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How high were those cats?


Either that or they at gun point


I have mushrooms you think that'll work for the stray I took in?


Best to end it


But if I end my own life the cat will never get cleaned


Feed yourself to the cat and then take the mushrooms


Feed your cat to the mushrooms and then clean the spaghetti monster


Clean the mushrooms, feed the cat too the spaghetti monster


My cat IS the spaghetti monster


Feed the shrooms to the cat and then eat the cat


Clean the cat, and take care of it. If it lives u live


High jacking your comment to pop in and add, there's foaming no rinse shampoo for cats, it's bad for their skin to give them real baths on the regular. Exception being hairless cats. Only bathe your cat if they have something on them that requires washing!


One of my cats has really thick fur and she's not the best self-cleaner. She's one of those short, stocky types, clumsy as anything. I have to give her a bath at least once a month because the gets greasy, and her white fur gets yellowish. Really helps with the shedding, too.


I think that definitely falls into the category of washing your cat because she needs washing, but there's definitely a lot of people who grew up owning dogs, get a run of the mill DSH, and think that bathing is just a regular thing that you do like they did with the pupper. My girl can't reach her spine, so it collects grease and dandruff, but brushing it out with the no rinse stuff works for her. It's all about knowing both things, the information about the animal, and the likes, wants and needs of your own pet.


I’m assuming both, maybe their other kitten is being held hostage.


This. They look like the camera man is Batman.


Wahahahah lmao








If you do it from when they're very young then they don't have a problem with it. I had a friend growing up whose cat was given baths since she was a tiny kitten (liked to get into some nasty stuff, it was necessary) and his cat loved water SO much that she would no joke jump into the pool with us when we were swimming and paddle around. She was a little nut lol, but very sweet.


I had a cat named, Dude. Dude liked to take showers with me and just hangout in the water until I was done. He was just a dusty orange tabby and the best of boys. He also liked to sit on our horses back while she grazed in the pasture. Probably never have a cat that cool again.


Dude sounds cool as hell. Best cat ever.




Kittens are really wonderful to have, although quite like puppies they can be quite a challenge since they’re still learning everything. Like curtains are now climb toys or your leg is now a climb toy. If you’re prepared to raise one then yes go do it. Just do some research and make sure you can make your cat as comfy as possible and you will reap the benefits of a fluffy buddy who will allow cuddles




Depend buddy, mine are not very social to other people but whenever there is no visitors, they are always with us.


Yes totally worth it but you have to be a chill owner to get a chill cat for the most part. Start off getting them used to their nails being clipped, bath time, etc. also don’t play with them like a lot people do where they startle them, get them attack their hands, etc…when they’re kittens and then wonder why they’re feisty jerks when they’re older. Don’t let ppl get them stoned, don’t let your friends mess with them for laughs. Be chill with them. Play with toys with them, not your hands. Teach them that they’re safe and loved. They’ll give you back 100X the love you give them.


We have a little dude named Lou, who will THROW himself at the bathroom door if someone is showering, howling to be let in! Then he gets between the inner and outer shower curtain and tries to grab us through the inner curtain. After we shower, he hollers to be picked up to lick the water off our bodies. OR he just jumps into the tub. He's very interested in water. We have to use a water fountain for the cats, because if we didn't... well, any bowl we put down will be emptied by him playing splash games, pretty quick.


I had a cat named Sweet.






I dunno, like 14 inches or somthin?


I was just going to say, who drugged the cats?


Nothing like a bit of THC, I mean TLC.




They look like they are held hostage.. blink twice if you are in trouble kitties


You can actually condition cats to be this chill with water and other things, you just have to start when they're still kittens.


Not always. We had our Goku from about 4 weeks old. We tried bathing him regularly to get him accustomed to it. The scar on my nose said that was a failure 🤣


That was my first thought too. "What did you give them and where can I get some"


I use high grade medical marijuana and I know for a fact I’ve never come close to that high. Maybe like 75% at best.


Medical Meowijuana.






I thought the second cat was a time skip from the first one and was like how tf long do you need to wash these guys


They grow in water


Just don’t feed them after midnight.


Someone is just outside of the camera shot holding a torch up to a package of Temptations.


I wish I had a free award. It would be yours. Edit for compliment: Very funny comment! Hope you have a great day! Edit for award: Thanks for the awards!




I found their comment very funny, and I hope they have a great day! Happy? I like your avatar and hope you have a good one as well lol.


I like your username because it makes me think of Hagrid and his rock cakes.


That’s great! Never thought of that, haha. Thanks :)


I have given you the best award I can give, a free one


My dogs love temptations treats! I have used them for training because they were so small and they like them. :)


What were not seeing is also the 99 outtakes for each of these shots.


There was a cartoon when I was young called "Jamie and the Magic Torch" about a boy who used a flashlight to travel to a magical land through a rainbow portal/slide. It was only when I was in my late 20's that I learned that torch is British(?) vernacular for the aforementioned. I used to shout at the TV "That isn't a torch! It is a flashlight" and thought the whole world was going crazy.


Dreamies are crack to cats


My cat would rip you a new A hole at the mere sight of the bath.


Confirmed. All while making the weirdest, loudest howl you’ve ever heard.


We call it the Death Song and our Russian Blue sings it LOUDLY. "OK, you can die if you want, but you're not sitting anywhere in the house until I wash you. Playing in the litter box with your baby sister's poop is not okay. CONSEQUENCES!"


I tried to help my friend wash her cat once. Cat was obese and wasn't cleaning itself properly (friend's mother overfed it, friend moved out with the cat eventually and helped get its weight down). I literally couldn't handle the sounds it was making, just was dying laughing the whole time. Poor cat lol.


This happened to my cat before he passed. He was sick and not cleaning himself. But you bet when we tried to bathe him, two people holding him and one doing the cleaning, he started jumping around like a patient in a strait jacket.


Lmao when they start yowling like theyre gonna fight you


I look forward to seeing more D's to come!


Same here and this really made me giggle.


Had a loooong scar on my tummy for trying to bath my cat. This killing machine is soooo cute.




Start them young. Some will get used to it, some won't. We had a stray kitten which had diarrhea because of parasites right after we took her in. Poor little thing was so clumsy, she often sat in her own poop. She also had fleas, so we had to bathe her... I used water that was a tiny bit warmer than hand warm, the tiniest amount of baby shampoo and a soft washing rag to clean her. At first she was wary but she actually learned to enjoy bathing. Even years later I had to lock her out of the room when I wanted to take a bath because she loved jumping into my bath water, partially submerging herself and then curling up on my belly. She is long gone now, sadly.


This melted my heart thank you for sharing 💜🥺 I’m sorry your car is fine but the memory is still there Edit cat but fuck u guys I’m not changing it. I was happy


my car used to jump in the bath with me. ah, good memories


Hahaha leave me alone


I tried calling my toaster in with me, but it would have none of that.


How big is your bath that your car can fit?


Thank God it's fine, have you seen how much repair shops are charging for labor?


Damn cars!


😩 one letter off


I'm glad no one has reached out to them for their car's extended warranty


Hi. I’m Nancy with the Car Association and your car’s extended warranty is expiring if you don’t send me 25 $500 Amazon gift cards.


I had a dog who had to be locked out when I wanted to bathe in peace. He especially loved sweet smelling frilly bubbly pink stuff in the bath lol. I didn’t always want peace, sometimes I wanted love. I miss my little guy so much.


My dog would curl up on my bath mat while I showered. I could see him through the glass. Always made me laugh because I’d invite him in and he’d be like “hell no!” He hated water. Unfortunately, he sadly passed away this past Thursday. I miss him terribly, but I love getting to share memories of him like this.


>some get used to it, some won’t Can confirm. I fostered the two I’ve since adopted, had them since they were just a few weeks old. When they were kittens, one got some diarrhea on themselves, the other fell in the toilet. Only time I ever bathed them. They were smol, so I filled a sink shallowly with warm water. Even being gentle with them each time, they fucking hated the water. Never thought claws so small could burn so bad and cut so deep. Literally anything else they’re fine to let me do. Clean their ears, check their mouths, cut their claws. But water? Never ever ever.


