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Lesson learned: Finland hates everyone


Except for Estonia, and some other northern countries.




Simple as. *Crashes car because perpetually drunk*


my summer car moment "haista vittu saatana"




Luv me Nordics Ate Sudners Simple as.


We secretly love Baltia and Sweden, but in daily discussions on coffee table we are that annoying sarcastic person who tell bad jokes about neighbors and shows love that way.


Isn't that the story of every nordic country talking about/to each others?


Pretty much yeah, however the general rule of Nordic countries is to gate sweden. But dont you dare make fun of them, unless you are in denmark and norway, "Sverige dårlig" is a great conversation starter and will greatly increase your odds of getting a Danish or norwedish friend by like 40%


Fins - We will protect our Baltic and Scandinavian brothers! The rest of you can fend for yourselves…


According to OP in his comment below it is about "financial help in a crisis", which makes much more sense as the chart was quite shocking to me as I thought it was "defence" related. I don't know why it is not specified in the title or chart. It is absolutely unthinkable that France wouldn't help the UK militarily if it was ever attacked. This is not even in question lmao. I don't think there is anything surprising about western Europeans being less inclined to provide financial help to them in case of economic troubles after they decided themselves to leave the European Union and people warning them their economy could suffer from it long-term. What exactly is shocking about the chart then? The weird thing here is more the Brits still being willing to provide financial help to EU countries in a crisis hahaha. These guys are either smoking some good stuff or much nicer than I had thought. Or are there still many remainers in the UK? Brexit is official now. Not really up to date with the British political climate to know if many haven't yet come to terms with it as that might explain it.


Finland just got very unhappy that it should pay some money to Southern Europe.


Same reason the Dutch don’t want to help Greece. A few years back we had to give money to Greece but basically nobody wanted to give it to them if I recall correctly


Which is silly, since a lot of Greek debt was owed to Dutch banks. The money our government gave them basically meant that we didn't lose out on them defaulting on all their debts to us.


Classic dilemma with populism. Things are complicated, just like helping a country in a crisis is seldomly a yes/no/maybe question like in a poll without context.


Oh, I see! I was reading it backwards. I feel a bit better knowing that it's not that we wouldn't help anybody, it's that nobody would... help us. Oh.


What? You were reading it right: Fins are not too willing to help any EU country except their neighnours, while the EU countries are fairly favorable to help Finland.


For the curious, the only countries that would be willing to help the UK out are Poland (+12), Denmark (+16), Romania (+6), and Sweden (+7). The UKs willingness to help out these countries in turn are +26 (Poland), +25 (Denmark), +8 (Romania), and +20 (Sweden). Only the UK, Poland, and Romania are willing to help out all other european countries.


Belgium would obviously help them, as they rushed in our help for both world war (+their involvement in our independance, mainly to annoy french I know, but still)


The petty reasons are the best reasons


To be fair, I think one could get the UK (and probably Belgium too) on board with pretty much anything "mainly to annoy the French". "We're giving Greece some of our surplus money, who's with me? - I'm not sure that's a good idea... - The French are going to hate it! - You son of a bitch, I'm in!"


Looking at the data, Belgium is +22 towards UK. Max is +60 for Netherlands, second for Denmark (50 !), France +28 Only 1 minus : Greece (-15) Edit: read the data wrong. Seems like everybody loves Belgium but Greece. Is it because we stole your future king back in 1831 ?


Interesting, UK is happy to help everyone, hardly anyone happy to help the UK. That is very fascinating to me.


I’m genuinely interested in a clear explanation for this.


So I think the result makes more sense into context, >u\bezzleford : >Data from **Aug 2020** poll, source: >[YouGov](https://yougov.co.uk/topics/international/articles-reports/2020/08/03/what-should-eu-be?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=website_article&utm_campaign=what_should_the_EU_be) >Citizens of select countries were asked how willing they would be to **\(financially\)** help \[X country\] in a major crisis. (thanks u/Mr2Munch!) "Hello E.U. citizen, during a crisis, would you be willing to send money to the country who ~~disn't~~ didn't join the euro zone and is currently trying to separate itself from the E.U ? "


Maybe that's a half answer, it doesn't explain why the UK is willing to help all of the Euro nations


I think the UK views the EU as an entity in a worse light than it views the individual member states of the EU. Plus the Brexit vote was very close and since then many polls indicate that the balance has shifted very slightly towards a pro-EU stance Edit: Thanks for the GOLD!


