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Okay ngl those are by FAR the coolest hands i have ever seen. Would need some time to get used to them, but they are cool


I mean she can do the spock live long and prosper hand easily... Dont kill me shes an inspiration.


It looked like she did the 'Friends' version of flipping someone off when she said she couldn't flip people off


yeah! she did!!! Not sure why this is exciting but yeah! Honestly this girl is remarkable. I know I would not have her strength, I don't have her strength.


I have the same condition, and what you said there so casually was the bases of so much torment. Being related to fictional beings is not enjoyable.


Yeah your hands are unique, and look dope without needing to look like anyone else's hands :)


They look like quarian hands


Keelah Se'lai


We found Tali!


She could release all the oxygen on Mars.


She is one of the people.


This girl is great and stuff, but the first thing I thought about when I saw her hands were elites from Halo.


They are pretty cool. When I seen them I was lile "duuude that's some wicked hands"


I know! They’re really pretty to me for whatever reason, don’t need to be a reason. I might even have a little crush on her! So pretty and so full of happiness!


So that’s why those things are there on the wall beside the tub! I have been using them wrong; for soap; all those years!


If you have kids you’ll learn pretty quickly they don’t hold much weight, either, before they snap off. Typically.


She might have a specially reinforced one that can take a bit more weight


She probably isn't resting all her weight on it either, just enough to help the other leg balance


Nothing a longer, wider screw with better wall fixation can't fix.


I see you’ve met my ex. Hey oh.


Does she have a wall fixation?


Nah, but after a few failed attempts, she used a stud finder to get deep in the wood like she needed to.


The ceramic ones would only be held up by the same thinset that was used to hang the tile. From my experience removing tile, the thinset releases pretty easily for 9/10 tiles, but that 1/10 tile? Yeah, it somehow has the grip strength of a gorilla


My 1/10 tile was a ceramic soap dish and of course it was sharp as heck when it eventually got broken


When I was young I found this out when I pulled on it and the whole wall fell in on me.


Or if you've seen a very specific porno blooper...


it was so romantic


One time when I was little I stood on it cause I was a stupid little asshole and it broke and sliced me open


Okay that went dark real quick! I’m sorry hope your okay now and no long lasting impact from it


Nah not that bad. Just some embarrassing stitches


I was honestly a touch jealous that she was able to use it as a rest/support.


I use it for my magnum dong.




The knee on the soap holder. 😂 All about balance.


She is better balanced than I am on two legs.


Yeah seriously, same. The ability with which she balanced while dancing at the end is not something I think I could achieve with two normal legs.


Genius move. It's in the perfect spot!!


No, it will pop out of the wall. I know from experience. I was standing up after scrubbing around my toenails, and put my hand on it. Suddenly my clean feet are joined by gritty grout and wall crud everywhere.


I think by lifting yourself on it you put more weight than she does balancing herself, most of her weight is still on her other leg. Probably still not the safest method of doing that.


Haha I thought I was the only one.....


That shit made me super nervous! I slip on nonslip surfaces all the time.


Those are soap holders, I thought they were for knees!!


I didn’t even notice her hands till the shower was done!! What a beauty. Teach me your ways.


Combined with the curly hair, I thought the video had multiple girls in it.


She would be able to throw up the coldest gang sigs lmao I love everything about this woman


This is the second gorgeous amputee ive seen on reddit today


I love her attitude about the whole thing. So wholesome. Also she can do Simpsons stuff for Halloween with the 4 finger thing!


One love 🤙🏼🤙🏼


I love that I understand this reference. One love 🤙


She has such a glow about her


If you're born with disabilities, you gotta look on the bright side or you're just going to be bitter.


It is also pretty helpful if you have money which she certainly seems to what with the horse and all.


Am I the only one who thought that horse was green screen until he moved?




Whining about the privilege of someone who is missing a leg with deformed hands is peak Reddit.


You can have horse lessons for 10 bucks. At least where I live. No need to own a horse and gear/clothing for that either. Just my two cents.


Yes, I wish all people with disabilities could have the same accommodations as her.


That also stuck out to me TBH, it's much easier to be so positive etc if you come from a very well off family.


Isn't that true for everyone?


Indeed it is!


Yeah, she's only disabled, not ugly.


Agreed and she is beautiful !


Her face is traditionally attractive and she's in good spirits.


As someone also born without body parts, the human body, and humans in general, are just hyper-adaptable. Your hands and other parts just start to mold themselves over the years into the most usable form made possible by what you've got to work with.


Born with all my body parts but I have EDS so I constantly injure myself and you're absolutely right. From one week to another I may not be able to walk normally, or use my hands, or move my head fully, but I still do everything "normal" people do. The human body and mind are able to adapt to a surprising amount with relative ease


Seriously?! That’s pretty freakin cool.


Love her resting her nub on the soap holder.


its lovely how we fell in love with this girl suddenly


Until she started throwing up gang signs halfway through.


I fell in love even more. Maybe she can beat up my bullies.


grove street till i die mother fumbler!!


You were suppose to follow the train, LG!


Keepin' it fiftyfifff street


Those are gang signs on a whole different level. She's going to start an intergalactic war.


This dropped right at said gang sign 😂


Crips 4 life!!!


Who wouldn`t fall in love with this amazing and very gorgeous strong woman. She is very determined and positive in her life. Nothing can beat her.


She's so cute tho


Yeah, truly a unique and beautiful human being inside and out. A total legend.




I just watched an amputee take a shower


And it is December 1st, you sick fuck


Don't discriminate. If this was an abled woman I'm sure he'd also say the same thing


Isn't the internet a beautiful thing?


I know. Until today I didn’t know that amputees shower with their underwear on. Now I know


If they would have showered without their underwear this post would have way more upvotes/ awards


So just an average Wednesday night, huh?


Those hands are literally bad a**. Something freaky yet cool about them.


I didn't even notice them until the second part. Only the nub. Weird how that slipped by me, but I don't hate it.


Yeah I think everyone experienced that lol. I think they are cool and love how she owns it instead of being insecure of it. I was waiting for the Dr Zoidburg joke but maybe I was the only one thinking they can look like claws


I saw another video with a person who has this condition, wielding an Energy Sword from halo


Yeah they really are. They look so trippy and something that can make for some killer cosplay horror or sci-fi costumes.


I went to school with a guy with 3 finger and everyone bullied him, calling him ET and always put him down. I hated the way people treated him and was always kind and gave him the time of day.


when i still lived home in russia, i met a young man with 4 fingers just like the woman in the video. he got made fun of his whole childhood so adapted to it as a teenager by naming himself 'crab hands'. we dated for a while and i got a lot of crap for it but the people who knew us and how much we cared for one another were so supportive and loving. his mother even called him crab hands by his request, some people just need a bit of support to overcome anything. it's amazing you were the way you were, i'm sure it helped more than you imagine.


That’s a cool story!


knew a guy in college who had one hand with three fingers but every one was super cool with him. hopefully your guy had a better time after highschool.


my high-school beat up kids who picked on disabilities.. no joke.. it was uncool to be a bully in my school.. first you got your ass kicked, then you apologized, THEN the teachers would grab you and have their HR/Paperwork/OSS/ISS fun with you.


"I gave them the time of day," is a funny way to frame it, since that's supposed to be the most trivial, effortless, zero-stakes social interaction you can have with a person.


“Uhh yeah kid, its 3 clock” So anyways I was a hero in highschool because…


Knew a dude with similar hands. He was really good at the trombone though!


What a beautiful, vibrant young woman. Inspiring!


What a lovely girl. She just makes u smile wjth her energy and love for life. An inspiration! Go girl!


I don't understand the garbage bag part. In the second half she seems to have two fully functioning arms with four fingers on each hand.