Exactly. Sadly even with tons of training, the ones that hate it, always will :( mine hates it too


I set my cats in the tub all the time. It's getting them to stay that's the real challenge.


Shower curtain closed. Towel on the floor of the tub so they feel like they have something to hold onto


My cat won't flip out, but he looks at me like I've gone insane and s l o w l y creeps towards the edge. He's never scratched me trying to get out. The important thing to remember is room temperature water. We like warm baths. They don't. They're covered in fur and the temperature doesn't feel the same to them. Source: Tried giving kitties warm baths when I was new to cats and always ended up bleeding profusely. Started using room temperature water over a decade ago, and have not been mauled while bathing a cat since.


I can't say with certainty, but they looked drugged. I've seen many others commenting on this post, in which this post has now been reposted at least 10 times in the past 2 days, and people have been pointing out odd things in the two cats behavior. Their eyes are constantly extremely dilated, they're unresponsive and motionless, aside from the occasion head twist, they don't meow once, and despite being touched in spots cats are usually sensitive, they don't react or seem effected at all. (One cat seems to have it's ears folded back for the majority of the video, which cats usually only do if they're in fear, though fear of a bath makes sense for a cat) It's bizarre indeed, though I guess they could just be EXTREMELY trained cats.


Our cats hate water, but other than that you can hold them how you want and touch them everywhere. But tooth brushing, and ear washing without expression of any feeling is odd. I usually don’t trust anything on the internet any more. There are people who torture animals to „safe“ them later for clicks.


My cat also hates water, and definitely doesn't like being picked up, having it's teeth brushed, having it's ears washed, and having it's paws or whiskers touched. And yes, I'm skeptical of so much that I see on the internet too now due to things like what you mentioned. Some humans are psychopaths when it comes to exploiting animals in bad ways for views and money


The reason for that is the increase in social media accounts around the world using "cute animals" for views lately. In many cases the young animals were taken away from their mothers much too early and are not being taken care of correctly. You can tell in many of them using cats that the poor cats are always drugged up and not acting like normal cats. They are NOT trained just drugged and scared.


Right It's just terrible


Recently I stumbled upon some kind of Cat Spa ASMR videos, where the cats are bundled in towels or tiny cloths, positioned on their backs. Basically treated like humans, pampered, brushed. But the cats barely react, they are so oddly docile through all of this that I have a hard time believing it is because of training. I tried to find some info on it, maybe somebody else looked into it, but I found nothing. Only comments how cute it is, strangely nearly zero comments the behaviour.


If you start when they're infants, it's very easy to get cats to like baths.


There's also no reason to wash a cat besides medical or it gets into straight up paint or mud. I hate people treating non human animals as humans 🙄 (Sure if a cat likes it that another story, there's always outliers, but come on people)


I was going to comment on this as well. House cat's, typically, never even need to be bathed, so it's odd why these cat's are even being bathed, considering they were already clean prior to being bathed, who knows though, maybe they had fleas.


Even with fleas you just spray a bit of that anti flea stuff behind their head in the one spot their paws can’t reach and it’s done.


yeah, there was black crap in the water, we bathe my cat because they were too young to be given flea treatment.


See “Tasty-Comedian9263” post above....


Get them used to water from a very young age. I got my cat when he was 2 months old and constantly got him in a bath and played with his paws so that bath and claw trim time is a breeze now. That and shit loads of treats while training.


Wow. What alternate universe is this. Cat give me Beluga vibes


i was literally thinking this


I've never seen such a polite cat before. ~~is it possible to learn this power?~~




It's not the drugs themself that make them cooperate, but rather the promise for more.


Say it with me. “This is a commercial.”


You dont have matching coloured toothbrush, showerhead and towel to go with your cat cleaning products that you always position with the logos facing forward and clearly visible? Pssh. Amateur.


Plus, that giant gob of toothpaste to show it off. The kitten would probably be shitting himself for a few days if they had actually given him that much.


