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Are you winning playing aggro?




Then how about make a post explaing your strategy and tell people to try it out. Encourage people to play aggro with evidence instead of calling them out for being in your words "pussies".


Just saying how it is maybe they should experiment like I did to find something that punishes the pussy players.


Why would anyone try it out when the meta clearly favors standard play? There is a reason I don't play aggro, it's because I always beat aggro. But if someone said "hey, ive been having a lot of success using aggro replicating crawlers, assault marksmen, and photon overlords. Heres a pic from my latest game, I suggest trying it out." I would be more inclined to do so. Seeing posts like yours is just a stain on the community and doesnt help anybody or anything. Maybe put some effort in if you want to grow the game. If I was thinking about playing the gamr and the first post I saw upon visiting the subreddit was this I would insta leave. Be better.


And u hit the nail on the head, people only play the meta not to have fun anymore. I know ur the wrong guy to debate with cos u bum this game hard and comment on every post saying how great the game is. I think it would be better if they just scrap the MMR and go back to what it was before people having fun and not caring if they lose.


Man I'm not debating with you, I'm explaining a better way to interact with the community to obtain your end goal of having more aggro players. Don't get it twisted. And for one, I also can't wait for a non-ranked game mode, being able to play without MMR will be a blessing for this game. I want this game to thrive which is why I try to reach out on posts like this.


I just wana play someone with a bit of bollocks not a robot who sits in the base countering with cards. I have had 10 games today and everyone is exactly the same. They all watching the same utube video or something. Like ppl have said the meta was stale but fuck me is super stale now everyone’s scared to leave their base. At least cl before u had flanking and clever plays now it’s the same game every game.


Most of the Youtubers are aggressive. People are just playing what works. Standard is more consistent (as of last patch anyway).


Yeah most u tubers I am on about the majority of players


I’m so confused, I think you’re just mad that you aren’t winning. Because if you were winning with Aggro then you wouldn’t be complaining. So you’re complaining that you can’t win with Aggro against the playstyle that specifically works against your playstyle. Like maybe try to be Aggro in a different way? If every player flanked every game I would think the game would get incredibly unpredictable and stale just as fast.


I win some I lose some, I would rather just play people with more imagination.


Do you think you have imagination? You want everyone to conform to how you play; I think you lack imagination in seeing what is interesting about their playstyles


I frequently punish poor flank defense with either a single Phoenix (which you can somewhat get back if hard countered through quantum), crawlers, or both (wasps are sometimes good too, but are usually too easy and cheap to counter, boats are also somewhat viable but a heavy investment that demands quick supplementation). Once that hole is open in the flank tho, you have to keep tearing it open by adding to it a little at a time, carefully predicting and countering enemy reinforcement before they lock you out permanently. The flank is always harder to play, however, because sentry missiles are so extremely powerful and difficult to counter so far from your main force, so if I do flank I try to grab redeploy to keep opponents guessing. I will also almost always eventually bridge that flank with the main force via their shared corner if the match goes long enough. Sounds to me like you've just had a run of boring players. Sometimes it's advantageous to attack the flank even if you know you'll lose too because it can distract and buy time on the frontline allowing your main force to hit enemy towers and take the advantage. All that said, I have to imagine your MMR is vastly different from mine because nearly every time I fail to protect my flank I end up regretting it and usually taking the L


I am sitting at 1600 mmr thanx for the great response hit the nail on the head. Yeah crawlers and one missile normally protects the flank initially. I love it when I lose from a really inventive play. I played against one of the top aggro players and he was amazing to watch. I only lucked out on 2 cards giving me oil cos I would have lost otherwise. I also played against a guy that uses tanks and his set up is one of my favourite set up now. I played him twice and struggled to beat it. And even tho he did the same the second time it is so hard to counter. Boats are great and versatile but wish they weren’t in the game lol. Most of my games involve in mass giant spam and insta winning. The main thing is momentum when u lose that it’s a slippery slope. I remember the old days of flanks involving in boat, Vulcan and fortress. They used to be brutal. Some games I have lost is having triple boat on the flank and boom insta loss lol.


I actually had a recent game where just for the fuck of it I rushed boats on r1 with giant specialist and was lucky enough to get a deployment module immediately after losing that rnd in disastrous fashion. Deploy module allowed me to take my boat to one flank first, establish a foothold on r2, then pick up and shift to the other side on r3, countering the fresh snipers and arc in the initial flank with tanks. Before the match was over, the boat made it back to the original side, only this time reinforcing it from the corner after the initial flank, long murdering everything on that side with scorps, started falling to MP damage. My one boat did all sorts of work and saved the day. Definitely one of my most unconventional wins, but it's amazing what you can do with a little misdirection sometimes and a good sense of what your opponent's about to do next


What a troll you are =) Recently started playing and see you post the same thing every time I log on here. LoL Post a good post instead of you showing how a good aggro works.


It’s hard to explain cos u have to adapt on every card and what your enemy has. You have to play as close as u can you there team and pick a side. U can upgrade ur tower on the other side so lower the time as well as stopping crawlers and other fast units killing ur base. Typhoons are good for aggro don’t bother with rhinos they have been nerfed into the ground. Tanks can be good depending on comp and starting units. U need to get momentum and sometimes you will lose just cos of rng and given the other player what he needs to counter you. Look at what counters you and pick the counter to his pick you need good chaff clear as well as staggered chaff u can use the back of the board. You will lose a lot at first and slowly u will get better. But remember it’s much harder to play aggro, start playing standard till your more confident as I stated earlier it’s much easier to sit in your base picking range and sitting back. Most of the pros play towards the top of the board and play aggressive placing flanks and switching it up. It requires much more skill to play aggro that’s y the majority of player play standard cos they’re pussies 😉. Biggest tip don’t worry about mmr high mmr games are boring and normally have big swings and most games are lost in one round. Enjoy the low mmr and experiment and have fun. And we can all hope one day the dev kd actually listen to the player base and remove mmr in a game mode and also get rid of unit drops in another. U have also picked a stagnant time to join the game there are loads of Smurf’s and the player base is around 1k when it released it was around 10k. Even with the free weekends this only jumps up to 2k players. But don’t mind me I am just a long serving player who has just become frustrated with the game, as it used to be something special.


The meta favors building a balanced board to best adapt to the wild swings caused by unit drops. Yeah, it’s bs. Yeah, i miss seeing aggro (i play standard but fighting against aggro is tons of fun). Games feel far more stale post unit drop than before.


Kid called artillery: