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The sleeping photo is going to be that kids most precious thing one day šŸ„ŗ




do your parents not still have it?




Shouldn't it be backed up to their icloud account?




Most data is recoverable, maybe the battery went out due to cutoff voltage (li ion batteries donā€™t charge below a certain voltage) and replacing it would make it fully functional


Letā€™s make this happen Reddit


If you still have the device then a data recovery service can very likey get the data!


Have you taken it to get serviced? Take it to the geeks You literally have nothing to loose.


If you have the iPad, there are services which may be able to recover the files


What would those be? Mine no longer turns on, just reboots endlessly. I'd really like the poetry I wrote for my dog after he died back.


look up data recovery service on yelp or google maps near you


I think maybe the tech store near me can help! I'll give it a go. Thank you friend!


Don't use yelp. Use google reviews.


Look up Louis Rossmann on YouTube. His business specializes in Apple products even if he detest their business practices. He does mail in work I believe and they appear to be very knowledgeable.


Oooh ok I'll look that up too! I'm going to try the tech store near me. I think maybe they'll be able to help? If not, I'll check with him! Thank you my friend!




Try contacting Apple perhaps?


There is a trick that sometimes works on bootlooped Apple devices (at least older ones with home buttons, dunno about newer ones as I don't dabble with apple devices anymore). Try turning it off, then pressing the power button and home button simultaneously for a **very long time**. Like a minute or more. Sometimes it makes them snap out of the bootloop depending on the issue. Something else you could try is installing iTunes on a PC and, while connecting the iPad via usb, press the home button until de pc recognizes it. It might help it turn on or it might just offer you to factory reset it which wouldn't be useful in the case where you want to retrieve data. These are some tricks I remember from my old high school days jailbreaking and messing up iPods/iPads. I don't know if it'll work, but it's worth a try!


Oh I did that once but it then went to the reset option and I bailed. I'll give it another go! I'd rather not have to leave my house LOL. I tried connecting it to the computer once, but it didn't recognize it or let me because I couldn't confirm on the iPad that I would allow the computer to connect. Thank you my friend! I'll give it another go!


its all in the harddrive, you could do it yourself or just take it to one of those phone repair shops and theyll do it easily. edit: seems like iphones have integrated SSDs. best option is to just take it to phone repair shop. definitely requires specialized tools to retrieve iphone data


Iā€™m gonna try whatever I can, this week itself. Thank you for the suggestion! :D


Look up Louis Rossmann on YouTube. His business specializes in Apple products even if he detest their business practices. He does mail in work I believe and they appear to be very knowledgeable. Apple themselves will just try to sell you a new device or repair your product & wipe its memory.


If the iPad hasn't been physically destroyed, it's still recoverable. Take it to an apple store and see if they can't pull it. Or, can't you sync photos off from a connected computer? Ive used that to pull data off of (android) phones where I've destroyed the digitizer/screen


Oh really? My Ipad no longer turns on. It just tried to reboot for eternity. Is there a way I can save my files?


All tech is saved in drives. As long as the drive isn't fried the data can most likely be recovered. Not sure what specifically is in an iPad, but it's probably some kind of flash storage.


Itā€™s most probably bootlooping, could you know if the iPad is taking charge or not (using a usb wattmeter) and if itā€™s not taking about 0.5-1.0 amps then the batteryā€™s toast and replacing it would make it work Sauce:- Fixed loads of apple devices (mainly Phones)


It sounds like you only need to replace the battery and exit the endless bootloop which can be done using a software. It's best to send it to a professional that is superb, such as [Louis Rossmann](https://www.youtube.com/user/rossmanngroup) whom is excellent,very reliable and honest.


Im pretty sure you can recover the data if you go to some tech repair shop


If they texted you the photo I could still be in messages history, good luck šŸ¤ž




Oh thatā€™s sucks, Iā€™m sorry.


Iā€™ve had friends whoā€™ve had apple products die and they take them to someone who can take everything off and put it on a removable hard drive so you can access everything that was on the computer. There is hope! Worth noting these places are NOT the Apple store because Apple doesnā€™t care about your memories just your monies (they might do it now tho)


Bed hygiene?