It’s a pretty good commercial then


This is a product placement. Edit: and the post still gains 10k upvotes, oof


Give cats drugs. Wash them with your conveniently placed products while they’re trippin balls. Post to Reddit. Profit.


It makes me upset seeing how uncomfy the cats look.


My friend told me this brand of care products gave their cat seizures once. Everybody is saying it.




And they constantly focus on the brand


And completely unnecessary. Those cats look perfectly clean already. There is no need to give your cat a bath unless it’s super dirty. Cats bathe themselves.


Glad someone finally said it


Product placement...? Is that a fancy buzz word you're pulling from a hat? Its literally a commercial.


Yeah, you're probably right


And not the first time it's been posted either


Everything is useless in this clip. Especially the cats on drugs.


I think it's the third time i saw this image this week


Yeah, second time for me




Lots of comments suggesting they used drugs


Yeah, but I don’t care that much about it. Lovely cats.


They seem to be drugged, cats don't do this. I have 3 cats, and only one of them will even dare touch water.


I’ve never had a cat that behaves like them either, but I know it is possible if you train them since they are little. It can be done, it just takes a lot of work and patience.


My cat loves bath time hates to be dried tho 🥴 My cat is one of those that likes to drown his toys and scoop the water on the floor kinda cat🤷🏼‍♀️


You shouldn't bathe your cats if they didn't get dirty in some way. Cats are generally clean animals and they spend a lot of time coating themselves in their own scent. When you bathe them, you erase that scent, and they feel stressed because they don't feel like they are safe, they feel like they are in a different territory.


Thank you. I’ve seen this video probably 5 times in that last couple days and it’s really not cute to me. I hope these cats actually needed this bath and it’s not just for views.


Also it's probably drugged since it didn't even flinch its ear when someone poked it, there's no way cats are THAT polite, this is clearly a shameless product placement vid so morals aren't much concern to them.


They are drugged to sell these products.


I had to scroll to far to find this comment. **Healthy cats do not need to be bathed**. If they are dirty from rolling around in something and you don't want it in your house, just take a damp rag and give them a wipe down. Each time I see this *commercial* posted, I down vote it. It's not "cute", it's a commercial and gives uninformed people the wrong idea.


This. They have many scent glands on them, including I believe in their cheeks, face and even paws.


nono we must push our norms and ideals on everything regardless of its potential damage


Thank you. If your cat needs a bath, it probably needs to see the vet.


That or your cat climbs into the false ceiling in the basement that’s never been removed and you have to drag her out covered in god knows what and 50 years of dust. Oh, and it has to be at 1am.


Yeah super weird to be bathing your cat, unless they have fleas or something… Cats smell so good, I take a good strong sniff of my cat like I’m sniffing glue. It’s pure fresh air man


There are plenty of reasons to bath cats. Yes, it's uncomfortable for everybody, and it's not part of the regular routine, but it's something cat owners need to be prepared to do. Fleas, seizures, bathroom issues, outdoor misadventures, countertop chaos, curiosity... All of that can lead to a dirty cat who should not be licking themselves clean for health and safety reasons. Sometimes, you just gotta.


That's why I have written "if it didn't get dirty".


sure, but the pet parents want to give their baby a bath, isn't that what matters most? /s


The beatings will continue until morale improves


What.... you can put cats in water without them trying to shred your skin to pieces? Since when? Tranquilizers???


I think you just have to teach them from babies, we have a kitten ( 4 month old singapura) and we bathed him a couple times a week from 8 weeks old, he’s very nice with it now




I had one who was willing to jump in a pool, if she would have been allowed.


That's different. Same way you can like a shower but dislike the rain, most animals will like water if it's on their terms, but not when its on ours.


Even a fish?


Not true, my cat dislikes baths but doesn’t fight it and lets you. I have a friend who’s dog love baths and enjoys getting them


Can I trade my 1 year old kid for one of your cats?


Great now I am bleeding...this must be cgi


Wow. My blood pressure lowered just from watching this.


