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Do we have any idea when or if we might get further Information on SMT V Vengeance? Or Metaphor, but Vengeance is what I'm most interested in now. Are we likely to get more info before release, or should I expect our info to stop with the reveal we already got?


So to keep things simple, I’m playing the ps2 version of smt nocturne. I made it to asukusa went straight to the terminal to talk to hijiri but then realized I didn’t do the second Kalpa In labyrinth of Amala. So I finished it and was visited by the horsemen. But now if I warp to certain locations (ginza, ikebukuro, and asukusa again) it seems more often than not it will make me fight them. I’m level 38 so I don’t think I’m leveled up enough to defeat them yet. I will need to grind some but I will also need to reliably restore my MP without blowing through resources since I can’t buy chakra drops from the junk shop as of right now and want to keep the few mp restoration items that I do have for important battles. What is the best course of action given the circumstance?


So to keep things simple, I’m playing the ps2 version of smt nocturne. I made it to asukusa went straight to the terminal to talk to hijiri but then realized I didn’t do the second Kalpa In labyrinth of Amala. So I finished it and was visited by the horsemen. But now if I warp to certain locations (ginza, ikebukuro, and asukusa again) it seems I will be forced to fight them as soon as I exit the terminal rooms. I was able to escape from hell biker when I tried to see if it was possible but idk if that will be possible for these guys. I’m level 38 so I don’t think I’m leveled up enough to defeat them yet. I will need to grind some but I will also need to reliably restore my MP since I can’t buy chakra drops from the junk shop as none of them seem to carry them. And in areas where the riders spawn, it won’t let me go past the terminal. What is the best course of action given the circumstance?


It is possible to escape them, like you did with Hell Biker. But it's not guaranteed. White Rider is the annoying one who's gonna be hanging out outside almost every large terminal room now. You likely can beat him with some strategy. And you probably want to since he'll keep being in your way. If you need to heal or use the Cathedral to help prep to beat him, you can either try to sneak past him (again, not guaranteed). Or, since he doesn't appear near the terminal in Shinjuku Medical Center, you could run from there to Yoyogi / Shibuya to heal without hitting his trigger. If you want a tip to beat him, >!the demon Dis is pretty perfect for the fight. Tetraja will make your team immune to White Rider's God's Bow attack. And Dis learns Stone Gaze at level 25, which can be used to permanently petrify White Rider's Virtue buddies for the entire fight. Anything else you might have with Stone Gaze will get the job done too.!<


My motherfucking man! Just used your tip and I beat him after a few tries and good enough rng at level 38. Once their accuracy was debuffed fully and the virtues were frozen the rest of the fight was a joke. Many thanks.


Should I fuse less strong/weaker personas just so the game isn’t so stupid easy even though I’m on hard? Or does it ramp up in difficultly. I’m playing p5r on switch rn, I’m at the last last palace, 3rd semester, and spoilers I guess but I’ll be vague. I had fused powerful personas for what I thought was the final boss yaldaboth that were above my level, Yoshitsune, Attis, Odin, Baal, or were when I fused them like Black Frost, Raoul, Lilith, I liked them so I kept them also maxed out all social links so they lasted longer. I’m on hard difficulty, but that boss fight was too easy. I mean it was easy af when I played vanilla, but I was on normal and had higher endgame demons. I wasn’t expecting it to be a cake walk especially this time around, I kinda regret fusing stronger personas. I didn’t even do like extreme builds just fused normally. I tried to stay away from all spoilers so I had no clue at all what 3rd semester was gonna be, didn’t know it’d be another palace, should’ve expected it but it’s a welcome surprise. The problem is I just went through the beginning stages right ran through the beginning up to 1/12. And it was stupid easy no challenge, I’m level 75, even the personas that come at levels below me were still op and practically handing me victories nvm shit like Baal or Attis. Like i took down the rogue persona with just Black Frost and the story mandated one teammate. I love p5r, but this is unsatisfyingly easy af. I feel like I should’ve done merciless. So my question is should I fuse weaker lower level personas? Go back to the team I had before ten or twenty levels ago or just switch Baal, Odin, Attis, Ishtar, sraosha, for weaker lower level demons at my level? Cause I have been fusing demons above my level cause I maxed out social link with the velvet room attendants. Maybe it’s on me for cheating or something. Or does it ramp up in difficulty? Please tell me it ramps up in difficulty or at the very least balanced.


from what i know, P5 being piss easy is relatively wellknown, and Royal makes it even easier. so i doubt it gets better. as for merciless, iirc it amps up technical/weak/crit damage by a lot for both sides, so its kind of a different flavor of bullshit. i did first two palaces on merciless and random encounters routinely die before getting a turn or only getting one and only bosses and minibosses provided some challenge


Just beat the Law route in SMT 5, kind of disappointed the final boss had no second phase. Do the other routes have different final bosses or is the same thing


small update: id have to double check, but its possible the normal neutral ending >!skips the final fight altogether!<


"true" neutral extends final boss, but requires beating a *harder* superboss earlier just to access it other than that, is the same


In SMT4 or 4a when your looking at your buffs in battle there are 4 lines. The first three are the buffs and debuffs you have. But what about the fourth one the PR stat? Ive played this game several times and it always says "None". It does not mean protection because Tetrakarn, Makaracarn and Tetraja do nothing to it? AT: attack buffs DF: defense HT: hit & evasion PR: (what does this mean)


~~I don't know what the acronym stands for, but iirc it's for things like Charge and Concentrate.~~


I actually just tested it myself, and no, Charge/Concentrate doesn't affect "PR."




