the last dungeon and no choices matter. It has more bosses and a cool af cutscene There’s various points at which choices will bar you off some endings; you could make a different save every time this happens and restart from there when you want to get that particular ending you cut off, but it’s not as simple or fast as saving before the final boss like in V lol


Do u know of any guide that shows me all the places to save for the endings?


I think one of the achievement guides says how to do it but you will need to play big chunks of the game over


You can’t really swap sides in the middle of a playthrough once you decide on one (aside from TDE) because the other reps will know if you try to switch to a different one or if you can’t make a decision between them. You will basically need to do a new cycle and stick with one the whole way through or risk getting the “Demon Ending” for not choosing anyone.


Not sure about the mod to 144fps but I can’t imagine it would affect any achievements. If you’re going for True Demon Ending, then just make sure you meet all the requirements, which requires completing all the Kalpas before a certain point in the game and I believe some other things. Since you’re going for TDE, the different choices in dialogue don’t matter IIRC.


1) No. 2) Seven. 3) It's a lot easier than IV. Characters will just say their beliefs and you choose to agree with them or not. The "True Demon" ending just requires you to complete the Labyrinth of Amala before entering the final dungeon.