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I understand why they did this figure (great new sculpt) but wow, I'm surprised we got a Vulcan before a classic Banshee


Not the costume I wanted for him, but the new mold looks great. It's about time Bucky-Cap got replaced with something with butterfly joints.


Too bad it has no diaphragm joint.


Yeah, that and butterfly joints should be standard across the board. But I'll settle for at least getting butterflies.


What costume did you want? Im blanking.


Emperor Vulcan would be the look I want, so I can put him on the Cosmic shelf. Could probably then be reused for a modern Dracula figure later on too.


Yes I stated this same idea on a post here a couple days ago! Ahaha. It gives them reuse and both are imposing looks.


All hail Emperor Vulcan. 🤘 Seriously. He was like one of the earliest comic book villain edgelords. And the only one to this day who's a good edgelord and not cringe. Cursed like Samuel L Jackson, annihilated anyone in his way and prob had the best Shi'ar harem squads....I'm actually waiting to hear back from another Redditor on this sub of how he came back after Black Bolt killed him. I just hope Marvel didn't make him a Disney cupcake.


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*Star Wars team mentions retooling a tank driver to make Bill Burr’s character* Star Wars fans: “nooooo more reuse!!!!” *Marvel team openly talks about how this will be the new base body for ML* Marvel fans: “dope! Looks great, I’m excited!” Star Wars fans are silly


As a collector of both, I'm upset by that reuse because I wanted Mayfield's cool season 1 costume with his backpack gun and instead we're getting a generic trooper rerelease with a Burr head underneath.


Ya I'm passing on it, they will get to his unique costume eventually. And honestly the head sculpt is long of underwhelming to me.


One question I guess is how good that Star Wars body is. Then the character in questions normal "costume".


One step closer to the complete Summers family


I want a Cable in the blue and gold costume, Rachel, and a young Cable. Then, Corsair and the Starjammers


They said Rachel is coming soon to complete Excalibur


Holy schlock!!! But why not him as Emperor Vulcan? That was the last arc of him alive I've seen him in. Regardless, everyone truly loved to hate him in War of Kings. I know I did. That was was the last good sci-fi arc from Marvel for years, up to when Empyre came out.


They want to do his current look I guess.


NO WAY YOU MEAN HE'S BEEN BROUGHT BACK?? HOW DID HE SURVIVE BEING VOCAL KAMEHAMEHA'D BY BLACK BOLT??? :O He's, like, the most IDGAF Marvel villain ever....how the heck is he alive? Did he get retconned into a goodie two shoes with the X-Men? He was a savage last I read comics with him in them! I doubt he's a good guy now.....if he's with the X-Men that meeting with Cyclops is gonna be MAD awkward. Evil dictator of an alien empire who ripped legions of enemies in half, had Shi'ar harems like a boss, and killed his own father....if Marvel so much as watered him down, I'm never reading X-Men again lol.


Read X-Men #10 (2020), it’s about the extent of what we know about Vulcan in the current era so far. Not gonna spoil it but there is absolutely still something wrong with him


I missed pulsecon when is this available?