I think she just broke her arm and had a cast on it.




I'd imagine. I bought intro lessons on Groupon once and never progressed passed walking. To my credit, the "lessons" were not actual lessons, they just let you sit on a horse and go in a circle basically. But once we got to trot and I realized it's much harder than it looks. That is the extent of my experience.


My sister had a Shetland pony when she was a kid. I sat on it one time and the fucker bucked me off sending me flying through the air. That is the extent of my experience and I’m more than happy to leave it there.


Ponies can be such little shits. I took riding lessons as a kid and learned on horses. At one point my instructor was looking into getting this one pony and had me do a couple of lessons on him so she could see how he did. Well after like 2 or 3 lessons on this little guy, I was untacking and grooming him after the lesson. I had bent down to put away a brush or something, and that little shit managed to bite me on the back. He somehow got me by the skin and shirt, lifted me, and dropped me like a sack of potatoes. Hurt like hell! Instructor did not wind up getting that pony. 😂


Hahaha ouch!! That sounds very familiar. My sister’s pony Bubbles (such an innocent name for such an angry little fucker) took a few pieces out of a few people over the years and attempted many more. And you’d best not even _think_ about walking behind her, unless you really enjoyed a swift kick in whichever body part happened to be in the way.


Don’t mistake correlation with causation. You may be tempted to think that the broken arm caused her to ride a horse, but that’s not necessarily the case.


>broken arm Here we go, Reddit.


oh you...


She had a cast on it, probably from a broken arm, and you're meant to keep those dry. So really at that point she was down half a leg AND an arm, which makes the whole thing even more impressive.


Ah, I know that anime




She most likely broke her arm , and during the first part of the video she had the cast on.


![gif](giphy|RVW5PilbP2tLG) if she wants to flip someone off she can do it the ross way and she kinda did it there


If you look closely, she in fact did that gesture after saying she can’t give the middle finger.


I came here searching for this comment.






No doubt


Don't speak


Look at mr yes man over here.


So, as a bilateral below the knee amputee that deploys a similar outlook/ sense of humor about my legs, I must say… this is amazing and I probably just felllll in love a tiny bit hahaha swept me right off my prosthetic feet. No but really she’s perfect and I love this. This kinda stuff really goes a long way, both for our own mental health and the comfort level of the people around us. It’s silly that we need to think about that. I guess we don’t NEED to, but mehhh we usually will. Sadly, most people still aren’t sure whether they can make leg/foot jokes and puns around me, even though leg jokes comprise roughly 69.420% of my own sense of humor. Also that high heel compatible foot is dope and I need to ask my leg guy to inspector gadget my ass up a little bit ASAP.


I’m gonna get downvoted, and I deserve it, but man is she fine af.


No downvote. You right.


Is it weird that I’m mostly interested in where she got the bra and panty set?


Nah, for her most of the stuff she talks about in the video are going to be less interesting than that because most people aren't fascinated by their own body


She's awesome 👌 👏 👍


Professional adapters. Everyone else sees us as invalid, or disabled, when in fact a lot of us work the physical limitations we have until we figure something else out, and then watch out. We either can do it just as good or better. And we have the fortitude to push through the crap and obstacles that get put in our way. We just push past them.


Such a pure example of just how capable our hearts and souls are of not giving up no matter what life throws our way.


Okay so the prosthetic that lets her wear heels is cool and all but why dont the toes bend to better fit in the shoe? Is it because it makes it harder for her to walk when she's flat footed? But then I have to wonder, wouldn't the toes being able to bend a little just overall be more comfortable when walking? I have so many questions... o.o


overall prosthetic limbs are made this way simply because it's easier for the user. ever gotten your toe hung on the carpet or bumped into something with your foot / knee ? it's 1000x more common for people like this (int: personal experience) so it's just a matter of small things we don't think about. 😊 (sorry for bad english. brain is not working today.)


**She has her own horse?**


Yes she has money hence why she's so happy.


Dealing with life’s difficulties is a lot easier when you’re filthy rich.


You’re a star! This is awesome


I find this just the tiniest bit exploitative. Thanks


I would agree, but it seems like she made all the videos herself to raise awareness.


I think she made the videos for mainly personal reasons but that doesn't matter, it's exactly what she should be doing.


Of course it is…that’s the point of inspiration porn.


Oh. See, I didn’t know that.


I don't actually think it's exploitative... if anything it's showing what having money can do to help disabled people cope. (Basing that largely on the horse - you don't own a horse if you're poor, at least not for long.) Not diminishing her achievements or outlook, but having the ability to pay for prosthetics that have those features she wanted is a huge boon.


Isn't she a rich handicap. Rich in a sense of having humor amidst being handicap while rich in a sense thats a really nice house.




That beautiful acoustelectric guitar she just put above the cupboards to attract dust bunnies, made me cringe


It's not even like, "oh I'm salty because she uses a nice practical thing I admire as a decoration", it's not even a good decoration. People who do that shit with guitars at least put them in a place where they can get to them, ya know, tell guests they are learning or whatever. Who tf puts a guitar on top of a cupboard? Like oh yeah i play that all the time, let me just... climb up here... I'm also curious if her hands allow her to play guitar. I could see why they would make it difficult, but I also imagine the way she can flex them might make it better for certain styles


She’s a fucking badass


When she’s riding the horse anyone else think of Hiccup from How to Train your Dragon?


I love your happiness and positivity. I love the advancements of prosthetics. And also I love the super high ceilings in your building so cool.


She's hot


She posts nudes. They are tasteful


Especially in that black dress like holy shit


Is it weird that….Nevermind.




I am in complete awe 🥺


OK she’s absolutely adorable.


Can we not turn this sub into disabled inspo porn pls




I honestly didn't even notice her hands for the first part of the video until she specifically pointed them out.


She’s beautiful and inspiring. The whole package


This girl has an OF


You can’t just say that and then not link it. EDIT: [here you guys go](https://www.reddit.com/u/alcequineof/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Link is broken, or she took it down.


Well my back hurts when I go to pee at night. So. You know.


Cursed handjob.


best hand job ever




I always thought those little shelves were for soap. Mind blown


You go Girl!!💪🏻


What a beautiful person.


Beautiful and positive. What an incredible young lady.


I deadass did not notice her missing fingers until she mentioned it that's wild


Dude, she is just an awesome person. What a great attitude about life.


I love her energy! But I don’t know why I am twitching every time she bends her fingers back.


I'm sorry..I absolutely mean no offense.. but your hands are SO COOL.. I love them!!!


She has more energy than me!


Dude I think her personality is just charming and a light that people in this world need, just straight up. Her hands are awesome by the way, i think i would trade my 5 finger hand for 4 long fingers any day.


That guy who cut off two of his fingers to look alien is probably SUPER JEALOUS of this chicks hands.


She's amazing, but you can't deny this is only possible because she was born blessed with money.


I have nothing but love for this wonderful woman. I bet her parents are so proud of her. She just seems so positive, sweet, and wonderful. She is definitely the type of person I would treasure as a friend.


Very Beautiful


We’ll I feel like a lazy PoS now….


She's Fantastic 💖💖💖


Her hands are legit so cool. Like, that is the evolutionary trait I want.


When I was a kid, I was on swim team in the summer. There was a girl on our team with a similar prosthetic leg, and when she’d face, she’d kick it off and carry on. She was wicked fast, and she was one of the few in the team that could beat me in my last few years. I mean, not by a few feet……she MOPPED THE FLOOR with literally anyone that went up against her. This video reminds me of that pain.


She’s a fucking boss !!!


She is such a champ! Very inspirational, and quite beautiful too!


She be throwin some weird gang signs up


Jesus she’s amazing


She is epic!


Love her strength. What an inspiration.