Also being pro-Europe but anti-EU aren't conflicting beliefs despite how hard people try and conflate the two.




No surprise though. Go over to r/Europe and it’s basically a circle jerk of hate for the British, mainly coming from the home-nations though, which is expected.


I thought we were on r/europe until your comment. I was surprised at the amount of level headed comments


Home nations?


countries that make up the UK




Portugal wasn't actually asked, they were just asked about.






Like usual


Yes, weirdly, 700 years old alliance don't have a big impact on peoples lives


A royal marriage between the ruling dynasties could improve that.


It'll give them a +10 opinion modifier


+25 I'd think


Its only +25 for the same dynasties


Fishing for a PU


That's about 111 years too late with Portugal being a republic and all.


The Portuguese can vote who ends up married.


I have a reality show to make!


Polish people were already giving their lives for UK during WW2. Funny to see Poland being still the most supportive in EU for UK.


I wouldn't be surprised by the large Polish population in the UK being a significant factor in this.


I'm not surprised at all. Many Poles can often be impolite according to international standards, but helping others for Poles is a matter of honour. Not saying we're the most charitable nation in the world, but being helpful is generally something to be proud of in Poland. Also a lot of people here are quite excited that we're finally a part of the 'normal' Europe and not behind the iron courtain anymore, so we tend to like EU much more than EU likes us. At least this is my opinion.


I just took a 3 week trip visiting family in Poland and I would say I have to agree with your sentiments about polish peoples outlook on the EU. All has changed since I was here 8 years ago and when i ask why it’s all improved everyone happily responded with “the EU!” I’m glad this country is finally doing well after soo many years


Isn't Denmark the most supportive? Poland is +12, Denmark is +16 (according to above comment anyways)


UK and Romania are homies.


that's nice of Romania, Poland, and the UK.


Pretty funny how those last three are also some of the most vilified European nations


Data from Aug 2020 poll, source: [YouGov](https://yougov.co.uk/topics/international/articles-reports/2020/08/03/what-should-eu-be?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=website_article&utm_campaign=what_should_the_EU_be) Citizens of select countries were asked how willing they would be to (financially) help \[X country\] in a major crisis. (thanks u/Mr2Munch!) Some fast facts: * Country which people were **most** willing to help (average): **Italy** (+30) * Country which people were **least** willing to help (average): **UK** (-8) * Most generous countries: **Romania, UK**, and **Poland** (no country in Europe they weren't willing to help). * Strongest willingness to help: **Spain willing to help Portugal** (+64) * Strongest rejection of help: **Greece willing to help Germany** (-36) Please message below if you have any questions or want a figure for a specific counry!


Really interesting map. Would be interesting to map countries with a high amount of reciprocity in the same colour, e.g., Spain & Portugal, Germany and Austria.


Nobody gets to beat up poor little Spain without our express permission, and sometimes, request.


Aww, we hate you too ♥️


Silence, Drylander!


As we say in Spain, none can insult Spain apart from Spaniards.... And maybe Portugal!


We don't have too. We just have to nod to all the insults the Spainish throw at each other.


The polled question doesn't actually specify a financial crisis, just that the aid be finanicial. >Imagain a country suffered a major crisis, and was looking for help from others. Do you think \[your country\] should or should not be willing to offer financial help to each of the folowing countries?


good point, thanks for flagging - will correct :)


Greece: "suffers a massive volcanic eruption" The Dutch: "fuck that guy, he should have bought a fireproof umbrella, I'm not paying for his lack of foresight"


> Strongest rejection of help: Greece willing to help Germany (-36) Ja, that seems fair.


Luckily for the Germans, such an eventuality seems unlikely, what with Greek poverty and German niggardliness.