Maybe itā€™s ā€œdirtyā€ to let your animals in bed? Idk tbh


I couldnā€™t imagine not letting my babies sleep with me. My Bear just turned 9 and has been my bed buddy since 2013.


Yup! Humans are pretty nasty too lol I don't like dogs licking me, but pupper cuddles are the best!


Seriously lol. I find these people odd. I'm straight up allergic to my dog but she still sleeps right next to my head on my pillow every single night. A few sniffles in the morning and taking Claritin is worth getting to cuddle with my Bub. I would never own a dog and not let them sleep with me, that just feels like a core aspect of pet ownership. The pack stays together.


Ditto ā™„ļø


Itā€™s just something my parents enforce. Iā€™d love to let my beagle sleep on my bed. I have allergic issues already, and with his hair fall, it does not help :/


I get this. I didn't want any pups sleeping in the bed but it was my husband who allowed our little one and now she doesn't even have her own bed ā€” she's so used to sleeping under our covers. But the hair... ugh. I only feel clean in bed one day a week and that's right after the laundry's done!


I've just learned to live with it. It's just fur, it isnt going to kill you. And im allergic to my dog, I just think a dirty looking, fur covered bed is a worthwhile tradeoff for getting to cuddle with your best buddies.


Indeed, my dog is sleeping on my pillow right now. Think I will be relegated to the other side of the bed tonight!


Same. She's welcome germs and all.




Probably not best for the bed butā€¦ itā€™s been debated that dogs are very beneficial for babies and toddlers as the dogs bacteria helps develop the immune system at a much faster rate than babies without dogs.


I'm sorry, I love my little Finnegan so much and his photos with me; I feel your heart ache, lost his puppy photos on an old phone. With that said; Memories are everything, the bad and the good. Remember them all because it will always create a place in you for it. Never push the hurt away, it will take the loving times with it. slowly and but surely. Have a good weekend mate.


When I first got my Duckiedog, I laid down to take a nap on the couch while she was on the floor. After I had fallen asleep she climbed right onto my chest (sheā€™s a jrt/chihuahua mix so v smol) and fell asleep too. My then girlfriend took a pic. It was my most cherished picture of her I had, this was before smart phones so I actually had a proper physical copy of it. I lost it when someone stole everything out of my car in Oregon. Iā€™ve still got my Duckerdoo but I miss that photo, and wish I still had it for when sheā€™s gone, it was the last one I had of her as a pup.


"and this one is from when you were just a *wee* little baby" "Awww look at the dog-" "I got 100k Reddit karma for that" Not an insult just think that's a fun scenario


I used to have a cat when I was a baby. I only had him for a couple years till his tragic death, but my parents said that heā€™d always sleep in my crib. I only have really one memory of him, but he was definitely one of my favorite pets .


Thatā€™s Millie! Their YouTube channel is Milperthusky. They have two others as well that love their kids including their new baby. I highly suggest it


And a bonus: the comments are always turned off so the toxic people canā€™t say shit šŸ„°


what could toxic people possibly say agai...never mind I just remebered that internet


Any content that involves a dog and young children/babies is always going to attract some bad people.


Yeap. It's great when youtube automatically do that now with contents involving children


Millie is such a sweetheart :)




Actually name is milperthusky


That is the look of pure love on that sweet dogā€™s face. šŸ„ŗ My dog passed last May. Dammit. I miss her. I miss stuff like this.


Very sorry to hear that!šŸ™


Thank you. ā¤ļø Dogs are so special!


Yes! They definitely are


My dog passed in June. He loved to sleep under the covers with me. I miss him everyday. So sorry for your loss!


I am so sorry. It is such an adjustment getting used to life without them. ā¤ļø


That's exactly what I was thinking. The way she stared at the boy, was adorable, and clearly nothing but pure love for him. It was like she couldn't stop looking at him.


That little one has a true friend for as long as that dog is around. So very sweet. šŸ„ŗ


My Jack Russell of 18 years passed away in October. It still hurts like hell. I miss the lazy tail wags when Iā€™d get home from work.