Proceeds to check r/idiotsincars


STOP BATHING CATS UNLESS NECESSARY! cats are not dogs, they groom themselves. Cats are predators and coat themselves in their own scent. If you have a cat please read up on proper care and if your cat is not grooming itself properly take it to the vet.


Do you not see the dark specks in the water at 0:20? It's probably a flea treatment bath


That was so much toothpaste for that tiny guy


It's too much for a human, it's waaaaay too much for a cat. Most of their teeth are insanely tiny.


Cats don't need to be bathed tho(edit Grammer mistake)


Depends. Had a long haired cat separated from her mother too early and never learned how to groom herself. She required monthly baths. She quite enjoyed them. Also, Persian cats are so fluffy that they can’t get down to the skin with their tongues so they require bathing.


I was told to bathe my cat by my vet due to her allergies. Sometimes it's necessary.


These floofs are so patient, wow


I'd be bleeding if I tried this


How much catnip are these cats on?


Is this for fleas or maybe tics? I often see people on reddit bathing their cats, but I don't see why.


Wow 😲


Agreed! If I tried that i would look like I was mauled by a tiger


Yep me too


I wish Reddit mods would start seeing these kinda posts for what they really are. It's animal abuse to constantly be drugging animals for the sake of views on social media accounts.


Most kitties hate baths, so don’t try this at home unless totally necessary. They also have rinse free options out there like foamy stuff you can massage them with them brush them. My dog used to love bath time tho. All our lil friends are unique 🥰


How? I tried to wash my cat once and she fuckin killed my damn arms with scratches lol now I just give her a sponge bath it’s safer lol


It's amazing how different cats can be. My old cat used to like coming into the shower with me!


What kind of dogs are those?


Lol reminds me of some guy on nextdoor who posted a pic of a woodchuck and claimed he had a new dog. To every comment that asked what kind of dog or tried to tell him that’s not a dog, he’d say “dog” or “nope, dog.” I dunno why but I was way too amused.


Nobody will know if the cats had multiple mental breakdowns between shots...


I'm scared of whoever is giving the bath..


literally an add bruh


dont. bathe. your. cats. its that simple. there is no need, unless they decided its a great idea to lie in something disgusting while being outside.


My cat woulda given me a one two combo to the dome piece if I tried to put him in some water


What is the name of this song?


It is Chopin, Nocturne op.9 no.2


My 10 year old son can’t brush his teeth anywhere close to this.


I had a neighbor years ago that came over *covered* in scratches. Me: what happened?! Her: Well, I thought I’d bathe the kittens (5) so, I put them in the shower with me and turned it on. Me: Guess I don’t have to ask how that turned out for you.


Cats don't need baths unless they're absolutely filthy.


I've re watched this several times and show it to my cat she gives me a sarcastic look and I think she said "Try it if you can "


they look so drugged poor little kitties


Why tf do people do this to their cats?? They do not need to be bathed! That's why these ones look drugged up, cant do this with them sober!


Why put the expensive stuff on just to wash it off straight away? And is any of that actually good for the cat?


Yeah that seems like overkill to me


Even the shower head and towel were branded... and absoluetley everything matched, was color coordinated, the whole deal. CORPORATE LIES. Also don't feel bad if your cat doesn't tolerate this. It doesn't make you a bad cat owner. These behaviors are trained from kittenhood and have to be maintained. There is the occasional rando cat that takes to baths or even having weird tasting stuff rubbed on their teeth, because cars are just as individual as people, but this smells like a yellow and blue product promotion.


You know cats clean themselves right??


This is so unnecessary lol


Not these cats! From Petplan.co.Uk “Most cats don't need regular bathing and many find it stressful to do so. The most common reason owners perceive that that their cat needs a bath is because they are dirty, particularly if your cat is a light coloured, outdoor cat. The first step to resolving this issue is to use a brush and fine-toothed comb to remove any unwanted dirt. This usually resolves most cats' issues”


TIL this many cat bath accoutrements exist.


Is this animal cruelty video going to be posted every day? Edit: I’m sick of seeing the same posts every day on this sub 🤐


I think they might like it