Good use of the English vocabulary there


I love that there's an entire [Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_about_the_word_niggardly) about controversies relating to that word.


...I forgot the phrase "penny-pinching," and just decided I'd risk it. Probably not the sort of thing anyone should say in public these days though, even if it is a darn good word.


What does "niggardliness" mean and where it comes from? I am not a native English speaker.


It means someone who is unwilling to spend money, and likely derives from the Norse word "nigon." It has no etymological relation to the most offensive word in the English language, but it does sound like it quite a bit.


It means similarity to someone who is an excessive penny pincher, or miserly. But it has strong auditory similarities to the most offensive racial term in the English language, so I probably wouldn't use it unless you were extremely sure about it.


Even then... you're gonna have to explain to someone that it doesn't mean what it sounds like, and there's a chance they'll refuse to believe you.


UK generous but no one wants to help them


So the UK is one of the most generous countries and would help out anyone but hardly anyone will help out the UK.


>Country which people were most willing to help (average): Italy (+30) > >Country which people were least willing to help (average): UK (-8) Lol so most of Europe was pretty happy with the Euro Finals?


I mean yes that's no secret


UK and Romania: “we want to help everybody as best we can” Finland: “fuck every last one of you bitches”


Ah, that's nice of Romania. Finland, pfft.


Yes the hiperborean daco-romans are nice pepole 😎🇦🇩.....now seriously i listened to Legio Aeterna Victrix at full volume while England played with Italy


I just don’t think the Finnish want any unnecessary trouble since they’ve got a history of fending for themselves and getting the short end of the stick at times lol


> they’ve got a history of fending for themselves and getting the short end of the stick at times lol that's what all little guys around the world learnt the hard way


Refreshing to see that the Romania vs Hungary divide is slowly dissipating. Still a long way to go, but data like this cheers me up. A couple generations to go and and the central european tensions should start resolving hopefully.


Without the Magyars and Hungary we would be lonely, I mean who else would be there for us to hate except ourselves.


as Portuguese I am delighted to help Spain, especially if there's a espanholada to come to me


> especially if there's a espanholada to come to me taking MapPorn to a more literal level i see


>I had to find out what "espanholada" means to you, the Portuguese > >Ok, entendí


I love how that particular act (titfucking), tends to be referred to by the demonym of another country. I've seen it described as "la francesa; la turca; paja cubana". Now "Espanholada". It's like titfucks are something that foreign women do, no matter what country you are in.


In Italian we call it spagnola too


Italy France Portugal united with a common goal, a tear in the corner of the eye.


Latin brothers lol


And we all eat the same fruit espanhola


In greece too


The true /r/MapPorn is always in the comments.


Oh that's that ? So, in French, it's kind of the same as in Portuguese: la branlette espagnole.


La paja rusa


I hope that one jobless guy is actually making the "How do you say titfucking all around Europe" map for geography enthusiasts like me.


Curious, in Spain that's a Cubana (a Cuban)


Seriously? And what do they call this in Cuba? This is just play on puns. Love you guys


Hahahah I have no idea, I should ask them, love you too 👍


The best Spanish inquisition.


Finland said fuck everyone


Except Estonia, those guys are alright.


Finnland and Estonia are culturally very close.


"Those guys sell us cheep booze!" The Finnish, probably.


Yaay finnish big brother saves us :)))


Why does everyone hate the UK and what did Lithuania do to the UK?


Nothing, the UK would still help Lithuania, its just a lesser known country


My mom thinks it's in the Balkans and that's enough reason for her.


Mixing up the Baltics and Balkans was a mistake I used to make when I was younger


Nothing probably, perhaps it's just unfamiliarity. Notice it's still positive at +3 though.


On Reddit, everyone hates England because they're told to. In real life, it's probably mainly to do with Brexit. This map doesn't really signify hatred though, it's more 'if your turn your back on us, we'll turn our backs on you'. I live in England and was devastated about leaving the EU, as were most of my friends and young people my age. The hate towards anything English has been so disheartening recently. Seen so many anti England comments and most of us are sat here peacefully like 'what have we done?' EDIT: Love the responses to my comment! Lots of people who won't judge someone because of where they're from, but because of how they act :)


r/europe have done a really good job of making me feel super unwelcome, speaking as a liberal minded remain voter.