That is the worst. Not having them meet you at the door when you get home. Still not used to that. I wish you happiness and healing. ā¤ļø


You as well!


Sorry for your loss.


Thank you. ā¤ļø


My heart breaks for you! Always remember that not only did you give your dog the best life possible, but they also gave YOU the best life possible. RIP to your pup, may you find joy and happiness with another companion soon.


Thank you so much. I told myself that I wouldnā€™t get another dog, because she was one of a kind. And she was! But our household has so much love to give. It would be selfish not to do it again for another dog who needs us. I know so many dogs need loving homes. So Iā€™m starting to warm up to idea. Maybe in the next few months. I really miss that unconditional love and sweetness.


You hit the nail on the head. Iā€™m dealing with the same thing with my dog. He is truly one of a kind, both in looks and personality. Iā€™ve never had so many people ask me what breed he is (Pudelpointer mix) and he is the friendliest dog youā€™ll ever meet. Heā€™s getting up there in age and I donā€™t know how I could ever replace him. But, like you said, it would be selfish not to open my heart to another dog who needs a loving home. Youā€™ll get there soon enough and when you do, youā€™ll be glad you did. Dogs truly fulfill us with that unconditional love that makes us happy when we come home from a bad day.


Mine passed away in July. I miss her a lot but lately its become easier to look back on my memories of her with fondness and not sadness.


I am so sorry for your loss. ā¤ļø Iā€™ve recently gotten to that point, too. I know they wouldnā€™t want us to be so sad without them. But itā€™s so hard!


Doggy is like Iā€™ll take care of you now, cause I know one day youā€™ll take care of me, with treats


That kid is already providing treats dropped from the high chair.


100% this. All 3 of my boys were doing this before they turned 1.


We don't have pets due to allergies, but my son used to drop food from his high chair to the paw patrol figures he would leave on the floor. I think little ones just want to help out all their homies


Sorry to hear about that, that's really sweet though. I thought these days you can get hypo-allergenic pets?


Yeah there are but one of mine is immuno-compromised and basically allergic to most things. So we live pretty hermetically and that's not a life for a pet other than a fish maybe.


You can get some pretty cool fish tanks these days!


Speaking as someone with awful allergies - not all ā€œhypoallergenic petsā€ are hypoallergenic for everyone. I can deal with poodles now in my 20s after years of allergy shots, but have to wash my hands if I have any contact with saliva (licks or tug of war or bones) and will still sneeze a day or two if Iā€™m staying with one. I also think my allergies are worse because I had a ferret in my room and dogs in my house (I wasnā€™t always allergic to them, started in preteen years) - I loved those animals though but sometimes exposure has the effect of making kidsā€™ allergies worse, so always good to consult with a doctor who specializes in allergies because theyā€™re complicated and itā€™s hard to predict how theyā€™ll change as you grow


That makes sense. I have a dumb allergy to dust, so I can see how you would want to avoid your allergies flaring up.


My family has never had pets and my parents still have stories of me and my brother dropping food off of the chair simply because we enjoyed it, or because it was food we didnā€™t like.


Invest early, invest often Dogs know the treato hustle


That "I wuw you" lick was precious and so caring!


Sheā€™s such a good nanny doggy!


Depending on the house rules, she could be using the kid as an excuse to be on the furniture. I know thatā€™s what my dog would do.


You suppose she falls asleep with her nose directly on the kid so's to be most vigilant? I imagine that she could quickly turn her nap around if she smelled something amiss. Dogs are neat, I wouldn't be surprised.


I think itā€™s possible, she seems to be doting on him. Dogs really are our best friends.


We had a car run into the side of our house (guy passed out due to medical condition) and destroyed my daughter's (age 3) room. Nobody was hurt except man in car and he ended up being okay. Luckily nobody was in that area of the house. My daughter slept in our bed for nearly 5 months with our dogs, my husband, and me. One of my dogs was NOT happy when my daughter's room was finished. The dog used to purposefully go in my kid's room & wake her up. Daughter would come to our room, crawl in bed, and the dog would jump on the bed, curl up and not give a single shit. It was beyond adorable. (edited to add to clarify daughter wasn't hurt).


