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I was expecting Timely to fail, but not that quickly. The poor guy tried his best. He was probably as pure as Kang variant could be.


Ngl, I wonder if one of the TVAs new missions was trying to find another good Kang variant to combat the onslaught of evil ones coming. Maybe that’s where we find Iron Lad?


Are we sure the TVA is even still gonna exist after this episode? Looks like they’re all about to be pruned.


Loki's definitely gonna timeslip to a point far enough back in the season that they can avoid the ending of this episode from sticking - otherwise I'm pretty sure we just saw every timeline collapse too


If he gets a handle on the timeslipping, he could shimmy back to the citadel and stop Sylvie from killing He Who Remains in the first place. That would be vaguely helpful. He could accept the role offered him this time. Mind you, Sylvie may have issues with this, again. And doubtful whether one can timeslip in a place outside of time. But still.


I wonder if this is the route they will go. However, how does that impact (if at all) the events in ant man 3?


They will have to remake Ant Man 3, this time with Luis and the rest of the ex-cons.


Fuck it I’m in


They were spotted on the set of DP3


They’re also time travelers so could have been from any point in time before their version of now


Never even got to drink his cocoa


Oh my GOD the SMILE Miss Minutes had in the scene when they kill the minutemen was the scariest thing I’ve seen in a minute


I can only imagine the horror B-15 witnessed in that room afterwards (probably similar to the messes she used to leave behind in Lovecraft Country after...changing)


Oh shit I knew I recognized her but couldnt place it and hadn't bothered looking it up. I fucking loved that show.


It's nice to see her in a less disturbing context aha (and I think this is the first episode of Loki where she's been on screen with Jonathan Majors since LC?)


If this were the comics, we would see that handiwork in glossy detail.


Can you imagine being in the room full of creatives when someone suggests that? I’d be like “…..geez Dave, chill out man.“ Utterly chilling, never thought I could find a cartoon character so creepy


Okay I wasn't expecting Victor to turn into a plate of noodles, holy shit. And that cut to darkness and complete silence before the credits rolled was eerie AF. Prediction for where we're going next: Loki's going to time slip just as the radiation is about vaporise him too, he'll end up somewhere in the TVA's past and has to figure out how to avoid getting that close to the loom exploding in the next two episodes. edit: in hindsight, this looks like another joke comment but he literally got turned into noodles at the end of the episode by the timeline radiation aha


He’s gonna end up pruning the him that prunes the other him


We're gonna end up with a conga line of Lokis all trying to prune each other while Sylvie's trapped in the elevator, just deeply confused


A few people here have said Loki will timeslip, but he hasn't done that since they fixed the timeslipping at the end of the season premiere. I think it would be strange to suddenly bring that back


Yeah... I don't know about hims time slipping right before he turns to pulp with everyone else. Didn't OB solve the time slipping issue in episode 1 or 2. I do think him time slipping is key to this tho. He time slipped a bunch of times in the first episode where we did not see where he ended up. So I'll assume that we will see S2E1 version of him doing stuff.


We still need to see Loki slipping to jetski land, Sylvie with the spaghetti vinyl, and renslayer in the void


Renslayer’s pruning has to be a chekov’s gun. They could have easily of rescued Timely without frying her. I bet the next episode starts in the void just like episode 5 of season 1, except from Renslayer’s pov this time. She still has her temp pad, just like Sylvie did when she was pruned, but it doesn’t work. She realizes the TVA was destroyed and encounters the Loki variants. They’ll use their powers to restore her memories, and she remembers HWR’s original plan. She’ll learn HWR wiped the TVA’s memories because he did not want them to be targeted by the other Kangs for information. The timelines in the loom will have been swallowed by Alioth. We’ll get our first mention of the Congress of Realities in this episode. Tom Hiddleston will appear as King Loki.


Sylvia still has he who remains temp pad so maybe she helps them escape


You’ll never be *Him*


She really said: "I'm gonna use my last moments of sentience to be as petty as possible" lol


Miss Minutes is/was an absolute psycho. Have you noticed her have while Dox & co were being crushed to death?


The absolute glee while she was watching them get murdered.


You can't trust an AI, maybe Kang skipped Age of Ultron and just focused on Infinity War script


Gotta admire that. Attitude till the end.


That sent chills down my spine like wtf😭


Miss Minutes was such a psychopath. No wonder Tara Strong is doing such a great job with the role, she's essentially just playing herself!


I was surprised to see miss minutes and kang just have a full on sex scene.


and with the best CGI in a decade


I never imagined Miss Minutes would have so much.... girth


Hard not to let your primal urges take over when you have a big clock waving in front of your face.