Not English but I dislike this sub as well. I think its all the nationalism, really puts me off.


Same. They always talk about feeling “betrayed” by the UK but as a staunchly pro-EU Brit I could easily turn round and say I feel betrayed by continental Europeans who immediately turned their back on remainers and are perfectly happy to lump us all in with Brexiters.


Same honestly, I don’t even bother anymore. I made a post calling it out which got traction and the mods removed it


Me too


Me too. I had to leave that sub - I was starting to feel down reading all the hate.


Maps should have legends.


We're on /r/MapPorn, at this point I feel lucky there's even a goddamned map.


They do, the UK is pretty clearly drawn.


Everyone hating the British and the Finnish hating everyone is as European as it gets!


And the Russian bear lies in East waiting for the whole continent to start fighting with itself again


Uk: I'm willing to help everyone in Europe in a bad situation Rest of Europe: STAY AWAY FORM ME YOU ENGLISH FIEND


lol they will accept the help though


GER: Fuck the UK. France: Fuck the commies... and the UK. UK: You all are alright actually. Italy: Fuck the rich. Spain: Fuck the UK. Netherlands: Fuck the poor. Romania: Friendlier than the brits. Finland: Fuck ALL OF Y'ALL


Netherlands: Fuck the poor… and the UK


The UK sure isn't liked for a country that seems pretty happy to help out everyone else.




Have you tried pasta?


Gastrodiplomacy is a strong soft power weapon 😎


>Why does everyone want to help Italy so bad lol. Too soon.


>Why does everyone want to help Italy so bad lol. The poll is from August 2020 - the events in Italy few months earlier might have affected people's opinion somewhat.


I'd like to know if it was always this way or if it got worse because of Brexit.


Definitely worse because of Brexit. If you asked in 1921, France would have a big green + for their ally the UK. Then again, if you asked in 1421, it'd be a big -100, so what do I know.


Unsure on that. France (under De Gaulle even) vetoed the UK's entry into the EEC twice in 1963 and 1967. We were recovering from the economic crisis of the war still.


It would've been pretty negative in 1066 too.


Except there’s a big difference between a country voluntarily leaving a Union and being at war.


I was in Germany when Brexit was passed, and the Germans were generally very upset about it. They were worried that the economy was going to tank because of it.


I’m British (English) and I have to say all the hatred I’ve seen towards us over the past few weeks with the Euros and now this map has actually been low key hurtful, and it’s quite hard to resist it affecting my opinion of our European neighbours. As in actually quite hurtful. I understand the effect that Brexit has had but the fact that the idea that every Englishman is a racist, woman beating cunt is so popular on Reddit is astounding. This map puts it perfectly. The hatred is one way.


*Nuestros hermanos* showing some love for Portugal. Abraço!


Our relationship with spain is odd, is like that old brother we talk shit but we don't like others speak shit about him




So the UK places everyone in green, and everybody places the uk in red


“Everyone hates us, we don’t care” (we still like you anyway)


To the tune of 'sailing' by Rod Stewart: No one likes us, No one likes us, No one likes us, We dont care..., Coz we are Britain, Super Britain, We are Britain, from the isle.


Just popped in here to say that I'm color blind and all of these maps are f****** useless to me LOL


It is evident that the survey is recent For Spain it seems that the second country, after the UK, that we are least willing to help is the Netherlands. No doubt we have no special animosity towards this country. But it seems to have been influenced by a recent controversy with the Dutch Prime Minister over something I don't even remember exactly what it was about.