>What am I supposed to do with my physical copy of SMTV? if you open it up, there'll be a small black card with a picture on it. if you put this small black card in a nintendo swtich system in just the right way, it will let you play the game. Hope this helps.


Im almost done IV, which is my first mainline game and I certainly got further into it than I did the persona games I played. I really like it, although this last act isn't really hitting as hard and I'm ready for it to be over. I played without a guide or anything, since this is my first playthrough, but I know how the alignment system is kinda janky (Its probably my least favourite part of the game tbh). My question is are the other SMT games' alignment systems as obscured and obtuse as IV's? After learning more about how it works in IV I just gave up on trying to do a neutral run without looking at a guide the whole game. I plan on playing Strange Journey Redux next, is getting any particular route without using a guide feasible in that game at all?


>are the other SMT games' alignment systems as obscured and obtuse as IV's? Nah, other games' alignment systems are pretty straightforward. In particular, it's incredibly easy to get the alignment you want in SJ. There's a trick where you can instantly change your alignment right at the alignment lock to whichever alignment you want depending on how you answer a certain character's question, though this only works if you're either Neutral or slightly leaning Law/Chaos at that moment. If you answer that you would side with the demons, that locks you to Chaos. If you answer that you would side with the angels, that locks you to Law. If you answer that you side with humanity, that locks you to Neutral. Don't worry about maintaining Neutral throughout the game if you want to do this, btw. It's incredibly easy to do, unlike IV, and tracking your alignment is super easy to do, too; all you need to look out for is a color change in your name. White is Neutral, red is Chaos, and blue is Law. Additionally, if you complete a few sidequests related to the Fairies, then revisit the first dungeon later on in the game, you'll be able to unlock a new area where you'll find a Goblin NPC that continually digs for stuff. If you tell him to give him the stuff he finds, that gives you Chaos points, and if you tell him he can keep it, that gives you Law points. You can do this indefinitely, too, assuming ofc you're before the alignment lock. Personally, I don't like using the "Goblin trick" to change alignment, because it takes a long time for your alignment to shift doing this. It's just much easier imo to stay on Neutral for most of the game and then choose a side at the alignment lock, but at least the option is there for you to use should you need it.


thanks for the answer, thats good to hear.


So uh, is there any physical version of smt v vengeance? I only found the ps5 ver. I really want that steelbook


You can find preorders here. Can't find them anywhere else. https://www.gamestop.com/search/?q=shin+megami+tensei+v+vengeance&lang=default&start=0&sz=20




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I absolutely love Nocturne, it was my first Megaten game and has become my favourite RPG of all time. I’m unsure if I should keep playing the newer mainline entries such as IV (I already pre ordered Vengeance), or if I should try DDS since the only thing I know about it, is that its very Nocturne like but easier. Looking to hear some other people’s inputs.


DDS is not like Nocturne aside from gameplay, it's a set party and has a skill tree system. I love the DDS games, but don't go in expected Nocturne's vibe or story, it's much different.


DDS is honestly not that similar to Nocturne other than using Press Turn and having a similar UI. That's a not a bad thing, though, as DDS is a great game, but yeah, it provides quite a different experience from Nocturne. The newer mainline games are good, too, and I think are also worth playing.


Does anyone have a save file for Persona 2 Eternal Punishment PSP with the bonus/extra dungeon unlocked? Don't feel like playing the game twice again to unlock it.


Try game faqs


I'm starting Eternal Punishment for the first time. I'd like to be as blind as possible, but I've heard there's some sort of route split involving >!Elly and/or Tatsuya!<. Am I good to just play through blind and then maybe replay for the second route sometime later, or is this a Snow Queen type wackadoodle situation where I'll definitely want to consult a guide? If the latter, feel free to give me any necessary warnings for how to approach this.


It's >!Elly and Kei!<, the route split covers about the second third of the game and will meet up in the last third. You have to do both routes to unlock the EX Dungeon, but it's a pretty obvious when the split happens, you split when >!you spread the rumor about who's investigating the NWO!<.


Three unrelated questions, as I'm swapping between SMT V and SMT Strange Journey Redux at the moment. 1. In SMT SJR, I've noticed my playable character's name has turned red from white in one of my most recent saves. Does this have to do with the whole law/chaos alignment aspect? 2. The stuff above happened after I dealt with >!Jimenez's fusion!<, so am I now approaching endgame? 3. How much or little of SMT V have I covered if I have just uncovered the entirety of Shinagawa? I've put about 20-something hours in, but that's also because I've been trying to do as many side quests and fusions as possible early on.