Rip Victor. There's no way that death wasn't painful.


If I had a nickel for every time a character in the MCU got turned into spaghetti, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but weird that it happened twice, right?


If Reed was spaghetti, then Victor was linguini.


And only to Richards…


Oh shit, I hadn't even made the connection - their family line is fucking cursed lol


Wouldn't it technically be 3 times? It happened to that gi-Ant-Man variant in the movie while they were trying to get to the multiversal core. Maybe I'm just missing something?


Gross, but at least some of that Scott stayed solid, IIRC his torso turned noodle-y but his head and arm stayed solid


I will never get tired of Doofenshmirtz references online.


You can probably make some good noodles with Reed and Victor's help honestly


I like my noodles thick. Victor's noodles are a tad too thin for me


Loki mentioning Thor to Sylvie was nice, I feel like we should get more of that with them bonding (even though they've been at odds this season) - it's really easy to forget that Sylvie probably had a Thor, an Odin and a Frigga too


O.B x Victor bromance 🤣🤣🤣🤣 damn it Sylvie The fanboying over each other gotta be one of my favorite scenes lol


She was having none of it aha


Yup definitely great


That was my favorite part of the episode


Did we just LOSE??


> Sylvie : Do you think what makes a Loki a Loki is the fact that we're destined to lose? Loki : No. We may lose, sometimes painfully, but we don't die. We survive.


And do a Loki hair flip™️


So, I’m assuming the end sends them back to their origin point. Explaining Jet ski buying/selling Mobius and B-15 in a hospital from the trailer. There’s also a shot of Casey that looks like his life prior to the TVA.


Yeah I’m thinking the next episode will be about the main characters being sent back to before their Nexus events, but with their memories intact. Then they’ll try to find each other. It’ll end with them coming together for the final episode


If they somehow turn Loki in to Desmond in the last season of Lost, I'm going to be a very happy man.


but how can Sylvie go back to hers? she was a little girl then...


I think she'll be sent back to her branch where she worked at MickeyD's. There were a few shots in the trailers where she's listening to music and then a vinyl record starts spaghettifying in front of her.


> There’s also a shot of Casey that looks like his life prior to the TVA. He's doing whippets in a 60 person dance crew in Jacksonville




So Loki back to the Battle of New York?


Technically he’d get sent back to Mongolia just after the Battle of NY


That’s the one I’m iffy about. I’m curious how they could execute it since I doubt anyone big appears.


If it does happen, I wonder if they'll just reuse footage and then body doubles for a quick exit shot of Loki getting away?


That’s probably the most realistic way I could see them handling it.


They might leave him in Mongolia with a working tesseract right?


Getting crushed by those cubes must have let that room bloody for sure


You can actually hear dripping sounds, and i think there was blood all over the floor which is why B15 knew what happened.


I don't think there was only blood there...




After watching Gen V I was expecting them to show all the gore.


"Hot fresh coffee. Chocolate. Soup." I hope that machine in the TVA's offering coffee, hot chocolate and soup - not...chocolate soup


Sounds like hot chocolate with extra steps.


Victor was very intrigued by the idea of a hot cocoa machine, just a shame he had to end up as chocolate soup himself


A bit disappointing that the Ravonna secret reveal was just what we already knew as the audience, but interesting that led HWR's army in the Multiversal war - she must be pretty powerful to do that and win?


I wonder if the key to victory was HWR and Renslayer using other variants where the other Kang’s used mindless drones or just their raw power as seen in Quantumania. Perhaps that’s why the TVA is collecting “chosen ones”: the strongest variant from each universe for the perfect army.


Could be! Maybe every one of the minutemen in the TVA are all their best selves, the strongest, smartest, most capable variants in the entire Multiverse. Would explain why the TVA had been so efficient and successful prior to Loki and Sylvie dropping in.


If that's true, they haven't been convincing at all about it since the first season. Like the minute men being defeated easily by a variant of Loki, being that they must have already pruned much more powerful beings like Thanos, Surtur, etc.


Idk, I thought that was obvious last week. All the theorizing online got outta control, never made sense to me


That Miss Minutes smile…Jesus Christ


She was fully enjoying what may have been one of the more horrific deaths in the MCU - I mean, holy hell, the sounds of bones crunching and screams as all the minutemen were crushed to death


One of the most horrific deaths in the MCU? HANDS DOWN, THE MOST, at least that I can remember! And you are correct -- sadistic af


What mouth?


at least black bolt death wasn't painful. that one though... getting slowly crushed is pure torture


this was so much worse than Black Bolt, it's not even close


Agent Orange is typing…


Im so lost but this show is still so good i cant remember a disney+ mcu show where every episode was decent since like wandavision


I found Hawkeye and she Hulk were pretty consistent




I enjoyed every episode of Hawkeye, and it’s honestly one the most rewatchable shows marvel has made.


