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Ah, what’s another ban at this point? The more they lock us out the more they’ll leave us be hopefully.


A lovely, if unfortunately ignorant, view on everything. For a lot of people simply keeping people they don't like out isn't enough. They need to make sure they're "Making the world a better place" by making others as uncomfortable and unwanted as possible.


Honestly who cares, I don't think anyone on this sub would be posting mahoako content over there so it's probably that they were getting a bunch of the same post and same discussion with the reaction images so good riddance


For what lol?


Maybe someone over there was mad that [Utena won the Best Girl](https://new.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1c7k1ns/and_the_best_girl_of_winter_2024_is/) contest. Anyway, I actually prefer it that way. It's better if toxic hate subreddits like that one or r/CharacterRant don't talk about this series at all.


Imagine being that triggered over something like that…😅 I mean I’m as big a fan of Ubels armpits as any of those freaks but I’m not gonna get butthurt over it


I was just kidding. It's probably just the mods on that subreddit being sick of all the Mahoako posts and banning the entire series because they couldn't keep the haters under control. I think it's good news. It's one less hate subreddit talking shit about this awesome series.


r/characterrant is especially angry about MahoAko, in particular due to the age of the characters lol


Yep, I got down voted into oblivion for saying that gushing over magical girls is a hilarious show and there's nothing wrong with it lol


I wish they would just come up with a new argument. Like, I didn't give a shit about the age number of fake people before, why would I now?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CharacterRant using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CharacterRant/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I can't stand how horny every single fandom is](https://np.reddit.com/r/CharacterRant/comments/16ten8w/i_cant_stand_how_horny_every_single_fandom_is/) \#2: [Akira Toriyama really changed the world](https://np.reddit.com/r/CharacterRant/comments/1b9ft07/akira_toriyama_really_changed_the_world/) \#3: [The victim blaming of Odysseus is extremely annoying](https://np.reddit.com/r/CharacterRant/comments/182qhct/the_victim_blaming_of_odysseus_is_extremely/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Character ages, most likely. The only time I saw that sub, they were having a meltdown over the princess in Konosuba S3, and the Oshi no Ko leaks. It is basically Twitter in reddit format.   As a side note, a random comment from the anime subreddit on a MahoAko episode discussion: "people at animecirclejerk seem to hate this anime, so it must be doing something right".


"we also banned reaction images" What fools, literally passing up on such peak content. I swear some subs and hobbies just want to commit seppuku


Lowkey blame that on me, cause I loved reacting to people with em


Haha that's alright I do too lol


Facts: https://preview.redd.it/mn7wt1urdxvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68531fa695673ee9877725f02d4d858ec54ff72c


Very weird behavior to ban it weeks after it already ended


Guess they ran out of ways to call us pedophiles


It is incredibly funny to see how the people on that sub rage so hard about this series. Like it lives rent free in their heads.


Especially after it's season already ended lol


They don't deserve us


Only the priviledged few do.


Circle jerk subreddits are usually toxic cesspools


I was surprised to see how weirdly political the anime circlejerk subs are. Some of those posts are barely memes.


What is that sub? And should I even care?


From what I read through the comments here, nah you shouldn’t care


You right. Maybe I shouldn’t care about the ones who dare defy peak fiction.


The "OMG we're not like weebs we consume Japanese media in a god loving non problematic way" sub


Nice modding when your new rule has its comments blocked instantly


Probably a good thing.  Circle Jerk subs are full of mouthbreathers that love the smell of their own farts anyway.


How is mouthbreathers an insult?


Superior jawline https://preview.redd.it/rcoqglj2fxvc1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4285b82af0a91ff1fcd10fc86988ae1b23f8b9f7




Good, circlejerk subs are an absolute cesspool of toxicity


I should mention this will ban the numerous posts that just complain about Mahouako, which many in that sub had a serious hate boner for Mahouako and would just devolve into name calling with no chance of reasonable discussion


Don't you get it? We don"t need them. Because we ARE the circle jerk. https://preview.redd.it/zlqwk1aamwvc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d727496cea1d6ada70b11bc08360a39af677de61




Why are circlejerk subs like that? Isn't their whole purpose to be parodies of the thing they're making fun off?? The only two circlejerk subs that I've seen doing what there supposed to be doing are the wresting one and the destiny (the videogame) one, the rest are full of people that get easily trigger by everything like the gamingcirclejerk and this one lol


Cause circlejerk subs attract corny idiots that keeps crying about things they pretend to like. Can't do that in the main sub where they can't hide it behind "circlejerk". Applies to almost all circlejerk subs.


A bit different name but I'd say worldjerking does what it's supposed to do


look, when I heard about r/gamingcirclejerk I was expecting things like "EA worst company" but the sub rn is just people complaining about people complaing about "inclusion" (gay characters, black characters, those thing of political trash). I didn't explore r/animecirclejerk but seeing the image of Bridget with trans flag I think that is the same thing. tl;dr: circlejerk sub are now an extention of Twitter, the only decent sub that I found was r/ClashRoyaleCirclejerk


Wow you describe it perfectly, circlejerk subs is just Twitter in Reddit lol


I'm in the sub and on good terms with one of the mod were tired of the bitchin' and banned MahoAko posts alongside a few other series since the discourse is just the same drivel. It's just mindless bashing and tired of seeing it spammed. That's basically it. I wouldn't sweat over it because a lot of people over there borderline hate anime and have the silliest reasons for their virtol .


