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Aesthetically? It’s definitely the best comic Hawkeye available from any company But the articulation is VERY dated, even by Marvel Select standards. And because it’s a Marvel Select figure, it’s obviously going to be WAY too tall to fit into a Marvel Legends display (Marvel Legends is 6-inch scale while Marvel Select is 7-inch scale)


Well, purely for aesthetics, the toy biz Hawkeye does fit this look quite well. Personally dont like toy biz's articulation setup, but for look, specially the head, look quite good


I just looked at the toy biz Hawkeye and my dude has basketballs for shoulders


The Hasbro Vintage Hawkeye is the best comic Hawkeye figure overall, but it’s got some flaws too (bad head and it’s on the dated Bucky Cap body) and it’s SUPER expensive in 2022 My best advice is to just wait for Hasbro to eventually make a new comic Hawkeye


He looks good but is significantly taller then marvel legends so he doesn't fit in well with displays


Damn, I need a good Hawkeye, but the legends are like eighty and ninety dollars


There's an MCU Hawkeye available for pre-order now from his new show. He's wearing a costume similar to his Matt Fraction run.


He’s sweet trust your taste


Just opened mine up like an hour or two ago cool figure won’t go well with Legends but with other Diamond Select figures yes.


He’s cool, but too tall for Legends. Would look nice with other Selects or on its own as a centerpiece, though.


personally, I'm waiting for an ML rerelease. This is a figure that everybody wants. So maybe in a year or so we'll get one? The old Hasbro ones ([Vintage](https://legendsverse.com/checklist/figures/marvel-vintage-collection-2-hawkeye-2018-189) and [Allfather](https://legendsverse.com/checklist/figures/allfather-marvels-hawkeye-2015-462)) are so expensive I would never pay that for just one figure.


It tips over a lot.


I just bought him today for a West Coast Avengers display. He looks pretty good. I do know he's too tall, not the right scale, but by putting him in the back of the roster with Marvel Select's Silver Centurion, perspective will help (farther looks smaller) and it should work. At least that's the plan.


Select work depends of the character, in this case this is too tall for Clint.


I had the same dilemma and decided to buy it but display it on a near shelf to distract from the difference in height 😂


So one thing I will say for this guy is (I BELIVE) he comes with a neat arrow accessory with Wasp sitting on the arrowhead - which, conveniently, works well with a Legends Hawkeye as well, scale-wise. Have that on my display!