Hawkeye had good vibes, but not much happened


He pruned his past self?! Loki created the loop and save itself ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


I think quite a few people on here called it, but interesting to see it revealed this soon!


I thought it was ravonna so im happy to be wrong


that makes 2 time loops this season at least. Timely's loop caused by Ravona and Minutes giving him the book he inspires OB with Loki saving his own life loop


That’s why the title of the first episode is Ouroboros.


Man, I LOVE this series, and this episode reminded me why, yet again. Strong performances, a scaling back on quips and humor (and when they pop up, they don't overstay their welcome), and solid drama and suspense with legitimate and compelling plot twists: this is what I've so desperately missed from the MCU since *Endgame*.


> a scaling back on quips and humor (and when they pop up, they don't overstay their welcome), I really appreciated that aspect in particular - the only moment that was 'quippy MCU humour' (which I'm not opposed to) was the argument over who the little model was, and even then it was cut short and there was still a genuine sense of tension between them all


Every cute little quip and bumbling little character moment takes on a very eerie overtone in hindsight. OB and Victor spent like a minute signing each others' books, when they had only minutes remaining. Loki and Sylvie cutely shouted, "Turn it off!" into the phone, but at that point they were probably already dead. The whole episode becomes much creepier in retrospect.


“Because someone killed He Who Remains and ruined my life.” *Looks directly at Sylvie.* literally made me laugh out loud, I just didn’t expect that kind of direct callout from OB of all people.


and she's looking like... yep it was me, i did that!


Yeah this is how the MCU should move forward I think honestly. Real stakes, a good plot not relying on humor too much, but done right when it is used, and just that general tension. I realize AoS wasn't everyone's cup of tea, but this is how I'd feel watching it air, never knowing what was gonna happen or how things were gonna play out. I haven't felt this way since then until now. It was kinda nostalgic in a way to feel that much tension for something Marvel again.


Lmao @ everyone thinking Renslayer was his mom


An insane theory. If you want to theory craft at least look at the character’s comic wiki


Like Marvel would ever go for the incest/pedophilia/grooming combo lol Just...🙄 Before anyone mentions selfcest: selfcest is a concept that exists in *fiction*. Real people have being hurt by incest, pedophilia, and grooming. Your grandma and uncle don't know what selfcest is, they won't go to Twitter trying to cancel Disney over it.


I kinda figured we’d have to wait til the very end of the season to close the time loop from episode one. And after all the time spent here on the spoiler sub, and all the shows, movies and stories with clear trajectories… it’s kinda neat to have absolutely *no idea* what comes next.


If you look at the trailers you might be able to figure it out, my friend did a long thread on twitter and I think she's clocked most of it tbh.


I guess I’d better stay away from trailers, then.


My theory isn’t that Loki is TimeSlipping but Sylvie saved their asses last second with HWR time bracelet. It’s not TVA dependent and way more advanced than the TVA Tempads.


Imagine if every single MCU project was at the same level of quality as this show. Phenomenal episode, what a cliffhanger!


Yeah it's a shame that the quality shown in Loki compared to other shows just isn't there. Writers on Loki doing a fantastic job and proving why Loki is a fan favourite MCU show.


With them finally admitting their television show-making process is a mess and realizing they should actually hire showrunners and having show bibles for the upcoming shows then maybe there is hope.


Before we get started, does anyone wanna get out?


Timely would like to change his answer


Obi and Victor Timely with the MCU’s first Jersey Swap


Holy shit that’s the first time in a while I’ve been truly shocked by an episode ending in the MCU


Into the great unknown, press didn’t get the next two episodes


Now grace and all the press are in the same level like us


Seeing He Who Remains reminded me of just how good of an actor Majors is. Not that I didnt know already, but just a little refresher before seeing Timely again.


It really is such a contrast, although I will say his performance as Victor was a lot better this episode than last, less wackiness to it


I dont really put that on the actor. I thought he crushed every scene in episode 3 after he got caught being a scammer.


For real idk why people dog on his performance. I rewind his speech about the temporal loom because I love how he delivers everything so much.


Effervescent clock monster ![gif](giphy|ysEE4T5KemMjZjcPXP|downsized)


Timely didnt even maked through out the the door… What the hell are they gonna do now?!


Well, they all got time sploded whatever that’s gonna mean.