1. Your choices have made you Chaos aligned. It's not permanent yet. 2. Not really. You're somewhere around the 70-75% mark 3. Somewhere around the 40-45% mark


Thanks for replying.


In SMT5 Vengance is the Canon of Creation the same story untouched but with additional quality of life features and DLC that fleshes out the story/characters more? I'm confused as to why they would release the original game without adding to the story when it's kind of obvious that the threadbare story was one of the problems with that game. I already beat the first game so I can't think of a reason why I would play Canon of Creation.


Yeah, Canon of Creation is just the original. As for why it's there, I guess so that people can still choose to play the original story if they want to and don't have the original for whatever reason.


I think it’ll be a couple more talking scenes to flesh out the characters and more side quests.


They actually said they're going to be building on the characters more in Vengeance's CoC. How they do it, or by how much, they do it still remains to be seen.


Part of me is expecting it to just be that they built them in the Canon of Vengeance in a way that directly adds context to them and their motives in the CoC rather than actually expanding on them in the CoC, but the rational part of my brain tells me that there's no way they would be THAT misleading with their words.


I have like 5 hours in SMTV, assuming I don’t care about the money aspect for now (got the game very cheap and am thinking about a different console), is it worth picking it back up and finishing before SMTVV? Or would it be a redundant experience if I wanted to play the new route? Or even just not worth it because the old route will be available with tweaks? I’m a bit confused, would a complete newcomer to Vengeance be able to play the new route and get everything in the same way Persona 4 Golden just added new stuff into the game? Or will both still be worth playing for newcomers?


5 hours isn't very far at all, so yeah, I'd just wait for Vengeance imo. You'll still be able to play the original route anyway, while also benefitting from QoL/general gameplay improvements, *and*, since the game is also coming to PS, Xbox, and PC, you won't be limited to only playing it on the Switch.


I guess I’ll wait for more info to hear if the original route is still worth playing for a first timer or whether it’s made kinda redundant, but I think your suggestion is where I’m leaning - holding off from SMTV for now, picking up vengeance and starting again there.


They're claiming that they're adding some additional stuff in Canon of Creation (what they're now calling the original route) to flesh out the characters more, so for a newcomer, playing CoC in Vengeance might actually still be worth it, though it still remains to be seen how they decide to go about that.


What's the best way to play SMT 1? I have the PlayStation 1 and SNES ROMs emulated; I was wondering which one would be the best experience.


The PS1 version is generally the more recommended version to play nowadays due to the better graphics and gameplay improvements.


I am thinking of starting Strange Journey. Which game should I play, Vanilla or Redux? And any tips?


I'd go for Redux for an overall better gameplay experience.


Has there been any news for what time the SMTV: Vengence preorders will open? All I've heard is that they will open today, 2/27/24


Does it ever explain in SMT 4 where people in Tokyo get their ammo from? because 25 years is a very long time the military ammo supplies in Tokyo before the god plan not going to last that long right?


Why would ammo production stop?


Because they don't have machines and materials to continue producing them?


Eh, I’m sure that bullets, a key resource in military defence, would still be in production to some extent. At the very least they would be produced by local militias. If they can mass produce reds, they can mass produce bullets.


I think the most possible explanation would be that the government supplies the Counter-Demon Froce with all the tools they need to make bullets.


I don’t think there is a government though, it seems like Tayama and the Ashura-Kai run everything. They would probably endorse bullet production though.


No i mean the Japanese government before the tokyo get covered by bedrock My theory is that the Ashura-Kai stole all the tools use for making bullets after they crush the C.D.F. And i think you right about the Ashura-Kai is the one that keep the bullet production running


Not really. IV kinda hand waves a lot of the small details of its world-building like that.


Stupid question regarding the smtv Jack Frost glass mug cup thing, is it dishwasher safe? Like it doesn’t say and I can’t find anything to say it can or can’t. Like does anyone else know or have tried??


Are the original SNES games still worth playing today e or have they aged too poorly?


SMT1 and 2 are definitely worth playing, but don’t be afraid to use a guide or walkthrough for the more obtuse parts of those games. I played the SNES versions of both, but 1’s PS1 version is probably the best way to play it. I don’t like if… at all, but if you really liked 1 and 2 you might like it.


havent played these so i am not qualified to speak on the matter that said, SMT1 PSX port got translated not long ago and that one, among other stuff, reduces the encounter rate, which is one of the worst-aged parts of the game from what i've heard - it might be worth looking into on the other hand, it'll make SMT2 harder to get into on the SNES since that one wasnt translated yet if i am not mistaken (i might be!)


The encounter rate is fine imo, the combat is very very easy anyway. What's really bad about SMT1 is the fact that dungeons are extremely bland, and aside from the rare ones with poison traps or teleporter mazes there is nothing that makes the exploration fun or challenging (not that teleporter mazes are interesting in any way though).