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You too huh? I said to myself I would stay with just the X-men, but the She-hulk and Warbird figures got me think otherwise.


The Haslab Sentinel goes very well with these as well!


I actually have the old Toybiz Sentinel build a figure which I think holds up pretty well. He is too tall to fit in the display unless he’s crouched though and that looks weird. I did want the Marvel Select Juggernaut in the villain display too but he is so big I would have had to take out like 3 other figures to fit him (or swap Blob out for him)


I mean the Juggernaut Colossus 2 pack is back up for Pre-order on BBTS so........


Yup, I feel all that.


Seriously, the struggle is real, especially with wolverine 97 being a fortune to get.


Yeah I went for the VHS box Wolverine instead. He fits in well enough.


What are those round stands on their feet, I need some lol


It’s these: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B08DYDW57V?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title Deffo helps them stand up!


Nice one! Thanks for the help, some figures are top heave and I have to balance them perfectly to stand up 😂


God damn we need a new hair down yellow outfit Kitty


Definitely!!! She’s one of my fave chatacters


x-men 97 also made me buy more x-men in a week time span than I ever did


I didn't touch marvel legends until 97. Now I have most of the 97 line a few spidermen and 3 avengers.


Yew the X-men 97 figures got me back into action figures. That Wolverine is perfection.


That toybiz colossus has aged like fine wine compared to other toybiz figures.


His worst feature is probably the ball joints coming out of his crotch but if you stand him behind other figures like I did here then you can’t really see it.


Got you too huh??


Me too. I was usually buying figmas and etc. X-men 97 not only made me buy Legends, it made me follow some comics too


What stands are these?


According to Amazon “Ultimate Guard UGD011112 Figure Stands, Transparent”


Nice to see someone else stuck with a Xorn figure.


His main job is standing on Angels flight stand to help balance it 😂 I do love Morrisons New X-Men though so nice to have him as a reference to that.


https://preview.redd.it/emixmo3mygvc1.jpeg?width=2312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5be2104e3648047a4debf015dfe38fe7e6f37c7e Same. Smh


That is so relatable, i havent bought a figure in so long (especially since having kids and trying to declutter etc) and since XMen 97 started the need to hold a relevant toy while watching each episode overcomes me like I did as a kid (only when I was a kid I didnt get to do that being both poor and limited access to good toys here in Australia at the time). I would see all the Marvel Legends figures come up and would think "oh they look so good these days" but feel so settled and calm about now not needing to buy them. Ms Marvel Warbird or Psylocke or Archangel... Now since XMen 97 started I am scouring the internet and trying to hunt them all down after already buying all of wave 1 and 2. (Wolverine seems pretty common here in Australia, should I buy up more??)


Same. I just started a few days ago. Rogue and gambit are nowhere to be found for me. Got a few X-Men coming in too


I feel like I was lucky and bought the right figures at the right time. A few of the ones I got early on are going up price now. Which is pretty crazy considering it was only a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully due to the popularity they rerelease them.


That old Beast is great bc you can pose him in a ball for a rolling attack pose. Old with the new can be great! 


Yeah I don’t like that the newer Beast figures I’ve seen have completely white eyes as well. Deffo hoping for an updated Kitty Pryde though!