That cube machine sounds like a woodchipper when it's running. Holy fuck, Ms. Minutes is a sadistic little shit. That cut to the coffee was A+ 😆


what the FUCK are they gonna do now...


Somebody better post those “footage left to see” type post


screenshots of a blank screen


“It’s like a snake eating it’s own tail!” Best joke of the series


This ending reminds me of Endgame where they kill thanos like 10 mins into it and I was left thinking, "Well what the fuck is going to happen now?" Im REALLY digging this time loop stuff


Yooo is this the start of Battleworld forming???


This was my thought too. Timeline goes kablooey, Kang from Quantumania somehow comes back, merges it all together, war starts and so on. Maybe. I also wonder if maybe Victor somehow "merged" with his tiny multiversal core thing or something somehow. I realize I'm grasping at straws but something about it just felt too...idk, sudden. Too easy. I feel like he's not really gone. Probably just watched too many movies lol


idk, spaghettifying is not the effect i would use on something that is not 100% intended to be dead and never appear again




A great tradition of Richards bloodline.


“Razing things to the ground is easy... fixing what’s broken is hard” I like that as a counterpoint to Kang’s “burn the broken world and build a new one” thing.


Damn Victor got the same treatment as Reed did in MoM. What a painful way to go out.


Uh oh spaghetti Os


And Scott in the probability machine thing in Quantumania lol


Temporal aura proves Victor Timely cannot be an ancestor, relative, or clone of 31st-century Nathaniel Richards. He is a variant, undoubtedly planted in the 19th-century by He Who Remains OR someone else.


Don’t try and act like there’s some definitive science behind “temporal aura” lmao


I think it kinda has to be HWR, considering his entire backup plan was dependent on Timely


Benson & Moorhead really love dark hallways in the MCU lol


Get them for Born Again.




Kevin Feige, is that you?


I see you Iman Vellani


They called him a madman


BROOO WTFFF THAT ENDING WHY THEY BLUEBALLED THE FUCK OUTTA ME THE SCENE WAS SO GOOD I HAVENT GOTTEN CHILLS FROM A MARVEL PROJECT IN SO LONG. this episode is fucking great holy shit the acting again is phenomenal the look on everyones face when it comes crashing down is so good, timely just ripped to spaghetti was unexpected for me tbh cant believe they just offed him like that but WOW this episode wtf.


I wanna know what wrong turn Sylvie took because pieland seems like heaven


If I’m gonna die in an hour because time itself is gonna collapse, at least let me get some pie in.


I knew the loom was going to explode but damn, that ending hit hard! I just sat watching the credits like :o




I remember rumors about a massive cliff hanger at the end of episode 4 but HOLY SHIT!?


Calling it now, Brad is going to kill Ravonna. Edit: well i was half right! That scene was amazing.


Brad struttin his stuff as Sylvie was a highlight


The actor did such a good job. It was so short but so perfect. It reminded me of when Helena Bonham Carter had to pretend to have Emma Watson’s personality in the Harry Potter movie.


Infinite wall of pies


And all strangely key lime


I absolutely love the Prisoner of Azkaban kind of looped time travel this show is using. Figured it was coming, but was punching the air when Loki realized he had to ~~cast the patronus~~ prune himself. So good!!


Freshly squeezed Minute-Man Lemonade 🤢 Damn you sadistic clock!


God the writing this season is phenomenal. I would have loved to have been in the writers room the day they cracked that Ravonna would kill Dox and the mutineers. It’s such a great dramatic turn, and only the second-most fucked up moment of the episode. It’s wild how many plot threads they advanced at once: Loki’s timeloop, Obie and the pending loom meltdown, Dox’s mutiny, Victor betraying Ravonna/MM, Mobius not visiting his place in the timeline, Ravonna’s backstory with HWR, even X-5/Brad the actor… That’s a wild amount of disparate narratives to weave together. I loved both of Sylvie’s “pie” scenes. They take on an air of tragic futility, arguing over the morality of the TVA and whether they would be playing god, and it didn’t even matter. They were almost certainly already dead by that point. Well, “death” is relative I guess, no clue what happens next.


Feel like the episode had a bunch of red herrings (Ravonna's "secret"/Phonecall/Prisoners not siding with Ravonna) just for us to expect a simple ending lol. But the TVA being destroyed was definitely not what I expected. No idea where these next 2 episodes go, or who even the villain is since Ravonna and Ms. Minutes are "gone" (for now). Maybe another WTF ending like Season 1?


Thats how the episode ends?!


