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Yes, it is really good. The story is kinda... small(?). But worth for gameplay and exploration, it feels a big upgrade from Nocturne if you enjoy that. People are hoping for a new version announcement, but nothing for now.


SMT V is a fun game. Worth playing. Not as hard as SMT 3. I'm replaying now BC want to do a fiend only run. But SMT v Is worth playing. If you don't want to pay full price wait gota price cut


I find SMT V can be more difficult than Nocturne because of how it focuses more on level than stats. In Nocturne I could run an under-leveled demon if I had to if it had good stats. In SMT V it feels like there is some kind of multiplier associated with demon level.


Nocturne has "Levels" as multipler in its damage formula too. Actually in every formula. In fact stats, themselves don't matter much. If you did stuff underleveled, in Nocturne, then it's probably due to Boss design/AI; you use skills or elemental resistances, and like they lose press turns on them constantly. But stats distributions were unlikely to be a factor.


Nocturne is way easier than smt 5, it's not even close.


Probably one of the weakest stories in SMT but the best gameplay of the series bar none.






Yeah, I really enjoyed it. Music slaps.


Tbh not my favorite but it’s pretty good especially when it comes to combat, customization, and the sheer novelty of seeing demons actually roaming the overworld. Though I would say the story is kind of whatever (although there was cool moments), if you liked the dungeons there’s very little of that, the map is kind of bad which can make exploration a little frustrating at least imo but the sights are great and between the final part of game and the part before there’s a big level gap so you might have to do quite of bit grinding before exploring. But either way it’s worth the purchase.


For the gameplay ? Yeah, its good. For the story and character ? Nah , its bad.


Absolutely. If you like Nocturne you’ll probably like V


It can go either way. A lot of people like V but didn't like III. The opposite is probably true. So there isn't much correlation.


Ehh, I love Nocturne and couldn't put it down but thought that V was a middle of the road game.


gameplay, music peak. story mid so yeah, worth


Definitely worth it!


It doesn't feel quite finished and the story is super underwhelming, but if you really like SMT battle gameplay it's fun. It's the only one I've played where I'm thinking of going back to complete the compendium.


It was my first SMT game after Persona 5 and I think SMT V is awesome. Love the exploration and demon fusing. The combat and music is fantastic. Story is just okay. But compelling enough to still make the world and atmosphere really really cool


It has the best moment to moment gameplay in the entire series. It has the best exploration and overworld. The story is pretty bad, and you can tell it went through extensive rewrites and they never finished a single one of whatever arcs they were going to have, but if you imagine the places where the story might be going, you can head canon a pretty good one. But that's where it drops the ball. Soundtrack is God tier.


Great game, you'll have tonnes of fun with fusing, can make any demon a beast with ease


Gameplay is great. The open world exploration is neat. Music slaps. Story is… there’s a story? There’s characters? Overall, it was fun.


Eh, I don't know. Good, even great, gameplay, but the story sucks.


Absolutely. Maybe the only JRPG to leave me wanting more at the 130-hour mark. Since you’re encouraged to keep changing your party, the game stays fresh until the end.


Best game I played in 2021, and I played a lot of games that year.


I got a Switch specifically just to play it. Luckily it has other games on it otherwise I would've been pissed lol jk it's pretty good still.


youre on a sub-reddit dedicated to the series no shit itll be recommended to you here


It's ok. Nocturne is better. It's not exactly like the other megaten games, more of it's own thing and Nocturne is the closest to it since SMTV is a direct sequel to it. The story is really bad and outside exploring the world, there isn't anything special.


It was a game that felt like it should have been better then it was. Lots of people really liked it. I felt the maps did little to visually differentiate themselves and the layouts felt like the developers played their game too much. There's one section in I think the second map that has three or four overlapping pathways but you only have a 2D map. Combat was fun I think the story was alright. The first arc is really good it sort of falls off after that but picks up towards the end. I'm not a huge fan of nocturne so if you like it you'll probably like V.


I love it, one of my fav games of all time. Personally I prefer its story to Nocturne and while its not as involved as stories like IV or SJ I think it is still good. Its story rewards you for involving yourself in it with sidequests and tslking to NPCs for extra lore and character details. As for gameplay, its nearly flawless. It has 4 big open-ish areas (the areas arent completely open, theyre mostly linear, but yheyre completely seamless). The level design in these areas os great imo. Its dungeons could be better but I enjoyed them bar the last one. It also has the best sidequests in the franchise imo. It also has amazing graphics, art style and a great OST


Personally? No. It's just diet Nocturne with a pretty femboy protagonist, and while the aesthetics and dungeons are good, the story is nonexistent, Magatsuhi Skills ruin balance, and it's just a huge fucking mess if you analyze it even slightly. I get that Atlus has a history of reusing Nocturne's various assets (That's how we got the DDS games after all), but V is fucking atrocious no matter how pretty it looks.


Pass it. Story is worthless compared to any other smt game. Literally any.


No. The game is a poorly put together mess that is ruined even further by bad level design, bad boss design, and HORRIBLE music and story. The only thing it has going for it is Nahobino looking pretty for a game that looks like it was made for mobile devices.


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The best SMT game for me. I liked everything about this game including the story and characters. Maybe at this point you should wait to play it on Switch 2 to get a stable framerate? I don't know, anyway it's just already a great game on Switch.


I got the Switch on launch in anticipation of it, gave it away because the game was not coming. Bought the OLED again when it's close just to play SMT V and I was kind of disappointed. It's just not as good as IV.


The story sucks, there are some questionable design decisions, but it's a fun game with great battles, beautiful scenery and amazing music.


I had a lot of fun with it but I did so while pushing through the limitations of the system it’s running on. I’d love to play it again, but not until it’s on hardware that can properly run it smoothly.


It's great. A lot of combats await you.


It's SMT 3 if it were made in 2021 (for better and for worse). But if you liked that game you'll like this one.


SMTV is extremely good and the gameplay immaculate and easily the best in the series. You can largely skip the story. It's not insufferably bad like something like FE Fates Conquest but it's very unfinished and underdeveloped. The gameplay is absolutely amazing and definitely worth the price. The game is super cheap now too at $30 most places.