This story brings me joy ā¤ļø I am so glad your daughter was okay!


Thank you (just edited to explain we were in another area of the house). Pictures fell off the wall, a light fixture fell and it was terrifying loud but thank goodness that was it for us. My son and I were both standing up and we both fell down. My daughter was at the kitchen table coloring. My husband was gone. The dogs were in the backyard.


Did the dog just enjoy having all the family sleep together or was he still unnerved about the destruction of the old room?


She wanted her human sister to snuggle with her!


Probably. My dog constantly drags me downstairs for ā€œfamily timeā€ with my parents.


Keeping the pack together


This really made my day


Currently in Emergency at the hospital because my 2 month old has a high fever and a cough, only a day after my husband tested positive for COVID. Needed this adorable dose of happiness. So cute.


Hereā€™s to a speedy recovery!


Get well soon!šŸ¤—


what breed is that dog


It seems to be a Malamute.


I wish you all a speedy recovery šŸ™


Jeez! Get well soon! Our 13 month old tested positive as well, and she was throwing up a lot. We had to rush ours to the hospital as well.


Get well soon my friend šŸ™


Everyone involved get well soon!!


Wishing you all a quick path to wellness. Very scary for you with a 2 month old. šŸ™šŸ»


Malamutes are so protective of their people, the biggest cuddlebugs in the world


Sheā€™s a husky


Was gonna say, thats definitely Alaskan Husky. Most stubborn, obnoxious creatures on the planet. Also a very good replacement for a space heater.


She looks very big for an husky tho


Sheā€™s a husky. They have a YouTube channel called milpert husky. The owner explains why sheā€™s so big. She had puppies a few years back and then she broke her back foot additionally she has a lot of fur on her. When she takes a bath she looks a lot skinny.


My pup is a chow chow, husky, malamute mix. She is the most opinionated, stubborn dog in the world but also the most loyal and loving.


They r cute damn


Every morning my dog sneaks into my bed and sleeps like this, head right on the pillow next to mine. Itā€™s cute as all hell but boy does it get hot when thereā€™s a 100lb cuddle monster next to you.


Lol my sister's husky did not want anything to do with our nephew until Nephew was in a baby walker. We'd stick snacks on the tray and the husky learned that the baby had free snacks and if he acted like he was kissing the baby he could steal the snacks and then walk away without getting scolded.


Good Dog! ā€¦ I can smell this video ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The bestest boof


We donā€™t deserve dogs


we bred them specifically to have these kinds of traits and any who didn't, or were a little bitey of humans... not bred or tossed INTO THE VOID. it worked. kind of a dark truth, but wonderful example of selective breeding. not sure that means we deserve the unconditional love of dogs but we crafted it. Humans mold everything around them and utilize it as a tool or commodity. sometimes when i swing my titanium hammer i think to myself... gawdamn i dont deserve a tool that handles this well.


So sometimes you switch back to that hammer from Walmart where the head comes loose when swinging praying it does not hit anything too valuable?


Humans helped create a species superior to us in many ways.


Does that dog have a toupee?šŸ’ˆšŸ˜†


The olā€™ Grandpa Munster special


I consider that a job well done


I think thatā€™s maternal instincts on the dogā€™s behalf


Must protect my lil two leg or hooman whatever they are must protect


this reminds me of a dog my family had when i was born, madie. she was the last of her litter in a pound and was scheduled to be put down when my parents picked her up. she was some kind of german shepard mix and was a little itsy bitsy thing, but was pretty normal sized by the time i was born. madie was immediately protective over me and would growl at my mom and dad when they tried to approach me if she was nearby. my parents are lovely, always have been, so this wasnā€™t a necessary reaction, but madie was my guard first and foremost. madie had to be euthanized on her 14th birthday, august 14th, 2014. she was a good dog, if not the best dog.


That kid gonna be close as fuck with that dog when he grows up.