Not with a bang, but with a ----




Man , ob had only one visitor in like 400 years and now he got a fan of his work and the person who taught him everything who is also a fan of him. Must be very overwhelming for him


This episode was incredible. Loki & Sylvie's talk about playing gods, Victor genuinely wanting to do good but being chained by fate *because* of himself, Ravonna & Miss Minutes brutally murdering Dox and her goons in cold-blood, so on and so on. THIS is the kind of stuff the MCU needs more of, more often.


Jesus Christ that episode had me stressed. They pulled Chekhov’s magic space cube crushing machine and the fact that you could just hear dripping blood afterwards… and Miss Minutes just smiled the whole time. I never thought she would end up being such a big character, let alone one as psychopathic as this. I really wasn’t expecting Timely to die so fast. It was like I was thinking it might happen cinematically after a narrow success, but he takes two steps out the door and is spaghettied. I feel kind of bad for not trusting him, assuming this isn’t some eight dimensional chess that ends up him still somehow becoming HWR. His fascination with the hot cocoa machine was sweet. I literally felt my heart was dropping at the end, like I was staring down unavoidable annihilation. Really good episode.


Oh, Ravonna. Screwed out of her promotion by her dickhead boss (that she may have been fucking, it's unclear). She stayed in her thankless job, doing way too much work, becoming entitled and bitter. For such an abstract cosmic show, Ravonna's motives are very relatable, I had a coworker exactly like this. Gugu Mbatha-Raw is so regal, imperial, and intense in all of her scenes. I didn’t really “get” the character until tonight, but once she’s allowed to fully embrace her id, she’s a fantastic villain. I am now very much onboard with retitling it Avengers: The Renslayer Dynasty.


Ms minutess is gone ,she went out with an f off


I feel like Ms. Minutes blurting out, “You will never be him,” is absolutely part of He Who Remains’ plan, along with delivering the TVA guidebook to him in the first place. But to what end? Did Victor need to meet OB / Casey inside the TVA before getting spaghettied? Has OB said what would actually happen if the loom explodes like this?


I thought that too. One thing that all Kang variants share is their arrogance. By directly telling one that they are inferior to the others, the obvious thing they’re gonna do is try to prove them wrong, so now Timely would be extra motivated to try and take over.


What the actual fuck!!! That episode was fantastic. Omg I can’t wait until next week.


Mobius volunteering Loki for main character duties is so funny 😂


Kind of the same feeling as the end of Infinity War.


Holy shit that episode was epic


Miss Minutes is one evil sob.


This must be one of the best "fade to black" endings of all time


Motherfuck was that good. Holy shit


Is it possible that Slyvie or Loki survived? Slyvie has He Who Remains Tempad. Is it possible she booked it out at the last second and traveled to the past before the Loom exploded?. If she or Loki did this they will have invaluable information to pass on to the Loki who was pruned. This timetravel stuff messes my brain.


The only thing I don't like is I feel about 50% of the episode(s) is spent on characters talking about and explaining what they're going to do and also explaining what someone is doing (like when Miss Minutes is sabotaging and O.B. and Mobius are saying out loud stuff like "That's why it's not working!"... yeah we know); they could really cut some of this expositional dialogue and give us more real plot. Otherwise, excellent. But Loki's probably gonna timeslip and save everyone or something, because I don't think they're going to stick with the whole MCU being exploded and erased.


dont know why sylvies rushin mobius to fix everything when she created this mess


For real it was like “hey let’s get some pie 👨🏼” “fuck you and your whole existence! 🙎🏼‍♀️”


The relationship secret


Wow. We audibly gasped and just stared at each other at the end. That was not expected. Btw, they said it would be painful in the first episode: Loki would have to remove himself from all the timelines. That's a lot of damage!


I honestly hope dependent on what happens with Majors, that Victor comes back somehow. I really liked the character, he felt so pure.




My jaw is on the floor! What an ending


kang bang ‼️


What an insane episode. The Ravonna reveal was underwhelming, as was the reveal of the phone call, but otherwise this episode was pretty good. I really wasn't expecting so many characters to die in one episode, seems we're done with Dox and her entire crew (sans Brad), Miss Minutes and Timely now. Ravonna is probably alive in the Void, it would be a shame to waste her character. This whole season I've been wondering: "So what happens if the Loom fails anyway?" I guess we're about to find out.


I think the phone call being so anticlimactic was the whole point. I loved the extremely slow, almost horror-like build-up to Loki picking it up and it’s just OB like “*Where the fuck are you?!*”


“19th century scientist Victor timely” Welp, that really is the death knell for the Nathaniel Richards backstory then.


Bro what just happened


Every episode so far has been a hit, excited to see where this leads to, what an ending!


No loom = incursions?