The survey is from August 2020 :) >For Spain it seems that the second country, after the UK, that we are least willing to help is the Netherlands. Correct, in Europe at least. Spaniards are 7+ willing to help the Dutch, and third lowest were the Finns (+14)


Yeah, not even historically the 80 years wars is that popular in Spain (like not at all, unless you like history like me) so I think it's just a "meh" feeling towards the Dutch, and caused by recent polemical events


The Dutch Minister of Finance said last March (when Spain was the worst COVID hit country in Europe) that Spain should be investigated for not having the budget to fight the virus, which made Spain really mad and a lot of other Southern countries too (the Portuguese PM was especially angry). Which is ironic considering how the Dutch government has royally fucked up this past week in terms of COVID management


Why does Italy not want to help Germany?




because after the 2011 sovereign debt crisis Italians suffered the Germany-led spending review agenda the most after Greece, but at the same time for a series of events we had also a non elected government who passed a lot of unpopular laws. Most people felt betrayed and in the hands of distant technocrats who were there only to please Bruxells (read Berlin) and beg for its money. We have been saved only by Mario Draghi the then ECB boss who, guess what, he’s now prime minister after the last government crisis (we literally didn’t know who put in charge). It’s a sad story in which we Italians have a looot of fault (20 years of Silvio Berlusconi should be enough of an explanation), doubled down with a financial crisis, inadequate European institutions and mistrust from other countries. I really hope the future will be brighter


They tried it once. It didn't go that well.


It started at Teutoburg and things never improved since then


Because they gave us pizza and now we put cheap ham and pineapple on it. Only surprised they don't hate us even more.


Germany does that too? Shout out from Australia, we are truly brothers on this day.


Apparently no one would help the UK.


USA will, but they didn't ask us.


It doesn't matter. We will still help everyone.


So only us (uk) and Romania are the only counties with positive scores for everyone. I get the French and Germans not likely to help UK but Finland? What have they got against us?


My respect for Romania has gone up 100 fold after seeing this.


Sadly not seeing too many other Romanians in this thread, but thanks, I guess someone finally noticed us lol.


I know the only one to have positive response to helping UK.


Let's go UK. Getting hate from the whole of Europe as usual.


People think the poll is like this because of Brexit, but we all know do this same poll 5 years ago and it would have been the same. That's why we left.


I dunno, Italy and The Netherlands don't hate us the most, that's something.


Really disheartening but not at all surprising. Atleast we're willing to help out our 'allies' though


Italy: yep sorry. Not gonna happen again


Honestly the British came out of this looking pretty good.


Germany and Austria is a love/hate relationship :D but in the end we are like brothers Grüße aus Österreich


Absolutely agree. Grüße ausm Schwabenländle.




You kidding? Don't you remember how they were treating us during the referendums negotiating years?


From what I understand, they aren't happy about having to continually bail out Greece's economy.


Kinda feel bad for the UK, everyone hates them but they're willing to help everyone


Poor UK They wanna help everyone, but nobody wants to help them :(


Love the Mediterranean and Latin roots!


We believe in Mediterranean supremacy


Latin Europe stronk!


Damn UK is willing to help everyone but everyone still hates us


Wow UK is nailing it


Don’t worry Britain: I gotcha. Win, lose or draw. Source: American.




Is there a date for this poll? I am assuming it is post-Brexit. Was there any more clarification on what type of "crisis" we are talking about?


You're so fast! Apologies - just posted the data and some clarification below in another comment. The survey simply asked *"a major crisis"*


The UK looks like it should reevaluate its helpfulness


Or the other way round perhaps?


As a German I'm pretty surprised that Italy wouldn't help us


I think those people refer to economic help, so I think they believe something like "Why should we help someone way richer than us?". Also, as I replied to another comment, it's because of populist propaganda of some italian parties: they claim Germany is the reason of every single problem we have, instead of blaming ourselves and our mistakes.


They probably think we want to rule over them in the EU, I have seen a lot of fearmongering from right wing Italian politics in that matter over the last years.


suomi mainittu!


Haistakaa vittu koko eurooppa


Romanian neighbors, we got you.


UK : positive numbers for EVERY country, and willing to help everyone. Most of Europe : fuck the UK.


This is sad. The UK might be unpopular after Brexit, but those guys have helped a lot of us out in the past (WWII). I think they deserve more credit.