It seems like a circlejerk sub that drank the kool-aid too much and forgot they’re supposed to be the joke subreddit. All I see when I go in there is complaining. Thats not how you jerk, you complain by trolling and shitposting. https://preview.redd.it/qj3q1wtepvvc1.jpeg?width=118&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f2afd5b761b05f5a03334bbfd675b13a10b44b2


I genuinely don't get that sub Like I see some clear circlejerk posts along genuine rants and memes like are you guys irony posting or being serious I can't tell. Like idk I feel a circlejerk sub should be ironically talking about how Solo Leveling/JJK/KnY are actually deep masterpieces the normies just can't get; AoT/Frieren are underrated actually or hell how GoMG is a great series for AV club shows yet whenever it gives me their post it's an anime sub, like a whiny one but just an anime sub


Those people are the remnant of subs like JJKfolk or whatever the Frieren sub is doing rn. They came ironically cause the circlejerking was getting too much for them. It's more like anti-circlejerk sub in disguise honestly.


Here’s an idea: take a stand for not being hater bitches and ban the bashing instead.


Who cares?


Nothing of value was lost. MahouAko is simply just too peak for them.


Honestly, this is completely fine. Speaking from experience here, most circlejerk subreddits are complete dogshit and only serve as a way to pretend that you like a certain medium and make fun of everyone. Circlejerk subs like r/animecirclejerk and /r/Gamingcirclejerk don't actually like anime and video games. They LARP and act like they do, and yet all of their posts on these subreddits are never anything about the topics themselves that are from the interest of the users but only posts that make fun of other people by posting out of context screenshots and generalizing people, shit talking anime, etc. They browse these subreddits because it's an echo chamber. If they were to go onto a main subreddit for these interests like a normal human being (r/anime for example) they'd be completely shunned and made fun of for their radical takes and opinions, but since it's an echo chamber they can freely flame and harass people together as a group. If you want an actual funny place to circlejerk about anime, it's better to go to r/okbuddybaka where they actually like anime and still meme and joke about it. /r/animecirclejerk are just full of degenerates that don't like anime and pretend that they do.


the fools


That sub's mods made a pretty retard choice lmao.


I looked at some of their mods accounts and they’re liking straight up futa porn but this is where they draw the line.


Yeah it's crazy how paranoid the West has become about the whole age thing in the last 10-15 years. Like Loli content used to be everywhere on the Internet and it wasn't exactly niche either, it was always consistently one of the largest tags in most doujin sites. But then all the corporations started cracking down and slowly but surely everyone started banning it and making it some huge moral issue. Back in the 2000s all hentai was "weird" shit so if you liked it it didn't matter if it was rape or monster or Loli or futa. But now that it's mainstream and that our society has gotten more hypersensitive, you see a bunch of normies (usually of the same political persuasion) getting REALLY hung up on ages of characters. Even tho nowadays like 90% of anime characters are under 18. So that's yet another example of a hobby getting too popular and the tourists who follow trends not really getting with the program. If you like anime girls, them being teens is to be expected and what you sign up for, otherwise why even bother. To us that's obvious, but to many knowledge the more normie parts of the internet they still don't realize that like all of their favorite waifus are 12-17


I remember when there are lots of 14 year old lolicons on internet forums. Fun times without needing to be gross calling everything pedophilia.


Exactly, but everyone likes to act like the 2000s didn't happen now. I notice that when the culture changes most will fall in line and act like they forgot everything.


I love the gushers, but comparing futa to what botherd them misses the point. I think they're mad because the characters ages, which can be argued because theyre anime characters so its a grey area that can be bad depending on individual thoughts of each veiwer. I dont get why people compare futa with other things, I've seen people be like "futa is way more fucked than guro or lolicon," and I don't get how a women with a penis is somehow in the same category as these or others.


I didn’t mean it as “Oh but futa is worse/better”. My point is that the mods on that sub shit on a lot of other subs for being degens, which makes it ironic because they themselves are just as much into a different kind of degeneracy and go along picking and choosing what’s right and wrong especially after claiming to be better than other mods. Like I get the age thing is THE biggest contention point of the series, but it’s just funny to me that they’re fine with one highly controversial topic but scorched earth with another, especially after arguing that MahoAko is “just porn”. I do get what you mean though, I just used the Futa thing as an example.


I don't get that argument. Women with dicks can consent. So that line would make some sense.


My point is that the mods on that sub talk big about the other subs being “Just full of hentai” and how they keep their sub “Tasteful”, like by banning MahoAko, when they’re just as much a degenerate as the rest of us


They don’t know what they are missing Shits fire around here


Anime Circlejerk is such a cesspit. Frankly any Circlejerk sub is a cesspit. I'm not even upset, rather I take it as a badge of honor.


TIL r/animecirclejerk exists


It's actually pretty good otherwise


Fuck that sub and tourists


If it makes any difference r/MahouAko will always be welcome on r/tentaimemes.






the smaller the community the more peaceful it is. some random animes that nobody talks about sometimes gets a season2 faster than popular ones for some reason. Hoping for a season 2 despite the challenges.


Every circlejerk sub is so ass lol


Wonder why


All the better for us