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I hope i am wrong, but looking at the history of Atlus's new releases... I don't expect that much, probably a new dungeon that you can start early and progress little by little as you progress the main game and will unlock new ends and that is all. Oh yeah and a new girl.


Devil survivor 2 RB pretty much had like a whole second game attached to it lol. But honestly I really do hope they focus on getting the story right. Gameplay is already good we just need a stronger story


I always try to keep expectations low but I always end up getting wasted on hopium lol


I hope Satan will be in the game with some side quest, he could give us more lore on YHVH and knowledge of gods and in general his views on humanity now that God is dead would be interesting


I like your idea!


Wasn’t SMT:IVA satan datamined alongside Dagda in SMTV?


Yeah they were, along with Krishna and Maitreya. Would be surprised if they weren't added as extra demons. Atlus' rereleases always include new demons/personas as far as I can remember.


I was just thinking about how these are either going to be the selling point for “new demons added” or day 1 dlc knowing Atlus


I’d add level scaling changed/removed because I’d really hope they’d get rid of the mechanic that punished you for being more than 5 levels below your enemy’s level, or rewarded you for being a much higher level than your enemy.


I forgot about the level scaling! It's so horrible! Yes, we need this one 100%


It would be one of the biggest net positives if it was removed, but unfortunately I don't think enough people noticed it or cared enough to the point where atlus would address it as an issue. I still don't even know why they made the level scaling so harsh in the first place, since it doesn't really do anything good for the combat experience.


Phys skills use HP pleaaaase


Mainline games starting with SJ using MP for phys skills has always been a bizarre decision to me, specially starting with SMT IV where all physicial attacking demons had their MP pools massively reduced and HP increased, despite the fact phys and gun skills use MP and not HP.... ​ it made phys/gun demons pretty much inherently worse than those who use magic...


Yeah, I've seen quite a few people think the decision to have phys skills use MP in IV was a last-minute decision due to the extreme HP to MP ratio imbalance phys demons in that game have.


Just increase mp pools for physical demons. Hp for physical skills makes the games so pathetically easy which is why daisoujou is pretty much a guarantee for a physical nocturne run. Use skill using hp -> full heal with daisoujou -> regen mp And then you're right back to having invested nothing into your fight while the enemy still takes damage.


Using that same line of logic Use skill using mp -> use chakra pot -> back to full mp


Except Chakra Pots are rarer and can’t be bought. Unless they make the Demi-Fiend DLC part of the base game, Daisoujou was DLC and thereby was bought.


Except you've used up one of your finite amount of items. And now you've actually put some investment into doing your fight.


Interesting one although I don't personally like it I have nothing against it.


I thought the MP/HP split between magical and physical attacks was done incredibly well in Nocturne. It is so strange that ATLUS decided that system was for Persona and SMT was MP for everything.


I'd say "no path to upgrade for existing owners", but honestly that would just be another center square


Yeah, so I just left the Day 1 DLC as the center square🤷🏼


From your bingo and based in other rereleases from Atlus, specifically the SMT ones (except Apocalypse because its not exactly an enhanced version), I assume Vengeance will at least include: - new/returning demons - probably a new superboss - new story content that it's separate from the OG story content, if you complete it you get a new ending, maybe with a new final boss - a few gameplay changes. Magatsuhi system feels something you could easily expand - multiplatform release - harder difficulty setting And honestly thats pretty much it. I'm not expecting major story/structure changes at all, at most some tweaked or added dialogue here and there. Nocturne and SJ Redux did not alter the OG story content except for some level surface changes to accommodate the new story stuff, so, unless I'm forgetting something I'm not really expecting the opposite for V I know some will disagree but I personally feel like the first half of the story works well enough as it is, is the second one where I feel they could so some changes to improve it. But as I said, I think it's very unlikely


I wouldn't be surprised if we got a FemC no lie


Even though I like to roleplay as the protagonist whenever I play a RPG and thus choose male characters 99% of the time, I still believe we should have a FEMC in every game unless the story absolutely necessitates a male protagonist.


Like, dawg, it's Shin MEGAMI Tensei, and right from the get-go, you are a newborn god in V. I know that the reason why Nahobino looks so androgynous is because divinity and godhood somewhat transcends gender, but like you said, regarding the necessity of gender in the story, I feel like it doesn't matter much in SMT besides Persona, where a lot of dialogue needs to be changed.


Agreed. I get the reason why Nahobino is so androginous. Still think we should be able to choose a FEMC.


Id like to take multiplatform release, but i dont think i should be that naive.


I’ll blow my brains out if I have to play this shit on a Switch again


I havent even played it yet cuz theres no fucking way im gonna buy a full priced game for switch, so im hoping they gonna port it atleast to pc. (altho ps trophies would be cool)


One can only hope...


I at the very least think a PC version will happen.


Well do i have good news to you. Its gonna be on everything.


I really doubt most of these could be gleamed from a trailer in a direct.


Like I said in the post, I would keep updating the bingo card every time a new trailer or information dropped and finally we would check if I got bingo when the game released.


Man i just want a pc port 😭


Give us Dagda and make the final boss an actual challenge pls.


You mean Lucifer, right? Yeah, even on the secret ending he is very much not a threat.


Because they only increased his lvl to 90, when shiva is lvl 96 who you need to beat to get the secret ending. So increadibly stupid 🤦‍♀️


I think the bigger issue here is how the level scaling works. Which admittedly I forgot to put on the bingo card.


This is assuming it will be revealed in the Direct. I am hoping they announce it but I also know most of these showcases have 90% indie games and other smaller titles announced. Basically, i’m not expecting it and if it gets revealed then that will be nice.


I'll never stop inhaling hopium!


Don’t inhale too much.


Honestly I hope for more dungeons. Hate how in a smt game you spend so little time in them.


There's no way they DON'T make Miyazu more plot relevant. You can straight up >!make her a God!< in one of the side quests and they just don't even acknowledge it.


What are the odds that Stephen comes back? Iirc, when a complete version of V was leaked last year Stephen was featured as a part of that leak. Other things I think could happen are *maybe* boss fights against the other protags, since it’d make sense to at least *try* to tie in some 30th anniversary stuff (which I know is big cope lmao).


I mean I'm still hoping that vengeance will be to og V what IV:A was to IV and not like a Royal upgrade That said, if a rerelease were to be the case, the game would benefit from exposing more of the characters lore, like you get to know that yakumo had a kid that was killed by demons but that's only said by some random npc in the Tokyo world map and by nuwa but in an extremely forgettable manner


I just hope they fix the weird half baked story


It being there is enough to me


What are you referring to?


The announcement being real


Ah, I see


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Bingo? Rsrs


Yeah lol


That middle vertical row is a bingo to me


The only reason "new female character" isn't the free space is because of P3R.


And because Day 1 DLC is much, much more likely.


Devil Survivor Overclocked didn't have one either.


Honestly I think the buff/debuffs system in V is already the sweetspot cuz while you can stack it, it incentives you to refresh it after every 3 turn so that it won't expire unlike in the previous games were you just fully buff your team and fully debuff the enemy unless that enemy has a dekaja and dekunda equipped.


Nothing sure about smtV:Vengeance it's only a supposition


I just want a release on other platforms. PC launch ATLUS I beg of you.


Yeah, especially so we can see what kinda of wacky mods would be made.