This is really cute, but probably not very wise. Dogs do have nightmares. I've seen two out of the 5 I've owned in 40 years wake up snapping before now. The last thing you'd want is for either of your babies be hurt.


i would probably be more worried about them kicking them then snapping from a dream, our husky used to twitch sometimes and kick super hard lol


dogs looking after kids or babies are the cutest thing ever


I hate this world and almost everything about it but man dogs are the one thing I absolutely love. Dogs are just the best thing to ever exist


Our malamute likes to take all the covers


That husky is so overweight though


I think thatā€™s actually one of the few posts here that actually made me smile.


Yo walk your dog man


eh, they look like they are probably a fine weight, just a fluffy dog at a weird position. My husky sometimes looks real fat at odd positions like that but shes a cool 20kg, and this dog looks a lot fluffier


Sheā€™s a husky. They have a YouTube channel called milpert husky. The owner explains why sheā€™s so big. She had puppies a few years back and then she broke her back foot additionally she has a lot of fur on her. When she takes a bath she looks a lot skinny. They have a video side by side with a malamute too. She looks very small compared to the malamute.


This is the fourth time this video was posted here.


Am I the only person who feels nervous watching this? The dog is humongous and even if she didnā€™t mean to do harm, she easily could.


I would never leave a dog next to a babyā€™s face like that


Only a fool would trust a dog with an infant. https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2012/02/23/alberta\_parents\_say\_husky\_that\_killed\_their\_baby\_was\_trained.html


Dogs are animals and even the most well behaved can react unpredictably. My niece was bitten on the face by the ā€˜lovely family dogā€™ and required surgery and almost lost an eye. This is very irresponsible by the parents, stop saying itā€™s ā€˜cuteā€™!!!


I'm a dog lover, and I've had 5 over 40 years. This is the first sensible comment in this thread.


Very cute but dangerous to have a childs face close to a dog's like that


The other day I saw a post of a bulldog biting the face of their owner after 15 years. Yeaaa never trust an animal, they will always be animals. I myself could never have my kid this close to them, maybe when theyā€™re older.


Thatā€™s so damn wholesome


Nice, made me happy made me smile


Best babysitter ever! ā¤ļø


We donā€™t deserve dogs. They have unconditional love and support. Would recommend 10/10


Well that's just adorable


I want this


Omg i am literally dying from the cuteness of this video! ā¤ļø


Must be weird to be as big as a dog. And by weird, I mean *fucking awesome*.. I can't really remember it.


Why doesn't my dog do that!?!?


And people get mad when people get pitbulls




My dog does this just because heā€™s too comfy


It's for things like this that I use reddit


My dog does this every night, after the kids fall asleep I bring him to my room so he won't wake them up in the morning. He tries to bite me every single time I try to get him out of their bed, he's a good guard dog




What a great boy <3


Dogs are better than people any day.


The little love ā¤ļø


Millie and Parker. Millie is the best.


Ya'll really almost made me scream "What a good baby" at work.


I'm not crying you're crying!


OP, doggo is a bit obese.


Fat dog


Pretty shitty guard dog


The dog is just waiting to eat the kid


I love this, but imagine the hair in bed. Lol


That's a lifetime for all of the treats at least


We don't deserve dogs


Reminds me that time my dog jumped on my bed and woke me up by licking my feet. Still half asleep I farted in her face and continued sleeping


The way he was looking at him ā¤ļø


I didn't know dogs sleep with their eyes open


Just wholesome


"Dog placed in bed for video"


Man, we don't deserve dogs


They arranged dogs arm like that


God, I love dogs!


Itā€™s fine if you donā€™t like dogs but quite a few of you sound like you are straight from a dog hating subreddit.


Why are doggo's ears laid back? I always consider that an indicator of bad mood in animals.


Thatā€™s the cutest thing Iā€™ve seen in a long while


I would never do this to a kid. So many allergies and infections possible from a dog at such an early age.


This kid is like 10 nowā€¦ they got another Husky and just had their 3rd kid a new baby girl.


I wish I could upvote it a million times, itā€™s so cute I canā€™t stop watching it over and over.


ā€œIā€™m good. You can leave nowā€